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Hours passed midnight, Beca found herself on the roof of the Bella house, gazing up and into the night. Stars shot around the sky like soft fireworks, sliding between the clouds and brightening the night sky. Clouds filled in below the light and a warm wind blew leaves off the trees. Darkness filled in around her as she watched the beautiful aurora that was the night sky in early spring. Being as she enjoyed watching the night sky so much, she wondered what the Northern Lights looked like in person. She couldn't imagine the night sky getting any more beautiful. It just wasn't possible. She had been there longer then she should have been and the girls, especially Chloe, would've been wondering where she was, but she couldn't help it. The entire year she had been working her ass off and the last few days had been an extreme change of pace for her. She needed a few hours to herself. She needed time to think about everything on her own before returning to society.

It had been a few days since their first date and Beca's life was going more right than it ever had before. Her boss at her internship had actually liked her version of Emily's original song. The Bellas were nearing a perfect performance for Worlds. Spider-Girl had been out in public and had yet to see the Green Goblin again. She and Chloe couldn't have been more perfect if all the stars had aligned perfectly. All of the stress she had put on her self at the beginning of the year was just starting to pay off. Graduation was right around the corner and she'd already started applying for jobs in New York and Los Angeles. She'd been on her way to whichever came first in just a few months. It was a lot to take in but she was excited for all of it. For once in her life, she felt like she was ready.

"I thought I might find you up here." Beca almost jumped out of her skin when she heard a silk voice behind her.

She turned around to see Chloe, sitting in the window of Beca and Amy's room, the same one that Beca had climbed out of herself. Beca took a deep breath and cleared her throat, "Been there long?" She tried to sound casual, but the muscles in her shoulders were still tense. It wasn't often that someone could sneak up to her in the few years that she had been Spider-girl. She hadn't been used to the feeling, but she must've been so lost in thought that she stopped being so aware of her surroundings.

Chloe shrugged and pulled her jacket closer in the wind. Beca couldn't help loving Chloe in private. The change was a stark difference. Private and public Chloe were both her, but they were still very different. Public Chloe wore makeup and stunning outfits that made Beca fall apart on the inside, but Private Chloe didn't wear any makeup. She wore sweatpants, and giggled more, if possible. Beca loved getting to know both sides of the girl in the years they had lived together and the Bellas. Being in a relationship was like being able to kiss her best friend. It was something beyond her imagination. Chloe scooted down the rooftop to get closer to Beca, "Just long enough to see how beautiful you are."

Beca swallowed and scratched the back of her neck, "You're such a liar," She mumbled the words like a mantra told to her over and over again. She had never really believed anyone when they called her beautiful, though Chloe had gotten her close to believing it.

Chloe smirked coyly at Beca and swung her feet around the window sill. That was a smirk Beca had learned came with her sparkling personality and one that Beca wanted to be the reason behind. Chloe crawled down the roof and nudged Beca in the shoulder, "I would never lie to you." She was biting her lip, but the words were meant seriously and Beca knew it. It was the most honest Chloe ever felt. Beca rolled her eyes and Chloe turned her attention to the night sky, "They're a lot more visible in Colorado."

"I bet they're beautiful out there," Beca took a second to remember that Chloe grew up in Colorado, with a big family in a smaller house. It was part of the reason Chloe was so touchy. She had grown up in quaint quarters, so unlike Beca's life. Beca grew up in a house too big for two people and too uncomfortable when her dad brought a stranger into it. She couldn't remember the last time she'd seen her mom. But Chloe grew up differently. She grew up in a small town between the mountains with three older brothers and one younger in a three bedroom house and a pullout couch. They were complete opposites and Beca wondered if that's why it felt so right. "There are too many lights in Atlanta. " Beca's voice trailed off as she laid back on the slats.

Chloe's smile dropped to a straight light and dented her eyebrows toward her nose, "I'm sure you could get a better view almost anywhere else in the city," Her smile was contagious and Beca couldn't help herself but smile too. She wasn't wrong. Beca had spent many nights on the rooftops of buildings close enough to the stars that she could practically reach up and touch them,

Beca licked her lips, "Maybe, but then how would you find me?" Beca laughed and their eyes met. Beca could practically hear Chloe suck in. The air was suddenly tense and Beca couldn't handle the silence, "I can't thank you enough for putting up with all of this for me." They both knew what she was saying: Thank you for keeping it a secret from everyone, but most importantly the Bellas. For taking care of me when I was hurt. For dating me and not asking me to quit being Spider-Girl. Thank you.

Beca bit her lip as her dark blues met Chloe's cereulean eyes, "I'd do anything for you." Chloe's voice was low, but Beca could've heard it a mile away.

Chloe placed a hand on her thigh and gave her a reassuring smile, "I can't believe we're leaving for worlds in a few days." Beca added, in an attempt to simplify the conversation.

"About that..." Beca didn't think Chloe's voice could get lower, but it did. The tension was out in the air, but even in their hardest moments, Beca knew it would get better. Neither of them were going anywhere, "Are you sure you're going to be able to handle not being Spider-girl?"

Beca cleared her throat and sat up on her elbows, "What do you mean?"

"Well, we're going out of the country. If Spider-Girl suddenly isn't in Atlanta and then reappears in Europe… The Bellas might have a few questions." Chloe looked at the sky. Beca hadn't exactly thought worlds through all the way. Afterall, Chloe was right. If Spider-Girl appeared in Europe, she might as well out herself to the Bellas.

Beca reached over to grab Chloe's hand and Chloe looked up at her. Her eyes were shimmering. Beca could only compare them to the colors in the night sky or the stars floating across the universe. Chloe was absolutely gorgeous. Beca had never felt so lucky in her entire life, "I guess I hadn't thought about that with everything else going on. I'll just have to do my best to be just Beca.

The air was stale for a few moments until Chloe cleared her throat, "Well, I think just Beca is Aca-amazing."

Beca smiled with all of her teeth and Chloe was awestruck from how beautiful she was. Beca cracked her neck and stood up quickly, her bare feet very quickly attaching webbing themselves to the roofing, "Can I show you something?" The brunette asked, a hand outstretched for Chloe to grab on to.

Chloe nodded and put her hand in Beca's. Beca pulled and Chloe came up, a small yelp coming off her lips at the quickness. But Beca pulled her until their bodies were flush together and held on tight to Chloe's back. Chloe looked down at the ground fifteen feet below them and she swallowed, "Do you trust me?" Beca asked, watching Chloe for the nerves.

"Of course I do, Becs." Chloe didn't look at her, her eyes were transfixed to the ground below them and Beca could sense Chloe's fear. She could practically hear Chloe's heartbeat - rapid and loud enough to fill her ears.

Beca took a deep breath and nodded, "Hold on tight."

"Wait, Whaaaaa?" Before Chloe could finish the word, Beca shot a web near twenty feet away to a thick tree branch next door. Beca pulled at it and Chloe took a sharp breath in as they swung, almost to the ground, and off to a rooftop nearby. Beca felt Chloe grab on to the collar of her leather jacket and nearly choke her with it as they went. Beca landed them in a perfect fashion on a rooftop a few doors down and couldn't help but laugh at how Chloe refused to let go of her, "Holy shit, Becs!" Chloe's mouth and cuss words never fit quite right and Beca laughed again.

"I'm sorry, I should've warned you-" Spider-Girl's words were broken up between bits of laughter and Chloe slapped her shoulder to get her to stop.

But as soon as Chloe slapped her, they looked each other in the eyes and then both girls were laughing. They laughed and laugh and Chloe looked down toward the ground, "Do it again."

"What?" Beca asked and Chloe met Beca's stare. The two girls very quickly realized that they were only a few inches apart from one another. This time, Chloe leaned in and their lips met. Beca nearly let go of the web that held them up but gripped tighter when she felt herself slipping, "Do it again," Chloe confirmed when she broke the kiss. With a small chuckle, Beca swung a web to a tree in the forest behind the house and pulled them forward. Chloe had to keep from screaming again as they flew from tree to tree and so on.