"My name is Yuto, I'm a duelist from Heartland City and I'm a Beta.

My friend, Kurosaki Shun is an Alpha – his sister, Kurosaki Ruri, is a Beta like me. We've known each other for 5 years now.

But that's enough about us and what we are… I'd prefer to speak about how nice Heartland City is... Was... So… I'll get onto that."

« Enjoy the story~ »


My eyes snapped open as the teacher called my name out loudly. Everyone's eyes were on me as I stared at the teacher, slightly embarrassed that I had fallen asleep against the window. It wasn't that the history of Duel Monsters wasn't interesting – far from it actually – it was just that I hadn't really been able to sleep recently with the amount of studying I'd been doing…

The teacher gave a sigh, her brows knitted as she rubbed her temple with her forefingers.

"I understand you're tired, Yuto, but pay attention. You're just letting your grades slip further the longer you sleep in class."

I coughed lightly to regain my voice, still ashamed of myself and my lack of sleep.

"Gomen'nasai Sensei…" Seemed to be the only thing I could think of as a response. Though, she seemed content with it and gave a firm nod.

"At least you're understanding."

She then turned her back to the class and started to write on the board again. I quickly skimmed over everything, jotting down notes as she wrote of what I had missed. I could still feel the heat radiating from my cheeks as I looked at my book and listened carefully, feeling both the teacher's and Ruri's eyes on me. Great… she's going to ask what's wrong. She always does when I've fallen asleep in class.

The bell had rung and I was stood in the class for a while as I packed up. I picked up on the familiar dull scent of Ruri as she pressed her hands on my desk and looked at me with those magenta eyes of hers full of concern. I could see my reflection in her irises, could see how worn-out I looked and how dull my silver gaze was. I waited for the inevitable:

"Yuto, what's wrong?"

I gave a small whine when I heard the question, a silent plea for her to drop it before it got out of hand. She refused, of course. She's stubborn. Just like her brother…

"Ooh no. You are coming with me; we are getting ice cream. Then you tell me everything." Ruri gave a self-satisfied grin when I sighed as another silent response of submission before gently teasing me about a small joke between Shun, herself and I. "How do people think you're an Alpha when you act like this…?"

"Honestly, Ruri? I have no idea…" It came out as a huff towards the end, but I didn't mind. It made her laugh. "Anyway… Ice cream, right?"


"Why haven't you been sleeping recently?" Ruri frowned over her grape ice cream, her eyes holding a strong look in them and it was moments like that which made me wonder how she was only a Beta, not an Alpha like Shun.

"Studying…" A simple response, but the truth. I'd been pushing myself too much and I knew I had at least four sleepless nights in this week alone... Either my thoughts were painted on my expression or she was a mind reader, because her frown only deepened and her words felt like knives.

"You need to stop pushing yourself so much, y'know." Her expression soon changed into one that could only work with her words after the light scolding. "Plus, late nights aren't good for your complexion."

I heard myself huff a laugh at that and soon just turned away, taking a small bite of my cherry ice cream. We both cracked a few more jokes and I received a few more lectures from Ruri before Shun walked over. My eyes went straight to his yellow ones, holding unspoken fondness that only showed around Ruri and I.

I felt Ruri shift behind me and wave at her brother before she pressed her chin on my shoulder and gently pulled my wrist over to her, angling it just right so that she could take a bit of my ice cream for herself. Though flustered, I had complained about that and she just gave me that cheeky grin she had every so often when she succeeded in making Shun or I blush.

"Oi, Ruri. As amusing as it is to see Yuto become a tomato-" a low growl I knew came from me made him pause and chuckle. "-you shouldn't really tease him."

"Can't help it. It's fun." She sounded so nonchalant at that like she was just stating the weather and I swore I felt myself heat up even more.

"You're both as bad as each other…" I muttered softly, resulting in a smile from Shun and a giggle from Ruri.

"We know."

I just sat in silence as I finished my ice cream, listening to the siblings gently argue with no bite behind their words, despite the fact that they would've been threatening if said properly and not as banter. I felt Ruri's fingers lace into my hair and gently scratch my scalp as she affectionately scolded Shun about his injuries she knew were from a fight against another Alpha. It was peaceful, relaxing.

But I knew it would never last.