Dear Readers,

After thinking about this for several weeks, I have decided that I am officially cancelling Mafin and Begu's Magnificent Adventures.

It was a really hard decision, but I think it's for the best.

After analyzing the overall plot so far, I realize that it is starting to become very overstuffed and convoluted.

Specifically, it's due to Kappukeki's subplot, and the destruction of Octoria, Begu's planet.

See, in my mind, the story would reveal that Kappukeki was secretly trying to prevent Mafin and Begu from getting killed by Evil Android 21, who would have popped up around the time of the Androids Arc, and taken over for Perfect Cell as the big villain. Evil 21 would have also created a bunch of clones of the main Z-Fighters, and there would have been chaos all around the world.

Although, later on, I remembered that Dragon Ball Fighterz already did the clone story, which made that whole potential conflict rather pointless.

I also realized that the Kappukeki plot (her bringing Good 21 over to Age 764) was filled with a massive plothole: if she wanted to save Mafin and Begu, why didn't she just go over to Age 779 (the year Fighterz takes place in), and help out there?

Second, Octoria's destruction, or rather the angst surronding its destruction, became hollow the more I thought about it. And the main reason are the Dragon Balls. They can easily revive anything, so the angst ends up becoming pointless as well.

I have other things in my story that I'm dissatisfied with, such as:

-Queen Shannon's little character arc. I believed it was rushed out too quickly, and she really didn't get any time to shine as a villain.

-I felt that Android 21 (in this story) just didn't feel like the original, in-game 21 that I became invested in (and the main reason why MBMA exists in the first place). Her search for her past also felt a little rushed to me.

I deeply apologize for this sudden cancellation. Writing this story was a severe challenge, and I admit, I almost went nuts trying to make sense of everything in it.

That is why I am planning on doing a reboot, this time set during Fighterz.

There, it will mainly follow the A21 arc (the final arc of the game) to make for a much more digestible story.

One positive thing I will say about this story is that I absolutely loved working on Chapters 1-15. I feel that they are the best chapters, and I have really fond memories of working on them.

Another positive thing is that this story is now 30 chapters long, making it the longest fanfiction I have ever worked on. I am absolutely proud of that too.

I am also really thankful that you guys have followed this story, from the beginning, all the way to the end.

It really means a lot to me.

So, for one last time, this is Story Nado signing off.
