As Thomas cried on Duck's bleeding body, he heard the sounds of machinery rumbling on the ground, and machines flying in the air. Thomas looked up to see helicopters and people zipping down on ropes with guns pointing towards Thomas and they also circled Duck's beaten body.

The camouflaged-clothed men had tranquilizer darts in the guns pointing towards Thomas, and were just about to shoot when Jocelyn got in front of Thomas with her arms spread out.

"STOP! STOP! Don't shoot!!" Shouted Jocelyn as she tried to get their attention away from Thomas. One of the men said, "Little girl, back away from the monster or we'll tranquilize you too." But Jocelyn stayed where she was. "Very well then."

The army men raised up their guns at Thomas and at Jocelyn, when the crowd of passengers came racing towards the army men also shouting.

"Do not shoot them! They saved our lives!!" Shouted most of the passengers, and the army men looked at each other in confusion.

"What do you mean? Didn't you all call the army to help and save you from this savage tank engine?" They asked, the passengers then explained yes, but that Thomas had saved them and ended Duck before he could kill anyone. Thomas and Jocelyn both gave each other a small smile of relief.

"Ok then. We won't tranquilize the blue one," and people cheered and engines whistled happily, "but we WILL take the green one and experiment on him and incarcerate him." Thomas then watched as a crane picked up Duck and placed him on a flatbed of a truck, he raced up to the army men and said, "could you please heal him?" The men looked at the tank engine and shook their heads, "as soldiers of the army we can't just heal a dangerous criminal, but we will give him some minor repairs."

Thomas then nodded sadly and watched as the army took Duck away, but then one of the passengers said, "where's that train ride we were promised? Hopefully the island is safe now so we can travel on it." Thomas then remembered, "Oh dear! Sorry everyone! We'll get on it right away!"

(A few months later)

After the incident on the Island of Sodor, people started coming to the island for tours and to meet the sentient engines but mostly, to meet the tank engine that saved the lives of many.

Jocelyn, her family And Topham were just finishing hammering the decorations of Knapford station, (even though Topham barely helped) when they started to ponder who would be running the station, but most importantly, the whole island in general.

"Well," stated Jocelyn's younger sister, "I think Jocelyn should run the island because she was the one who knew and tamed all the savage engines, so she deserves to be queen!" Everyone shouted in agreement, while Jocelyn flushed with embarrassment, but she had other ideas.

"I think Topham should be ruling the island." She said. "What?!" Everyone exclaimed in confusion, but she merely responded; "I don't like working, and I'd rather live my life on the edge with Thomas than work endlessly and tiredly. Besides, Topham knows more about engines than I ever will, he's the best candidate for the job."

Topham looked like he was about to cry, but Jocelyn reassured him that he would run the island, and her family cheered for him.

(More months later)

Topham was now charge of the island and was doing a great job of running it, (he had also gained some weight) and the engines were all working hard and enjoyed it, no more whips or abuse, they were free of all their old tensions.

Lady came back too, and she settled next to Tidmouth Sheds and Thomas in her own little berth that Topham had built for her, and her children lived there as well, (once at a time because they were already so big.)

Jocelyn was at the top of a hill walking military style in front of 4 color-mixed young steam engines. "Alright! This is your 7th day of training! Show me what you got!! Get in your hunting positions!" The 4 steam engines quickly crouched down and got ready to pounce.

"GO! Get something big!!" Jocelyn shouted, and the 4 steam engines raced off like the wind, teasing each other of being faster or slower.

They came back half an hour later, the turquoise male (with the number 1), who's name was Oswald, had brought a large male buck.

The rose-gold female with no number, who's name was Nixie, brought back a small female doe.

The dark purple female with no number, who's name was Bonnie, brought back a crocodile.

And the sky cobalt blue with the golden number 1 female, who's name was Joslyn, brought back a cow, and her siblings giggled at her.

Jocelyn quickly quieted them down and accepted everyone's hunt (at least they weren't hunting geese anymore.) She then thought of her blue tank engine and wondered what he was doing, as she patted the bite marks on her arm she had gotten from him when they first met.

And Thomas was out and about on his branchline, proud that he and his friends have a new life on Sodor, and that their savage side was now forgotten by everyone. The engines became so popular, that a new T.V show was created called "Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends" in their honor, sure they hunted after the shows and their recordings, but by not eating humans their sharp teeth were starting to wear off, and turn into regular teeth.

Thomas sighed in happiness as he pulled Annie and Clarabelle along his line, but in the trees above at the side of his branchline, a figure was watching him and smiled evilly as his red eyes glowed fiercely.





Music by; THOMA- oh wait there was no music

Inspiration: FANTASYNERD306 and TRiKID

Deleted Scenes; a little Easter egg was going to appear of Rosie being pregnant and protected by Stanley, Emily was going to be a mom and already have children (her mate was going to be James.)

A/N thank you all so much for your support throughout this story, and FantasyNerd306, you were my main inspiration for this story, I read your "Rise of The Engine Riders: Civil War" And I was AMAZED! I hope you didn't mind that I made a little thing slightly similar to your story, but I hope you enjoyed it! I loved reading everyone's comments on this story and it gave me fuel to keep writing, so for the final chapter of this story, thank you all so much, this is ThomasFanfictionista signing out, saying "thank you so much, for supporting me throughout this story and making me feel good all the way."