A/N: I don't own anything you recognize.

Harry woke the next morning to breakfast on a tray next to his bed. He could see Sirius sleeping in a chair across the room. The sight made him smile. He wasn't used to having someone care that much about him, someone willing to give up what he assumed was a nice soft bed to stay with him.

Harry wondered if he should wake Sirius, but decided to let his godfather sleep. Instead he started on breakfast. Sirius woke just after Harry had eaten the last sausage on the plate.

"Do I smell sausages?" Sirius asked blinking his eyes open.

"Sorry, I just ate the last one," Harry admitted.

"No worries, Harry. I'm sure there's more in the kitchen. Do you know how to get into the kitchen yet?" Harry stared at Sirius in wonder. He'd never even given the idea any thought. The fact students could somehow get into the kitchen was amazing.

"No, I haven't."

"It took me and your father awhile to figure out. In the end it was Moony who did it, honestly. See, there's this portrait of a fruit bowl, and if you tickle the pear, it moves revealing the entrance."

"You have to tickle a portrait?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, I think the founders were little off their rockers sometimes too, but it works. Has Dumbledore been by yet this morning?"

"No, just breakfast. I thought I saw Madame Pomfrey but she didn't come over here. Think they'll let me out today?"

"I don't see why they wouldn't. Probably give you a warning to be more careful or some nonsense, it wasn't your fault someone messed with your broom. You were flying really well until then..."

"Did we win?" Harry asked trying to remember.

"What? Oh, right, yes! Gryffindor won, you caught the snitch in your mouth before you fell. I expect the Slytherins will be doing large mouth frog impressions for a bit...that's what me and James would have done at that age," Sirius commented. Harry laughed softly. He'd never known his father had been a jokester. He smiled glad he was getting to know about his family, instead of just the non-existent memories and that flash of green light.


Dumbledore appeared about half an hour later.

"Do you have any idea who would have done something like this?" he asked Harry.

"No, I don't, sir. I thought maybe one of the Slytherins so we'd lose yesterday's match, but we won, so it didn't affect things," Harry answered. He really didn't have any enemies that he could think about, sure Professor Snape still seemed to dislike him, but according to Sirius, Snape had always been a git. He'd hated James as much, if not more, than he hated Harry. Harry also doubted a professor would do something as petty as hexing a broom, not when the professor in question could make an untraceable poison.

"Very well, Harry. According to Madame Pomfrey, there is no reason to keep you in the infirmary. You are to return to class. I believe right now you have potions?" Harry nodded trying not to groan. Professor Snape would probably give him detention for being late. Dumbledore seemed to understand Harry's expression.

"I'll give you a hallpass, with my signature on it, you won't get in trouble for being late, Harry."

"Thank you, sir," Harry said standing up and taking the sheet of parchment. "I'll see you next game, Sirius?"

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it. Be careful though, Harry and let Professor Dumbledore or Professor MacGonagall know if you hear or see anything strange, well, stranger than usual," Sirius said hugging Harry quickly before sending the boy on his way.