
Okay, first I wanna fix something from the last chapter:

There are twenty students actually in total in the new class 1-A, I accidentally made it seem like 18 in total, being the dumbass that I am, when there is actually 20. Oops.

But that's all!

PS: I do not own the anime or manga in any way possible. All except my OCs belong to their respected owner.

Also, two chapters late on realizing this but my dumb self had misspelled Astuko when it's spelled Atsuko. My bad.

Autocorrect is a blessing and a curse because while it can be smart it can be so fucking stupid at times!

Boy, did that get me into some awkward shit. :[

Enjoy and arigato gozaimas for reading!

Day four of school life in U.A. had already promised something intresting when Aizawa had told the newest class 1-A to change into their new hero outfits and load onto a bus. They nagged the teacher for an answer, but got nothing out of it. But they weren't exactly complaining, since they only got to put them on once to do some sparing.

"I wonder what we're goanna do," Hitori said, practically bouncing in her seat next to Midoriya. "I just hope nothing that nearly makes me faint," Atsuko muttered, blushing when she remembered the exam. "Relax, Midoriya, you'll do fine," a boy sitting next to them, named Goto Isao, encouraged, giving them a kind smile.

Goto was one of the nicer, more polite men of the class. His quirk gave him the ability of moving things at a single thought. He wa very skilled and wore it well. He had blue eyes, lightly tanned skin, and black hair that had been combed and gelled back. His costume was a sleek black-based catsuit with silver stripes, two on each limb, and one around his torso. He wore a black mask that covered the upper half of his face, a silver ring in the center of his forehead.

"T-thanks, Goto. Nice outfit by the way!" "Yeah, man, simple's the best way to go," Hitori cheered, gesturing to her own outfit. It had been a catsuit made of a custom made material that had no limit to how far it could stretch. Hitori had asked for it to be at least purple, and it was. The base was purple, but her limbs were the color of bright green, and she had pulled back the mask of it, which allowed her to wear pigtails on each end to show her brown hair, which she didn't really like, and covered her eyes, having invisible slits for her to see through.

Atsuko would've made a comment of how she wished she had been more specific on what she wanted for her costume, but the bus came to a halt. Everyone looked out the right side to see one of the false cities from the entrance exams. One student also made note that there was another bus pulling up next to them, exiting the class a bit. Aizawa almost raised his voice in attempts to silence them and get them out of the bus.

When they were all off, the other bus was emptied, revealing class 2-A. The class got even more riled up when All Might appeared.

"Today, we will be doing battle training," Aizawa said, sighing as he stood next to the large hero. "That's right! There will be ten teams of two, each randomly selected for reasons involving favoritism," All Might said, and Atsuko blushed as she felt the teachers and students glance at her an Izuku.

"Each team will consist of one first year and one second year. Any issues with that can be kept to yourself," Aizawa said, before nodding to a still slightly blushing Atsuko with her hand raised. "Is this to test our ability to quickly adapt fighting styles with other heros?" "Yes it is, younger Midoriya. It's also to see how well you first years can fight against enemies when you know they have more experience and/or are stronger," All Might explained, nodding his head to the green-haired girl. He then pulled out two boxes, one labeled "2" and the other labeled "1".

"Now, first years will pick out of the 2 box and second years will pick out of the one box. We'll start with class reps, vice reps, and then by rank with whoever is left. Class reps, step on up!"

Ida imediately walked up with confidence, while the first year's class rep shyly stepped up. Deku and Bakugo were shocked when they realized it was Atsuko who stepped up. She seemed to catch their stares and imediately avoided eye contact, seeming to tense and shake a bit. Sticking their hands in the boxes, Atsuko and Ida pulled out an orb each with a name that others couldn't read. With a nod from All Might, they announced their partners.

"My partner is Aiko Hasuko!" Ida said. The blue haired girl that had done the 50-meter with Astuko stepped up, her short hair held out of her face with a silver crown that reminded Atsuko of Wonder Woman back in America, wearing a dark blue catsuit without sleeves, with white elbow length gloves, her pale blue eyes amplified by her goggles, sky blue boots on her feet, and small decorative metal wings on her back. Everyone's eyes fell on Atsuko, who shyly stuttered out her draw loud enough for everyone to hear, blushing a bit.

"K-Katsuki B-Bakugou..."

Stifled laughter erupted from class 2-A, to which Bakugou growled at as Kirishima placed an elbow on his shoulder. "Dude, talk about lucky! You get a little hottie for a partner," he said quietly to the explosive boy, who elbowed him before walking up to Atsuko before waiting on the side for everyone to pair up.

The end results resulted in only two more awkward pairs: Izuku and Uraraka(there were two first-year that refused to seperate), and Todoroki and Kuroda.

"All right! You all will have five minutes to find separate starting points, talk strategy, or set traps! There is no limit except the area wall. If things get too intense, the team that caused the damage will be disqualified. You've all been given capture tape, so once the enemy is neutralize, wrap it around them and they will be taken out. Good luck," All Might explained as Aizawa opened the door to the false city.

Teams imediately ran into the city, disapearing into the sea of buildings. Bakugou wasted no time running into one building after running down the main road for a bit, a panting Atsuko in his wake. It wasn't that her suit was heavy, she just couldn't run for long periods of time.

"Damnit, Sparky, I thought you said you went through training," he growled as he slowed to a stop inside the first floor of the building to let her breath. "I... I was- oh God... training to get my quirk to show it's true potential... That didn't mean working out... a lot..."

Once Atsuko was done trying not to die, they walked up the stairs. Bakugou had a plan to strike from the air, and Atsuko thought it was a great idea.

"What, did you and your nerd of a brother want matching suits or something?" he asked gruffly, gesturing to her outfit. "N-no... D-do you not like it?" Atsuko asked, starting to fidget selfcontiously.

Her suit was skintight, with a bright spring green base and bunching up slightly where it stopped at her ankles and forearms. Her shoulders had shock white sparks on them, which were connected by small matching lightning lines to the center of her chest, where a large spark was placed, the back containing just the same. Her waist held a dark green utility belt, and her hands had black gloves with large black gauntlets attached, covering half her forearm with strange, empty meters on them and a dial on the left one. And her feet had dark crimson boots that had black metal soles. And her face was covered by dark green lightning bolts on each side, colliding at the bridge of her nose. And to top it off, she had a false shock-white streak of hair that looked like it was a lightning bolt perfectly crafted to look like a natural part of her beautiful yet messy forest-green hair(A/N: I changed the color of her hair because according to my friend who is thinking of drawing the OCs and thinks seafoam green for hair is a bit much.).

"It's not that I don't like it. But do you guys really have to have the same green-wearing mindset?" "Would you rather me mutter?" "God, no!" Bakugo yelled as they reached the roof, earning a giggle from the younger girl. Crawling to the edge of the roof on their stomachs, they began waiting for the battle to start.

"S-so do you like it?"

"Shut up, Sparky."

"Stop calling me that! And can you at least call me Green Spark?"

"Why the fuck would I?!"

"It's a name I got in America, you dummy..."

While they were doing that...

"So what's the plan, Deku?"

Izuku and Uraraka had taken to hiding in a small building that was designed to look like a convenience store on the outside, but was empty inside. While Uraraka took to lookout, Izuku was trying hard to think of a strategy while trying not to flip out in front of his crush.

"Don't know yet. But we saw some of these guys in the entrance exams, so we know some of their quirks," he said, throwing his cap on and attaching his metal mask on. Uraraka hoped that her helmet colored her face enough so he wouldnt tell she was blushing. He looks so much like a hero in costume, she thought as she looked out from the side of the door.

"So, how was catching up with your sister?" "Great, actually! It's so much better than talking over the phone with her. She's gotten so much stronger and a little braver, too. Back before she left, if it wasn't me or Kacchan, she'd stutter even more than usual," he said, laughing a little at the memory of how she would shake completely if someone came up and talked to her.

"Really?! She seems so confident! She only stutters once or twice every few sentences," she nearly shouts as he walks over to the opposite side of the door. The older Midoriya shook his head and chuckled at the bubbly girl before regaining his focus on the assignment.

"All right, let's hope we live to see the end of this." "Deku!" "Kidding!"

And finally...

Kuroda walked silently next to Todoroki, who did the same. They both walked with blank faces and up to the center floor of one of the taller buildings. Neither made eye contact or spoke as they looked from each window to see who would strike and where.

"How long until it starts?" she finally asked, tapping her fingers on her arm, which were crossed over her chest as she leaned on a wall, looking out the small window. "I think three minutes or so, so be alert," he responded, not taking his eyes away from the street.

Goanna be the longest three minutes of my damned life, Kuroda thought as she shifted a bit. She should've told the damn people to make the suit comfortable when they made it. It was a catsuit that was lose in some places but still hugged her curves a little too much in places she'd prefer for it not to.

The top of it was a high neck with no sleeves, and her legs were covered, a dark silver utility belt on her waist. The top half had been split down the middle, her left white and the right black with the fabric hugging her cleavage a little too well, the collar having silver studs on it and the fabric black, and the colors for her legs were switched, making her look a bit like a checkerboard. She wore a grey half leather jacket that was so dark it was on the verge of being black, hanging a bit off her shoulders. Her hands had bright red fingerless leather gloves with studs on the knuckles, and her boots were a matching grey to her jacket and reached halfway to her knees, and she had clipped on a few grey streaks in her hair before placing on her mask, which was grey, with black outlining the white eye like eyeliner, white outlining the black, and some crimson spirals on the lower half under her eyes.

Deal with the pain, we look so fucking HOT!

Is that all your really looking for in a costume? We're wearing it to battle, we should be worried about armor!

Well, I-

"Just shut up, will ya?! Jeez," Kuroda silently yelled, huffing as she returned to looking out the window. "I swear... And what do you mean, we? It's me who's doing the work!"


As Kuroda got into another seemingly self-argument, Todoroki glanced her a look that showed both confusion, concern, and annoyance. Who the hell is she talking to? he wondered as he took a deep breath before doing a few stretches. As he bent down to his toes and kept his breathing steady, Kuroda watched him with curiosity.

"So you do yoga?" she asked before she could stop herself. "Quite a bit, actually," he responded as he came up slowly, relaxing his body. "Hmm. I only do it when I wake up, get ready for the day," Kuroda shrugged, glancing away as he stretched in a different pose again. "You don't seem like the kind who likes this sort of thing, since it requires patience." "Which is why it's the first thing I do in the morning. I honestly prefer flying," Kuroda responded, looking up to the sky as she did so.

"Oi, Todoroki."


"Don't hold back," she said, finally meeting his eye, her look serious. Todoroki knew what she meant. She did say she remembered him from last year's Sports Games. She had seen what he was capable of, how he only used it a few times. But he wanted to try and control it now. How she knew that when they've only just now started having actual conversations and seemed to understand some of his pain was beyond his knowing at this time, but he nodded none the less.

A loud siren went off, and the battles began.

"Now we're talking," Bakugou smirked as he saw Ida and Hasuko run down the streets, smirking and preparing to jump, a wide-eyed Atsuko already knowing what he was thinking.

"W-wait, Kacchan, sh-shouldn't we-"


Bakugou jumped off the roof before Atsuko could finish her protests, flying right above the opponent's heads before losing altitude. Silently facepalming, Atsuko sighed as she waited for the right time to jump off herself.

She was glad she did so when he blew a crater into the street.

"Always one to run, or jump in this case, headfirst," she muttered as she watched Ida and Hasuko recover quickly. Well, Hasuko recovers faster, a growl escaping her before she took a deep breath and blew a giant gusty of wind. As Bakugou started to move backwards while struggling against the gust, Atsuko took this opportunity to hit her from behind while Ida recovered.

Taking a running start, Atsuku jumped off the roof, silencing and softening her landing with her electricity. Acting quick as Hasuko prepared another attack, she aimed her hand at her and launched a small bolt at her wings. The shock caused electricity to fully cover her and give her light burns and scream a bit, but it didn't immobilize her.

"Little annoying bitch," the blue-head growled, turning around quickly and creating a sharp gust of wind, launching it from an x form with her arms.

"What did I ever do to you?!" Atsuko yelled, blocking her face with her arms and bracing her feet on the gravel, protecting herself a but. "You're just that annoying! Honestly, do something about that damn sttuder, God!" Hasuko yelled over the gust and the light and faint screech of her metal soles.


The girls yelped in unison as they jumped out of the way, Ida zooming by and trying to escape Bakugou's large blasts. Wimpering in suprise and fear as she leaned against a stop sign, she called over to her partner.

"C-can you keep the de-destruction to a minimal?!" she called over to him as she stood up and dusted herself off. She was about to send another jolt when the sight of Hasuko jumping high into the air, fists raised high, stopped her. "MOVE," she yelled towards Bakugou, running quickly and grabbing him by his wrists.

"The fuck?! What are you-""Getting you away from her!" she replied. Angry and curious, he turnsd his head to look over his shoulder, his eyes widening as he was greeted by a deadly force.

As Hasuko landed on the ground harshly with hardly a scratch on her, a large force of wind forming around her, creating an explosion without flames and heat. Finally grasping the situation, Bakugou cursed loudly as he began running on his own, pulling Atsuko behind him as the force came closer.

Eventually, they were blown at a far distance, but suffered a less brutal blow. Groaning, they lifted themselves up, pain gripping them lightly. Ignoring the bruises that were surely forming on her forearms under the protective suit and the light ace in her knees, Atsuko grabbed Bakugou's hand one more and ran. She didn't stop, not even as Bakugou's hand wrapped around her wrists, creating light explosions that normally would be causing light burning without leaving marks. But luckily, Atsuko had made a special request to make sure her suit could withstand through explosions, electrical or other. It was not only blast-proof, but fireproof as well. But there were some limits, and she felt that he would soon go past them if she didn't deal with him.

"Could you please stop that?! This is brand-new and unlike my brother I don't wanna have to wait for a replacement so soon!" "Tell me what the fuck that was, then!" he said as they finally came to a stop a few blocks away. Panting and leaning against the walk, brushing her hair back, she sighed.

"You know how they take recommended students?" "Nooo, really?" Bakugou snapped. Glaring and giving a slight pout towards him, the explosive boy gave a silent glare, knowing he wouldn't get what he wanted if he kept interrupting her this time. "Well, she was one of them. She was, according to her, around fourth in the entrance exams. She's real strong, with that Wind quirk that you just saw. That was one of the more powerful attacks. She placed one kid in the infirmary, and she's really mean towards me. She acts like I did something to her," she explained, rubbing her arms. Before Bakugou could respond, he couldn't help but notice the meter was filled two out of ten bars.

"Why the hell does she hate you? Hardly anyone hates you," he said, grunting as he checked his grenades. "I-I think it was because I was higher on Aizawa-Sensei's board on the first day," she said, removing her mask for a bit, wiping her forehead with her sleeve. "Are you wearing eyeliner?" "N-no!" she yelped, blushing a bit as she put her mask back on. "Ca-can we focus on-"

She was hit in the stomach right before she could finish.

The next instant, she was falling to the ground, Ida, a short distance away.

"I'm sorry, Midoriya," he said through his helmet as he prepared to launch again, "but I don't intend on going easy on you just because you're my friend's little sister." As he prepared to run, Atsuko extended her arm a bit before turning on her foot, launching a large bolt at him. "I don't want anyone to go easy on me for any reason," she responded, some of her hair falling in her eyes as he was electrocuted unconscious.

"Is he-""Just lightly unconscious. He'll just have a large headache for a few hours and a twitch for another day or so," she explained as she checked his pulse before pulling the tape out of one of her utility pockets. "Shame," he muttered, earning an elbow in the knee from where Atsuko was crouched down.


Screaming, Atsuko was hurled back, tape still in her hands. she braced herself for the impact, but it never came. instead of feeling the harsh, brutally painful force of concrete, she felt the brunt force of something strong, yet soft. with her eyes scrunched closed, she gripped whatever caught her, feeling some sort of leather-like substance in her grip.

"Hey, Sparky, think you can remover your damn hands? I'd like to have this outfit in one piece by the end of the day."

Cracking her eyes open, Atsuko was greeted by the sight of a pissed-off Bakugou. Well, he always looked pissed, but Atsuko was one of the few people who could tell the difference between normal-looking Bakugou and actually-pissed Bakugou. And what she was looking at was actually-almost-deadly-pissed-off Bakugou.

And that made her a little scared yet curious about what was to happen.

"K-K-K-Kacchan...?" she squeaked, starting to worry about Hasuko being on his bad side now. "Take this and throw it when I say so. Not fucking sooner, not fucking later," he ordered, placing her down and shoving a grenade in her hands. "I-I can defend my-"

She was cut off by him throwing an explosive punch at Hasuko.

"I... guess I don't have a choice... do I?" she sighed to herself. "LIKE HELL YOU DO!" he yelled as he charged at Hasuko, who was standing on a small tornado. Crud, he heard me! she thought, blushing as her body tensed and her fingers wrapped around the grenade tightly. A light amount of electricity washed over her, causing her hair to lift in response to the static. it was common for her to do, seeing as she was easily embarrassed like her brother.

She shook herself out of it and placed the grenade into her utility belt before running to Iida's passed-out body. Grabbing him by the back of his collar, she dragged him over to a building, away from the fight. Taking his helmet off while keeping one eye on the fight, she checked his pulse and breathing. She sighed in relief when she found that everything was normal. Well, except from the occasional twitch, which made her giggle a bit.


Jumping at the sudden outburst, she placed Iida's helmet back on quickly before running up to the fight, pulling out the grenade.

"NOW!" he suddenly yelled, kicking Hasuko into the air. Pulling the trigger and tossing it at Hasuko. out of reflex, Hasuko grabs it, looking at it in curiosity ad Bakugou dragged her farther away from her. She barely got a glimpse of the look of horror on Hasuko's face before a bright flash, made her turn away.


"... A... a stun grenade?"

"Only damn idea I could think of at the time," Bakugou grunted, letting go of her forearm as they looked back at an unconscious Hasuko, her skin covered in a bit of ashes. "I... I didn't think you could make different type of explosions." "Eh, takes a certain amount of my sweat and at different levels, but they're not impossible to make," he shrugs, moving to the unconscious bluenette. She watched silently as he hauled her over his shoulder in a careless fireman-hold and plopped her just as carelessly next to Iida.

"Jeez, be more heartless, will ya?" Atsuko remarked, giving a slightly annoyed face. Bakugou raised a curious eyebrow at her. "Since when did you start growing a spine?" "H-huh?!"

He did have a good reason to ask that. The Midoriya Atsuko both he and her brother knew wasn't as... well... socially awkward most of the time as Izuku, quirk or no quirk, but she was more shy than her brother for God's sake! She never talked back! Sure, she tried to make bullies back off of her and some of her friends, but she never really raised her voice and wasn't exactly one to insult or give negative remarks about someone.

Atsuko stared at Bakugou for a silent moment, blushing before she turned away and started wrapping the tape around the two. When, she finished, she met a slightly annoyed Bakugou with a blank face.

"I... I grew up a bit, Kacchan. People change, ya know. Especially those who went away from their home to another country for three years straight with only a few short visits throughput that timeline... barely talking to the others she left behind."

Bakugou just raised an eyebrow, but stayed silent as she lowered her face a bit, eyes showing a bit of sorrow.

"America's beautiful. It's very diverse, has a lot of beautiful sights, so much history, and some pretty cool people, heh... But... there were some things that happened... I reflected on myself from before leaving... I just changed, all right? You couldn't expect me to come back as the same weak girl you knew since you and your childhood friend knew all those years ago. You didn't even remember me or that I had left, for crying out loud!"

Bakugou had soooo many things going through his mind. Confusion towards the signs of sadness on her face, anger towards this discussion taking up valuable time, and... pain towards what she was saying? That last one was confusing as fuck to him.

"Damn, you are dumb, Sparky." "STOP CALLING ME-""I never forgot you, damnit."

Atsuko halted in her sentence when he said that. She quickly shut her mouth as he began to speak up.

"I forgot where you went, but I never forgot you, ya retard. Sure, I was busy and didn't have time to remember you and where you were actually, but I still remembered you. I remember your annoying as fuck giggling, how you and nerdy Deku would always talk about All Might and quirks... Trust me, you're too annoyin to forgwt. Now, c'mon, we've gotta get going."

Silence befell the two childhood friends as they walked away from their fight and back into the field, unsure of what awaited them.

"All I'm saying, Bakugou... I don't need you or Izuku always trying to protect me anymore. So please... stop acting like I'll break so easily any minute now. I don't wanna have to constantly remind you that I don't need people fighting for me every second anymore."

With that, Atsuko took the lead, leaving a shocked Bakugou in her wake. Ever since she was little, Atsuko had called Bakugou "Kacchan" after hearing her brother call him that 24/7. She hardly ever called him by his last name... she'd always known him as Kacchan.

"What the hell happened to ya, Sparky?" he muttered to himself silently. He was, in all honesty, glad that she had gone from the shy, innocent school girl who could barely get two clear sentences out to a slightly more confident, stronger quirk-user that didn't want someone hovering nearby in case she got in trouble.

But he knew something was wrong. Something in the back of her mind, something she had buried deep within it was bugging her. Something must've happened overseas that she doesn't want to say. It annoyed him, really. After all, she had spent most of elementary school spouting nonsense and useless, meaningless stuff about her day for hours on end to him. Now she stayed silent when something was clearly bothering her?

He sensed something was paining her- just at a slow pace and only by a little so far. And he could tell Deku knew this, too, since he always seems to have a worried expression on his face whenever Atsuko left them for classes.

Bakugou shook his head, setting aside his thoughts on the matter for later. He didn't know why he was thinking about this shit right now, and doesn't think he wants to. All he should be caring about is beating that idiot nerd Deku.

That's all that matter right now... Not dumb girly shit, he thought with a growl as he broke into a jog, passing Atsuko so he could find another opponent.

But meanwhile, in another part of the faux city...

Smoke trailed off in large masses, escaping the insides of the crumbling building. Struggling to get up from the rubble, the dual-user girl pushed herself up with her right arm, her left arm gripping it tightly as white flames erupted from it.

"T-Todoroki... g-get up!" she yelled towards the other side of the building. The boy did so, with much more ease than his partner and lifting himself up to his feet.

Damn... Such weak attacks and minimal damage... yet it still hurts like hell, was all he thought as he pushed some hair out of his face. Surveying the situation, he thanked God for him and his partner only having a few nasty bruises and for their clothes not taking any damage yet.

Well... his partner did have a few cuts that were bleeding right now, though.

"Sorry about this, Todoroki, but I don't plan on going out so easily," the voice of Kirishma said through the remainder of the smoke. He grinned widely as he deactivated his hardening quirk that he was using on his fists.

"I wouldn't suggest letting your guard down yet, Kirishima. As I said before this started, Kuroda is one of the more powerful members of class 1-A," his silver-haired partner said, lifting a large piece of the building. It quickly shifted into the form of a hammer, and Furuta smiled softly, lifting it to rest on his shoulder.

"You free Sunday, Kuroda? Because from where I stand, you're gonna lose the bet for sure," he laughed, walking towards the struggling girl.


Oooh, it's about to get gooood!

"You... you..." she muttered, grinding her teeth as she managed to get into a crouching position. Todoroki felt a chill flow over his body as he saw black whisps of flames start to radiate off her body.



To be continued...