Husband versus partner

by LadyTpower

sum: Lady Zara and Kal-el are married by birth. They stay that way until one of them dies. How can she rule with Ching at her side? There is a rule for that, Ching becoming lady Zara's partner. What is the difference between the two and what will happen if after years Kal-El's presence is needed on New-Krypton? Will Lois travel with him this time? Read everything in this story.

Superman was laying down in the recovery room of his floating palace, he still couldn't believe it, he was a supreme leader and he had defeated Lord Nor, who wanted nothing less than taking over the throne and claim lady Zara as his own. Clark or Lord Kal-el like he was called there didn't love Zara but that didn't mean he would let his wife by birth suffer in the hands of his enemy. Lois was laying down beside him on the bed, she was caressing his forehead, glad that her fiancée was alive. She took his water the moment he was finished. Lady Zara and Ching were standing on a distance of the bed, they both were happy that this was over but there was something that needed to be done before Lady Zara's husband could go back to earth with Lois. Lady Zara stepped forwards and cleared her throat. She didn't know how to address her husband now that Lois and Ching were in the room so she did it the only way she was taught.

"Husband, can I speak to you for a moment?" Lady Zara said a little nervous, it was not every day she asked ones husband's permission to marry a partner. The Kryptonian law forbids couples, who were bound by birth, to divorce each other they were married until the death of one of them. Lots of noble couples had a miserable life that way. Falling in love was a concept they didn't know on New-Krypton. They called it bonding. It happened that a noblewoman felt a larger bond with a man outside the marriage. There was a way for those couples to be together. A woman could ask her husband permission to marry a partner if the husband agreed they could the supreme ruler to marry them.

Lady Zara heard Ching groan in anger. He knew that she would never call him that. Lois was taken back by the way lady Zara talked to her fiancée. She needed to remember that here he was Kal-el, supreme lord married to lady Zara by birth. She didn't like it one bit. Clark was hers. She wanted to react but Clark's hand stopped her, he looks in his eyes warned her not to make a scene here.

"Please, Zara calls me Clark or Kal-el," Kal-el said softly.

Lady Zara sighed, "alright Kal-el, when not surrounded by others I will call you that but not in the presence of the elders or the staff. Addressing you with your name is a sign of disrespect. I am sorry Lois, on earth he will be yours but here you will need to share him, not physically only by name."

Lois rolled her eyes and sighed deeply in response. She knew lady Zara was right it didn't mean she had to like it though. She knew for sure that his heart wasn't with his birth-wife but only with her.

"I can live with that. Now, what is it that you want to talk to me about?" Kal-el asked curiously.

"I want to ask for your permission to marry Ching and make him my partner?" Lady Zara asked carefully she didn't know her husband that well and she couldn't do it without his permission.

"You need my permission to do that? Do I need to ask you permission to do the same thing to Lois?" Kal-el asked his birth-wife curiously.

Lady Zara shook her head, "No, you don't need my permission to make Lois your partner, you are the Supreme Leader.

Kal-el looked towards Lois, "What do you think, honey?"

Lois smiled, "I would love to be your Kryptonian partner on the condition that you will become my earth husband soon."

"Alright, I promise that honey." Kal-el said lovingly before he turned towards his birth-wife, "I give you my permission, Zara."

Lady Zara smiled towards her husband before she walked towards her partner-to-be, right into his embrace.

Ching bowed his head towards his lord, "Thank you for your permission, my lord."

"between these walls, you are her partner-to-be and you have permission to call me by my name without a sign of disrespect." smiled Kal-el before kissing his Kryptonian partner-to-be and his earth wife-to-be. Lady Zara did the same with her partner-to-be. Trey took that moment to enter the recovery room and was shocked by what he saw. He saw his lord kissing with his concubine and his lord's bride with their general. He cleared his throat.

"Can I help you, Trey?" Kal-el asked with Lois still in his arms. Lady Zara put her hands behind her back and stepped one step forward. Ching didn't move, Zara was still married to his supreme lord and was by that his superior. That would always be, only the husband had the right to set her straight.

"I need you to sign this paper for my arrest!" Trey said his eyes locked on the floor.

"Why would I do that, Trey?" Kal-el asked the member of the elders.

"I let Nor manipulate me in working against you, because I didn't trust you. I am in shame of my behavior towards you, my lord. I deserve to be punished." Trey never looked up at his lord. Kal-el climbed out of his bed and walked to right in front of Trey, he took the papers for his arrest and the pen in his hands.

"I see you show remorse, Trey. I need you to help Lady Zara and her partner-to-be to lead over New-Krypton, she needs your advice, Trey!" Kal-el smiled the gray-haired man. Trey looked up now in confusion. Taking the papers back from his lord, unsigned.

"I thought that you... wait a minute, partner-to-be?"

"Yes, Trey, I gave my permission to lady Zara to marry general Ching. I want you to start the organization for a double partner wedding because I am going to take Lois as my Kryptonian partner. My place is here on earth by Lois' side. My wife belongs at New-Krypton as there leader as long as I am absent with Ching at her side." Smiled Kal-el happily, taking Lois back into his arms.

"I want the ceremony as soon as possible, I want it tomorrow before I go back to earth," Kal-el said with a voice of the supreme leader.

Trey bowed for his lord, "I will start immediately, my lord." he turned around there were lots of things to do for the ceremony. A ceremony that was done only 2 times in the history of the Kryptonian law.

"Ching, you can sleep with lady Zara. I will stay here with Lois." Kal-el said with his arms around Lois. Lois wasn't used to seeing her fiancée like this. This wasn't Clark, this was Kal-el supreme leader of New-Krypton.

Ching bowed towards his lord and left the room with lady Zara walking in front of him. Tomorrow would be a big day for all of them.