
"Hurry up nii-chan! Can't you activate your Karura so we can fly with you instead?" Shizuyo shouted at her brother who was a couple of steps behind her.

Shintaro rolled her eyes and snapped at his twin sister. "What do you think of Karura? It's a special skill that should not be displayed often. Why don't you learn how to activate a Karura instead?"

Among the three Hatake triplets, Shizuyo was more of an Uzumaki when it comes to personality: impatient, loud, reactive, sometimes insolent, and often irritating. For someone who inherited the qualities of a clan expert in fuinjutsu, Shintaro wonders why his sister cannot learn how to seal her mouth from time to time.

"You dare insult me? Who was it that was praised by Domu-sama? He said that among the three of us, I was the swiftest."

"The only swift thing about you is your mouth."

"Nee-chan!" Shizuyo pouted as she called her twin sister in a complaining tone.

Shizue sighed. These two often bickers at each other, giving her a headache and making her too tired to talk most of the time. She feels like Shizuyo and Shintaro talk too much that she should stay quiet most of the time to make up for their excessive talking.

Among the three of them, Shizue was the one considered to be the youngest. Their mother insisted though that they should treat each other as the older sibling no matter who came out of the womb first. Being the first one to come out doesn't mean that he or she was older prenatally. Positions of the twin changes in the womb and that affect the order of birth.

For the seven-year-old Shintaro, this information is too complex to understand so he'd decided to just believe whatever their mom said. They are of the same age and every one of them should treat each other with mutual respect like how a younger sibling treats their elder siblings and be responsible to each other like how older siblings should take care and protect their younger siblings.

He sighed as he always does whenever this family rule comes to mind. He knew he was born first so every time he recalls this fact he laments his lost chance to boss his sisters around like an older brother.

Shizue sighed and ran away from the group and headed towards a narrow alley. Her siblings follow without saying anything though they wondered why Shizue went off course on the way home.

When the three of them reached the alley, Shizue made sure that no one was around before activating her Karura. Like Shizuyo, she wanted to arrive home right away. She mentally blamed his brother for insisting they drop by the Hokage Tower before heading home from their ten-month training in Ukihashi Island.

They did not expect that their father, the Hokage, was not in his office to receive their report. He was at home, anticipating the birth of their younger sibling, whether it would be an ototo* or imoto**, Shizue, Shintaro, and Shizuyo doesn't know. They did not even know that their mother was pregnant!

"Shizue-nee-chan! Domu-sama said we should not activate our Karura unless we really have too!"

Shizue glared at his brother. She's already irritated that they were not informed about their mother's pregnancy. If they had decided to go home a day later, they would have missed this monumental event. If Shizuyo was any slower in mastering the lessons, they wouldn't be present in welcoming their new sibling.

Shizue has been waiting for years to have a younger sibling. If she takes care of him or her and helps raise her sister or brother, she or he might turn out better than Shizuyo and Shintaro, who argue most of the time.

Though Shintaro complained, he did not refuse flying home on Shizue's Karura. Shizue flew high hiding behind the clouds so they could not be seen. They could summon one of the eagles but most of the eagle tribe members don't listen to them because they're still "eaglets". After today, Shintaro wants to do high-rank missions to impress the eagle tribe. That way, next time he summons one of them, he could ask them to let him ride on their backs or fetch snacks from home (just like how his mother gives these little tasks to the mighty ninja eagles). He's envious with how his mother can command the proud members of the Great Eight Royal Guards to give his father a ride whenever he goes to one of their allied villages, or to deliver lunch boxes to their father and them triplets.

While Shintaro and Shizue were lost in their own thoughts, Shizuyo was pouting even more. Her brother and sister can activate their Karura after their ten-month long training at Ukihashi while she still struggles with the simple eagle's eyes technique. They were only allowed to go home because activating a Karura was not one of the basic skills they should master that year. It's just that Shizuyo's brother and sister inherited their father's talent for mastering a technique faster than an average shinobi. She felt that life is unfair. How come her siblings get to have all the talent. If she was not assured by her mother that some people from the Uzumaki clan tend to be "late bloomers", she would have given up and choose a different career path. She could just focus on training on how to manage their clan and forget about ninja training.

Shizue's eyes held a slight gentleness when she saw Shizuyo sulking. She knows her sister very well. She knows that Shizuyo was full of insecurities.

"It's okay Shizuyo. Among the three of us, you are the most charming and have the best ninja techniques for the offense. You just need to strategically use them in the right opportunities. "

She smiled gratefully at Shizue. Her sister knew what she's thinking without Shizuyo verbalizing it.

"I hope it's a brother this time." They heard Shintaro muttering. "I feel suffocated surrounded by sisters left and right." Little did Shizue know that Shintaro has the same plan. He wants to help raise their younger sibling so she or he would be less annoying than her twin sisters.

Shizuyo didn't take offense with what Shintaro said. Right now, she's also too preoccupied feeling upset that their parents did not bother passing a message about their mother's pregnancy. They could have cut their harsh training short to take care of their pregnant mother. Then she could have spent some time playing with her friends too instead of training all day for months.

"I bet Ka'a-chan and Toh-chan took advantage of us being away from home that's why we are going to have a younger sibling today. Remember that time when we barely saw our pet eagles for months and when they finally remembered us, their eaglets were already weeks old?"

Shintaro nodded at what Shizue said. "After Oka'a-chan's safe delivery, we have to think of a way to punish Otoh-chan's for not informing us. Do they even remember that they have three children? Was it their plan to let us know when our younger sibling's already weeks old?"

Shizue's light green Karura landed softly on the rock garden at their parent's courtyard. As their habit, one after the other, they petted the black marble statue of a cat sitting on the side of a wooden path.

"Kuroshin-Nii-chan!" Shizue broke her usual stoic facial expression and gleefully greeted the statue as if it was alive.

"We're home!" Shintaro smiled then touched the statue's nose lightly.

Shizuyo did not say anything but quickly wiped the statue's dusty area after petting it. She shook her head. She took a mental note to check the other Kuroshin statues around the property and make sure they were taken care of while she was away.

Hmmm... I will first check the sunbathing Kuroshin near the Koi pond.

Though Kuroshin died before the Hatake triplets were born, they know a lot about him through stories from different members of Hotate Clan. If it was not for Kuroshin warning their great grandmother, their mother and most of the villagers of Habu no Mura would have died. If it weren't for Kuroshin, it would have been too late before their father found that their mother was kidnapped. If it weren't for the cat the Hatake triplets call "Kuroshin Nii-chan", Shirainee would have died eight years ago.

"When we are in poor health and our pets died, it means they sacrificed their lives so their owners can live. Their souls in exchange for their owners' lives." That's what their Uncle Keichi told them one day when they asked why their Kuroshin Nii-chan died before they could meet him. After they heard that, the triplets had a discussion and agreed that they have to pay respect and take care of the Kuroshin statues around the Hotate compound.

They heard that their father especially hired the sculptors in-charge of the Hokage Rock. It took years to place statues in the spots where Kuroshin usually used to hang out. It took years not because it was an arduous task but because it was an expensive project and the Hokage doesn't earn much. Compare to their mother's share of the clan income, their father - the most respected and most authoritative man in Konoha - is a pauper.

Their mother still mourns Kuroshin's death so until now, they haven't had any cats as pets. Their mother gave each of them a pet eagle instead. Shintaro read that eagles have a long lifespan. That must be the reason why their mother opted to give them eagles as pets instead of the normal pet cat or dog. Unlike cats, they can grow old with their pet eagles. He doesn't fully understand but every time their mother looks at these statues, he could see the sadness in their mother's eyes.

Maybe Oka'a-chan doesn't want us to feel sad when our pets can't be with us anymore.

The triplets frowned simultaneously when they saw their parents walking on the covered breezeway connecting the Hatake house to the main Hotate house.

Hateful parents! Shizuyo glared at the pair.

Didn't even ask if we're still alive while training in Ukihashi Island. Shintaro crossed his arms as he threw daggers with his eyes.

Do they even remember that we exist? Shizue thought as she clicked her tongue.

"Shirai... I know it's a Hotate thing to deliver children at home with the help of elders in the clan but in case you forgot, you are now a Hatake. You can give birth in the hospital. The Hotate Clan helped build that hospital anyway."

Kakashi bit his lip so he won't cry out when Shiraine gripped his right arm, burying her nails in his triceps.

"No. Kuroshin died in that hospital. Besides, I safely gave birth to our triplets here at home."

"But you are not delivering our children in the operating room. The maternity ward is on a different floor and a different wing," they heard their father talked in an even gentler tone trying to persuade their mother. "That time when you delivered the triplets was terrifying enough. Without the machines they use in the hospital, there's a lot of unknown factors during the delivery."

Children! Shintaro smiled upon hearing it. The odds of having an ototo just got higher now that they learned that their mother was expecting twins.

It could even be triplets again! Shizuyo grinned widely.

As expected of a Hotate... Shizue nodded in approval.

They watched the two of them walking back and forth on the covered breezeway for a while. The other people of the clan who will help with the birthing were standing by silently, waiting for Shirainee's water to break.

"It is enough that I went to the hospital for prenatal care and checkups. I should give birth at home as per tradition."


"Stop talking! I'm in pain right now!"

They saw their Aunt Yumiko waving at them. They waved back and waited for their parents to notice their presence. After some time, even the people waiting on the side got impatient. Keiji who could not wait anymore blurted out, "The fire hot chili triplets are here. As parents, how can you not notice your children's presence in the room?"

"Fire hot chili triplets" was the collective nickname given to them by god knows who. They are all redheads but fire pertains to Shintaro who is passionate with whatever tasks assigned to him; hot describes Shizuyo who was described as hot-headed and "react now and think later" kind of person; chili to Shizue who was usually quiet as if a piece of chili pepper made her speechless. Though Shizue rarely speaks, when she says something touching or some criticism, it could bring tears in the receiver's eyes, just like a chili pepper.

"Since our dear parents seemed to have forgotten our existence, does any of you want to adopt us instead?" Shizue said while looking at their parents coldly.

"My dear children!" Shirainee blurted out.

"Hello, oka'a-sama. Don't mind us."

Shirainee winced hearing how Shintaro addressed her. The triplets only address her formally during clan gathering or when they are annoyed with her.

"I think we are starting to get used to being ignored by our parents," Shizue added to what her brother said. "Ten-months away from home. No words... No letters. Not even a single home-made dessert filled with love."

Shirainee glared at her husband. She whispered so her children won't hear.

"That was your idea! You said we should not pamper them too much so they will become stronger!"

Kakashi smiled and tried to play it cool though he was clearly sweating. "Hai hai... now am I not right? Look at those fierce glares they are throwing at us. Don't they look tougher now? And listen to their speech, don't they sound like an adult?"

That infuriated Shirainee even more so she could not help but slapped Kakashi's forearm. Her eyes widen when she realized her water broke after hitting her husband. With as much dignity she could muster, she walked towards their bedroom and prepared to give birth.


The Hatake family was having their annual stroll along the Peach Blossom Lane. If the family members can help it, they try to leave the 27th of March free of any engagements or appointments.

Shirainee let Keichi take over her tasks on this day annually. The red hot chili triplets also don't take any missions; Until last year, Kakashi made sure that he finished all his tasks as the Hokage so he can take a day off on March 27 of every year.

He just recently retired so he spends his days either idling away, serving as an adviser/consultant, his wife's assistant, and a professional toddler trainer. His greatest achievement this week was successfully potty training his almost two-year-old twin sons Shinichiro and Shinobu.

"Nii-chan," Shinichiro's whiny childish voice broke his reverie. Kakashi saw his twin sons pulling on the hem of Shintaro's white hoodie. "Toilet. Pee-pee..." They simultaneously whined as if their bladders care connected.

Kakashi sighed. He spent time and effort, poured all his passion into potty training his sons but when Shintaro was around, they forget their father's existence. Even Shirainee complains sometimes; She also felt disregarded by the twins when their eldest son was around.

In Kakashi's memory, he's not as fussy as his eldest son Shintaro. Shintaro does not usually exert extra effort when it comes to treating his peers or completing missions. His son reflects him in that way: passionate deep inside usually appears lazy, uses a direct and simplified approach to save time and energy. When it comes to treating his younger brothers though, Shintaro acts differently as if he has an alter ego.

With both toddlers in each arm, his eldest son ran towards the moon gate leading to the glass garden where there were toilets. Kakashi was starting to suspect based on the way Shintaro babysit earnestly, that he's treating it as ninja training. Him carrying the twins like that made him seem like carrying weights while running for muscle and stamina training.

I should tell Guy to stop hanging around in the house. I'm starting to regret my decision to enroll the kids in Guy's dojo to improve their taijutsu.

However, this suspicion contradicted Shintaro's recent actions. The Hatake triples were promoted by Naruto as chunin early last year.

Kakashi's shoulders were almost bruised receiving the "congratulatory" taps from people who watched the tournament where Shintaro became the overall winner. After deliberations, it was decided that the red hot chili triplets were all qualified to be promoted to chunin, with Shizuyo almost not making it. Her fiery temper and inherited impatience from the Uzumaki side -

"Kashi-Kun", his musings were interrupted by his wife who was walking beside her. "Tell Naruto to assign missions to Shin-Kun! He has been staying in the Hotate fish farm and greenhouses doing odd jobs. It's as if he wants to be a farmer and not put his ninja skills to good use. When he's not working, he's babysitting the twin. The twins treat him like their parent and we're just -"

"Otooooh chaaan!Oka'aaaaa chaaan!" He looked at Shinobu who was running towards them, away from his twin brother and older brother. He was flailing his hands while grinning in their direction.

"Shinobu-Kun, Oka'a-chan is here!" His wife waved back, seemingly to have forgotten what she was saying.

Kakashi smirked looking at his three handsome sons, one with red hair and two with silver hair.

Ahhh... I helped with making these handsome boys.

He never thought that he will marry, let alone have kids. He thought he will live forever alone in solitude. He didn't think he deserved the happiness and contentment he's been having. Not when most of his comrades died without experiencing this kind of happiness. He looked at his lovely wife who was walking beside him. He could not help but smile thinking about how blessed he was to have her in his life.

Sensei, Rin, Obito... I'm not alone anymore.

======= END=======

*Ototo - Younger brother

** Imoto -Younger sister

A/N: Thank you to all readers, especially thanks to Crystal-Wolf-Guardain-967 for leaving a lot of encouraging comments. Stay safe and healthy, mina-san.