Second Chance to Be A Family

Chapter 1

Mike had retired after the James sunk, bought a small beach bungalow in Florida and spent most of his days working on various woodworking projects. Tom and Sasha stayed with him occasionally and sometimes other members of the crew visited.

He had bought the beach-house at a bargain price. It was three bedrooms and two baths. He had also been seeing a woman; Leann. She was thirty-five and had a small son that Mike adored. Mike wasn't sure how serious their relationship would go but he really liked Leann and Josh. The age difference between him and Leann bothered him a little. He was twelve years older then her and it seemed huge, but Leann didn't seem bothered.

Their relationship was easy and normal. He slept over at her apartment a couple nights a week since it was easier with Josh. The little boy liked Mike's house and loved his pool. He was just turning three, but Mike was already working on swimming with him. Leann was inside working on a fruit salad for dinner and Mike and Josh were swimming when she walked out and knelt next to the pool.

"Mike…uh…there are two young girls here. I…think they're your daughters. They're in the living room. Josh, come here?" Leann said as she picked Josh up. Mike got out of the pool and dried off.

"Did they just show up?" Mike asked. There had been imposters over the years and so Mike didn't get his hopes up.

"Yeah, I am going to take Josh home. They look like the pictures of Kaitlyn and Hannah. You need this time with them. Call me later?" Leann asked. Mike stopped and gave her a kiss and then kissed the top of Josh's head.

"Yep. Sorry to cut this short." Mike said.

"Mike, if they are you in fact, your girls; you need to spend time with them. Josh and I take a backseat to that. Plus, I don't want the girls to resent us." Leann told him. They had paused on the patio and Mike kissed the side of her head.

"That won't happen, and they may not be mine. This isn't the first time this has happened. I refuse to end a relationship with you for people that are not even my daughters." Mike told her.

"I am certain they are your girls but the younger one…Hannah? She was not thrilled to see another woman cooking in a kitchen that should belong to her mother's. Kaitlyn seemed alright." Leann told him as Mike opened the French Doors.

"Oh." Mike said, not sure what else to say. It was something that he struggled with. He missed Christine, even after all these years. That explained some of his hesitancy where Leann was concerned. He had long accepted that Christine and their daughters were gone.

"Come on, Joshy; lets go get dry clothes on. Mike has some stuff he has to do." Leann explained to the little boy. Josh pulled on his hand and Mike leaned down. He could hear the two female voices in the living area but bent down to the little boy who had been a part of his life since he was a baby.

"What do you need, buddy?" Mike asked.

"I love you, Daddy!" Josh told him as he gave Mike a hug and kiss. When Mike slept over at Leann's, he frequently tucked the little boy in and had even exchanged a few hugs and kisses with him, but this felt different. Even Leann looked surprised and slightly embarrassed. The daddy thing surprised him. Josh's own dad had taken off when Leann was pregnant with Josh and Mike was the closest thing to a father that Josh had known.

"I love you too, Josh." Mike told him. He did love the little boy, but he had never verbalized it, just as he never verbalized loving Leann. It felt weird.

"Come on, sweetie. Mike has things he needs to do." Leann said, pulling her son away. "Sorry…I'll call you later. I…didn't put him up to that, Mike. I don't know where that come from." Leann apologized before walking Josh into the bathroom to change his clothes. Mike took a deep breath before walking into the living area. Kaitlyn; or the older of the two girls was standing next to the fireplace while the younger girl was sitting with her feet on the couch. She was wearing some sort of black get-up and her make up was entirely too dark. She was only fourteen if it was Hannah.

"Dad…Daddy?" The older girl asked. Mike had to admit, she did look a lot like Kaitlyn, his oldest daughter. She was much more put together. At only eighteen, she looked like she had been through hell. She even sounded like his oldest daughter.

"Okay, I have had imposters before, telling me they were you guys. Kaitlyn, what city were you born in and what was your mom's favorite dessert?" Mike asked the oldest girl. 'Hannah' just groaned but Kaitlyn nodded.

"I was born in Chicago on August 4th, 2000 and Mom's favorite dessert was mint chocolate chip ice cream although she loved anything with chocolate. You on the other hand, never cared much for sweets. Instead of a birthday cake, we always made you a pie; generally, pineapple meringue." Kaitlyn told him. All of what she said was true.

"Hannah, what city were you born in and what did you dress up as for Halloween when you were eight?" Mike asked. Hannah rolled her eyes at him but after a nod from Kaitlyn, answered.

"Norfolk, Virginia. May 1st, 2004 and I was a warrior princess." Hannah answered simply. Mike was not prepared for them to answer correctly. He didn't quite know what to do.

"Ah…earth to Dad?" Kaitlyn asked with a smile that looked like her mother's.

"Yeah…sorry." Mike answered. Maybe his biggest dream was happening. Maybe he was getting his girls back but what about Christine?

"Dad, we…Mom died during the Red Flu. I'm sure that isn't a shock, but we ended up in foster care. I was able to keep Hannah with me. First, the slave camps led by the Regional leaders and then several foster homes. We never had a way to contact you until now. I graduated recently and am going to college close to here. I will be staying in the dorms but once I was able to find where you lived, I didn't quite know what to do with Hannah and…" Kaitlyn rattled on.

"Let me stay in foster care? Its not like Dad wants us here. He's found a new woman and little boy." Hannah suggested. He immediately wanted to get onto her about her attitude. Kaitlyn had had her hands full.

"Hannah, since I'm of age, you can't be in foster care anymore. I worked hard and got accepted into college and I'd really like to go. I can't if…Dad doesn't take you." Kaitlyn stated. Mike nodded. He was accepting the challenge, which he was already figuring out would be the fight of his life. He had an angry fourteen-year-old, an overwhelmed eighteen-year-old, and a girlfriend and her son who he thought he loved.

"I don't want to stay here." Hannah argued.

"Hannah, you don't have a choice in this. Trust me, I am a better option then juvenile hall or another foster home. Katie needs a chance to be a normal eighteen-year-old. Now, take your shoes off my couch and wash that make-up off. Second door on the left." Mike said, indicating the hallway. Surpringly, Hannah complied. Mike had heard Leann and Josh leave a moment before, so at least he didn't need to worry about a confrontation between Hannah and Leann.

"Dad…I'm sorry that I am bringing this mess to your doorstep. I…just didn't know what else to do. I can't handle her anymore." Kaitlyn told him. Mike didn't know what else to do but to pull Kaitlyn in for a hug. He could feel the tension and exhaustion in her back muscles.

"Its okay, honey. Its alright. You're exhausted." Mike remarked.

"Yeah. Its been hard. So, not that I mind, but who was that lady and where did she go? She seemed nice." Kaitlyn asked.

"Ah…Leann. She and I have dated for about two years now. Has a three-year-old son, named Josh." Mike told her as they sat down on the couch.

"Two years? Dad get busy. You should be married by now. Mom wanted you to be happy." Kaitlyn lectured him.

"She's young. I really…care about her and Josh." Mike admitted.

"Then do something about it. I know you are planning on Hannah, but I won't have a place to stay until August when school starts…" Kaitlyn stated, obviously worried.

"You'll stay here too. It'll be good to have both of you here." Mike assured her.

"Won't leave you much time for that whore and her…" Hannah started as she walked in and plopped down on the couch beside Mike. The make-up was all washed off and Hannah looked sweet.

"Stop. You will show nothing but respect for Leann and Josh. Period. Shoes off couch." Mike answered. He was shocked again when Hannah complied. He was going to have to come up with some written rules quickly. He also was a little surprised at how closely Hannah was sitting to him. Maybe, the grumpy exterior was a coping mechanism? Maybe, she was craving attention, even if it was negative.

"I'll step out and get our bags. They're on your porch. We don't have much." Kaitlynn admitted as she stood up.

"Hardly anything." Hannah said as Mike stood up. She stayed sitting but at least she was contained. Mike couldn't get a read off her at all. It was like she was seeking his love and attention in the most unattractive ways.

"We'll see what you girls need and go from there. Bedrooms need to be redecorated too." Mike stated as he followed Kaitlyn. Sure enough, there were two small suitcases with all their clothing. A shopping trip would be in order. Maybe Leann would help him.

Just a thought I had! Let me know what you think. I love reading reviews.