I don't own Harry Potter, nor do I own RWBY. I'm just having a bit of fun with these characters.

From the minute Lily Potter heard of the Dark Lord Voldemort's interest in her son, Lily Potter worked tirelessly to find a way to prevent the loss of her son. In her research, she found a ritual to unlock the power of the soul. The ritual, however, came at a forlorn price. That being the loss of her own soul and would forever change her only child's Future.

A Harry Potter / RWBY Crossover

Pairings (Harry/Hermione/Blake/Yang/Pyrrha)

Dark Grey / God-Like / Ravenclaw / Genius level Harry

Five to Seven Year Hogwarts - Four Years RWBY -

Semblance - The manifestation of one's innate and personal power of the soul, an ability unique to each individual, with effects that vary greatly from user to user. ~RWBY Wiki~

Reactive Adaptation - The ability to develop adaptations, powers, or skills in response to immediate threats. ~Superlisting wiki

Omega Level Power - Mutants whose power levels are such that they are considered the most serious threats, capable of wide-scale destruction and proving very difficult to take down, contain or kill. ~X-Men wiki

Chapter One


"Lily, take Harry and go! It's him! Go! Run! I'll hold him off!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

"Don't worry Little Harrison, Mommy will always love you. Now and forever," Lily Potter said soothingly to her infant child, just as tears appeared in her eyes as she placed her hand on her child's heart, "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this, we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, overcoming everything. Infinite in distance and unbound by death, I release your soul, and by my life's energy, I protect thee"

It was just after this, that Lily Potter heard the door explode off its hinges and she turned, determination now on her face, for she now stood against her opponent. With her hand remained resting on a small carving on the child's crib; a circle with a bisecting vertical line, entrapped in a triangle. Lily pleaded for her child, "Not Harry, not Harry, please not Harry!"

"Stand aside, you silly girl… stand aside, now," an old man commanded.

"Not Harry, please no, take me, kill me instead…," she pleaded again.

"This is my last warning…," the man stated, once again.

"Not Harry! Please… have mercy… have mercy… Not Harry! Not Harry! Please… I'll do anything…," she begged for the third time.

"Stand aside. Stand aside, girl!" he demanded, before the man cast, "Avada Kedavra!"

As the woman's body fell to the floor, the man was moving to hover over the infant child with blue and green eyes. "I will not allow you time to gain the power to vanquish me, child of prophecy…," the man snarled. Before casting, "Avada Kedavra!"

There was a green light and then... nothing. Harry Potter, the last living heir to the Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter, died…

And then… he breathed once again, and his now silver eyes turned slowly back to deep green color, similar to the light of the killing curse that had just killed the child.


Harry Potter was an incredibly smart child, he was ranked in the upper one percentile of all the children within the United Kingdom. It was for this reason that he knew of one Hermione Granger, as she was also in that upper one percentile in education for their age group. But unlike Hermione Granger, Harry Potter's childhood wasn't one of love or nurturing. The other thing was that Harry Potter knew of Magic, although he did not think of it as magic at first. Harry Potter knew it only as his special gifts. He grew up knowing of the Marvel and DC Comic world. Of Superman and of the X-Men. Of Heroes and Villains.

It all started at the tender age of six, after a very bad beating by his cousin, Dudley and Uncle Vernon. Harry noticed that his body began healing at a rapid pace. At first, he didn't know what to think of it. With this in mind, his thoughts turned to one of the mutants from the X-Men Comic books, Wolverine. Although, unlike Wolverine, Harry's ability to heal was not nearly as fast as the mutant were. Harry also needed to focus on his healing ability for it to work.

At the age of seven, little Harry was nearly killed by his aunt after receiving a near-fatal blow to his head from a cast iron pan while cooking that morning's bacon and had made it too crispy for his uncle. He had awoken on a plastic sheet in the backyard later that night, shocking both his aunt and uncle into a state of unconsciousness. He could vividly remember a dream about his parents speaking with him that day as well.

It was shortly after this incident, that Harry found that he had better control over his healing gift as it was almost automatic now. He also found out that he no longer needed his pitiful glasses anymore as his vision was now better than normal. With his improved healing ability, Harry was met with more beatings and although his uncle had whipped him badly, no mark ever stayed longer than a few hours at the most. Both his cousin and uncle have given up after not rendering the child unconscious.

Harry also thought that his healing gift was his only ability. Or that is what he thought until he was eight years old. Harry was being chased again by his cousin Dudley and his friends again, in a game Dudley had lovingly called, Harry Hunting. During this chase, Harry became cornered. Panicked, he looked for an escape from his cousin and wishing to be somewhere safe, it happened.

One moment, he was in the corner of the playground, the next moment he was standing on the top of the school building looking down on his cousin and his gang. It was at this point, he recalled another character with a similar ability, Nightcrawler. The blue devil could disappear in a puff of dark smoke and appear anywhere he wished to within a certain amount of distance. However, there was no puff of smoke nor did Harry's skin change color. He recalled everything that had happened and attempted to recreate the experience. This time he thought about the play park near his home on Privet Drive and then he turned slightly and… poof. He was there, although he was very tired at this point by testing his new ability.

It took him nearly an hour to regain enough strength in order to attempt to return to school.

This discovery led to more research into his 'Comic Book Powers' thinking that this was his true power. Harry marveled over Superman's powers of Strength, Flight, Speed, and Durability. The X-Men comics, with each character possessing different but with amazing gifts like Wolverine's Healing, Nightcrawler's Teleportation, Rogue's Strength, Flight and Power Absorption and then there was the Phoenix, with her Flight, Telekinetic, Telepathy and her powers Psychic Flame Manipulations. And finally, he studied Tony Stark and his Iron Man Suit and the many powers that his suits had.

After some time, people started to show up out of nowhere just like he did, and said, "Obliviate." Then disappear. The problem with this was, Harry special ability had split his mind into separate minds in order to create a backup of the original, and thus Harry began to remember everything he either seen or read in a book and could now take in the almost unlimited amount of information at a single time. Harry intellect capability was exponential. Harry figured that after each 'Obliviation,' his mind doubled. One became two, two became four, four became eight, etc.

To manage the problem with too much going on in his head, Harry began reading about meditation, clearing, and organizing one's memory in order to increase his rate of learning and decrease the distractions going on. This essentially doubled his rate of learning even further.

After this, Harry began to slowly fight back with his cousin… or at the very least stand up to the bully. But one thing was for sure… he needed to learn how to fight… somehow. He used 'Harry Hunting' to increase his endurance and to train in evasion. He trained in his teleportation skill by teleporting back and forth to school instead of having to walk or run, while his cousin was dropped off by his uncle on his way to work each morning. After school, Dudley and his gang would continue the game of Harry Hunting once again.

Harry read books about the different forms of martial arts. In this, Harry studied and practiced Kenpo Karate, Modified Aikido, and Kendo, the Japanese form of sword fighting. Harry studied hungrily, though many of the books came from the school's and city's library, he soaked up information about everything he could think of like a sponge.

When Harry was nine, he learned that he had finally received one of Superman's powers. Harry had just come down from having to cleaning the attic when Dudley decided to assist 'the Freak' down the flight of stairs. And by assisted, he meant to push. However, as Harry was moving through the air and a parabolic arc to hit the last step… meaning the floor. Harry noticed that it took a rather long time to reach it… and when he did reach the floor, he was able to adjust his body to land easily on his feet. Dudley didn't see this because he had already ducked into his room after he assisted Harry down the steps. Harry placed another check next to yet another superpower he had gained. Healing, Teleportation and now flight. He wondered if he would gain super strength or speed sometime soon. It seemed that every year he would gain something new.

Harry read about other people doing amazing feats as well. He found that people, at times, had found they could lift great weights… like lifting a car off an injured child or could hold their breath for up to ten minutes through training and focusing. But no matter what he tried. Neither Speed nor Strength would come to him.

When Harry was ten, he found another gift but nowhere in the many comics did he read of anyone that could speak with snakes. While working in one of his aunt petunia's garden beds, he swore he heard someone speaking with a slight accent. An accent where the S's stayed just a bit longer than normal. As Harry looked for the speaker and he noticed a green garden snake moving among the back of the garden bed. On a whim Harry said, "Hello there little one, looking for something?"

The snake stopped where it was and looked back at him in… amazement? "You're a sspeaker?"

Harry didn't know what to make of it, talking to a snake but continued on none the less, "Yes, I speak. Can I help you?"

"I'm hunting for some mice in thiss area," the snake replied, still in that over accented way.

Harry hadn't seen any mice but wished the snake luck in the hunting and the snake continued its way. He would see the snake from time to time and would talk about the area, but nothing of note.

Life moved on and Harry had pushed that memory to the back of his mind as he investigated new knowledge. Dudley's attacks had steadily gotten worse as did Uncle Vernon's beating. And although the results of the beatings faded from view overnight. It did not stop them from trying to make it worse and Harry began to plan their just desserts.

Dudley found out that he couldn't fly like Harry could, as he fell and rolled down those same steps, breaking both his arm and leg in the accident. Vernon's troubles began with his new car, most of the time heading to work or getting off work and finding the car would not start or have flat tires.

Nothing was ever traced back to Harry because he was out of the house at the time.

However, Harry's life would soon change. Wither it was for good or ill, it was up to the Fates and Destiny to decide.


A week before Harry's eleventh birthday. He received a strange letter in the mail. Uncle Vernon received the normal bill for his car repair and the high electric bill. Vernon also received a letter from his sister, Aunt Marge.

'Aunt Marge, um… need to find something for her and that dog of hers.' But what mattered to Harry was the letter now in his hand, a letter made from… parchment? 'Who uses parchment these days?' Harry looked at the letter's address…

Mister H. Potter

The Cupboard under the Stairs

No. 4 Privet Drive

Little Whinging, Surrey

'Yup it really was for me,' Harry turned to look at the bedroom Vernon had given him since his first time here. 'Who else had known where he slept. Were their others who were deserving of… punishment?' Harry wondered. Opening the letter before he entered the kitchen, he read…


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorcerer, Chief Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confederation of Wizards)

'The man sure has a lot of titles,' Harry noted.

Dear Mister Potter,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on September 1st. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall,

Deputy Headmistress


Harry didn't know what this Hogwarts school was nor, did he understand what school would teach 'Witchcraft' or 'Wizardry'. "And how, perchance, am I going to reply by a freaking owl? I don't own one," Harry Potter whispered sardonically.

Harry pocketed the letter and moved on into the kitchen, dropped the letters on the table, opened the back door and headed out to the backyard.

Once he was outside, he was met with a barn owl sitting on his aunt's favorite chair, staring back at him. "Right, my owl… a delivery owl, how… quaint."

Harry headed around the house to enter the house from the front in order to avoid his relatives. Harry pulled a piece of paper from his notebook out and wrote a quick reply. Returning to the owl still in the backyard, it swiftly took the note and flew off heading north by north-west.


Professor McGonagall was often a very strict person, but anyone who knew her would see the deep caring and protective nature she held for all students. Her strict nature often kept most students from being harmed by wrongly cast spells that tended to blow-up in the student's face. But she enjoyed the teaching of new students. She also loved visiting the new generation witches and wizards poised to enter Hogwarts each year. She was always very sad after speaking with families and having the acceptance letter be turned down, those unfortunate families that would never know the full potential their little girl or boy would have.

Today, however, she had received a most strange letter made from muggle paper, not parchment. It read…

Dear Miss McGonagall,

Hi, my name is Harry Potter, I'm not sure if this bird will really deliver this letter or not, but it did deliver the letter you had sent me. Good job at training it, by the way. I'm not sure if this school is like Professor X's school for mutants… after all, my uncle does call me Freak, or boy, most of the time…

Professor McGonagall needed to stop reading for a moment, as to be sure what type of curses she could use on Albus for placing the boy thereafter she had told him what sort of people they were. Returning to the letter she continued…

I would like very much to leave this prison, but I, nor my uncle have any funds in which to pay for the needed supplies as even the clothes on my back are from my cousin's old cast off, most of which are over three sizes too big for me…

Again, Minerva had to force back the many curses to dish out over leaving that boy in that… that place. After another few minutes, she was able to return to the letter…

Besides, I doubt that I would be able to fit the supplies into my bedroom as it is nothing more than a broom closet under the stairs. And most of that is taken up by my dog bed which I sleep on at night…

Screw curses… she was bloody going to strangle the old man with his own beard or maybe she'll just break the school rules for punishment and transfigure him into a hammer and charm it to continuously hit the stone floor of his office. Continuing on she read...

Anyways, if you can get me away from my relatives and are able to help me acquire the needed supplies on the list, I would be interested in visiting this school of yours. I had planned to take my GCSE's in a year or two and I still would like to continue them if I could, thank you.

Harry Potter

The Cupboard under the Stairs

No. 4 Privet Drive

Little Whinging, Surrey


The Deputy Headmistress had already known what she was going to do. She would see that Mister Potter was removed from those… beings' home and placed someplace else. She would also personally visit Mister Potter and escort him to Gringotts and Diagon Alley to receive his needed supplies for school. She would speak with Flitwick about these GCSE's, whatever those were, for Mister Potter to continue them. As it was too late to pick Mister Potter up today, she would do so tomorrow when she would be collecting another Muggle-born, a… Miss Granger, for her shopping trip to Diagon Alley as well.

And with that, she left for her sleeping chambers after pulling from her cabinet a rather tall glass and a bottle of her favorite Scottish drink.


Hermione Granger wasn't the most popular girl in her school, but she was the smartest. She had never had a difficult time in her schooling, often taking on more higher-level courses than the rest of the students her age. She also had her future laid out, she would take her GCSE's almost three full years before her peers.

She could never understand why she never fit in well with others of her peer group. Often, she felt that a part of her never really belonged where she was. Like there was something missing. She also wanted to meet Harry Potter, someone who was at the same level academically as she was.

Those plans fell through when she and her parents were visited by a Professor McGonagall. She was there to personally invite and deliver her acceptance letter for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

'Could this be why I never fit in anywhere?' she thought.

It would be something new, it would give her an edge in learning new things, and perhaps find a place where she belonged. She listened to the professor and then had convinced her parents into allowing her to attend.

Although they didn't want their daughter to be so far away for such a long distance from where they were currently living. They, of course, knew, that their daughter was special. It had explained the many odd things that had happened throughout Hermione's childhood. Therefore, they reluctantly agreed to allow her to go.

They now stood in a rundown bar waiting for another student to arrive. The professor stated that it wouldn't take but a moment to collect another child. Turns out, a moment, was nearly thirty minutes long. The boy who returned with her looked to be a very poor state. He was wearing old hand-me-downs that could fit two possible three of him inside of them.

The boy also had very messy black hair and had the most stunning green eyes they had ever seen. He didn't look hateful nor did he look shy, confidence would be a good description for the boy. He also didn't look queasy like they did when they had arrived at this place, 'could he have teleported before?' she wondered.

She moved forward, wanting to meet this new boy and make a new friend. After all, this would be a fresh start. "Hi, my name is Hermione Granger."

The boy looked surprised at first, but returned the greeting with a smile, "Hi, my name is Harry Potter," realization dawned on her. This child was the 'Harry Potter' from the scholastic records. The one who she had competed for grades with over the last few years.

The adults in the bar had a much different reaction.

"Good Lord," said the bartender, peering at Harry, "is this… can this be…?"

"Bless my soul," whispered the old bartender, "Harry Potter… what an honor."

The Leaky Cauldron had suddenly gone completely still and silent at the name of the boy. Hermione looked around at the eerie feeling of the bar now.

Then, they all rose from their seats and swarm around the newly arrived Harry Potter. Some of them just pushed them aside. Not expecting the movement, she tripped a fell to the floor. Her parents received similar treatment and were pushed away.

What happened next baffled the magical world.

"Doris Crockford, Mr. Potter, can't believe aahhh…," the woman who pushed Hermione down was sent over Harry's shoulder and was flung to the ground… hard. Her arm now twisted in an arm lock, Harry's foot resting on her head.

"Do not presume to bully your way in order to greet someone, especially me," Harry stated angrily. "Do you understand?" He added a slight twist to the hand, which probably caused the now downed woman to feel some pain.

"YES! YES, I DO!" she shouted, and Harry let her go before walking over to them, the group of magic-users parting away from him as he walked. He reached down and helped her up. Giving her a most roguish smile.

Her father was now smiling, although her mother looked a bit concerned. Not about Harry, but of the reaction of the crowd. Their guide was also stunned but had recovered quick enough. Within moments they were all escorted into Diagon Alley after having tapped a few bricks in a pattern and walking through the archway a newly created archway.

A few years later they would look back on this first meeting in different ways, but mostly happiness. Because this was on this day that Hermione and her parents had first met, one, Harry James Potter and their life would be changed forever.


Emma Granger was like her daughter in many ways, probably more so than her husband at any rate. The magical world had piqued her interest with hidden knowledge. It had a sort of magic to it, no pun intended. She really needed to change how she thought, as magic was real.

The first place they visited was the Wizarding Bank, Gringotts. This is where they met real goblins for the first time. To say they were unfriendly would be an understatement of the year. They needed to exchange their British pounds to the wizarding currency of Galleons, a gold coin, Sickles, a silver coin, and Knuts, a bronze coin. If this wasn't bad enough the grouping made even less sense than their conversion tables. British Pounds to the Galleon was seventy-five pounds to one Galleon but from Galleons to Pounds was fifty to one. Then you had 17 Sickles in a Galleon, and 29 Knuts in a Sickle, meaning there are 493 Knuts to a Galleon. 'Why not have 10 Sickles to a Galleon or twenty Knuts to a Sickle? The math would be so much easier to figure.'

The other thing was, it took the goblins almost a half an hour to convert enough money to the Galleons needed for the day's shopping with a few extra coins for the book store, according to Professor McGonagall.

The young boy had an even harder time than they did. Apparently, his parents had vaults here at the bank, but he wasn't allowed to access them due to his age. Another thing was he did not have his key. So, he was being denied his trust vault as well. After their guide had left for fifteen minutes, the latter problem was resolved, and he could finally access his trust vault. Again, he was forced to go to the vault and retrieve his own money. Their guide's face showed with the look of repressed anger towards someone but not at anyone from their group or the goblins at the bank.

The boy didn't look happy either with the goblins, as if he could understand the Goblins speech and weren't very happy with what he was hearing. He didn't respond to them of course, but something told her that he knew what they were saying wasn't very pleasant.

The first place they stopped at after the bank and voted unanimously for was a clothing store by the name of Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, where Harry and Hermione would receive their new robes for school. Harry required a full wardrobe both magical and non-magical. While Harry was getting fitted, Dan took Hermione down to the trunk shop to acquire a school trunk for herself and to place today's purchases into.

McGonagall told Emma that she needed to head over to the pub for a pick-me-up and asked if she would stay and watch over the young man, Emma had agreed as the older woman was clearly upset and a little green after their time back in the bank. Both she and her husband were dentists and like all professionally medical trained individual, they were trained in the detecting abuse. What she knew was that Harry had been abused.

She didn't know for how long, but she could see the signs. The clothes and his demeanor was telling. The fact that he was a top-grade student who could compete with their daughter showed that he wanted to work hard, perhaps in order to leave his current living environment. His taking down of that person in the bar was another. He was defensive, he did not continue the attack after his opponent was down. But his quick reaction showed it wasn't the first time someone had launched a surprise attack at the boy.

She could tell by her husband's reaction that he was impressed after the confrontation in the bar. Perhaps she could ask the young man to stay at their home until school began. Regardless, she would need to speak with Dan about it before the end of the day and before they had parted ways.


Harry wasn't used to all the attention of strangers. And even though the stern woman who appeared at Number four Privet drive wasn't directing her ire at him, he still felt only two foot tall in her presence. The woman, Professor McGonagall, held what looked to be a wooden stick, and what she did with that wooden stick brought a smile to Harry's face. Apparently, Harry was a wizard… and his Aunt knew about it. It was also why she let Uncle Vernon beat him. In a very stupid way of thinking, she wanted either revenge on her sister or hatred for magic in general because she couldn't use it.

After they left the house, hopefully forever, she talked about the apparition, transporting from one place to another. He knew all about teleportation but let the stern woman speak more out of fear that she would turn that look at him. He also met another student, one he only knew was one of the top students in the UK, Hermione Granger. Apparently, she would also be attending this Hogwarts. 'Could all magic users be this smart?'

What he didn't like, was the way people reacted after he had greeted Hermione and her parents and the Barman had called out his name. He was forced to make an example out of the first person to grab him as uncle Vernon had and he just reacted.

The second thing he didn't care for, was the Goblins. First, he… or his family, the Potter Family had several vaults within the bank. However, the goblins would not allow him to access any of them. He even had a personal vault which was set up by his father, James Potter, after he was born. But still he could not access it because he didn't have his key, 'How was he to have a key if one was never given to him… ever!'

It was Professor McGonagall whose moment of thought had her leaving for a little while. When she returned, she had his vault key. How she was able to get a hold of his vault key, he no idea and didn't ask.

During her departure, Harry overheard about trust vaults being restocked and the fees for refilling the vault. Apparently, there is a hundred Galleon fee for refilling the vaults, every time. You remove a single Galleon and they would charge you a hundred Galleons for accessing the vault in order to replace the one Galleon you took from it. And the vault was refilled just after his birthday every year. So, when he received his key and went down to his vault, he wanted to take more than what would be needed for his school supplies. Harry was then forced to argue with Professor McGonagall in order to remove enough money for his supplies and other things he would be interested in. He might have won that argument but only by a narrow margin. Harry was able to leave with just over a thousand Galleons, making the fee a mere ten percent. Despite the removal of all that money, he hardly noticed a dent on the piles of gold within the vault. He would look for a way to remove all his trust vault, after all, he wasn't making any money while it stayed in the vault as another bank would have. He decided he would examine the coins later and see if they could be melted down and sold later on as the price for gold was much, much higher than they were getting at the exchange points.

His next stop was the clothing store, Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. Where he could get rid of his cousin's cast-offs. While he was getting a whole new wardrobe and Hermione was only getting the needed school robes, they decided to split up and find the trunk store for her.

Again, he overheard the shopkeepers talking about magical trunks and how they had wished that they would have bought something special for the school other than the standard trunk. He would need to ask the sale person about these… special trunks.

So, after getting new clothes for him to wear for today and ordering the ones he would need to come back for later in the week, he left with Miss Granger and went over to the trunk store for his school trunk.

As the two stepped into the shop, Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment for his trunk, Harry found a wide range of things to look at. There was a whole section for trunks for school, travel and Household wares. There were canvas tents in another corner of the shop, with one set up to look around. Harry could see artfully carved bowls made of stone, metal, and wood. Some even had gems placed into the sides of them.

They also had the scales, telescopes and glass vials for school. But the first order of business would be the trunk.

Harry left Miss Granger over by the wizarding tents and walked over to the trunk and armoire closet set up in the display area. All the trunks looked to be made from wood; oak, mahogany, maple, and birch. Some were no bigger than a suitcase, others looked to be the size of an old steamer trunk. Like the ones that rested on the floor near the base of a bed. There were also ones that looked to be wrapped in some type of leather.

He then moved on to the armoire closets. Some of them had two doors, some had only one. Some had a squared-off top, while others had an ornamental designed top that rounded over to the sides. All of them, like the trunks, had carvings intertwined with the wood. Some of these also had that same leather wrapped around it. The leather must have been dyed because there was red, green, tan, blue, steel and black

After a short time, the store clerk had approached him. Harry was told of the many things that went into a trunk and armoire. Things such as; 'feather-light'; making it easy to carry, 'space expansion'; able to hold more stuff, 'multi compartments'; for organizing your stuff like books and potion ingredients, 'shrinking and enlarging'; also, being able to carry it easily, and the different security features, all using charms and runes; a form of magical writings.

As the salesman spoke, several things fell into place and reminded Harry of a TV show that he had once seen before his uncle had changed the channel on the television, but to see if it was possible, he decided to ask, "Would it be possible to have a custom armoire built? I like the idea of multiple compartments, can they be interlocked, or do they have to be separate? Another thing, with space expansion charms, how well will they work with shrinking charms?"

"To answer your first question. Yes, we can, and we had made many custom trunks. These trunks," he gestured to the floor trunks, "are mostly for show although it is enough for most buyers. The most compartments we offer is thirteen. However, most buyers manage just fine with three or seven compartments which can be linked in some way or another. The space expansion does not interfere with the shrinking as the expanding charm is placed on the inside of the trunk, whereas the shrinking charm is placed on the outside," the salesman answered.

"If I handed you a photo of something, would you be able to replicate the outside of it?" Harry asked, his eyes twinkling with mirth.

The man returned those eyes with a smile, "Sure."

As Harry and Emma left the shop, Emma stated, "Harry, I don't think your fellow student will get your amusement at your choice in wardrobe storage." Although her voice was stern, her face couldn't hide the wide smile on her face before she continued, "Still, five hundred and thirty-two Galleons is a lot of money to spend in one go."

"Ah, yes, it is. However, this one item will last for as long as I live if not longer. Plus, it is something I had always wanted," Harry replied. Both heading for the Ice cream parlor, Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor where they would be meeting up with Hermione and her dad, Dan Granger.

"Trust me, Harry, sometimes, so do I. Oh, and trust me, I won't tell Hermione about this either," Emma replied.

After they all met up for lunch and had some ice cream, the two children headed out for their wands. Hermione managed to get hers within only a few short tries, 10¾ inches long, Vinewood with dragon heartstring as a core.

Harry on the other had tried nearly every wand in the store until… "11 inches long, Holly with a phoenix feather core." Ollivanders made a reference between his wand and the Dark Lord or You-Know-Who. 'No, I don't know who other than Doctor Who.' Harry thought dryly.

The group made it to Slug & Jiggers Apothecary and Potage's Cauldron Shop for all their Potion making items.

The professor had disappeared for a little while and returned to the group only, she wasn't alone. She was now holding a beautiful snowy owl in a brass cage.

She explained that owls made great companions and delivered mail to anyone in the magical world. Hermione almost gushed over the bird. Harry was also quite happy with the gift.

Lastly, and perfectly planned that way by the adults, mostly because of Hermione's reaction to books. However, they did not take in Harry's reaction to the book store.

"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Harry Potter was heard all the way down Diagon Alley and in other stores. "HARRY POTTER AND THE ANGRY ACROMANTULA! HARRY POTTER AND THE NAUGHTY NUNDU! What… the…!" Clearly, Harry Potter was pissed and everyone in the Alley knew it.

It took almost thirty minutes for Harry Potter to cool down long enough to begin looking for the books on his list. After another hour Harry and Hermione were still looking for more books to read and purchase. He continued to give the shop works dirty looks. Harry went with the idea to get everything in one go. So, he purchased all the school books for all seven years. This included; all the books on Runes, Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures, Warding and Enchantments. He didn't bother with Muggle Studies or Divination. What he read, didn't look promising, nothing could beat living in the non-magical society and fortune telling was just stupid. They grabbed a book on Wizarding laws and customs. As well as one on wizarding genealogy. Harry also found a book on wizarding sports like Quidditch and Broomstick racing and all the rules that covered them both.

Professor McGonagall quickly pointed out that broomsticks were not allowed for their first year, she also added that Hogwarts did not have broom racing competition.

Hermione didn't seem fazed, but Harry was, "Why can't first years bring their own broomsticks? Are you telling me that other children in the magic world don't own or ride their own broomstick?"

"No, Mister Potter, the first year are not allowed their own broomstick to prevent injuries. You will be learning on one of the school's broom, to begin with," McGonagall stated, ending the discussion.

"Fine," Harry replied. And carried another stack of books over to the register.

As Harry approached the counter, he noticed Hermione had several duplicate versions of the ones he already had collected. After a brief discussion, she had put most of the books back but kept Hogwarts; A History. Harry would lend Hermione any book she wanted to read when asked. Harry did one last walk around and found three more books and added them to the pile, Guide to Advanced Occlumency, Living With Legilimency: Choose Your Mind Wisely and Protecting Your Mind: A Practical Guide to Counter Legilimency.

After spending over a hundred galleons in the book store the store lady shrank all the books down and placed them in a shopping bag.

As the time came down for returning to the Dursley's and Privet Prison the Grangers all came up to him with a deal. He would keep Hermione company and he could stay at their home until they needed to head off for school. Harry took a deep breath and nodded in the affirmative while holding back the tears of not been forced into returning to his relatives.


On Harry's birthday, Emma and Harry returned to pick up his new wardrobe and armoire from the stores. Hermione wasn't one to be jealous of much, but she really, really liked Harry's trunk. And who wouldn't, after all, it's a great TV show and they all loved sitting down to watch it. They also used one of the trunk's room right away by heading to Gringotts and nearly emptying the contents of the vault, except for a few of each coin, and deposited them in the lower compartment of his trunk designed to hold his vault's contents. By leaving a few of each coin in the vault, it allowed the vault to remain open and be refilled the next day as he overheard the goblins talking in their strange language nobody could understand but him.

August flew past rather fast. Hermione and Harry had devoured the first-year spell books and Hermione had quickly moved on to the second yearbooks, while Harry moved onto the special books he purchased on the mind arts. After getting through the first beginner's book, Hermione quickly followed behind him and Harry set up his Mind Palace with multiple levels of defenses.

~End Chapter One~

Author's Notes: I got a bug about having a Harry Potter / RWBY crossover and this poured out in one day. I figure Harry and Hermione will speed through Hogwarts and then end up in Remnant at the start of Volume One. I'm not sure who will all be going for the ride at this point but for sure it will be Harry and Hermione as I am pairing the two along with but not sure for now Blake and Yang. I thought about Pyrrha, but I am unsure.

As for Harry's pre-Hogwarts powers, he will still have them just may not use them too often.

Yes, the Horcrux in Harry is dead, as Petunia kill Harry with the frying pan and Vernon was going to cover it up. Oh, god do I hate the Dursleys.

Still working on Harry Potter: Force Adept. However, I am having some trouble with part of it. So I figure I would post this for now. I was also working with Word 365 and Grammarly to fix many of the error of both stories. Also, I have a Harry Potter/ DC Universe based off of Hawkman and Hawkgirl soul bound reincarnation (Harry/Hermione), and a Harry Potter X-Men: Movie where Harry is sent through the Vail and ends up in the X-Men universe (Harry/Lady Deathstrike). Both are at the beginner stage and not ready for posting.

List of Harry Potter's Powers

Primary Power

(Semblance) - Reactive Adaptation - The ability to develop adaptations, powers, or skills in response to immediate threats.

Secondary Powers

Adaptive Resurrection - The power to adapt to whatever killed you before your resurrection.

Regeneration Healing Factor - The ability to heal rapidly from any physical injury.

Supernatural Intelligence - The ability to have an obviously supernatural level of intelligence.

Teleportation - The ability to move instantaneously from one location to another.

Fighting Instinct - The ability to possess an automatic response mechanism to win in combat.

Flight - The power to fly without any outside influence.

Omnilingualism - The ability to instantly speak and understand any language you come I contact with.