A high pitch sounds stirs Ruby Rose from her slumber. Her room was pitch black as she grumbles and looks at the clock seeing that it is 6:30 am.

"Ugh, why so early?" She whines as her older sister begins to pound on her door; signaling her to get up. The young teen sits up slowly as she reaches over to flick on her lamp and sighs in anger at being up so early.

"I wish i had that kind of energy in the morning, but then again yang wakes up looking almost perfect and i look like a old pie." She thinks to her self as she roles out of bed.

After a quick shower she made her way over to her dresser and threw on a grey t-shirt, black jeans, and a red flannel.

Ruby found her mother making breakfast for the family which only consisted of her father, Taiyang, and her sister, Yang, and Yang's boyfriend of 5 years, Jaune Arc. Why he hasent proposed yet? No one knows.

After a bad break between Pyrrha and Jaune, Yang has been there for him and some time after, they became known as the Yellow Duo.

She looks at Jaune mockingly for a second.

"Don't you ever go home?" She says poking fun at him as she sits at the table.

"Good morning, sweetie." Her mother greets her as she puts a plate infront of her.

"Morning, mom." She smiles as she begins to eat. "I'll be home late tonight. I'm volunteering to show the new girl around town today."

Taiyang looks at her with curiosity in his eyes.

"Well, make sure to be nice." He says as he gets up revealing his full police navy blue uniform.

Finishing her breakfask, she sprints out the door while grabbing the keys to her 1995 Harley roadster. Everyone starts to yell at her about her helmet but, as usual, she never listens.

"I love you all!" She yells back before closing the door. Looking at her bike, it looks as if it came right off the factory floor. It had been a gift from her uncle Qrow before he went M.I.A with his unit in Mistral. The bike was her most prized possession. Ruby made sure that there was not a single scratch on it. She's wash and waxed it after every spin she'd take on it. For her, keeping the bike in perfect condition, meant she was keeping her uncle's memory alive. She still had hope that he would return some day and when he did, she would show him how well she had taken care of the bike.

Ruby let out a small sigh as she looked in Misteral's direction. The hope on her eye still bright. 'I'm still waiting, Uncle Qrow.' She thought to herself.


Hi everyone welcome to my new story.

im writing this as there is not enough rubyx ilia storys out there yet.

And a big thanks yo my editor and friend @cptn_k_hook.

Ill see ya in the the next chapter have fun