Dib bit back a moan as he felt tiny claws rubbing their way into his spine. He wouldn't give this little bastard the satisfaction. It was so hot in the living room, he was practically sticking to the couch. The paranormal investigator had a feeling it wasn't from the summer sun.

It might've been from the pain of his spinal column, abused from years of chasing the little bastard around all these years. Maybe it was from the gnawing lust he still felt from this morning when his dear little bastard woke him up all purrs and teases. Damn phone.

Or maybe it was from the hatred of one damn redhead who just wouldn't stay away from what was his. He wanted to commit murder as soon as he saw the damn ginger so much as look at his little bastard, let alone when the ginger…

Burning jealousy. Nothing but envy. That's what he felt when he saw when the stupid classmate of his dared to touch what everyone had always figured was untouchable. Which was correct, they couldn't touch Spaceboy because he was Dib's. Zita giggled, getting closer to what was his. And Spaceboy was not smirking at her and was not enjoying it!...

... He let a moan slip past his lips, whimpering when the claws kneading him strayed up his back and to his neck. Sweet relief. Bas-Spaceboy would never do this with the ginger, would he? Never touch like…

Purring and grooming made people sleepy, apparently.

At least it made Dib sleepy after a day of nursing a black eye. Torque had a matching one, at least, from daring to hold Spaceboy up against a wall and whisper those dirty, sinful words into Spaceboy's lekku. That and slipping his hand into the smaller one's pants. But this one time-for once- he got a reward for being so good and heroic. He shivered as a warm tongue ran up his face and there was nothing sexual about it at all…

… It was just calming as it wrapped it's way around his ear to deliver a comforting caress. Dib growled. Why was he acting like this? Why was Spaceboy acting like this? Usually they were arguing until he couldn't shout any louder. Why…

Lips against lips from being too far away from each other...

… was he…

"Seems like such a waste to Zim."...

...so fucking jealous?...

"A waste of a sweet and loyal mate…" The alien smiled, a real smile for once as he placed his claws on-

"Hey, Z, why don't you drop that loser?"

"Come on, Zim."

"Yeah Zim…"

-his face as they rakked down. It wasn't to harm, but to mark. Lekku on his face to leave a scent, to mark.

"Why so many?" Dib asked.

"It is because you are mine. And I..."

...Will never want to lose you. If I lose you, I lose me. If someone so much as touches you, I hate it. I hate it because I hate the idea that I could lose you.

Hate you, love you.

"Don't wanna lose you…"

A/N: What the hell even is this?