Title: Maybe Love


Chapter Five: Maybe Truce


It's kind of awkward when he wakes up and has to go upstairs in their shared bedroom to take a shower and get ready for work. He says good morning, she mumbles something incoherently, and he quickly grabs his towel and locks himself inside the bathroom. He continues to wonder what she meant by what she said the night before.

Throughout the entire day, he tries to mentally retrace the events of that night ten years ago, but nothing comes to him about what Morgana had said. She'd said that he had called her high maintenance and clingy. He knows for a fact that he didn't think that about her when he first met her... and the way she said it made it seem like he was the one who rejected her instead of the other way around.

He remembers that night very well. That whole night was centered around her and not else mattered to him. He'd picked her up, complimented the way she looked, opened the car door for her, drove her to the restaurant, had a lovely meal with her and their friends, they had a great and easy-going conversation, and then they all went to the movies. Even while at the movies, they'd been in sync with each other. He'd been enthralled by her beauty and independence. He'd thought she was perfect... but then the movie ended, and he drove her home in silence.

Back then, he'd thought nothing of it. He'd thought everything was fine. But then when he dropped her off and walked her to her door, she'd been cold and closed off. She'd slammed the door in his face. And then she'd changed her number and that was that. He knew she rejected him.

Maybe it was the way I ate popcorn? Or maybe it was my cologne... maybe she didn't like the way I looked?... He'd wondered for a full month before he finally gave up and moved on. It was clear that nothing was going to come from their double date. And when Arthur had asked him what he'd thought of her, he'd shrugged and lied, saying something along the lines of, "She's not really my type."

For every time he'd seen her after their first and last date, he'd avoided making eye contact with her. She gave him the cold shoulder, acting as if he'd been the one to reject her. It pissed him off. And so, he decided to treat her the way she treated him. Coldly.

After two months of being in the same circle, Morgana finally spoke to him... or more accurately, at him. It was when he brought a date to Gwen's birthday party. He was minding his business, wishing Gwen a happy birthday and introducing his then-girlfriend, Mithian. Morgana was in a corner, talking to some other guy he didn't know. He was just about to tell Gwen about how he and Mithian met, when Morgana suddenly popped up and practically insulted him and his date.

"Oh don't bother listening to him." Morgana had said venomously. Her head was turned towards Gwen, but her eyes were glaring darkly at him. "He apparently can't stand high-maintenance girls for long." Before either he or Mithian could protest, Morgana had already dragged Gwen away from them.

Merlin sighs as he leans back in his chair and closes his eyes. "High maintenance." He mutters under his breath. What did she mean? High maintenance? He never thought that about her... at least not until she began acting like he was a piece of chewed-up gum stuck under her shoe.

It was then that they began this toxic battle. She would bring a guy to a party or gathering or dinner, and he would call her a slut. He would bring a girl, and she would call him a manwhore. He would say something, she would roll her eyes and insult him. She would say something, and he would glare and call her names.

Over the years, they'd gotten creative. They started prank wars, getting really brutal and petty with it. He remembers a camping trip that they took one weekend about 6 or 7 years ago. He'd snuck up to Morgana's tent and poured a jar full of harmless spiders in there. He then waited a few feet away behind a bush and pressed record on his camcorder. It didn't take long before he heard a high-pitched scream coming from Morgana's tent. There was a moment where he watched her tent begin to violently shake, and then the zipper had practically been torn apart and Morgana came stumbling out in only her underwear and brassiere. Despite the sight of her in her undergarments, he couldn't help the laugh of joy and sweet revenge he let out as she started hopping up and down while simultaneously trying to swipe off spiders from her body.

When she finally figured out that he had been the one to put the spiders in her tent, she called him an asshole and threw an entire log at his head, which he luckily averted by diving out of the way.

She'd gotten her revenge too when she snuck into the guys showers at the gym he works out at, and stole his whole gym bag and towel from his locker while he was in the shower. Needless to say, he had been banned from that gym when he had to walk (run) out completely naked. He found her smirking at him from the parking lot across the street, where she dropped his gym bag onto the road, flipped him off, and then drove away cackling. His clothes and towel were torn to shreds though, and he had to drive home in the nude. Leather on your bare ass is not the most comfortable.

They continued the same way for years. He would make her life hell, and she would make him absolutely miserable. It got so bad, Gwen and Arthur started calling them out on it. But they were relentless. It wasn't until Gwen and Arthur got married that they silently agreed to at least stop with the pranks.

The pranks stopped, but the name calling and insults continued. The memory of their failed first date faded to the back of their minds, but their hatred for each other remained intact at the forefront.

"Jesus Christ." Merlin shakes his head and leans forward on his elbows. "Have we really hated each other for ten years?" Before he could continue with his thoughts, his phone suddenly rings, pulling him out of memory lane.

He stares at the name, Evil Witch flashing across his screen before he finally answers.


"Grab some eggs on your way home." Came Morgana's cold reply.

He rolls his eyes. "Why?"

She makes an annoyed sound. "Because we don't have eggs."

Merlin huffs and shakes his head. "Fine. Anything else?"

"And some milk and frosting... we're baking cupcakes tonight."

He wanted to protest. He really did. But after the way things went down last night, he really didn't want to have another fight with her. He tells himself its for Iggy's sake. But it's also for theirs. "Okay." He replies. He doesn't ask why they're baking.


When he gets home with a bag full of eggs, milk, and frosting, he's attacked at the knees by the tiny, excitedly screeching toddler. He smiles widely as he stoops down and scoops her up in his free arm.

"Iggy!" He laughs as she buries her face into his chest and wraps her tiny, chubby arms around his neck. "I missed you." He says softly as he carries her and the groceries into the kitchen. He finds Morgana there, leaning over the counter with her tongue poking out to the side as she concentrates on measuring the sugar just right. She's wearing an apron with the words Kiss the Cook on it (Gwen's apron), her hair is up in a messy bun, and her cheek is stained with flour. In that moment, he really wanted to do as the apron suggested.

Merlin pauses for a second, watching her with a mixture of wonder and amazement. His chest tingles as he's suddenly aware of the fact that this is his family. He'd always imagined having this kind of life. A suburban home, a wife, a little girl or boy, and coming home to moments like this... but that's not what's happening here. He's not married to the beautiful woman mixing ingredients into a bowl. The child in his arms is not biologically his. This is not exactly the way he'd pictured his life... but they're his family anyway. They're all he has left.

He sighs as he sets the groceries down on the counter and kisses Iggy's cheek before setting her down to run around the house. He looks up to find Morgana staring at him with an odd expression on her face.

"What?" He asks curiously.

She shrugs and shakes her head, as if clearing her thoughts. "Nothing... did you bring the stuff?"

Merlin nods towards the bag of groceries he brought as he loosens his tie and rolls up his sleeves. "Why are we making cupcakes?"

Morgana looks at him as she goes to take the bag of groceries. "Tomorrow is Gwen's birthday."

Merlin freezes at that. He'd forgotten. And now he feels horrible. As if she read his mind, Morgana sighs and looks sadly at him.

"Don't feel bad... After everything that's happened, I don't blame you if you forgot. You've been— great— at handling Iggy and keeping everything from falling apart over the past few days. You're allowed to forget." She averts her gaze to the ground and shrugs. "I'll measure the rest of the ingredients while you set the oven to 375 degrees."

He nods wordlessly as he does as he's told. Once he's done, he goes back to watching her. He wants to ask her again why she thought he'd thought she was high maintenance and clingy, but he doesn't. It would probably start another fight, and that's the last thing he wants tonight.

Iggy wanders back into the kitchen, raising her arms up at him and saying one of the few words she can pronounce correctly. "Up."

Merlin smiles as he picks her up and kisses the top of her head. It's still odd. He'd watched her grow up to this point with Arthur and Gwen as her parents. He'd always been uncle Melon (she still couldn't quite pronounce his name correctly when she was finally able to say certain words), and Morgana had always been Aunty Gana... and now they're not just that. They're legally daddy and mommy to this little girl. It makes his heart both break for the loss of their friends, and swell with the joy of being a father.

Iggy plays with his face, squishing his cheeks together before pulling at them. He laughs as he forms a claw with one hand and proceeds to tickle her. She squeals with glee, throwing her blonde curls back in laughter. Merlin continues to play with her until he notices Morgana standing by the counter with a wide, almost loving smile on her face. She still has flour on her cheek, and Merlin suddenly forgets that they're supposed to be doing that thing where they keep their distance from each other.

Crossing the kitchen floor, he takes a napkin and raises it silently, wiping gently at the flour on Morgana's right cheek. He catches the slight blush that rises up her cheeks as he crushes the napkin in his palm and continues cleaning the rest of the flour off with the pad of his thumb.

"Thanks." She says softly, looking down between them.

Merlin smiles as he slowly drops his hand back down to his side. "You're welcome."

As he takes a step back, Morgana suddenly looks back up at him, then at Iggy, then back at him. "I'm— I'm sorry." She stammers. "What I said... I didn't mean to bring it all back up."

Merlin continues to stare at her. "I still don't know what you were talking about, but... it's okay. I'm sorry too for everything I've said that offended you."

Morgana smiles at that and shakes her head. "If you had to say sorry for every offensive thing you've ever said to me, you'd have to write it down in a book." She jokes softly.

Merlin chuckles. "Ditto."

Iggy looks at Merlin, then at Morgana, and then does that thing where she flexes her legs, wanting to get down. Merlin kisses her head once more, leans her over so Morgana can do the same, and then deposits the little girl back onto her feet. She immediately takes off towards the living room. Merlin sighs as he straightens and looks at Morgana hesitantly. "Truce?" He holds his hand out to her.

Morgana looks down at it for a moment, before placing her hand in his and shaking it. "Truce." She agrees, finally raising her head back up to smirk at him. "You're doing the dishes tonight."


They make a batch of 12 cupcakes, and then compete for prettiest cupcake decoration.

Merlin goes for the chocolate frosting, buttering the top of his cupcake before putting some green sprinkles (which he found on the top shelf of the spices cabinet) on it.

Morgana goes for the white frosting, separating some into 3 different bowls and adding some red, blue, and yellow food coloring. She then uses the piping bags and makes a rather impressive looking design on top with the different colors.

They put their separate cupcakes onto a plate and set it down on the table, before placing one candle on each and lighting it. Iggy is called into the kitchen, where they proceed to softly sing Happy Birthday for Gwen.

Afterwards, Iggy is given the chance to pick between the two cupcakes, which one she likes best. And of course, she picks Morgana's cupcake. Merlin laughs and complains that it's only because hers looks like a bloody rainbow with all the colors. Morgana only sticks her tongue out at him and does a victory dance, before picking up Merlin's discarded cupcake and taking a huge bite out of it.

Merlin's eyes widen, gasping dramatically as if Morgana had just eaten his most prized possession. Without a moments notice, he turns towards the open can of frosting, and scoops a large amount out of it by his fingers. He doesn't give her a warning as he turns abruptly, grabs her around the waist with his free arm, and then smears the white frosting down the front of her face.

Morgana squeals in shock and disbelief. As Merlin lets go of her, laughing and backing away, Morgana turns towards the open can of frosting and sticks her entire hand inside. She pretty much scrapes out nearly all of its remaining contents, before running towards Merlin with a vengeance.

He could've run, or used something to defend himself, but he was too busy laughing. Morgana practically launches herself onto him, smearing all the frosting into Merlin's hair, face, and neck. Merlin roars with laughter and mock anger as he suddenly has a mouthful of sugary frosting. Wrapping his arms around Morgana's waist, he pulls her towards him and ignores her cries of surrender as he wipes his face against the side of hers.

He wasn't really thinking. He doesn't notice when his mouth is suddenly rubbing against hers. He doesn't notice when Morgana suddenly freezes. He doesn't even notice that Morgana's legs have somehow managed to wrap around his hips. That is, until he realizes that she's just staring at him with an odd expression on her frosting covered face.

He stops laughing, now finding himself extremely nervous as he stares into her deep green eyes. She smells like a chocolate cupcake mixed with a hint of vanilla and a dash of strawberries. She looks beautiful with her face all calm and covered in white frosting. Her hair is wild, part of her bun coming undone and dangling down the back of her head. And her face is so close. Her lips are slightly parted as she stares right back at him.

It's warm... too warm. She thinks. Her mouth is dry, her fingers are tingling against his chest, and she's painfully aware of the position she's in, legs wrapped around Merlin's hips, his hands gripping her thighs and keeping her from sliding off of him, face so close she could smell his intoxicating cologne, and her eyelids suddenly feeling just a tad too heavy.

He's staring at her in a way that he had never done before, and it makes her heart race. He licks some of the frosting off his lips, drawing her attention to his mouth as he suddenly leans in slowly, and she couldn't control her own emotions. Her heart literally skips a beat, and she finds herself leaning in as well. God, the attraction is there. It's always been there. There's no denying it. She could practically already taste him, her lips are just beginning to brush against his frosting covered ones, her eyes are already closed and her heart is hammering in anticipation, and — "Mumma!"

Morgana's eyes snap open, seeing Merlin's doing the same, before they both turn their heads sharply towards the little girl in shock.

Her face burns as Merlin clears his throat loudly and sets her back onto her feet.

"Did she just—?"

"Mumma." Iggy grins widely up at Morgana and raises her hands towards her. "Up."

Morgana nearly melts through the floor as her heart expands inside her chest. She quickly grabs a napkin, wiping most of the frosting off her face before picking the little girl up and holding her close. "She called me Mama." She whispers joyfully, feeling her eyes begin to tear up. When she looks at Merlin, she finds him smiling widely at her.

"You're her mother now, so it's only fitting, don't you think?"

She nods towards him and smiles back. "I just— I didn't think she would call me that so soon... I haven't even told her to call me that."

Merlin nods as he moves towards them. "She's smart. Probably picked it up from her learning books."

Morgana nods as she looks down at the little girl again. "I wonder what else she learned."

Merlin grins. "Well, it's no rush, but I hope she learns to say dada soon."

Morgana snorts and looks back up at him. "She called me mama before she called you dada."

Merlin rolls his eyes playfully at her. "I'll get her to say 'dada' before the week is over."

"Good luck with that." Morgana grins. Her tone is playful, but she genuinely means it. Merlin, despite the fact that he still annoys her to no end, grates on her very last nerve, and is absolutely the most childish man on planet earth, is also a reliable person, great at fixing kitchen sinks, decent at cleaning, and very much a wonderful father to Iggy— even if it's only been a week. He deserves a win too.

They don't talk about their almost kiss as they clean up the mess they made. They don't acknowledge the fact that if Iggy hadn't been there, they probably would've ended up making out— and maybe even shagging— on the kitchen counter.

Morgana bathes Iggy as Merlin loads up the dishwasher and wipes down the countertops. When he's done, he turns off the lights and goes upstairs to watch from the doorway as Morgana puts Iggy in her onesie, before they both proceed to read her a bedtime story.

Iggy has become easier to put to sleep, now that she's slowly adjusting to having them around everyday. She's not as fussy about bedtime as the first three nights after they got her back from the social worker. Now, she's smiling, sucking her thumb, and giggling whenever Merlin pretends to be a dinosaur or whatever animal is featured in her bedtime story of the night.

Once Iggy falls asleep, Merlin and Morgana quietly make their way out and into their shared bedroom.

They continue to avoid talking about their almost-kiss, and they continue to pretend that they don't want to continue where they left off. They take turns in the shower, get ready for bed, and then turn out the lights as they slide into the bed and try not to think of what almost happened in the kitchen.


When she wakes up the next day, Merlin's side of the bed is already empty and cool to the touch. It's his day off, so she knows that he's probably already downstairs, getting started on breakfast. She takes a quick shower, brushes her teeth, flosses, and then puts on sweatpants and an old T-shirt she found in Gwen's dresser. She checks Iggy's room, finding it empty before making her way downstairs.

She smiles to herself at the smell of pancakes and the sound of Eye of the Tiger playing from Merlin's iHome. She enters the kitchen just as Merlin's awful singing voice fills her ears. She stops, stifling a laugh at the sight of him rocking his hips to the beat of the song as he sings into the spatula in his hand. He's shirtless, wearing only his dark grey joggers. His hair is tousled and slightly wet from his morning shower, and he's singing to Iggy, sitting in her highchair with a bowl of fresh fruits.

Merlin's audience of one was just as happy watching him, as he is singing to her.

She doesn't think she's ever seen anything sexier than him (in that exact moment) in her entire life. He then does a dramatic spin, claps his hand over his head, and then keeps them there as he rocks his hips again to the chorus of the song. She has to admit. The man has a very nice ass.

No longer able to hold her laughter in, Morgana let's it out as she steps into the kitchen and smirks at Merlin's reddening face.

"I'm pretty sure you've just scarred me and Iggy for life, but I'm okay with it because now I can lord this over you for the rest of our lives." She comments cheekily.

Merlin laughs and rolls his eyes at her. "Good morning to you too."

She smiles as she walks over to Iggy and kisses the top of her head. "Good morning, Sweety."

"Mumma!" Iggy squeals excitedly.

Morgana smirks at Merlin when he makes a face.

"She'll call me 'dada' soon." He says confidently.

Morgana laughs at him. "What's on the agenda for today?" She asks as he pours her a cup of black coffee, just the way she likes it.

Merlin shrugs at her. "I thought we could go to the playground down the street for a little while so Iggy can play, and then come back for lunch, get ready, and go out to the movies or something."

Morgana smiles at him. A genuine, pleased smile. "Did you plan for today?"

He shrugs again. "It's not much of a plan at all." He replies as he hands her her cup of coffee.

She looks down at her coffee, hiding her smile. When she looks back up at him, she couldn't help the way her eyes trail down over the expanse of his chest. He's slim, but it's obvious that he still works out. His abdominal muscles are surprisingly chiseled, and the bottom of his torso forms that delicious "V" that disappears into the elastic waistband of his joggers. She swallows hard, licks her lips, tears her eyes away, and takes an unnecessarily long sip from her cup of coffee.

When she's done, she nods her head towards him, though her eyes dart around the kitchen in order to avoid staring at his naked upper body again. "Yeah, that sounds good."

"Is that my shirt?"

Morgana looks up at his face and frowns. "What?" He's looking at her chest, which prompts her to look down. Realizing that she's wearing a shirt that isn't hers, she looks up and blinks at Merlin.

"That's my shirt." Merlin says with a raised eyebrow.

"What— no, this is Gwen's."

Merlin snorts. "You really think Gwen spent money on a shirt that says 'Beer Me'?"

Morgana looks down at the shirt again, then furrows her eyebrows and looks up at Merlin. "I thought Arthur gave it to her. She used to wear it to sleep all the time!"

Merlin laughs at that. "It's a comfortable shirt."

Morgana narrows her eyes at Merlin. "So this is your shirt?"

Merlin nods. "Yup."

"Then why did Gwen have it?"

He shrugs, "She spent the night at my flat once."

Morgana nearly spits out her coffee. "What?!"

Merlin laughs hysterically at that. He shakes his head at her and gives Iggy an apologetic look for slightly startling her. "Sorry, let me elaborate." He folds his arms across his chest and continues. "It was the night when she and Arthur got drunk at my flat party and Arthur broke his arm. I had to drive Arthur to the hospital to get a cast on and I told Gwen to use whatever she needed from my flat. She stayed behind because she was too drunk to even stand." He smiles at the memory. "When Arthur and I returned, she was passed out on my couch with that shirt on, and when she woke up the next day, she deemed it her new pajama top because somehow she didn't feel hungover that day and she said it was because of the shirt."

Morgana laughs finally, shaking her head and wondering how she had never asked Gwen about the shirt. She always just assumed that it was Arthur's. "Well..." she looks down at the shirt and smiles as she runs her fingers over the words. "It's my shirt now."

Merlin grins widely and nods. "Breakfast?"

Morgana finally notices the spread of eggs, bacon, biscuits, and gravy on the table, prompting her to smile. "You know what?"

"What?" Merlin asks curiously.

"I think I might actually not hate you today."

Merlin snorts, shaking his head at her as he gets her a plate and hands it to her. "I was thinking..." he says slowly.

Morgana looks up at him as she takes her plate and sits down across from him.

"... maybe we can go with Iggy this weekend to take Gwen and Arthur's ashes up to their hiking trail...".

It's another kick to the gut. A wake up call... this, everything that's happening right at this moment, the beauty of their weird-somewhat-awkward (and slightly heartwarming) relationship, is happening because their best friends died. It makes her feel guilty about smiling and actually slightly enjoying Merlin's company. It makes her feel bad about living in their house, taking care of their daughter, and stealing Gwen's title of 'Mumma'. It makes her want to cry. She looks down at her plate again, avoiding Merlin's eyes as she nods slowly. "Yeah, sure... that's fine."

"We don't have to do it this weekend, you know?" Merlin asks softly, noticing that she's avoiding looking at him. "It was just a suggestion—".

"No," Morgana shakes her head and raises her slightly teary eyes to look at him. "... you're right... we can't hold off on this any longer. We have to move on and we can't do that if we keep holding on to them."

Merlin nods as he sits across from her with a bowl of oatmeal. "I already fed Iggy, so you can just have your breakfast."

She thanks him as she eats, realizing quickly that he really is trying. She's not sure how she feels about it though. On one hand, it would mean he's being nice. On the other hand, she doesn't know what that means coming from him. Is he trying to hint that he likes her? Is he trying to get her to like him back? Is he toying with her? Or maybe he's just trying to be a good dad and co-parent? She doesn't know, and it's eating away at her.


After taking Iggy to the playground and having their small picnic together, the family of three make their way back home, where they proceed to co-bathe Iggy... and today is just one of those days when Iggy has too much energy.

Bathing her turns into nearly a half hour of splashing bubbles and water everywhere. However, after her bath, she immediately falls asleep from exhaustion. After putting her down, they go back into the bathroom to clean up.

In the middle of mopping up the water, Merlin suddenly gets a handful of bubbles thrown in his face by a laughing Morgana.

Merlin's eyes slowly widen as he turns to mock-glare at her. "Did you just throw bubbles in my face?" He asks in a dramatically fake tone.

Morgana giggles as she slowly backs away from him. Before she could even take a third step back, Merlin suddenly lunges towards her, wrapping his arms around her waist, picking her up effortlessly, and then depositing her abruptly into the still half-full tub of water.

Morgana gasps in shock, coughing and spluttering for a moment. "Merlin!" She shouts, though she couldn't quite keep a straight face.

He laughs as he sticks his tongue out at her. "You started it."

Glaring wickedly at him, she shoots straight to her feet, grabbing him by the front of his shirt, and forcefully pulling him into the tub with her.

Merlin laughs heartily as he falls, taking her down with him, and then getting a face full of Morgana's chest as she wraps her arms around his head and proceeds to try and dunk his head underwater.

In the heat of the moment, Merlin does something he instantly regrets a moment later. In hindsight, he thinks it's entirely her fault for forcing his face against her breasts. He lightly bites her left boob.

Morgana freezes, eyes going wide as she pulls away to stare at him in disbelief. He stares right back, suddenly too tired of resisting his attraction to her to care.

It's a battle of eyes, staring into each other's souls. A battle of blues and greens, swirling with a mixture of lust and resistance. A battle of wills. Will they or won't they?

Merlin shakes his head, wondering why they're acting like a bunch of teenagers. He throws caution to the wind as he surges up and forward, crushing his lips against hers. She can stop him anytime... except, she doesn't. The moment his lips touch hers, her arms wrap around his neck, pulling him closer as she kisses him back furiously.

It's not soft or sweet. It's hot, heavy, passionate, and fast.

Morgana lets out a high pitched moan as their tongues meet roughly. She gasps when Merlin pulls her roughly against him. The water in the bathtub sloshes and splashed as the heat of their make out session runs higher and higher.

Her arms loosen from around his neck so that her hands could freely roam his chest, traveling lower and lower until they're resting against his lower belly. Their kiss evolves quickly into a full blown mouth fuck, each of them practically trying to devour each other as if they'd been starved for several days.

Morgana boldly lets her left hand travel lower, her excitement bursting as her hand finally comes into contact with Merlin's hard, clothed member. She squeezes him, pulling a low moan from Merlin as he thrusts his hips against her hand. And just as she's about to slip her hand under the elastic band of his sweatpants, Merlin leans back a little too hard, accidentally nudging the shower handle with his head.

The freezing cold spray of water pelts the both of them, not only pulling them both out of their very hot and steamy sexual distraction, but also throwing them back into reality.

The reality that they shouldn't be doing this. They shouldn't be complicating their arrangement by fucking each other's brains out in the bathtub of all places. They shouldn't be doing anything more than raising Iggy and making sure that they never have a reason to walk out on their little girl's life. Sex can only lead to complications, and that's the last thing they need right now.

So as they quickly climb out of the bathtub and turn off the shower, they avoid each other's gazes as they quietly grab towels from the towel rack in the corner of the bathroom, drying themselves off and making unnecessary sounds to avoid having to talk about what just happened.

Merlin leaves the bathroom first, mumbling something incoherently as he stares at the towel in his hands. Morgana inhales shakily, closing her eyes as she sits down on the edge of the tub and presses a hand over her eyes.

"Fuck." She whispers to herself. She shakes her head, trying to clear her jumbled thoughts. There are so many emotions bubbling inside her, and she can't begin to come to terms with any of them. How they're going to make it through a whole movie tonight, she doesn't know. All she knows, is that things just got a whole lot more complicated.


A/N: So, I know this was a super late update, but I'm hoping you'll all forgive me. I am still alive... I've just been super busy lately. More than usual. I'm writing all kinds of Mergana fics, which are literally just sitting in my computer, incomplete. Again, I'm sorry for the late update. But I promise I'll make it up to you all with a few Mergana one-shots I'm working on. Thanks for reading and please review! :)
