Just a little story to pass the time during the hiatius. I decided to write Linda in this story because I wish she was still apart of the show. I hope everyone enjoys. Thank you for allowing me to share.


Title: Say Hello To Our Little One




Jamie and Eddie have been married for a little over two years now. Eddie made Detective and received her Gold Sheild seven months after they got married. They remained at the 2-9 together and did their best to make sure their schedules coincided with each other. They've haven't spent much time apart since they met and since they got engaged, that need and want to spend every second together has just intensified. Jamie and Eddie could be with each other 24-7 and it still wouldn't be enough for them. Their love for each other was something that you had to see to believe. It was so pure and so genuine. There was nothing that described what these two had. Soulmates, perhaps, most would argue that was just the tip of the iceberg with these two. Their connection with one another was something special, that's for sure. And if it was even possible, it only seemed to strenghten over time. It's almost as if they were one.


Doctors Office in Brooklyn Heights, NY

It was a beautiful sunny late Friday morning in the middle of August and Eddie Reagan had just exited her Doctor's office with a smile so big and bright that it quite possibly could eclipse the sun given the chance. She put her sunglasses on and headed towards her car. What was supposed to be a routine annual check-up turned out to be anything but. A blood test revealed she was expecting their first child. Her doctor advised her to follow up with her OB. Given the nature of Eddie's family dynamic, having children and becomming a mother was something she didn't think she was cut out for or even wanted. That all started to change when she met Jamie. They helped delivered baby Eddie in the theater and a few months later rescued baby Sophia after she was kidnapped from the hospital. The feelings that consumed her from these events was all the proof she needed to know that Jamie was the only man she loved and wanted a family with. She never felt that with anyone else. With him at her side, there was nothing she couldn't do. Here she was now, married to Jamie and pregnant, to say she was ecstatic would be an understatement. Once she was in her car, she thought a nice romantic candlelit dinner and quiet night at home to celebrate the good news with him was in order. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face when she told him. She could picture the excitement and that thought warmed her heart. With a smile plastered on her face, she buckled her seatbelt and headed out to pickup what she needed to make this night special.

Little did she know this day was about to take a devastating turn in a matter of hours


29th Precinct

It was 2:30 in the afternoon, Jamie was sitting at his desk going through some paperwork. He let his mind wander and started thinking about the weekend together with Eddie. Besides church and family dinner on Sunday, they weren't going away anywhere special, nor did they have any pressing plans. He was just looking forward to spending a quiet relaxing weekend with her that would also include plenty of intimate play time. His phone starting buzzing on his desk disrupting his thoughts and bringing him back to reality. He picked it up and saw that it was her and answered

"Hey You, whats up"

"Nothing much, I just got home from running around and wanted to see if you were getting out of there on time or if you got held up" she asks

"I should be outta here on time. I have some paperwork and a few loose ends to tie up before leaving, why?" he replies

"I figured I would have dinner ready when you got home and after we can snuggle up on the couch and have movie night" she implies

"That sounds like a great idea babe. I can't wait" he states excitedly

"Me neither, I'll see you when you get home. Text me when you leave please" she asks lovingly

"I will. See you soon" he replies

"Love you" she says

"Love you too honey" he replies

A couple of hours later, at 5 o'clock, Jamie headed to the locker room to change. Excited for his weekend with Eddie to begin, he sends her a text as promised before heading out. Oblivious as to what fate had in store for him on this night.

On the way home, Jamie decided to pick up some flowers, chocolate and wine so he could surprise Eddie. Apparently, they had the same thing in mind for the evening. It was approaching 6 o'clock and he was on his last stop. He was in the back of the store making his wine selection when he heard commotion come from the front of the store and someone shout "Gimme all the money in the register, Now"

Upon hearing this, Jamie pulled his off duty weapon out and peered around the corner to assess the situation. He noticed a young male pointing a gun at the clerk and quietly made his way towards the assailant. Once he was in position, Jamie made his presence known and yelled "Freeze, Police. Drop the weapon."

The young man remained still, with his gun aimed at the clerk, and said "Put the gun down Officer or I'll kill him"

With his gun trained on the perp, Jamie authoratatively stated "I can't do that and if you shoot him, you won't be walking out of here alive. Come on, be smart, no one has to die today. Put the gun down"

"No can do cop...I'm not going back" the young man shouted angrily.

At that second, the perp quickly spun around and started firing. As he turned, Jamie fired twice hitting him center mass, killing him instantly. Jamie then fell to his knees with a searing pain in the leftside of his chest. Looking down, he realized he'd been hit and collapsed on the floor. His mind immediately started racing with thoughts and visions of Eddie and the rest of his family. His life was literaly flashing before his eyes. Would him and Eddie be denied a lifetime of happiness. Would they be denied the opportunity of having and raising their own family, to grow old together. Would the Reagan family lose another member all to soon to the job.

The store clerk called 911 and then hurried over to Jamie's side to see if there was anything he could do to help. He grabbed some clean rags and applied pressure to his wounds. The clerk did his best to help minimize the bleeding and keep Jamie alert while waiting for the paramedics. While waiting, Jamie's color started to fade and his breath was becoming more labored. His eyes slowly closed and he became unresponsive.

EMS arrived a few minutes later and wisked him away to the nearest hospital.


1PP approximately 6:15pm

Frank was sitting at his desk getting ready to head home for the evening when Detective Baker came bursting into his office unannounced. He looked up at her and immediately knew something was wrong.

"What is it Baker" Frank asks nervously

"Sir, there was an off duty officer involved shooting about 15 minutes ago at a bodega near Brookln Heights" she says with tension in her voice

Frank's stomach dropped and a lump formed in his throat. This was the part of the job that he would never get used to. He took a deep breath to try and settle his nerves before he asked "What do we know?"

"It appears to be an armed robbery gone bad, Sir. The perp was pronounced DOA at the scene and the officer is enroute to St Irene's as we speak" Baker responded

"Do we know who the officer is and their condition?" Frank asks somberly

Detective Baker took a deep breath to push the emotions back "I'm sorry Sir, the officer involved is actually Sergeant Reagan out of the 29. No word on his condition" she says sympathetically

"Have my detail ready to go forthwith" he says getting up and grabbing his jacket

"Yes, Sir" Baker replies


54th Precinct

Danny was sitting at his desk thumbing through paperwork talking with Baez looking for leads on the case they were currently working when his phone rang

"Hey Dad, what can I do for you" he asnwers

Frank swallows hard and says "Danny, It's Jamie. He was involved in an off duty shooting about a half hour ago. I need you to call Erin and tell her and have her call pop. I'll send a car for him. Then, I want you to go pick up Eddie and head to St Irene's. I'll call her and let her know you're on the way. This needs to come straight from me and I don't want her driving"

Danny's face went pale and his voice cracked "Got it Dad, I'm leaving now"

Baez looked over at her partner and noticed something was very wrong and asked "What is it?"

"You drive, I'll explain on the way. We have to go pick up Eddie at their place and then St Irene's" he choked out

They grabbed their stuff and raced out the door


Jamie and Eddie's Apartment 6:30pm

Eddie was putting the finishing touches on dinner and had everything else set, waiting for Jamie to get home. She was so excited for him to get home and share the news that she didn't even notice he was running late. When she finally realized that he should've been home by now, a bad feeling shot through her body and rocked her to her core. Her phone went off startling her. She jumped up and ran to her phone only to see Frank's name on the caller ID. She took a deep breath to compose herself and answered "Hey Dad"

Eddie heard a deep breath accompanied by a sigh, then Frank's shaky voice say "Hi Sweetheart"

Eddie's heart sank into her stomach and was beating a mile a minute. She took a seat on the couch. It's Jamie, she knew it and it wasn't good news.

"Dad, please, what happened. I know it's Jamie" she pleaded with tears starting to form

"Details are still coming in" he started "but initial reports indicate that he was involved in an off duty shooting at a bodega not far from home around 6:00pm. He was rushed to St Irene's. Danny and Maria are on their way to get you. Please wait for them, I don't want you driving" he finished in a loving fatherly tone

"Please tell me he's gonna be ok" she cried out sobbing even harder now

"We don't know anything regarding his condition yet. I'm pulling in at the hospital now. I'll see you soon. Keep your head up and be strong. He needs all of us to be strong for him now, Ok" he assures her

"Ok Dad. I'll try. See you soon" she chokes out

A few minutes later, she's still sitting on the couch numb and in shock. A knock on the door followed by Danny's frantic voice calling her name brought her out of the daze she was in.

She jumps up to open the door and sees Danny standing there when she opens it.

"Danny" she says falling into his arms with tears streaming down her cheeks

He wraps his arms around her in a big comforting hug and softly says "Hey now, come on. No need to assume the worst. Get your stuff and lets go, Ok. He needs you. He needs us"

She took a minute to secure the apartment, then grabbed her stuff and out the door they went.

On the way to the hospital, Eddie was resting her head against the window. The silent tears continued flowing freely down her face. The only thing she could think about was how this day went from being one of the happiest of her life to the absolute worst. She was scared to death. Would she be facing motherhood and the rest of her life alone, without her best friend, husband and now father of their child. She tried to push those thoughts aside because now was not the time to think like that. She had to be strong for him and their family, which was an army of three now.


To be Contunued...