Hello there!

Thank you all soooooo much for checking out my story! If you like it, it's very inspiring to me if you let me know in some way, and thank you in advance for every fav, follow, or nice review; they're my own version of caffeine. :D :D :D :D :D

If you have an idea for a story, check out my bio page to find out details on the chance to have a one shot written for you.

I now have a Facebook page where I post sneak peeks for most of the chapters I write. It also has my updating schedule for those wanting to know what I'm working on next. And if you like what you've read and are feeling inspired to show your appreciation, you can find the details on how to do so there. Just search for 'Thelonerebel's Stories' in your Facebook search bar and you should find me. :D

If any of you are artists, and are inspired to make some fan art based on one of my stories, I would be ecstatic to use it as cover art for said story and give your the credit.

Disclaimer: I don't own any Star Wars characters and any OC's that resemble real people are entirely coincidental.

More than a few pieces of this story are co-written with MaybeImARebel

Author's Note:

This story is currently the dumping grounds for a bunch of stories that all fit in the same A.U. It might not make a lot of sense and chapters are gong to be restructured and revised on a regular basis as I slowly write the individual stories for the characters. Thank you in advance for reading this very long-term mess. :P

New chapters will be added in chronological order so I'll put a little note in the synopsis of the story letting you know where you can find the most recent chapter.

There will be notes all over the place letting you know what's new and what is going to be added to, so be warned. :P

This story will float between the Star Wars, Rebels, and Clone Wars pages depending on what the most recent update is most applicable to.

Flame of Hope - Everyone

This (very very long) story will focus on the following pairings in a mix of canon and alternate universe that is meant to be enjoyed for what it is.

Obi-Wan Kenobi and Satine Kryze
Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala Barrie
Han Solo and Leia Organa
Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade
Ahsoka Tano and Lux Bonteri
Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla
Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren
Thrawn and Rulla (OC)
Jyn Erso and Cassian Andor
Ketsu Onyo and Joshua Azadi (OC)
Rowan Freemaker and Alora Sunchaser
Jacen Syndulla and Princess Skye (OC)
Ben Solo and Rey Skywalker
Ursa Wren and Alrich Kryze
Ephraim Bridger and Mira Seraphia
Tia Fisto and King Wayve (OCs)
Prince Raign and Krystal (OCs)
Poe Dameron and Mira Wren-Bridger (OC)
Din Djarin and Omera Blackwolf

Other pairings that are in the story but are not focused on are:

Qui-Gon Jinn and Tahl
Wedge Antilles and Kordi Freemaker
Zander Freemaker and Becky Smoochenbacher
Asajj Ventress and Quinlan Vos
Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura
Bo-Katan Kryze and Fenn Rau
Caleb Wren-Bridger and Minxha Bonteri (OCs)

I'm sure there's more that I've forgotten but I will add them when I notice that they're missing.

Helpful Translations for Commonly Used Words:


Frag(ging) - Fuck(ing)

Kriff(ing) - Frick(ing)

Shag - More polite way to say 'fuck' (Not to be confused with the same word for 'slave' in Huttese)


Kark(ing) - Fuck(ing)

Poodoo - Very smelly Bantha food. (Basically like saying 'crap')

Sleemo - Slimeball


Karabast - Bloody hell, fuck, crap, etc. (Literally anything you want it to mean, :P)


'ika added to a name - A loved one

Adnar - Roughly translates to my child. A nickname that would mean the baby of the family.

Aruetii - Traitor.

Beskar - Mandalorian iron used in their armour. Blaster proof and can deflect lightsabre strikes to an extent.

Besom - Bastard.

Brokar – To beat or victor.

Cyar'ika - Beloved soulmate

Dar'manda - Traitor to Mandalore. Declared without honour and cast out. Clanless.

Di'kut(e) - Idiot(s)

Haar'chak - Damn it!

Haran - Hell (but more like end of the universe than hell)

Jai'galaar – Shriek Hawk

Mand'alor - Ruler of all the Mandalorian people. The Darksabre is a traditional symbol of the Mand'alor's power.

Mir'osik – Dung for brains.

Osik - Dung, crap, etc.

Resol'nare – Six Actions. A way of life. 1. Wear the armour. 2. Speak the language. 3. Defend oneself and one's family. 4. Raise your children as Mandalorians. 5. Contribute to the clan's welfare. 6. Rally to any cause without question when called upon by the Mand'alor.

Riddur - Spouse.

Shab - Fuck

Shabla - Fucking, fucked up (Depends on context)

Shabiir - Screw up, person who has severely blown it.

Shabuir(e) - Jerk(s), asshole(s), fucker(s). (Take your pick)

Shebs - Butt, ass, etc.

Talyc – Bloody.

Vod - Sibling

My Calendar:

The made up calendar is based on a 365 day year since that is the rotation period for Coruscant.

BBY means Before the Battle of Yavin and ABY means After the Battle of Yavin.

Unlike the Star Wars timeline that seems to think there can be both a 0 BBY and a 0 ABY, which would never really happen if you know anything about math (there is only one zero when running from negatives to positives), my calendar runs from 1 BBY to 0 ABY and then 1 ABY and so on. This means that I've got almost everything happening a year earlier than Star Wars says, and yet, in some strange way, the ages still work?. (Live with it).

30 days equal a month and 10 days equal a week. There are no set names for months and weeks though. It's just a way of naming a certain amount of time.

The following timeline is mostly based on vague information from Wookiepedia and the chronological order for 'The Clone Wars'. This is my interpretation of events as I see them and occasionally how I want them to be. All of my stories will follow this timeline except for the ones that throw the canon timeline to the wind. :D (Some events cover many days; I've only listed the first day the event begins.)


(This isn't finished yet, but it's exhausting to do.)


D245/3984 BBY - Mira Seraphia (Bridger)'s Birthday

D80/272 BBY - King Wayve's Birthday

D7/270 BBY - Tia Fisto's Birthday

D43/267 BBY - Kit Fisto's Birthday

D266/84 BBY - Sheev Palpatine's Birthday

D96/57 BBY - Obi-Wan Kenobi's Birthday

D101/54 BBY - Satine Kryze's Birthday

D3/53 BBY - Fenn Rau's Birthday

D300/50 BBY - Alrich Kryze's Birthday

D78/49 BBY - Ursa Wren's Brithday

D118/49 BBY - Bo-Katan Kryze's Birthday

D5/46 BBY - Padme Amidala's Birthday

D88/45 BBY - Ephraim Bridger's Birthday

D221/44 BBY - Garazeb Orrelios' Birthday

D163/42 BBY - Alexsandr Kallus' Birthday

D26/41 BBY - Anakin Skywalker's Birthday

D98/41 BBY - Obi-Wan meets Qui-Gon

D146/ 41 BBY - Baby Yoda's Birthday (real name unknown)

D321/41 BBY - Riyo Chuchi's Birthday

D150/39 BBY - Lux Bonteri's Birthday

D124/37 BBY - Lando Calrissian's Birthday (halfway between listed canon and legends age to compromise)

D19/36 BBY - Ahsoka Tano's Birthday

34 BBY - Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon guard Duchess Satine Kryze

D323/33 BBY - Caleb Dume/Kanan Jarrus' Birthday

D358/33/BBY - Captain Rex and Commander Cody's Vatday

D63/32 BBY - Invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation

D64/32 BBY - Qui-Gon finds Anakin on Tatooine

D70/32 BBY - Battle of Naboo

D86/32 BBY - Peace Celebration on Naboo

D81/32 BBY - Boba Fett's vatday

D299/32 BBY - Han Solo's Birthday

D56/29 BBY - Hera Syndulla's Birthday

D118/26 BBY - Cassian Andor's Birthday

D301/26 BBY - Din Djarin's Birthday

D78/25 BBY - Omera Blackwolf's Birthday

D291/23 BBY - Wedge Antilles' Birthday

D10/22 BBY - First Battle of Geonosis

D41/22 BBY - Battle of Christophsis

D346/22 BBY - Corruption (Mandalore arc)

D348/22 BBY - The Academy

D357/22 BBY - Assassin

D358/22 BBY - ARC Troopers (Attack on Kamino)

D361/22 BBY - Sphere of Influence (Ahsoka and Chuchi)

D18/21 BBY - Jyn Erso's Birthday

D44/21 BBY - Evil Plans (Cad Bane arc)

D46/21 BBY - Hostage Crisis

D48/21 BBY - Hunt For Ziro

D136/21 BBY - Heroes on Both Sides (Ahsoka meets Lux)

D140/21 BBY - Pursuit of Peace

D141/21 BBY - Overlords (Mortis arc)

D142/21 BBY - Alter of Mortis, Ghosts of Mortis

D154/21 BBY - The Citadel (Prison escape arc)

D155/21 BBY - Counterattack, Citadel Rescue

D168/21 BBY - Padawan Lost (Ahsoka and Chewie arc)

D170/21 BBY - Wookie Rescue

D171/21 BBY - Nightsisters (Savage Opress and Ventress arc)

D173/21 BBY - Monster

D175/21 BBY - Witches of the Mist

D180/21 BBY - Water War (Mon Cala and Gungan arc)

D181/21 BBY - Gungan Attack

D182/21 BBY - Prisoners

D185/21 BBY - Shadow Warrior

D190/21 BBY - Sabine Wren's Birthday

D192/21 BBY - Mercy Mission (Artoo and Threepio arc)

D194/21 BBY - Nomad Droids

D201/21 BBY - Darkness on Umbara (Umbara arc)

D202/21 BBY - The General

D203/21 BBY - Plan of Dissent

D204/21 BBY - Carnage of Krell

D264/21 BBY - Kidnapped (Zygerrian Slavers arc)

D266/21 BBY - Slaves of the Republic

D268/21 BBY - Escape from Kadavo

D280/21 BBY - A Friend in Need (Ahsoka, Lux, and Death Watch)

D300/21 BBY - Deception (Obi-Wan undercover arc)

D306/21 BBY - Friends and Enemies

D308/21 BBY - The Box

D310/21 BBY - Crisis on Naboo

D350/21 BBY - A War on Two Fronts (Ahsoka, Lux, and the Gerreras on Onderon arc)

D352/21 BBY - Front Runners

D354/21 BBY - The Soft War

D356/21 BBY - Tipping Points

D2/20 BBY - The Gathering (Ahsoka and the Younglings arc)

D3/20 BBY - A Test of Strength

D4/20 BBY - Bound for Rescue

D5/20 BBY - A Necessary Bond

D8/20 BBY - Massacre (Ventress arc)

D15/20 BBY - Bounty

D16/20 BBY - Aborted Battle of Drongar (my own invention)

D18/20 BBY - Secret Weapons (Droid Spies arc)

D20/20 BBY - A Sunny Day in the Void

D21/20 BBY - Missing In Action

D23/20 BBY - Point of No Return

D26/20 BBY - Depa Billaba wakes from coma

D30/20 BBY - Brothers (Savage and Maul arc)

D35/20 BBY - Revenge

D41/20 BBY - Eminence (Rise of Maul arc)

D49/20 BBY - Shades of Reason

D53/20 BBY - Lawless (Death of Satine)

D78/20 BBY - Sabotage (Framing Ahsoka arc)

D80/20 BBY - The Jedi Who Knew Too Much

D81/20 BBY - To Catch a Jedi

D83/20 BBY - The Wrong Jedi (Ahsoka leaves the Order)

D112/20 BBY - The Unknown (The control chip arc)

D114/20 BBY - Conspiracy

D115/20 BBY - Fugitive

D117/20 BBY - Orders

D129/20 BBY - An Old Friend (The Clovis arc)

D132/20 BBY - Rise of Clovis

D134/20 BBY - Crisis at the Heart

D135/20 BBY - Anakin and Padme make up and Luke and Leia are conceived

D148/20 BBY - The Disappeared

D176/20 BBY - The Lost Ones

D188/20 BBY - Voices (Yoda's journey arc)

D189/20 BBY - Destiny

D190/20 BBY - Sacrifice

D194/20 BBY - Attempted bombing of Jedi Temple, stopped by Caleb Dume and Depa Billaba

D195/20 BBY - Obi-Wan and Anakin are sent to deal with the Outer Rim Sieges again

D201/20 BBY - Vos and Ventress team up to try and take down Dooku

D298/20 - Crystal Crisis on Utapau episodes

D320/20 BBY - Fort Anaxes and the Bad Batch episodes

D344/20 BBY - Battle over Coruscant, Battle on Mandalore with Maul, Ahsoka, and Rex

D345/20 BBY - Padme tells Anakin she's pregnant (at 7 months along. He hasn't seen her for five months.)

D365/20 BBY - Anakin turns into Darth Vader, Obi-Wan vs Grievous on Utapau, Order 66, Ahsoka and Rex fake their Deaths on Mandalore

D1/19 BBY - Ezra Bridger's Birthday, Temporarily Empire Day

D2/19 BBY - Yoda fights Sidious on Coruscant, Obi-Wan fights Anakin on Mustafar

D3/19 BBY - Luke and Leia's Birthday (40 days premature but healthy anyway), Padme dies, the rebirth of Darth Vader

D58/17 BBY - Mara Jade's Birthday

D175/17 BBY - Kordi Freemaker's Birthday

D64/15 BBY - Zander Freemaker's Birthday

D1/12 BBY: Imperials take Ezra's parents away.

D99/11 BBY: Hera and Kanan meet on Gorse.

D137/10 BBY - The Machine in the Ghost

D15/8 BBY - Rowan Freemaker's Birthday

D176/8 BBY: Kanan and Hera rescue Zeb from the ruins of Lasan.

D1/7 BBY: Sabine escapes from the Imperial Academy. Joins Ketsu Onyo as a bounty hunter.

D182/5 BBY - Entanglement, Property of Ezra Bridger

D190/5 BBY - Hera find's Sabine and asks her to join their crew.

D201/5 BBY - Spark of Rebellion (Ezra joins the crew)

D202/5 BBY - Droids in Distress

D211/5 BBY - Fighter Flight

D226/5 BBY - Art Attack

D228/5 BBY - Rise of the Old Masters

D229/5 BBY - Breaking Ranks

D312/5 BBY - Out of Darkness

D1/4 BBY - Empire Day

D2/4 BBY - Gathering Forces, Path of the Jedi

D47/4 BBY - Idiot's Array (Hello, Lando)

D98/4 BBY - Vision of Hope

D140/4 BBY - Call to Action

D141/4 BBY - Rebel Resolve

D143/4 BBY - Fire Across the Galaxy (The Rebellion gathers for the first time to rescue Kanan above Mustafar. Ahsoka's back!)

D147/4 BBY - Siege of Lothal

D198/4 BBY - The Lost Commanders, Relics of the Old Republic (Rex is back!)

D221/4 BBY - Always Two There Are

D242/4 BBY - Alora Sunchaser's Birthday

D243/4 BBY - Brothers of the Broken Horn (Hondo is back!)

D267/4 BBY - Wings of the Master

D291/4 BBY - Blood Sisters

D321/4 BBY - Stealth Strike

D362/4 BBY - The Future of the Force

D1/3 BBY - Legacy

D2/3 BBY - A Princess on Lothal (Hello, Leia)

D46/3 BBY - The Protector of Concord Dawn

D80/3 BBY - Legends of the Lasat

D87/3 BBY - The Call (not just a filler episode)

D102/3 BBY - Homecoming

D111/3 BBY - The Honorable Ones

D132/3 BBY - Shroud of Darkness

D168/3 BBY - The Forgotten Droid

D170/3 BBY - The Mystery of Chopper Base

D185/3 BBY - Twilight of the Apprentice (Ahsoka vs Vader)

D362/3 BBY - Steps Into Shadow

D1/2 BBY - The Holocrons of Fate

D17/2 BBY - The Antilles Extraction

D38/2 BBY - Hera's Heroes

D81/2 BBY - The Last Battle

D117/2 BBY - Imperial Super Commandos (First cartoon episode of Star Wars I ever saw. Needless to say I was hooked and then went binge watching on youtube and PVR'd everything Disney Channel would show.)

D142/2 BBY - Iron Squadron

D169/2 BBY - The Wynkahthu Job

D201/2 BBY - An Inside Man

D249/2 BBY - Visions and Voices

D261/2 BBY - Ghosts of Geonosis

D279/2 BBY - Warhead

D290/2 BBY - Trials of the Darksabre

D310/2 BBY - Legacy of Mandalore

D316/2 BBY - Through Imperial Eyes

D322/2 BBY - Secret Cargo (Hello, Mon Mothma)

D341/2 BBY - Double Agent Droid

D357/2 BBY - Twin Suns (Obi-Wan vs Maul one last time)

D365/2 BBY - Zero Hour

D2/1 BBY - Heroes of Mandalore

D6/1 BBY - In the Name of the Rebellion

D10/1 BBY - The Occupation

D14/1 BBY - Flight of the Defender

D15/1 BBY - Kindred

D16/1 BBY - Crawler Commandoes

D18/1 BBY - Rebel Assault

D20/1 BBY - Jedi Night (Kanan's ultimate sacrifice)

D21/1 BBY - Dume

D22/1 BBY - Wolves and a Door, World Between Worlds (Hello, Ahsoka!)

D26/1 BBY - A Fools Hope, Family Reunion and Farewell (Goodbye, Thrawn and Ezra)

D363/1 BBY - Battle of Scarif, Jacen Syndulla's Birthday

D1/0 ABY - Battle of Yavin (Destruction of Death Star)

D135/1 ABY - Minta Blackwolf's Birthday

D255/2 ABY - Poe Dameron's Birthday

D349/3 ABY - Battle of Hoth

D11/4 ABY - Princess Skye's Birthday

D198/4 ABY - Yoda passes into the Force.

D200/4 ABY - Battle of Endor (Destruction of Second Death Star and Death of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader.)

D105/5 ABY - Ben Solo's Birthday

D159/5 ABY - Caleb Wren-Bridger's Birthday

D160/5 ABY - Minxha Bonteri's Birthday

D201/5 ABY - The Battle of Jakku and the final defeat of the Empire.

D337/5 ABY - Padmer & Anika Skywalker's Birthday

D2/8 ABY - Mira Wren-Bridger's Birthday

D104/9 ABY - Din Djarin finds Baby Yoda

D93/15 ABY - Rey Skywalker's Birthday (adopted)

D280/15 ABY - Defeat of the Far Outsiders (Yuuzhan Vong)

D78/20 ABY - Rey is found on Jakku!

D134/20 ABY - Defeat of Snoke and the First Order