Disclaimer: I do not own anything from American Horror Stories.

Warning: Rated M. Contains brotherxsister relationship. Contains trigger subjects.

Note: This is the first in the series where I do refer to my other stories a little more, but it shouldn't be too confusing… Maybe? If you have any questions pertaining to the other stories, you can leave a question and I'll see if I can fill the blanks. Otherwise, this will just concentrate on the happenings of this season of AHS.


I lay in bed with my head on his chest. His hand ran idly through my hair as we both tried to ignore the screaming match our parents had gotten into. This was the worst that it had ever been and it was over something as trivial as purchasing the wrong type of cheese.

I couldn't even remember how it started. One day, they just started to tear each other apart. It was as if they were competing to see who could hurt the other more, but it always ended up being us who suffered the most.

If I hadn't been used to such chaos, I would've gone mad long ago. As it were, I had life times' worth of experience to learn that these moments were fleeting and the worst had yet to come.

"Kai? Sis? Can I come in?" The frightened face of Winter peeked into our room and we gladly invited her on to the bed where we all huddled together. Our parents' dysfunctional relationship had done nothing but bring us closer together. The only one who was slightly out of the loop was Rudy. He had graduated college and had gotten his license as a psychiatrist, so he moved out as quickly as he could.

There was a part of me that truly resented him. He could've taken us away from here, but he didn't. He said he couldn't support three others with his measly income. How would he know if he didn't try?

The sound of shattering porcelain pierced through the house.

I closed my eyes, burying my face in his chest as they continued to yell and shout at each other.

This was night was only one of many and by no means the worst.

After summer break was over, Winter returned to her dorms. I wished that I had done the same instead of staying at home. I didn't want to leave Kai here by himself with them, but I hated when they were like this.

It wasn't long after that it happened.

I was upstairs in my room, studying for an exam, while Kai went down to the kitchen to sneak some food up.

There was the usual shouting and then…


I jumped. My heart pounding loudly in my chest as I stared at the closed door in horror. Was that what I thought it was?

"K-Kai?" I shouted.


My hands flew to my mouth to stifle the scream that was just a puff of air away from being released.

I slowly left my room and walked downstairs. Each creak echoed in the deathly silent house.


A hand suddenly grabbed me and that was when the scream escaped.

"Shh… Shh… It's only me!" Kai exclaimed, pulling me down to hold me close.

"W-What happened?" I shakily asked. "I thought I heard a gunshot or… Was that just the TV?"

He shook his head. "They're dead, Madi… Mom shot dad and then she… she killed herself."


What did he mean when he said she shot dad and killed herself?!

This couldn't be real. It was all a horrible nightmare.

"N-No… This isn't funny, Kai!" I tried to push him away to go into the kitchen. Father was probably sitting in his wheelchair and mother was making dinner…

"Don't, Madi!" He held me tighter. "I don't want you to see the… bodies."

I shook my head. "Stop lying to me! Stop lying!"

He allowed me to hit him as reality refused to set in. He stayed with me long enough to know that I wasn't going to hurt myself and reached for the phone.

"Rudy? It's Kai," he said. He was leaning against the wall with me sobbing in his chest. "I know, but… I think… I need help. We need help. P-Please, Rudy. It's mom and d-dad. They're dead, Rudy. She k-k-k-killed him and k-killed herself." There was a pause. "NO! DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!"

I leaned forward. "Please, come back, Rudy," I whimpered.

"Yeah. No, Winter doesn't know. She's still in school. You would've fuckin' know that if you were still here!" he shouted.

There was another pause and then, Kai hung up before tossing the phone across the room.

"He's coming, Madi. It's going to be okay. It's going to be okay." He rocked me back and forth, trying to convince the both of us, but it was failing.

We had two dead bodies in the kitchen and no parents.

And that was how Rudy found us. He gave us a long stare before making his way to the kitchen.

"Holy shit…" we heard him mutter to himself. "Shit…"

He came back out. "Okay, we can't let anyone know."

"What do you mean? We have to call the police!" I told him. "We have two dead people in the house – our parents!"

"No. No… If they find out, they're take the house and who's going to pay for college? Winter only just started and you're only half done. I'll take care of the bills and bank accounts until then. Just… Go get a part time job somewhere," he said, pacing back and forth. "Okay. I'm going to go out for a bit, get some lye. It'll cover up the smell and slow the decaying process. We'll put them in their rooms and we'll clean the kitchen. It'll be fine."

"You're crazy…" I couldn't believe that he was saying all of this. He was a psychiatrist! He was a doctor! This was wrong… This was so wrong.

He ran his hand tiredly down his face. "Look, I can't have this all over the news and having it linked back to me. My business has just started. If my clients knew what happened, what credibility do I have? I need to be able to make enough money to support us all."

I turned to my other brother. "Kai?"

"He's right," Kai mumbled. "They'll separate us all and you guys still need to finish college."

"Good. Stay put. Clean up the kitchen as well as you can. Don't move the bodies. I'll help you with that later. And use bleach!" With that, Rudy quickly left.

I heard his car start up and wondered if he was even going to come back.

"What are we going to do?" I quietly asked him.

"We're going to get bleach from the bathroom and clean up the kitchen," he told me, nudging me off him. "It's going to be fine, Madi. I promise."

With a determined look, he marched over to grab the white jug, some sponges, and a towel.

I slowly got off the floor to help him. The scent of blood made me gag. I was glad when the bleach fumed out, covering everything with its overwhelming aroma.

With shaky hands, I began to scrub away at the pool of blood beneath her head. Her eyes were still opened, staring lifelessly at me, so I gently moved her eyelids down.

She was dead.

And I was covering up the evidence.

What was I doing?!

I still couldn't believe that they were gone. Forever.

That always seemed to happen , didn't it? I couldn't have anything good in my life. They all eventually died and everything would start over again. Why couldn't I just have one happy run and then die?

Thankfully, it wasn't long before Rudy came back with several large containers of white substance. "Alright, bring these over to their room, while Kai and I carry their bodies," he instructed me.

I left the towel on the floor and wordlessly did as I was told.

Once they were positioned on their beds, it almost seemed as if they were merely asleep. This was the most peaceful they had been. They were never going to argue with each other ever again. Maybe this was the only way we could be a happy family once more.

I wrapped my arms around Kai's waist, burying my face against his back. Half watching as Rudy began to pour the lye over their bodies, until they were completely covered in a sheet of white.

"Come here," Rudy said after he locked the door to their room.

He had us sit at the dining table and stuck out his pinky fingers from both hands. "Well?"

Hesitantly, we each hooked ours around one.

"We won't ever speak of what happened today to anyone. They won't understand why we did what we did," he said.

Kai and I looked at each other and nodded. "We promise."

"What about Winter?" Kai asked. "We won't be able to keep that from her."

"You can tell her the next time she comes back," Rudy replied. "Make sure she doesn't tell anyone else."

That meant Thanksgiving. She was going to hate us forever for letting this happen, but it wasn't as if we could keep it a secret from her. Not exactly hard to tell when both mother and father mysterious disappeared.

With the promise made, Rudy left, leaving a few money bills on the table to signify that he was ever here.

The days after came too quickly. I couldn't concentrate on my classes, which meant I spent extra hours studying before the exams. I was determined to graduate and make something of my life. I wasn't going to be stuck in this house forever, but I also wasn't going to leave the rest of them like Rudy did. We were going to be a happy family together, away from this disaster of a home.

And then, Thanksgiving arrived.

Kai was the one to talk to Winter. He had to show her the terrible scene.

It was the worst Thanksgiving.

Winter wouldn't speak to us the entire time she was here and she left without a word the next day. She came back the day before her break was over with the scowl still on her face.

Kai pulled her over to the dining table and stuck out his pinky finger as Rudy had done for us.

She didn't look amused. "I'm not a child. Stop treating me like one!"

"Just do it, Winter!" Kai growled.

"We both did the same," I added, giving her shoulder a small nudge.

With a sigh, she hooked her pinky with his. "I promise never to speak of this to anyone. Happy?"

I didn't blame her for reacting the way she did. Sure, they were horrible parents, but they hadn't always been this way. Father was a good man, until the accident that made him wheelchair-bound. That was when his anger problems began.

In a way, their constant bickering helped distract me from all the memories I had trouble coming to terms with.

It didn't help that my brother was kind of possessed by a demon that would random take over. It was a very cryptic creature.

From my past memories, I knew that it had followed me through almost every life – every time line. Sometimes, it was very difficult differentiating between these memories, but I remembered a conversation we had some other world ago.

The demon didn't mean us any harm. It just had some ulterior motive.

Very trustworthy.

Since it was impossible to get rid of it, we just had to accept that it would be in our lives no matter where we went.

Unfortunately, there were some issues with having a demon in his head all the time. Kai was on a handful of medication as a child and went through the list of available drugs to try to get rid of the second voice. That was when we were young and clueless and didn't understand anything. We didn't receive the onslaught of memories until sometime in high school.

Kai had quickly gone from the most popular kid to being a pariah, joining me in the losers' corner.

It was also strange remembering our more intimate moments together. He was my brother! But it was obvious that just because we were siblings, it didn't mean that we couldn't have a deeper, more intimate relationship.

Our experimentations had been on a whim at first. A touch here and a touch there. The demon would come out and be a little more forward, but nothing too extreme. The boundaries were crossed when a girl at school confessed to him.

Needless to say, I was jealous. I didn't understand why I was jealous. I just was and I wasn't scared to show him that. There was a lot of yelling and hitting, until he pulled me into a kiss and told me that there wasn't going to be another woman in his life.

He had been so sweet and genuine.

I was hopelessly in love with my brother and I didn't even care if it was because of the past we had or if we were just that sick in the head.

Since then, we were even weirder in everyone else's eyes. We were impossibly close and our parents had us see a therapist together.

IT was then that I realized drugs could quiet my mind. All the memories could be overwhelming, but the pills helped me from my own thoughts.

Rudy warned me against abusing prescription medication, but why should I listen to him when he had abandoned us? He didn't know anything that we had to go through.

"We're going to be okay," Kai whispered, holding me tightly in his arms. "They'll be here watching over us. It'll be as if they're still here, just more… quiet…"

With their bodies slowly decaying in their room, Kai managed to get through college with a degree in religious studies, while I started my third year. Ironically, I studied criminology.

During his time at the new school, he had managed to make new friends. Once again, he had been the most popular and even ended up being the valedictorian in his year.

I was writing my term end paper when it happened. Donald Trump had somehow ended up being the President of the United States of America.

Having finally forgiven us for keeping the deaths from her, Winter had decided to take a break from college to help with our financial problems. She was horrified with the election results, while Kai was absolutely ecstatic. And me? I really had no interest in politics. In my eyes, they were all animals. The only difference was whether the means justified the end.

"U.S.A.! U.S.A.!"


"U.S.A.! U.S.A.!"

"Can you please keep it down?" I groaned, wondering if I was ever going to be able to finish the essay with them shouting in separate rooms. I really had nowhere to go for some peace and quiet. I also had an early shift at the bookstore tomorrow.

I really missed having weekends to myself, but that was impossible when our parents were dead and I had to somehow pay for my tuition.

Winter had taken random babysitting jobs and Kai helped, too. He was getting money from… somewhere. It was a secret he refused to divulge and I was fine with it as long as it helped us.

I was sure that the past Madis would be ashamed of me, or at least, the majority of them would be. I was so sick of thinking like this where I kept comparing myself to someone who wasn't quite me.

"Lay down on your stomach." Kai burst into the room, tossed his jacket haphazardly on to the floor, and practically threw me on to the mattress. His fingers delved beneath the skit of my dress, playing with my folds, until he was satisfied with the results. "Today is a good day and we will celebrate all night!"

"Kai, I need to finish this paper!" I protested, trying to wiggle away from him.

"You can do it tomorrow," he groaned, positioning himself at my entrance. The head ran up and down my slick opening, lubricating the member with my juice. "I need this. I need you, Madi."

He sheathed himself in one swift movement and didn't even wait for me to adjust before thrusting in a quick, sporadic pace.

"Oh, God… Kai…" I moaned. Everything else quickly disappeared from my mind.

He knew exactly how I liked it – fast and rough.

"This world will be ours," he purred, pulling my hair so that his lips were right against my ear. "You will be my Queen."

I didn't know how we became this way. Perhaps it was all those memories, building up years and years of deep hatred for the world that had done us wrong. It was as if all the pent up darkness was finally oozing out of my pores. Perhaps it was the demon's influence. Or perhaps they were all just excuses.

He suddenly slid out and flipped me on to my back. His teeth bit down hard above my collarbone as he pushed back into me.

"Fuck! I love you. I love you." He left a trail of kisses down my neck.

I whined, wrapping my legs around him to pull him deeper. "I love you, too, Kai."

The name was so insignificant.









He was mine.

He was always mine.


I hope you guys liked this chapter!