Chapter 13

Author's note: Guess who's back? Me! I'm so sorry for my absence, I've missed you so much, but I'm finally back and have already some chapters that I just have to edit and post, the thing is, my computer broke down, but I finally have it back, and let's hope third time it's the charm. I want to thank everyone that reaches to me and ask me how I was, I really appreciate it. Also, this chapter was so difficult to write…let's hope it makes sense.

So, let's do this.

Elliot is sitting next to my grandpa, who's sitting next to Ana, who's sitting next to grandma, who I'm sitting next to, with my dad at the head of the table. Mia is sitting right in front of me, Ethan is in front of my grandma and Kate is at his side, Luke is next to her with Bill and his parents, and my mom is on the other side of the table.

I can't keep my eyes off of Ana, I'm trying to see if she is uncomfortable, but she looks fine, she is talking nonstop with my grandma, who insist on putting more food on her plate, guess I'm not the only one who wants to see her eat.

"So, Anastasia, I'm sorry to miss the introductions, but…hi", my dad says, breaking the ice and making some of us smile.

"Hi, I'm sorry, how rude of me. Nice to meet you Mr. Grey", Ana says and immediately she blushes. My god, how beautiful she looks.

"I'm going to stop you right there", he says and looks at her really seriously and I can see Ana losing her smile.

"Call me Carrick, all my friends do. I'm only Mr. Grey when I'm in court or when I want to put the fear of God in people", he says and stars to laugh.

We all laugh at him, but I see that Ethan looks at my father a little confused.

"So, tell me, Anastasia, how can you stand not just one, but two of my kids? I know from experience that's not easy. Have they fight in front of you yet?".

"Please, call me Ana. I think they still try to behave themselves, but I'm pretty sure they do when I'm not looking".

"I don't know what are you talking about, little bro here and I are gentlemen and behave ourselves as such", Elliot says with his mouth full.

My mom just shakes her head at Elliot. I see Luke trying not to spit out his drink and Bill getting off the table to laugh.

"See, that's what I taught them. Elliot, correct me if I'm wrong, but she is your friend you been talking about right? The one you used to watch Game of Thrones with and bake the apple pie?"

"The one and only, dad".

"Well, Ana, from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you, I'm really liking the show, I'm not one to watch television, but Elliot convinces me it was a good show; now I'm a fan. But I especially love your apple pie, you'll have to do that again".

"I'm so glad you liked it. I'll be happy to send some pie for you".

"Honey, no need to send it, you can always come to this family meals", my grandma says.

"Especially if you bring pie. Between you and me, I'm not supposed to eat sweet things, but I have a weakness for apple pie", my grandpa tries and fails to whispers.

"So, Ana, what do you do for a living?", my mom asks her.

"I write for some magazines and blogs, a couple of newspapers; I have my own blog. I write about literature, the new books coming out, some movies, culture…some times I write about food or photography…", she answers.

"She's also responsible for making Christian join social media", Elliot smirked.

"Oh, I read some of the articles Christian have been posting, are those yours? I'll be honest with you, I don't read as much as I like, but I have the new Boyce Fox book, the review you did captive me", Dad says and I can help but smile at my girl.

Shit, Grey! she is not yours, but how I wish she was.

"You are too kind to me, but I have to admit I really enjoy Boyce Fox book, I hope you like it".

"Oh dear, I forgot the bread in the kitchen, excuse me", my mom says and is up before anyone can offer to go get the bread.

"So, Sean, what did you said you do for a living?", my dad asks and looks at Ethan.

"Daddy! his name is Ethan", Mia says.

"It is? oh well, I suppose I was thinking of someone else".

"It's ok, Carrick, don't worry about it. I'm studying…"

"Is Mr. Grey", my dad says.

Ethan looks uncomfortable.

"Daddy…", Mia says.

"It's ok, darling. So, what did you said you do?", my dad asks again.

"I'm…I'm taking a break from my studies, but I'm in the Faculty of Psychology".

"Oh, you're taking a break? Poor dear", my grandma says.

There's an awkward silence and all you can hear is the cutlery and the attempts of Elliot, Luke and Bill to stop from laugh at Ethan.

"So, Ana, you must read a lot. It's that something you like?", my grandpa asks her to try and save the moment, but I know he is trying to know if Ana is happy with her job; he always encourages us to follow our dreams.

"I love it. I studied literature and I used to work at a publishing house here".

"Yes, Ana accused his boss of sexual harassment and thus lost her job", Kate says out of the blue with a smirk on her face.

"Oh dear, I'm so sorry to hear that", my grandma says and reaches for Ana's hands.

Ana is shocked, like me she can't believe Kate just say that in front of everyone, and in a way that seems she is mocking what Ana when through.

"There are horrible people in the world. I'm sorry you had to go through that dear. I hope justice was served", my grandad says.

"Oh, I bet life will make sure justice is served", Luke says, and Elliot, Bill and I look at each other.

"So, Katherine, where do you meet Ana? because, from that comment, I can tell you know each other, what I can't understand it's why would you make fun of an awful event", my dad says, takes his glass of wine and looks from the side to Kate. I know that look, he reserver that from the court.

"We used to be classmates, and she was living with me right after we finish university".

"So, are you friends?", my dad asks.

Kate looks away and I can tell she doesn't want to explain in front of everyone.

"They used to be. Ana and Kate lived together through college and a little after that. That's how we all meet, but she decided to side with his brother", Elliot says, shocking me.

"Elliot, please", Ana implores him.

"It's ok, Banana. I mean, everyone should side with his family, but it also should call them on their bullshit".

"What do you mean?", my dad asks.

"Well, from the looks of things, I can tell that the Kavanagh siblings are constant in this family reunions. And Christian and I are planning to keep inviting Ana, so I think everyone should know why the Grey brothers can't stand Ethan. So, who's going to explain? Ethan, do you want to or can I?".

Elliot stares and Ethan and he stares back at my brother. I want so much for Ethan to try to explain himself, or that he says something bad about Ana so I can punch him without any guilt. Hell, I bet my grandma will tackle him before I can get to him.

"Mia, where did you leave the bread? I can't find it".

"Oh?" my sister asks and turns to look at Kate and Ethan.

"Sorry, Grace. Mia asks us to buy it, but we were so excited to get here that we forgot to buy it. I'm so sorry", Kate says to my mom.

"Oh, I wish you would have told me before, but it's ok dear, fewer calories, right?".

"Wait, there's still dessert, right?", Luke ask.

"We can have coffee, Luke".

"Just coffee? How are we going to celebrate with coffee?"

"What are we celebrating?", my grandad asks.

"It's a surprise. Which will go out better with some cake".

My mom sigh and turns to look at me.

"Christian, is Taylor still here? Can you send him to get a cake or ice cream, please?".

"Sorry, mom. Taylor went to a restaurant to eat. I'll call him to pick me up, but I won't butter him to go get dessert that someone else forgot".

"We could order ice cream at home. I know of a great place and they make deliveries. I can make the order, just let me look online for the menu". Ana says and takes her phone out. "Here it is, what do you want me to order?", she shows her phone and Luke takes it from her.

"Let's see". After he names every ice cream, we settle for six savors, and Elliot and I make sure that the cheesecake ice cream Ethan wanted wasn't part of the order.

"So, who's credit card are we using?", Luke ask and turns to look at Ethan, just like Bill, Elliot and I do, even my dad is expecting Ethan to offer to pay, and not because we don't want to pay, but because it will be good manners, after all, he forgot to buy it. But Ethan and Kate are looking at their plates. Ethan hasn't stopped eating.

"Carrick, get your card", my mom says and my dad is about to protest when Ana takes her phone.

"No, please, let me get this. After all, I'm crashing your family dinner".

"No, Banana, you're our guest, you're not paying".

"Here's my card, Ana. Please use it".

Ana ignores but of us, and gets busy with her phone".

"There, the ice cream should be here in 30 minutes", she says and puts away her phone.

"Well, this is a woman with determination, not someone who avoid reality. Are you free this week, dear?", my grandpa asks her.

"What for? to see you trying not to fall asleep every two hours? No, if she has free time and wants to be with an old person, she and I can go to the theater or the ballet", my grandma says and leans to whisper to Ana, "Well, that is you're not to busy with my grandsons".

She smiles and looks at me, and I can feel my heart beating faster.

We finish eating, and every family member, except for Mia and my mom ask Ana about her life.

Mia and Kate help my mom to clean the table. Ana offered, but my grandma didn't let her, claiming she should rest as much as possible while pregnant.

Elliot and I are busing ourselves with the coffee, brandy, and the ice cream while enjoying Luke and Bill making Ethan uncomfortable asking him about his "break" from school.

We all sit in my mom's garden couches. I manage to sit with Ana, who to me, kind of looks tired.

"You ok?", I whisper to her.

"I am. Thank you for bringing me, I'm having a great time with your family, but I'm sorry if it is really uncomfortable with Ethan and me here".

"Well, if he is uncomfortable he can go fuck himself. I'm pretty sure no one will mind".

She giggles and I feel ten feet taller.

"Thank you", she says to me and takes my hand and puts her head on my shoulder.

Peace. That's what I feel right now. This feels so right with her and me. I really need to figure out how to ask her out. Will she be willing? I don't mind her pregnancy, but will she be willing to go out with me?

"Banana, don't fall asleep. I brought you your ice cream. Between us three, I only offer to serve it, so Ethan will have to eat the coffee one".

"He doesn't like coffee", Ana says to Elliot.

"I know", he says and gives us each a big bowl of ice cream. with every flavor.

"Don't you think this is a lot?", I ask him.

"Yes, but it was grandpa's idea. I wasn't going to say no".

Well, looks like no one likes Ethan.

The rest of the family join us and everyone is eating a big bowl of ice cream, except for Ethan.

"Don't you want ice cream?", my mom asks him.

"I'm not a big fan of coffee",

"To bad. Luke, honey, now can we know what is this surprise you have for us?", my grandma says and takes the attention away from Ethan.

"Yes", Luke says and stands and brings Bill up with him.

"Well, Bill and I have been together for a while now, and I just get discharged from the army. We are thinking of the future, so I ask him to marry me and move to Seattle". Luke says and then we all see my grandma jumping from her seat to hug Luke and Bill. And it looks funny, because they are both big muscular man, and my grandma looks so tiny between them.

All the family congratulates them, but I can see that Mia didn't do it, she is still sitting with Kate and Ethan. I see my dad looking at them too and them to me. We both found that odd, but decide not to say anything.

"Congratulations guys", Ana says and I see her hug them.

"Thank you. We don't really have anything plan yet, we probably just go to the courtroom and get married".

" grandson of my will just get married like that. Especially the first. We'll plan something".

"We just want something small, grandma".

"It can be small, but spectacular".

We laugh because we know that she is going to plan the biggest even in Seattle.

After the ice cream, we talk some more, but it's getting late and Ana looks more tire.

"I think we should go. You're driving back to Montesano tomorrow".

"Yes, I think that's a good idea".

We say our goodbyes. Elliot is taking my grandparents to their house.

"Dad, can I see you tomorrow? There's something I want to talk you about", Elliot ask.

"Sure, son. Do you want to come here or go to the office?".

"I'll call you".

We all part ways outside of the house. Ana and I get in the SUV and she quickly falls asleep. When we get to Escala I don't want to wake her up, so I carry her to her room.

"After I put her in bed, I realize that I could change her or wake her… I decide to wake her, maybe she'll freak out if I undress her.

"Ana, we are home", I gently shake her.

"Ok, five more minutes".

I smile.

"Ok, I just thought you'll want to change".

She opens her eyes and seems to realize where are we.

"Did you carry me?".

"I did".

"Thank you", she gets up and gets on her tiptoes and gives me a kiss on the corner of my mouth.

That was so close and that small gesture makes my heart bit so fast.

"Goodnight, Christian".

"Goodnight, baby", I take her hand, pull her close to me and kiss her just like she did. I can see she like it, but I turn around and leave the room.

Sorry for the false alerts, I had problems uploading the chapter