The Black Order

My first memory of oniichan was him saving me from the mean adults.

He took me away from the mean village. Grandpa wasn't always there to save me as well as that small masked oniichan.

He gave me my first taste of candy...

...and left me with another old man.

He occasionally sends letters about my old world in the first month I was here.

Then he no longer sends letters.

Said letters were how ninja train. He took after this Maito Gai character, this weirdo in green.

He says he likes his skills in fists, but too much green er...spooked niichan.

He also sent a letter as to why my childhood was the way it was, by using his magic to make someone talk.

I never dreamed it that.

I never saw him again though.


I ended up in this strange world...where apparently, its normal for adults to beat up a little child!



I saved the poor girl by whacking them real good to ensure a long hospital stay...and learned that if not glaring at her and roughly throwing her out if seen, that happens.

On her birthdays were the worst.

No child should ever fear their birthdays...but this world filled with dark hearts made her fear her birthday.

So I saved her and healed her.

She had very few people kind to her but cannot always be around her.

When I hear her story, 9/10, they're not there.

So I took her away to a sorcerer's tower. She would be safe there.

This girl of pure light will become a terrifying darkness if she stayed longer.

I cannot let that happen.

Ten years later...

Naruko discarded her last name as she turned fourteen.

She grew up to be a budding maiden. Slim but firm, and shapely in the right places for her age. She wore a moss-green cropped jacket, a red tube top and form-fitting pants ending in heeled boots. Her hair parted in a seven-three with fringes framing the left side of her face, and her hair in a high ponytail. But glossy as it may look, its also kind of stiff that it looked like she has a broomhead for hair. On her arms were armored gauntlets, and her tube top has armor over her breasts. On her chest, was a medallion which she presses to activate and deactivate her armor.

She was in her home for ten years, Master Yen Sid's tower.

'Naruko.' said Yen Sid as she stood before him. 'You have done well as a Keyblade Warrior. You survived my teachings and training, as well as an insane man's way to be strong.' he said with a twitch as Terra's letters about Gai...still makes him shiver. Naruko snorted at her teacher's reaction. But it was effective as he was celebrated as the strongest and fastest man in Naruko's world.

Naruko benefited from that training. Becoming a powerful young girl who's fast and skilled in combat, making use of sharp, agile and fast strikes and acrobatics with her flexible body. But of course, she did not dare neglect her ninja training either and used magic to ensure her muscles don't go too bulky so she would remain feminine and beautiful in form. You will travel many worlds, and clean up the darkness within and seal their keyholes to keep the Heartless out of those well as finding a potential student among them.' he said. 'Our most important duty, is to always leave behind inheritors. Your first task thus, is to find an inheritor.'

'Yup, ya got it.' Naruko grinned. 'I'll go find myself a student and clean up worlds in our wake. Hopefully I score real good in a student though...and I prefer ones my age. More mature bodies that can take the training faster.' she mused. 'And I know just where to pluck them!' she said equipping her Keyblade Armor by touching the core on her chest. 'I'm off, sensei!' and she left his study.

'Excitable child as always, isn't she?' Flora giggled as the elderly wizard and fairies watched her go.

'Well, after that boy saved her from a miserable childhood, she gained hope...and after a good upbringing, she became a happy girl and one of the warriors of the Light.' said Yen Sid. 'He feels had she remained there, her bright heart would turn utmost pitch-black because of cruelty she did not deserve. And she in turn sees him reverently and wishes to find him and save him as he saved her.' he said. 'She was most upset when she got wind he was lost.'

'It will be a difficult journey won't it?' said Fauna gloomily.

'It will indeed.' said Merryweather with a cringe. 'The a difficult one.'

'Indeed so...but fortune favors the bold.' said Yen Sid. 'And he is much adored by my new student.' he chuckled. 'If he knew someone was waiting for him, he would have fought harder to come home.'


In the Lanes-Between...

Naruko was far more adventurous.

She didn't bother with the worlds she trained in as of three years ago. She wanted to see more worlds!

She found a world that looks like...a Tower on top of a cliff? She went in it.

Her entrance in this her dismay, was too easy.

'This world is rife with darkness, and its door wide-open...have we Keybladers focused so much on the worlds close to the Princesses of Heart that we neglected these other worlds?' Naruko shook her head. 'How dismaying.' she sighed as she arrived on the grounds after coming out of literal space and landed on her Glider which was basically an egg-shaped glider with with an open cockpit so that leaves her exposed to the darkness of Lanes-Between, an arcade panel at the front, joystick with four buttons, a small screen and two thin buttons with SELECT and START on it. Besides her egg-shaped cockpit were white wings. Upon getting off, the Glider changed back to a Keyblade.

Her keyblade was white and blue, inspired with waves and whirlpools. It's keychain was that of a watery whirlpool.

'Hm?' she looked to see bats with a single huge eye hovering around her. 'What...are they?' she picked up one...and looked for closer inspection. 'Oh man, I thought these were real freaky bats, they're effing machines! Whoever made these must be one hell of a nightmare fetishist or something!' she exclaimed as she threw it behind her. 'Weirdo! Find a better hobby or something! You can be a crossdresser for all I care!'

Inside the tall building...

'Yeah, those Science Division guys are real whackos.' a guard agreed.

'But who is this girl in weird armor and weird transport?'

'Could be an Exorcist! Call somebody!'


Naruko found herself approached by teenagers a bit older than her and young adults in similarly-designed but customized uniforms. 'Heeeey! This made my job a tad easier!' that got them nervous at her cheerful declaration.

'W-what are you talking about?' the eyepatch boy asked her.

'I was looking for ideal heirs, y'see!' Naruko chimed. 'I found three young strong hearts here and that's you,' points at eyepatch, 'You,' points at longhair boy, 'And you!' points at white-haired boy.

'Er...what about us?' the white-haired boy croaked out, pointing at himself.

'Only those with pure, strong hearts can inherit. That is the law of my master and others who came before him in history.' said Naruko seriously. 'When I graduated from my Mark of Mastery Exam, my Master tasked me to find heirs before I can do my real job. And me dying is a real high possibility, hence the need for finding heirs real fast, ya know? Can't let our kind die off too quick.'

As a sign of trust, she deactivated her armor, showing her appearance. A very pretty blonde girl with blue eyes. And very young!

'Hi! I'm Naruko.' said Naruko. 'May I know the names of my chosen heirs?'

'What are we the heir about first!' longhair demanded. 'I'm not gonna take stuff unless I know what it's about!' he grunted. Naruko smiled at him appreciatively.

'Good guy with a good head on your noggin'.' she praised him that made him do a double-take. 'All good things indeed come with a catch. Nothing's for free in this world ever since humans learned Mercantilism anyway.' she snorted with a shrug. 'Don't just take good things offered, you know. You may be my chosen but once I tell only you what it's about, you must either wholeheartedly accept or refuse being my heir. If you're strongarmed or forced into the job that came with the power, your effort and dedication will come out half-assed and given our duty, doing things half-assed is fatal.' she shuddered. 'My master would tell me of history about such morons, yeah.'

'One question...that egg vehicle of yours that turned into a key...what is that? Innocence?' the blonde young man asked her inquisitively.

'...whassat?' Naruko looked clearly clueless. 'I can tell you one thing about this manifests as a key. We Masters initiate the Inheritance Ceremony on our chosen heirs as they touch it. If it remains in their hands as proof of their strong, pure hearts, a portion of the key's power will awaken their own power sleeping in their hearts...and their hearts will forge a key that reflects their souls. It will be born once it deemed you worthy of its power and let you use your own heart as a weapon, in the form of a key. It rejects those with weak hearts by instantly disappearing before they can even touch it, and return to their wielder.' she said, showing hers again. 'That's all I can tell the public. The rest, I tell my chosen heirs if they accept. In private of course. Rules and all.'

'Heee...yours is watery-looking Naruko-chan~' eyepatch commented, intrigued at Naruko's keyblade. 'What does that say about you?'

'My personality is exactly that...I am like wind and water, hence my wave-inspired key.' Naruko giggled. 'I am freedom incarnate. I hate being cooped up. I go wherever I want to go. Nothing can contain me for long. Calm as still waters of the ocean I usually am but if you piss me off, I'll smother and crush you in waves and whirlpools that represent how angry I am at the moment. And just like water, I welcome and take in everyone and everything with no bias and prejudice as long as you don't start some shit and piss me off. My master said my key reflected what he knew of me as he raised me for seven years. Makes me wonder what yours looks like, hehe.'

'Sooo Lavi, Kanda, what do you guys think?' white-haired boy asked the other two boys. 'As for me I'll gladly take it.'

'That would mean traveling with me you know.' Naruko piped up as the trio froze.

'Travel the earth huh...?' eyepatch blinked. 'Not that different from our jobs...'

Naruko wisely did not say where exactly, are they going.

'Well, you got all day to decide, not to mention you guys got legal guardians to talk to.' said Naruko. 'Unless you're an orphan, you can decide for yourself. But this is a biiiig commitment, OK? Do NOT rush in deciding this! Because it will be a looooooooooong while before you get to go home again!'

Her stomach growled.

They sweatdropped.

'...where's the nearest restaurant...?' Naruko croaked out, blushing. 'And do you guys accept munny?'

'Of course we do!' said white-haired boy, baffled. Naruko took out munny, which were diamond-shaped pure gold pieces in huge 8 carats and some were smaller.

'WHAT THE HELL?!' they cried in aghast, eyes popping out.

'Er, something wrong?' Naruko blinked owlishly.

'N-Naruko...that's...pure gold, right?' white-haired boy choked out shakily, pale-faced.

'Duh! Gold is the only thing munny is made of!' Naruko exclaimed incredulously. 'What a silly question!'

'Naruko-chan, large gold that size here is enough for about 6 months worth of food for a wealthy family of ten.' eyepatch quipped as Naruko now gawked at him.

"...what poor country did I get into that 1000 munny is worth that much here?" 'Then this small one is enough to pay for a single meal, right? Darn conversion issues!' Naruko griped, showing them 5 munny, the size of 3 carats.

'If you'll treat four people yourself included in a high-class restaurant...yeah.'

'Ugh, this part I hate about traveling...people make such a big deal of my money.' Naruko sighed tiredly, sagging shoulders. 'I could use some food but what does your country serve?'

'Jerry cooks pretty much everything and he's really good!' white-haired boy beamed. 'Hey Link, she's OK to go in, right?' he asked the blonde man beside him.

'Well, she goes through Hevlaska first. I want to be double-sure.' said Link.


'She's an Exorcist who took on the form of a...giant tentacle thingy.' said white-haired boy. 'Her job is to literally probe your insides for your potential. It feels really weird like long stuff crawling inside you though.' Naruko paled in horror.

'You mean the famous alien probe up my butt?! Nooo!' Naruko freaked out. 'I'm reserving my virginity for marriage!' the Exorcists present choked, red-faced in awkwardness.

'Hevlaska's NOT probing you THERE!' Link sputtered, red-faced. 'Walker don't give her a weird image!'

'Hey, YOU try being probed and see how you like it!'


Deep down below...

Naruko freaked out.

Seeing Hevlaska was SCARY! 'KYAAAA!'

Worry not, newcomer...I'm a nice person. said Hevlaska reassuringly. A new Exorcist?

'Ehhh no but she has a weird power she can pass down to those with strong hearts. We just want confirmation that she is or is not.' said Link.

Very well. Hevlaska reached out her feelers and took Naruko.

'Not up my butt OK, NOT up my butt!' Naruko began sweating buckets nervously.

Oh dear, I will not probe you there. Its not like your organs contain your power. said Hevlaska with a chuckle as she began her probe. It was like cold squishy tentacles going inside of her body! E-eh?

'What is it, Hevlaska?' eyepatch called out.

This girl is not an Exorcist, but possesses a greater, warmer and comforting power than Innocence. said Hevlaska as she put Naruko down. A power so great but reliant on her heart. Naruko, was it?

'Yeah? What is it?' Naruko asked her.

Seven Lights and Thirteen Darknesses will come to are among the Seven Lights with a destiny you must survive...or the darkness will claim all you hold dear. Hevlaska warned.

'I know. My Master told me that but not even he sensed that I'm a chosen one of the Seven but strangely, you can. This is good and scary news to us at the same time as Darkness is reviving.' Naruko sighed. 'So many chosen but only seven are the true lights. I'm one of them huh? Yeah, I need an heir real bad.' she gulped.

Hevlaska's words bothered the Exorcists and Link.

'...and how old are you that you need heirs too soon?' the man with pointy ears asked.

'I'm 14, why?'

'14?!' everybody yelled.

'The Thirteen Darknesses are the Noah aren't they?' Link asked worriedly at Hevlaska. 'They're a family of 13 with one extra!'

Something far worse as I have seen. Hevlaska shuddered. Compared to them, the Noah Clan may as well be clumsy toddlers with toys. that utterly floored them all in horror in her words. That, is how strong the Darknesses are...and that speaks volumes of how powerful Naruko is as well as a fighter, that she is one of the Seven Lights powerful enough to fight them.

'...holy crap...' eyepatch choked. 'Someone worse than the Millennium Earl exists? Shiiiit...'

'Sooo still want to be my heir guys?' Naruko chuckled nervously. 'Don't worry, you won't fight in the front lines but I do have a task for you while training you, OK?'

'Er...we'll talk about it with our bosses.' Walker gulped. 'But having combat prowess like Naruko's will help us for sure against Level 3s...'

'...looks like you guys got your own issues eh?' Naruko whistled. 'And where's the restaurant? I traveled for 18 hours you know.'



'THIS is your Restaurant?! It's huge!' Naruko's eyes popped out.

'Well, this is Headquarters of our organization for a reason...' said a young woman with dark eyes sheepishly. 'Jerry pretty much cooks anything he has a wide menu to choose from.' she said. 'Because everyone here came from different countries our current Chief decided to cure a bit of homesickness by having international cuisine in here.'

'I'm gonna have to test that...' Naruko mused as they took her to Jerry, a dark-skinned man with platinum blonde hair in dreadlocks in a form-fitting top. He has a fit body and wore shades.

'Oh, a newcomer? What a cutie!' he seems nice, but Naruko has him marked as an okama. She has nothing against them, they're often very friendly and fun to be with!

'She's a guest though.' said Walker. 'Can you show Naruko the whole menu so she can choose? She's not from here.' he requested.

'Sure! in a sec!' Jerry went away for a few seconds, and came back with a large book in hard cover titled 'Cuisines of the World'.

"This is a big claim..." Naruko opened the book to see images of dishes next to it's name. And she can see why its in a big ass book.

When she fell to the Japan section and saw Ramen...

'HOLY CRAP! This place has Ramen!' Naruko squealed in glee that made her actually look her age. 'Hey Jerry, 10 of every Ramen on this list! It's been years since I last had any!' she demanded excitedly in a high-pitched squealy voice in delight.

'Y-you sure?!' Jerry choked. 'I have 20 varieties of Ramen and you want 10 of everything?!'


'It'll be a long wait dearie, you might want a tour around Headquarters and be back in two hours!'

'K~ and give me the bill too later!'

'Tour it is.' Walker smiled. 'But...only Ramen?' he croaked out.

'Hey, Ramen is the food of the gods!' Naruko sputtered. 'But Master won't let me have any during my training I'm having withdrawal issues here!' she moaned.

'Well to be fair, Ramen is high in salt and too much salt is unhealthy.' Link pointed out. 'Your master must have tried training you in healthy eating and fighters must eat healthy.'

'He did say that but not even Ramen once a week, it was PAINFUL!' Naruko sniffled in a corner of woe complete with dark lines and hitodamas she conjured with magic to show her mood that got the Exorcists staring incredulously.

"How the hell did she do that?"