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Chapter 36

POV: Nessie.

Jacob drove my back to my parents cottage. The entire ride back he was blasting music. I was learning the words fast. Singing along with Jake and laughing when we got the words wrong. Jake changed the music as we came closer to my parents house.

"Hey I like that song" I demanded

"I know you do." Jake laughed. "Though I do not think your Dad would like you singing along with that song."

I thought about the song we had just been singing. I could not see anything wrong with the song. There are some words I have not actually heard anyone in my family except Uncle Emmett say. He got in trouble when he said them so I decided that was why Jake did not want me singing that song up to the house.

Mom met us in the driveway. "Did you have fun with Grandpa?" She asked as she pulled me out of my car seat.

I laughed. "Yes! I caught a huge fish. Grandpa has the picture."

"He offered her the fish. I have never seen her look so confused in my entire life" Jake laughed.

"What was I supposed to do with a fish as big as me! Eat it. No. I could live off that animal for years!" I dramatically exclaimed at Jake.

"Years?" Dad questioned.

"One bite a day. For at least two years before that fish finally stopped providing me nourishment" I told dad.

He laughed as he kissed my cheek. "Show me." Dad asked.

I touched his cheek. Mom never wanting to miss one of my visions touched my other hand to her cheek. I focused on the memory, remembered Grandpa making me hold the huge fish. Dad laughed.

"That might actually have fed you for two years." Dad agreed.

Mom just laughed.

Jake stayed for dinner. Dad had made us chicken parmesan with a mixed veggie salad. He always wanted me to eat more veggies. I did not mind. I actually liked the taste of his salads. Jake however did not. He tried to convince me that he wanted to be a carnivore. I told him one night that if he refused to eat veggies that I would also refuse to eat veggies. Jake soon ate more veggies than I did. Man my brother was stubborn.

I yawned as I ate the last bite of chicken from my plate.

"Are you tired?" Jake asked.

"No." I told him. I was not ready to be tired. I did not want to go to sleep.

"Renesmee." Dads tone said it all. He knew that I was tired.

Jake hugged me tight. "Goodnight princess." he whispered into my ear. Kissing me on the top of my head.

I held him tighter. Not wanting him to let go of me. I needed him to protect me from the dreams. Needed him to keep me awake. I felt the hesitance that he experienced as he handed me off to my mom.

Dad kissed my head. "I hope you have good dreams my darling." Dad told me. He winced at my thoughts. I knew that I was not going to have good dreams. I was going to experience a nightmare again tonight.

Sleep did not come easily to me. Mom held me in her arms as she walked and rocked me around out house. The consistent movement soothed me as well as her scent. I could tell the time passing as she walked with me. I knew she wanted me to fall asleep. I however did not want to dream tonight.

The dreams that I have been having for the past three weeks have scared me out of wanting to sleep. I felt myself start to slip into sleep. A whimper escaped my lips. I pulled myself closer to my Mom. I needed her arms around me tighter.

Mom shushed me. The rocking increased. I felt my body trembling. I wanted to stay awake. I wanted to never sleep again. Sleep only caused me fear. Good dreams never came my way. The best thing I could hope for as I closed my eyes was to have a dreamless sleep.

Panic overwhelmed me as I entered the edge of sleep. I wanted Jake to come and hold me. I wanted Jake to tell my mom that I did not need sleep. I needed dad to let me stay up. Mom was my only family member that forced me to sleep. She was the only one that was strong enough to walk the floor with me as I teetered on the edge of a nightmare.

I took one more rickety breath. Feeling myself slipping into unconsciousness. I shuddered as the dream started.

"We need to go" Jake barked at Seth. Grabbing me he ran to the nearest window. Jumping out phasing mid jump. I clung to his back as we ran through the forest.

Seth ran beside us Lue was on his back. She looked calm and focused on the task at hand. She had a knife attached to her waist. Her eyes appeared more grey than the normal green. Aunty Rosalie must have tied back her brown hair in intricate braids. She looked like a princess riding into battle.

I shivered as I focused on the task at hand. Holding Jakes fur as we ran. I could not tell if we are running towards or away from danger.

The scene before me changed I was holding my Mom's hand. Watching the approach of the red robes across the meadow. Aro called Dad forward. He kissed Mom and I before walking away. I was scared for him. I wanted my Dad to be save and walking towards the robed figures was not a safe decision for my Dad.

He would do anything for us. That includes putting his own life at risk. Mom knows this. That is why she is pushing me towards Jake. Not that I mind. I know if my Dad is in danger so is my Mom. She would never allow him to face danger without her. Do they realise that if they both walk into danger I am left alone again?

Aro touches Dads arm. I had seen this before in real life. I remember this. What I do not remember is Aro touching Dads head.

I take a deep inhale of breath. Watching Dads head go flying from his body. I feel myself scream as Mom places me on Jakes shoulders. I see her running towards Dads fallen head. Mom reaches it just as Jake whips us too deep into the forest for us to see the battle that is happening in the meadow.

Vampires circle Jake. I can feel Jakes tension as he pushes himself faster through the forest. I panic as Jake is attacked by a vampire with red eyes. I saw the teeth sink into Jakes side. He pushed faster. I knew that bite was going to kill him. I knew that he would not survive this. He pushed farther than I thought he could. Crumbling onto the soft dirt of the meadow.

I was thrown from his back as he crumbled. I landed in a soft bed of moss. Jake was nowhere in sight. Cold hands grabbed me from the spot I layed. Harder hands than anyone in my family had ever touched me. They yanked me out from the comfort of the moss. Placing me on a cold metal chair.

Aro walked up to me. I tried to run. Finding that my wrists and ankles are shackled to the seat. I could not move. I could only watch him walk up to me.

"My dear. As the first halfling of notable birth you have been chosen to be our princess." Aro said as his eyes analized my face.

I braced myself. Knowing what was going to occur. Aro pulled a crown out of his robe. He jammed it onto my head. Taking pins out of his pocket. He secured the crown to my head. Each pin piercing my skull. I felt my blood start streaming out of the spots that Aro stabbed me with the pins. One making a stream of blood flow down my cheek.

Alo leaned close and tasted my blood with his tongue. I knew better than to shiver away. Holding the terror I felt to be inside my heart.

My dreaming stopped. Tonight was an easier dream. It stopped before the worst part. I was actually able to find a restful sleep.