Dragon for a Day

a Fire Emblem Gaiden GTS story

Chapter 1: Sky-High Royalty


by Grey-X, with help from DunamisSolgard1002 and CubedCinder128

Disclaimer: The Fire Emblem franchise is the creation and property of Nintendo and Intelligent Systems. Princess Apple is an original Super Mario Bros. character created by cubedcinder128, and is used with his permission.

Note: This story is a sequel of sorts to CubedCinder128's Super Smash Bros. story, Apple's Smashing Army.


"I'm sorry, Celica, but this is the way it has to be," Alm said firmly. If Celica's gaze caused him discomfort, the king of Valentia showed no sign of withering under it. "Bandit activity has gotten out of control again on the eastern front and the southeastern isles. Too many officials are looking the other way. There've even been reports of smuggling operations from Archanea. I'm sure you'll agree it won't help relations with our neighbors to the east if we let that go unchecked. A show of force is needed, so the king needs to be seen handling it personally."

Celica kept glaring as Alm finished fastening his trademark blue armor, then sheathed the Falchion. It had been retrieved after striking the final blow on Duma. A good thing, too, Celica thought. Speaking of Archanea, the Falchion was indispensable against what we discovered there.

Of course, at the moment, Celica's immediate concerns were closer to home. The two stood in their royal bedchambers, where oftentimes they spent many evenings happily together. But soon after Alm's coronation, the two realized just how strenuous it would be to lead Valentia in a world without Mila and Duma. And much like Mila and Duma themselves, they often found each other clashing about the best path forward, as they were now.

"Isn't it a little early for that, not to mention unnecessary?" Celica asked. "We could just have Clair fly across the eastern desert and deliver a message to Jesse about what you want done. His mercenary nation could handle this more effectively."

"We both know Jesse's having his own challenges getting his new nation of mercenaries together," Alm said. "Besides, you know me. I like the more direct, hands-on approach."

"If that's what you feel is necessary, let ME lead this expedition!" Celica demanded. "I'm far more familiar with that part of the continent, and if the mercenaries do get involved... I know Jesse personally, remember? And Saber and Kamui! We all fought together! I'm better suited for this, and you know it!"

The sun's morning rays filtered into their quarters, as it finally rose over the low mountains to the east. They cast a dull glow over Alm, making his greenish-blue hair glisten, and threw into focus how his expression was softening.

And yet, his resolve seemed firm when he spoke again. A determined calm as opposed to Celica's sudden vehemence. "And I'd hand this job over to you in a heartbeat, Celica, if I didn't need you here. You're the far more diplomatic one. Gods, these last few weeks, we both know the whole continent would've plunged into chaos again, if not for your counsel. Things could get volatile again any day, and let's face it, you're better at diffusing such things than I am. WAY better."

Celica was still fuming at her husband, but she grudgingly admitted there was logic in his words. Ever so slowly, fertility was returning to Valentian soil. After so many centuries of Rigel and Zofia being sustained by their respective dragons, and their descent into madness threatening to bring about famine, that was turning around after the fallen gods were laid to rest.

But that sort of unrest didn't vanish overnight. Squabbles over resources were still quite common. Not to mention, so many in both nations still felt lost and confused in the aftermath of the war, and the loss of both gods. As much as she hated to admit it, as much as Celica felt such an expedition should be her responsibility, she was most needed right here.

Still, for whatever reason, Celica couldn't bring herself to admit that to Alm. "Then maybe it's time we learned to break out of our comfort zones, Alm!" she spat. "I mean, you once said you only knew how to fight whatever's right in front of you. Well, I did plenty of that when summoned to Aytolis when its defenders needed help! Maybe it's time you learn to be a diplomat without me!"

Again, it looked like Alm's resolve was faltering, but that hope was swiftly dashed. "Another time, I might agree with you. But a reliable path through that rockslide is finally cleared. We can't waste any time showing shady folk on the eastern side of Valentia they can't rely on our limited presence any longer. And I know how much you trust Jesse, but we can't wait for him to get things together."

Damn him for being so insufferably logical about this! That's MY job! Celica fumed inwardly.

Celica said nothing aloud in response, so Alm continued. "Please Celica, let's not part ways again frustrated with each other. That's happening far too often."

Again, there was no denying Alm was right. Bickering with each other on that balcony, so soon after being reunited after seven years. And then fighting him blade-to-blade after being duped by Jedah, her soul corrupted by Duma's madness. Perhaps that was also why Alm was so reluctant to have her lead such an expedition, nearly losing her like that. But oh, that sort of sentiment cut both ways! "It's just that, well, from now on whenever there's a battle you have to fight, I'd want to be at your side. After we fought that abomination under Thabes, well... This may be just another simple matter about pirates, but there's no guarantee."

"You can have Clair seek me out and send back reports, as often as you'd like," Alm cut in quickly, hoping to mollify her. "But things were bound to get a little worse before improving. We can't both be gone from Zofia Castle like when we went to Archanea."

"Just stay safe," said Celica tersely, still not entirely forgiving Alm. They briefly hugged, Alm holding Celica tightly against his breastplate for a moment. And within an hour, his entourage was off from Zofia Castle for that path through the rockslide.

That had been over two weeks ago. Celica had only sent Clair off a few days ago. She should have reported back by now. What was keeping her? Celica was certain if Palla, Catria and Est could just fly their pegasi back to Archanea, they would have reported back already. But alas, the Whitewing sisters had already returned to their continent. On top of that, the mercenaries once under her command had gone to form their own nation in the new Valentian empire, Nomah was already back at the Novis Priory, while Mae, Genny and Boey were all making plans to return there soon...

So many of those who fought beside Celica had gone their own way, moving on in the wake of Mila and Duma's fall. It only served to exacerbate Celica's frustration. During these long stretches where Alm was off stamping out brushfires, Celica was tasked with keeping things from boiling over here. During those times that taxed even her generosity and patience, Celica longed to have more of those she had forged deep bonds with here for their counsel.

Today was swiftly proving one of those times. As much as Celica believed the people of what were once Rigel and Zofia could get along, days like this tried her patience. It was understandable, of course. Generations of devotion to the philosophies of their respective gods wouldn't change overnight, and the land was just recovering from the brink of widespread famine. Naturally, tensions would flare up. Still, Celica just wished her people would get with the program a wee bit faster...

The sun was just setting, its glare piercing into the throne room. Celica fought the urge to squint from her vantage point on her throne, lest it look like she was narrowing her eyes at the Rigelian villagers. "With all due respect, Your Highness," said one of the Rigelians, "but is such an influx of Zofian farmers wise? Our land is still a harsh and unforgiving one, and many from the south may not prove... hardy enough for what you ask."

The man was truly making an effort to be tactful, but Celica couldn't mistake the lingering disdain in his voice. Which was mirrored by his compatriots, and worse, Celica could see some of the soldiers present, many Zofians, bristle.

Some did more than bristle. One of the Zofian farmhands picked for the endeavor snapped back. "Typical Rigelian, thinking no one else can tough it out! Is not your new queen Zofian through-and-through!?"

Celica held up a hand. "That's enough!" she barked, more sharply than she wished. Then she turned to the Rigelian villager who just spoke. "I find your... concern heartening, good sir, but I'm afraid that to stave off any future food shortages, it is necessary," Celica said in a firm tone. As usual, she wore her trademark white battle attire. When dealing with Rigelians, still wed to Duma's teachings, it tended to be seen as a sign of strength. But on days like this, Celica wondered how far it went. "Fertility is returning to Rigelian soil much faster than to Zofia's, due to where... Mila and Duma were laid to rest. In the years to come, the continent will have to rely more on crops grown in the north. Zofian farmers can add manpower and help teach Rigelians new farming techniques."

And as an added benefit, forcing cooperation like this might help the two peoples get along sooner rather than later. Hopefully sooner. These constant disagreements between Rigelians and Zofians were a constant thorn in her and Alm's sides.

No, mostly my side, Celica thought. Alm usually has me put out these brushfires for him.

"I... see the wisdom in your plan, Your Highness," said the Rigelian villager at length. "Please, forgive my impudence..."

"You need not ask for that. My only wish is to see all peoples on this continent work in harmony," said Celica.

"Yes yes, of course Your Highness," said the villager quickly. He sounded sincere, enough.

Celica nodded. "Then since night is approaching, use this evening to get to know some of the handpicked farmers," she said, addressing the Rigelian visitors as a group. "I trust you'll all be prepared to accompany them on their journey northward, and there will be no reports of trouble later, correct?"

"N-N-N-No, of course not," spluttered the villager. He and the other Rigelians seemed conciliatory now, but Celica could sense there would still be tension in the days to come. But this had to succeed. The security of the new empire rested on it.

"Then you are all dismissed," said Celica, fearing this temporary cooling-off was the best she'd achieve today.

The Rigelians were in an obvious haste to obey. Her handpicked Zofian farmers, however, didn't look so eager to spend a long time, possibly years, in a strange land with people who too readily looked down on them. After both groups filed out of the throne room, followed by most of the guards, Celica allowed herself a moment of weakness. She leaned over to rest her head in her hands, exasperated by the day's events.

By the time Celica herself left the throne room, darkness had fallen outside. Her armored, high-heeled boots seemed to echo as she walked the castle's halls. Torchlight gently danced across the walls, an oddly calming ambience, and it was most welcome. Her temples were throbbing, and despite her frustration with Alm, Celica wished he'd be there to snuggle with tonight.

You knew helping to forge a post-Mila order would be tough, Celica reminded herself. It's clear now that neither her nor Duma's way was what was right for the continent. It's up to Alm and I to establish something different, without the blessings of the divine. Still, how I wish I could truly replace Mila, if only for a short while, get things together faster...

But of course, that was just wishful thinking. Duma and Mila were gone, and they weren't coming back. And though Celica heard that some Zofians whispered that she was Mila's reincarnation, her quest to find their fallen goddess did far more to exemplify Duma's philosophy. The hardships she and her companions endured on their journey forged them, made them stronger, strong enough to aid Alm so he could end Duma's suffering and madness. And right before that, Celica learned the hard way that a willingness to sacrifice selflessly wasn't always a good thing.

"Still, it'd be nice to truly bestow some blessing on my people in these trying times," Celica muttered to herself, "if only for a day..."

As Celica continued to wander the halls, fainter flickering caught her eye. Lamplight, not the torches lining the walls. Celica turned to see she had stumbled upon the castle library. Seems like ages since I allowed myself time to read anything, Celica mused.

Just beyond the open library doors, Celica saw her friend Genny pouring over books at a table. She was accompanied by Silque and Tatiana, the saints from Alm's Deliverance, studiously scrutinizing ancient texts.

Genny eventually looked up, seeing Celica standing in the doorway. "Oh hey, Celica!" she beamed. "Are you OK? You look like you just carved through a score of Terrors..."

"Let's just say that would've been an easier way to spend the day," said Celica. Genny frowned, her face suddenly full of concern. Not wanting Genny to worry about her, Celica quickly added, "So what are you three so wrapped up in?"

"Something I asked Genny and Silque to aid me with, before they leave the castle," said Tatiana. Celica forced herself not to frown. She didn't need reminders that Genny planned to return to the priory with Mae and Boey.

"It's amazing, some of the more advanced spells described here," said Silque. "It's so powerful, though, it takes more than one person to pull it off. Genny couldn't quite master the basic battlefield version, she said, but Tatiana is confident Genny can aid us here..."

"I don't get it," said Celica. "A more powerful version of what?"

"Warping. Alm often had me teleport him all the way across a battlefield, to strike at an enemy commander while the opposing force was distracted," said Silque.

This time, Celica couldn't help but frown. That sure sounded like Alm, going for the direct approach, even if it meant putting himself in jeopardy. Then again, Celica mused, going along with Jedah was a bonehead call of your own, Celica...

"But the texts here describe something with a range far greater, something that could allow transport across oceans!" Tatiana beamed.

"It'll take some time before we can test it, though," Genny muttered softly.

"And even longer before we can think of asking for volunteers for a... live test," added Silque darkly.

"Still, in these times, having such a means of transport could come in handy," said Celica with a nod. "Please, keep at it ladies."

The trio smiled back, then got back to their research. Celica smiled in turn, then continued her trek through the castle. It sounded like they were a long way from perfecting that spell, but still, Celica hoped they'd succeed soon. Who knew what uses such a technique could have?

As Celica pondered the possibilities, she suddenly recalled how she had seen such a thing done before. Namely, her summoning to Aytolis, and something far more remarkable during the battles there. How out of nowhere, just when that town was about to be overrun, a legion of giant women warriors, led by a Princess Apple, arrived to turn the tide. This Princess Apple apparently was naturally that massive, but had a means to enlarge other women, including some of Celica's allies like Lucina.

Celica thought about some of the towering fighters who smashed that invading horde. That green-haired one... Palutena, was her name? She said she was a goddess. Hopefully madness isn't her fate, as it was with Mila. And one of the princesses, Zelda... She seemed to exude wisdom. Some say I do too, but I was winging it more often than I'd care to admit. For her, it seemed natural.

Then Celica remembered how she never got a taste of that power. The trinket Apple claimed had transform her army was depleted of its power by the time she arrived in Aytolis. Of course, it'd be of little use now, Celica realized. The war for Valentia is over, and now people have to look out for themselves. Still, to appear as the reincarnation of Mila that some believe I am... Even if was for a little while, to give people a bit more peace of mind...

But Celica quickly banished those thoughts. Nothing but more wishful thinking, wishful thinking that made her head hurt all over again. Besides, what were the chances of ever seeing Princess Apple again?


An overcast night sky greeted Clair as her pegasus zoomed past that vexing rockslide, heading straight for Zofia Castle. It would still be some time before she reached it. Clair absentmindedly brushed aside some locks of blond hair as she urged her steed to fly faster. Celica would want to hear about this! Alm's mission to subdue bandit activity, a success! And his entourage were already on their way back. They were liable to return to the castle by noon tomorrow!

"Just like Alm to lead yet another brilliant campaign," Clair muttered as she soared through the night sky. "He never ceases to amaze me. I do hope Celica understands how fortunate she is that Alm took her for his wife." Regret filled her voice, her infatuation with Alm having yet to fade. Compounding things further was how Gray had yet to give up on her, and with both of them being senior officials in the One Kingdom's knighthood...

Clair wasn't given long to mull over her romantic troubles, however. She had made this trek across Zofia on her pegasus many times before. Navigating this land was second-nature now. And ever since the war ended, there was no reason to expect anything out of the ordinary. So it took Clair completely by surprise when a bright flash of blue light lit up the clouds above.

The flash came so suddenly, it riled Clair's pegasus, nearly throwing her off. "Whoa, steady there, girl!" Clair said, gently but firmly coaxing her steed to get under control. Once that was taken care of, Clair could look back up to the clouds, and her jaw dropped.

Something shot down through the clouds, blowing them back and leaving a hole through which the stars and moon shone. Clair's gaze followed whatever had parted the clouds. The blue light around it was fading, but Clair still couldn't make out what it was. All she was certain of was that it was something big, monstrously so.

Clair hesitated for a moment before urging her pegasus to fly lower. As she did so, it landed with a boom that Clair was sure was heard for miles. At first, Clair figured it was some sort of meteorite, but as she flew closer, the thing began to move! And rise up!

Thanks to the light from the stars and moon from the hole in the clouds, Clair could make out some colors on this huge... whatever it was. It DEFINITELY was no space rock. She caught a bit of red, a bit of brown, a bit of white, and... flesh color?

My eyes must be playing tricks on me, Clair thought. Is that... a giant person!? But as the thing slowly rose from the smoking crater it made, there was no mistaking a distinctly human shape. Just... far, far larger than a person should be! It had to be at least fifty, maybe sixty feet tall! Clair never imagined something so big could exist. Not even Duma's monstrous, maddened form was so huge. This thing could squash necrodragons underfoot! she thought fearfully.

Once Valentia's mysterious visitor stood at full height, Clair could see it was definitely a woman. Her back was turned to Clair, but her body shape was unmistakable. She wore some sort of small, red top and white shorts, and gold sandals adorned her feet. A hint of moonlight reflected off some sort of golden bracelet she wore. Where she got jewelry and clothes that fit her was anyone's guess. Long, brown hair was done up in a ponytail. As Clair was taking all this in, the giantess suddenly spoke, her voice booming across the plain!

"Ugh, am I getting out of shape!? Having Rosalina transport me never took this much out of me before! I wonder if it ever drains Mario the same way..." Then she placed her hands on her head, one at the back and another under her chin. She jerked her head roughly to the left, then the right, filling the air with a grisly cracking sound.

That was enough to make Clair's pegasus freak out again. Clair kept herself from being thrown off, but the whinnying drew the giantess's attention. She looked over her shoulder, moonlight now reflecting off of a strange crown she wore. Clair couldn't really think of the absurdity of giant royalty however, not with those huge green eyes fixed on her.

Thankfully, those eyes weren't filled with malice. On the contrary, her gaze was soft and amicable. She even smiled after getting over her initial surprise! Clair thought she looked a bit older than herself, but the giantess still exuded plenty of youthful energy.

However, she wasn't doing Clair any favors by lumbering forward, not when she had yet to get her steed back under control. The giantess almost sent the pegasus into another frenzy when she spoke again, her face less than a dozen feet from them. "Oh, is that a horse with wings? Amazing! Usually it's Koopa Troopas and Goombas that've sprouted wings that I see!" beamed the giantess excitedly.

Clair could only gawk at that huge face, more confused than ever. She figured she should say something to this giantess. Yet despite how Clair considered herself well-worded, her mind was blank.

Valentia's new arrival, however, was another matter. "Ah, I suppose people my size aren't exactly a common sight in this world, huh? I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Princess Apple, from Giant Land."

Clair blinked in surprise for a moment. "T-T-There's a whole kingdom with people... of your stature?" she managed to get out.

Apple smiled again. "Well, it's not very populous, and it's... quite far from here," said Apple. "I've come a long way, looking for someone."

"Looking for someone?" Clair repeated dubiously. Then she remembered that a knight under Alm's command shouldn't look so flabbergasted. "Well, I'd say you've found someone! My name is Clair, pegasus knight of the One Kingdom of Valentia!"

Somehow, Apple looked even MORE excited than before! "Oh, so this IS Valentia! For a moment I was worried Rosalina might've sent me to the wrong place."

"And, uh, who is this Rosalina?" asked Clair. "Is she... another one like you?"

"Oh no, she's in a class all her own!" beamed Apple. "Anyway, I think Valentia is the world I need to be in. I didn't get much time to talk to Celica last time, but I'm pretty sure that Lucina said Celica said this is where she hails from..."

"Wait, what business do you have with the Queen of the One Kingdom!?" Clair blurted out before she could stop herself. Her eyes widened upon realizing her mistake.

"Great, so Celica is here!" cried Apple happily. "And she's been crowned queen!? That's... news to me. Anyway, since I'm, well, new here and I'd like to avoid making a fuss as much as I can, can you point me to where I'll find your queen? There's something I sort of owe her..."

Clair just fluttered there on her pegasus for a moment. This... giant princess seemed friendly and harmless enough, but looks could be deceiving. Knights of Zofia were trained to always be on their guard. She couldn't in good conscience just send Apple on her way to Zofia Castle, in case she turned out to be hostile.

Or maybe I should, Clair reasoned. She couldn't just let a colossal foreign princess run around and cause a panic either. If this Apple has any ulterior motives, best to send her right to where the bulk of our forces are. Our magic-wielders can cut her down to size if she's out to capture our queen. I can easily reach the castle ahead of her, give us time to prepare...

"Well, any friend of the queen is a friend of mine, I guess," said Clair, hoping Apple would buy it. "Zofia Castle is that way." She pointed to the southwest.

"Thanks, Clair! It was nice to meet you! Hopefully we'll talk again!" Apple waved goodbye as she took off toward Zofia Castle. Clair just watched Apple disappear into the night after a few long strides, nonplussed. Then she reared her pegasus around and took off in a different direction, meaning to loop around to reach the castle.


The troubles and responsibilities that dogged Celica's every waking hour hadn't gotten easier in the days since that group left for Rigel. If anything, things just kept piling up. On top of how issues with food shortages would dog them for the foreseeable future, all sorts of other problems kept popping up. Alm was probably still handling bandit incursions in the east, leaving Celica at the castle to handle everything else.

The sun had barely peeked out over the horizon, but Celica was already up in the castle's war room. She and her attending officers poured over maps spread out along the table. Lamplight danced across them, almost hypnotically, nearly lulling Celica back to sleep. Celica was more thankful than ever for Mae and Boey's never-ending bickering. At least it helped keep her awake. What would she do once they returned to the priory?

Mycen, who was like a grandfather to both her and Alm, now served as chancellor, and was here this morning. Clive, the first captain of the knights, and his wife Mathilda, were there too, advising on where to move troops and resources. There weren't just bandits in the east, and there was still a lot of unrest among the populace. And Gray, given that Clair was still out on Celica's request, probably figured he might as well do his duty as a knight this morning.

Of all the people here with her, Valbar, the stocky mountain of a soldier also serving as a knight, was the only other one who had traveled with her. It had seemed so simple when starting out. Go find the goddess Mila, and find out why Zofia's fertile soil was growing barren. It didn't take too long for Celica to learn that things were seldom ever so simple. Still, the lessons learned, the bonds she forged... Yet many of these people had served alongside Alm, and at times, their present challenges could seem far more daunting than the battles either force waged.

"Despite our best efforts, there's been an uptick in bandit activity in the western forests as well," said Mycen. "Our forces are stretched thin as it is, holding the fort Desaix once occupied and the western sluice gate."

Celica bristled at the mention of the despot who slaughtered the rest of the Zofian lineage, forcing Mycen to hide her at the priory. It also triggered a memory of the fight with Alm on that balcony, right after they reunited. He insisted that the rumored surviving princess should come out of hiding and fix everything, not knowing that was her, and it broke her heart to keep that a secret. He'd long since forgiven her for that, yet sometimes they still couldn't see eye-to-eye...

"Not that big a problem, as we'd need smaller, quicker groups to hunt down packs of bandits in those woods," said Mathilda.

"Which would leave me out, obviously," quipped Valbar.

"Meh, too bad the Whitewing sisters split for Archanea already," said Gray. "With them doing aerial reconnaissance, any such packs of thieves would be easy to spot."

"Oh, I'll be sure to tell Clair you have the utmost faith in their prowess," Mae teased with a wink. Gray just growled and folded his arms.

Despite her sour mood, Celica couldn't help but chuckle. But then she remembered why Clair wasn't available at the moment. Just what was taking her so long? As frustrated as she was with Alm, she at least wanted some peace of mind.

As if Mila was still around to answer prayers, Clair burst into the war room, panting. She was out of breath, as if she ran all the way here after dismounting from her pegasus.

Gray's mood perked back up in an instant. "Well hey there," he said with a smirk. "Don't tell me you ran all the way here..."

"Oh not NOW, you insufferable little toerag!" snapped Clair. Her eyes then met Celica's. "Your Highness, I bring... erm, potentially urgent news!"

Clair was another one who had been in the Deliverance, but Celica knew her well enough to realize Clair wouldn't act like this without good reason. "Very well, Clair. Take a few deep breaths, and get it out."

Clair took a moment to steady her breathing, but when she opened her mouth to speak again, a low rumbling cut her off. "Oh no no no! She's here already!?"

"Who's here, Clair?" Boey demanded.

Palace guards then burst into the war room. "Your Highness, Chancellor! You'd... better come take a look at what's approaching for the north!" said one of them sheepishly. All the while, that rumbling seemed to draw closer.

Celica looked back over to Clair, who still seemed flustered about... whatever was going on. "Everyone, let's go see what this is," said Celica. "Clair, you can explain what's going on as we work our way up."

They poured out of the war room, racing for the nearest flight of stairs that would take them up to the northern wall. As they ran, Clair babbled about what she saw during the night. Clair usually exuded such confidence. It wasn't a good sign, hearing her like this. "I-I-I-I still can't quite believe it," stammered Clair. "Something big and glowing blue fell from the heavens, parting the clouds! I-I-It turned out to be this monstrously huge girl, a-a-a-and she claimed to know you!"

They were halfway up the stairs, but Celica stopped dead in her tracks. Some people slammed into Celica from behind, almost toppling her. The grunts she elicited told Celica it was Mae and Boey.

"Did you say... a giantess that knows me by name?" Celica demanded.

Clair had been right ahead of her, and stopped as well. "Why, yes! B-B-B-But where would you have ever met such a... being!? Naturally, I was suspicious of her claims, and rushed back so we could prepare, but she was swifter than I imagined. Forgive me, Your Highness."

Celica let out a sigh. "There's no reason to ask for forgiveness, Clair, not if this is who I think it is..."

The rumbling steadily grew louder, and closer, as they all finished ascending the stairs. They spread out along a stretch of the wall, just over the northern gate. Celica just knew the rest of them were gaping at what approached. Just as she suspected, somehow, Princess Apple had made her way to Valentia, possibly the same way her army made it to Aytolis. She took long strides toward the castle, her face beaming happiness, a stark contrast to the confusion and panic she was no doubt instilling in her soldiers.

"Holy crap, she's for real!?" spat Mae.

"What, you know of her as well, Mae?" demanded Clair.

"Yeah, Celica mentioned this one bit of craziness she saw during her brief stint in this Aytolis dump," said Mae. "I mean, didn't the Whitewing sisters relay it to you or something, before they took off?"

"Well, no. We hardly spoke before they departed," Clair admitted. "Still, even if they had..."

"Granted, it was hard for us to believe," added Valbar. "But here's the proof, I suppose."

Celica just watched Apple approach her castle. She wondered if Apple could spot her already. She knew a queen had to expect the unexpected, but never in Celica's wildest dreams did she imagine seeing this gargantuan princess again.

"So, what do you suppose this... old friend of yours wants, Your Highness?" asked Clive.

Celica shook her head. "I'm not sure. Princess Apple came to Aytolis with a purpose: stamp out – quite literally - the creatures who caused an incursion in her realm. There've been no such attacks in Valentia, so..."

"Orders, Your Highness?" asked Mycen delicately. Celica shot him a look. He quickly added, "In the event this being is mimicking your friend's form, to make you lower your guard?"

"If she tries anything, don't worry!" cried Mae. "Still got the big, hurty lightning. She won't know what hit her." Boey just shook his head, grumbling under his breath.

"For now, relay the order to fall back," Celica told Mycen. "Apple always seemed nice enough, but I don't want to risk offending or provoking her."

Mycen looked dubious, but in the end didn't question his queen's orders. He marched off to make sure they were given. As he did so, Celica turned back, seeing that Apple was only a hundred feet or so from their part of the wall. With the way Apple's face brightened even more, Celica knew she had definitely picked her out. Thankfully, Apple made a point of not stepping on the road leading to the castle, and stopped short of the stone tiles right around the north gate. A good thing too, Celica realized, judging from the deep footprints Apple left behind. One more reminder of how massive this princess truly was.

No doubt it wasn't lost on her troops, either. Celica heard the portcullis come down, for what good that would do, and could just imagine the frightened, befuddled looks of the troops gazing out from it. Of course, Celica very much doubted this was an imposter. She exuded a sincerity and cheerfulness that was hard to fake. But what was Apple doing here? Last time, she aimed to turn the tide in a war. Valentia's war had just ended.

"Oh, there you are, Celica!" beamed Apple. "Sorry I dropped in unannounced and if I gave everyone in that castle a scare, but it would've been hard to send advance notice..."

"Well, you did show up... quite unexpectedly last time," said Celica, hoping her voice would carry far enough. "But what are you doing in Valentia? This land is finally at peace, fragile as it may be."

"That's good to know," said Apple. "So no, I didn't come here looking for a fight. As you can see, I didn't bring an army with me. This time, Rosalina sent only me."

"Wait a minute, what kind of army are we talking about?" asked Gray.

"Uhh, I think it was something about how Apple could make other women as big as her, and showed up with an entire squadron," said Valbar.

"Really? Any woman?" asked Clair.

"Why? Sound like something you'd like to try? Sure it'd be a good idea?" quipped Gray.

Clair rounded on him, looking flustered. "I suppose you'd have a problem with a woman gaining such stature, Gray! Afraid it'd be harder to whisper nothings in my ear if I was that tall!?"

"Actually, I was thinking it'd be hard to mount a pegasus if you weighed that much. But yeah, that too," Gray replied, not missing a beat. Clair looked ready to bite his head off.

"Ugh, will you listen to this, Boey? Are these two shooting to replace us as the bicker-partners in the castle once we leave, or what?" spat Mae, earning glares from both Clair and Gray. "Anyway, Celica, whatever spell this friend of yours uses for that, you GOTTA have her teach me while she's here! I mean, can you imagine how much easier our journey would've been I had that ace up my sleeve..."


Though the necrodragon was a considerable distance away, Celica could hear its snarling as it spread its wings. She still found it amazing that such a massive creature could take flight, but the monstrosity was now airborne, its blood-red eyes fixed on them. She, Boey and Kamui were the closest to the necrodragon, the only thing that stood between her force and the Seabound Shrine. Celica had the Seraphim spell ready, which would supposedly shred through horrors such as this. But upon seeing this thing fly, doubt crept into her heart.

"I ask again, why are we doing the OPPOSITE of staying away from the big, snarling undead lizard that wants to feast on our souls!?" cried Kamui, his terror more palpable than ever.

"Celica, your spell... It'll work, right?" Boey asked timidly. Even his implicit trust in his friend was shaken as the necrodragon flew right at them.

"We'll find out," Celica said uneasily, her hand on her sword's hilt. That necrodragon was practically overhead now, its wings nearly blotting out the sun. Twenty feet away, ten feet...

Suddenly, it smacked right into an outstretched, white-gloved fist that appeared out of thin air. The necrodragon dropped like a rock, just a few feet away from the trio. Celica looked around; at either side was a gigantic, white lace-up boot inlaid with gold. Celica craned her neck up and up, seeing Mae's mammoth form towering over them. She was just staring off into space, looking annoyed, her huge pink pigtails fluttering in a stiff breeze.

And then, Mae brought one foot up and slammed it down on the grounded necrodragon. Mae's boot splattered the beast as if it were a gigantic pustule. Its noxious innards spewed all over the teammates at her feet.

"Ahhh, I think some got in my mouth!" shrieked Kamui.

"Ummm, well, errr... Gross," was all Celica could say, looking down at her white battle dress, now stained with putrid glop.

"Ugh, I got dragon zombie derp all over my duds!" spat Boey.


"'Dragon zombie derp all over my duds?'" Boey repeated dubiously. "Seriously, when do I ever say that sort of stuff?"

"You say a lot of things, Boey. I only really listen to about half of it," Mae said dismissively.

This was getting out of hand. Whatever Apple's reasons for coming to Valentia, Celica wouldn't get any answers here, with Apple barely able to hear her and her flustered friends' nattering. Of course, Mycen and her officers would surely object to having Apple just carry her somewhere more private.

"First off, I'm pretty sure what Apple used for her army isn't a spell, at least not in the way you're thinking, Mae," said Celica. "Secondly, I'd like to talk with Apple myself, as privately as possible."

Mae, and Clair to an extent, looked quite disappointed. Ignoring that for the moment, Celica called out to Apple. "Princess, if you please, make your way to the guard tower on the wall's northwest corner! We'll talk there!"

Apple smiled and nodded, then turned to walk along the castle wall. Celica caught glimpses of her friends' bemused looks as they watched her go.

"Well, so much for having one BIG trump card if Rigelians ever get full of themselves again," grumbled Mae.

"I'll try to contain my disappointment over never having to deal with a fifty-foot hyperactive pigtailed mage," Boey shot back.

Not wanting to stick around for yet another bicker-fest, Celica left them behind. She made her way along the castle wall, heading for the guard tower on the northwest corner. Unsurprisingly, once Celica arrived, Apple was peering through the window that Celica guestimated was level with her height.

"I trust I didn't keep you waiting long?" asked Celica.

Apple shook her head. "No rush, Celica. Rosalina ensured I'll have well over a day to spend here, and you said there's no war going on. I think we'll have plenty of time to talk."

Celica leaned out the window so Apple could hear her better. "So what was it you wished to speak to me about?"

"Well, for one thing, I never got to talk with you that day like I did some of your allies," said Apple. "Lucina and the others... I enjoyed hearing their stories so much, but I never learned anything about you. And I was impressed with how you handled yourself back in Aytolis, considering, well, how you missed out..."

"I see," said Celica. Even knowing Apple, Celica found it a bit odd the princess would make such a strenuous trip just for that.

"I mean, you're clearly in charge here!" beamed Apple. "All this time, I had no idea I was dealing with a fellow monarch until Clair told me. Now I'm wondering what else we have in common..."

"I hope do you have a lot of time on your hands then," said Celica. "There was a reason I didn't advertise having royal blood back then..."

And so, Celica launched into her tale, of how the two halves of their land were once sustained by divine dragons, Duma to the north and Mila in the south. How their philosophies corrupted both lands as inevitably as they were fated to go mad, leading to the war. She had to go into hiding from Desaix when she was very young, after that despot slaughtered her hedonistic father and any other would-be heirs. Eventually, she was spirited away by Mycen again, separated from Alm, only to fall out upon being reunited soon after beginning her journey to find Mila. Her mistake of agreeing to Jedah's terms, and begging Alm to kill her before her possessed body cut him down. How Alm would've been crushed by doing so, right after cutting down the man who turned out to be his own father (King Rudolf), had Mila not used the last of her divine power to save her through Falchion. And then, with Falchion in hand, Alm freed Mila's brother Duma from his madness as well, leaving he and Celica to rebuild a unified continent.

As Celica went on with the tale, she couldn't help but notice Apple's expression seemed to darken little by little. It was as if something in her story was stirring memories. It reminded her that she didn't know much about Apple either. Celica didn't want to pry, since Apple was a guest, as well a foreign dignitary of sorts.

"Oh gosh, I... never imagined. You went through so much, and had yet more hardship ahead of you," said Apple somberly. "It just makes it more impressive, how you conducted yourself back in Aytolis. You had enough on your plate, yet you didn't hesitate to take up your sword."

"You're too kind, Princess Apple," said Celica. "I don't like fighting, I always wish there was another way. But in Aytolis there was little choice, was there? And look at you. You didn't really have to do what you did, yet you came to our aid. So don't sell yourself... short..."

Both women chuckled a little. "Still, it's nice to know that you worked your way through it all," said Apple.

"Not just me," said Celica quickly. "There were so many who traveled with me, and Alm had his own force aiding him. But there's still so much to do, the chaos affected all corners of the land. And it seems half the time, Alm is off trying to patch things up, relying on brute force tactics more often than I'd like..."

"Oh HELLO!" Apple's booming voice seemed to shake the tower a bit. "I know how that feels. That's another reason it took me so long to track you down, Celica. Normally, I'm busy running things in Giant Land while my husband is away. It's a minor miracle I could get away, if only for a day or two."

Celica chuckled again. She was feeling more at ease, talking with Apple. They were more alike than she first suspected. Apple certainly seemed to understand her in ways others couldn't.

"It sounds like you and your husband get along, though," said Celica. "Sometimes, Alm and I... It's like we're reenacting Mila and Duma's age-old arguments. But I guess that's the point. Neither of them was entirely right. And we've learned the hard way that people can't rely on the divine forever, and we're finding our own way now."

To Celica's surprise, Apple looked a little flustered. "I see what you're getting at, but, uh, don't ever let Palutena hear you say anything like that."

Celica searched her memory. "Oh, wasn't she the green-haired one? The one who flat-out said she was a goddess? She actually reminded me of Mila. And I remember there were other princesses in your army, right? They certainly carried themselves with grace, they made it look easy. Especially that one in the blue bodysuit..."

"Wait, you mean Samus? Uh, she's not a princess," said Apple, looking flustered again. "But from what I gather, she was infused with the blood of this advanced race of bird people and carries on their legacy. So I guess, in a sense, she's SORT OF royalty..."

Celica grimaced. "Wow, and I thought my story was complicated."

"Not to mention she looks completely different now," said Apple. "Something about a parasite that infected her and completely changed her armored suit. And then said parasite took over the likeness of her old one, copying all her abilities. It's... weird. And gross."

"I imagine so," said Celica, shuddering at the memory of becoming a witch infected with Duma's madness.

"But enough about the old crowd!" cried Apple. "I'm here for you, Celica. Let's get right down to it. Another reason I'm here is, well, to give you a taste of what you missed out on before. And from what you've told me, you could've used it a LOT sooner..."

It took a moment for Celica to realize what Apple was talking about. "W-W-W-Wait, you don't mean..."

Apple held up her hand, opening up the bracelet on her wrist. "That's right, Celica. This time, I made sure the crystal was charged up enough to enlarge one person for a little over a day."

Celica remembered how anxious she had been to try that out against those invading creatures, only for the bracelet to be out of power. The situation now, however, was completely different. "I-I-I-I don't know if now's the right time, Apple."

Apple looked surprised. "What's wrong, Celica? You looked so disappointed before."

"Because I was in the middle of a war, and that would've been one BIG advantage. A way to end things quicker," said Celica. "But here, in Valentia, we're trying to build on a fragile peace. I'm needed here, as vexing as it can be. And like I said, we now must learn to get on without divine figures watching from on high. Some see me as Mila's reincarnation, and while it's tempting to truly appear that way... I'm just not sure, Apple..."

"Hey girl, I say you go for it!" came a voice from down below. "This sort of opportunity doesn't fall in your lap every day, y'know!"

Celica and Apple looked down. Mae was standing just outside the wall, accompanied by Clair and Mycen. She was smiling up at them, encouraging Celica to take the plunge.

"Really, Mae? You sounded so eager to try it out yourself," said Celica.

"Yeah, well, like Apple said, just enough juice for one person. This has your name written all over it, Celica," said Mae. "What kind of bestie would I be if I didn't insist you go for it?"

"I must concur with Mae," added Mycen. "You've worked so hard these last few months, Your Highness. Allow me, as chancellor, to take up your duties for one day. I think we all agree you've earned a brief vacation. And perhaps the people of Valentia seeing you in... such a state will do some good."

Celica stared down at him quizzically. "You really think so, Mycen?"

"As you said, it would make Zofians feel as if they have their patron goddess back, at least for a day," said Mycen. "And if you must deal with any Rigelians, well, you won't have to act so tough and forceful. The sheer power at your command would be enough to earn respect."

That would be welcome. She hated acting cold and aloof when the need arose, and it arose far too often for Celica's liking. And the thought of giving people peace of mind, even if for only a day...

"OK Apple, I'll do it," Celica said at length.

Apple clapped her hands together with glee. "Oh, I'm so glad you came around! Well then, let's set you down out here, so I don't wreck your guard tower." She raised her outstretched palm in front of the window. After a moment's hesitation, Celica jumped on, and Apple lowered her to the ground. Mycen, Clair and Mae backed away to give Celica room.

Celica looked up to Apple as she fumbled with her bracelet. She thought back to the first time she saw Apple, how intimidating she looked, towering over that town. To think, she came all this way to give her a taste of what that was like. "Get ready, Your Highness! Here we go!" Apple cried. Celica took a few deep breaths, trying to steady her anxious, racing heart.

Apple twisted her wrist around, revealing that crystal. A bright, sparkling beam shot out from it, making Celica's skin prickle as it engulfed her. At first, nothing else happened. And then, suddenly, the ground seemed to recede from her. Celica glanced behind her. It looked like Mae and the others were shrinking away, first to the size of dolls, and then even smaller!

In a matter of seconds, it was done. Celica turned to see the window she had just been standing in, now level with her gaze. The top of the castle walls were well below that! A few soldiers had worked up the nerve to venture toward Apple, and now stared up at their giant queen with a mix of reverence, awe and apprehension.

A whistle made Celica look back down. "Looking good from this angle, Queenie!" Mae shouted up to her.

Ever so slowly and carefully, Celica knelt down. Her armored knee immediately sank into even the rough, rocky ground right outside the castle. Celica lowered her hand, extending one finger, not quite working up the nerve to touch Mae, unsure of her newfound strength. Mae, however, approached it without a second thought, grabbing Celica's fingertip with both hands. "Allow me to congratulate you on making the right choice, to be large and in charge," beamed Mae. Celica placed her other hand on her cheek, giggling. Mae looked so tiny and vulnerable now, but her friend was just taking it in stride, encouraging Celica. Behind her, Celica could sense Apple smiling and nodding in approval.


Even with it happening right in front of her, Mae still couldn't quite believe it worked. But here she was, standing before her best friend right after she became unfathomably huge. Even while kneeling, Celica loomed over her. If they hadn't been in the shadow of the castle walls already, Celica's shadow would've covered the three of them. But rather than being fearful, Mae felt happy that her friend got to experience this.

"Oh wow, my hand doesn't even quite cover your fingernail now!" cried Mae, placing a hand over Celica's fingernail. It felt so smooth and hard, almost like polished stone.

"Well, this will certainly give you a... different perspective, Milady," said Mycen.

"How does it feel, Milady, being such a towering force?" asked Clair.

"I-I-I-I..." Even Celica's stammering bordered on deafening. Mae looked up to the walls, seeing some of the guards wince a little. "It's hard to describe... Ever since that day, I tried to imagine what this would be like. But to actually live it..."

"Oh, I'm sure you'll come around and enjoy it," said Mae. "Ooooh, it's too bad the king isn't here to see this! What I wouldn't give to see Alm's face when he lays eyes on his supersized wife!"

"ALM!? Oh dear! In all the excitement, I had completely forgotten!" exclaimed Clair all of a sudden.

"What about Alm!?" demanded Celica. This time, Mae couldn't help but wince at Celica's booming voice.

"Well, errr, that is..." said Clair anxiously, withering a little under Celica's looming gaze. "I was heading back to report before my run-in with Princess Apple, Milady. His campaign was a success, and he should be through the rockslide path by now, heading back to the castle."

Celica said nothing, digesting this. She withdrew her hand and slowly stood back up. Mae heard Clair and even Mycen nervously shift a little as Celica rise back to her full, towering height before them. They all had to crane their heads way up to get a good look at Celica's face now. A moment later, her expression shifted, to one Mae seldom saw on Celica: one of devious glee.

"Then I believe I should go welcome my husband back after a battle hard fought," boomed Celica's voice mischievously. With that, she turned and walked around the wall's northwest corner. Mae could still see the top of Celica's head over the walls for a moment. Even after she disappeared from view, though, Mae heard and felt Celica's thunderous footsteps.

Apple watched Celica go, then looked down to the trio. "Y'know, I think I'll go keep an eye on her," Apple said sheepishly before she turned to follow Celica.

They watched Apple retreat after Celica. Once Apple's footfalls faded as well, Mae turned to Clair. "Hey Clair, is that pegasus of yours a sturdy enough ride for two?"

Clair looked confused. "Well, I, err, suppose if an extra passenger doesn't weigh too much..."

Mae laughed. "Good thing I've got such a slim, shapely figure then." Then she grabbed Clair's wrist, dragging her back the way they had come. "We're going after them. No way I'm missing a second of this..."


And so begins my first giantess-themed story since wrapping up Dynamic Equilibrium, nearly four years ago. This was something I wanted to do since I played the crap out of the original version of Fire Emblem Gaiden (ironically, soon after the remake hit). Celica, even in 8-bit form, struck me as poetry in motion, and it made me mad that the game never came to North America in my childhood. Also, it's a present of sorts for CubedCinder128, someone I have a lot of respect for, and he was happy to have another story with his original character.

So long,
