Chapter One

Rurouni Kenshin does not belong to me.

Author's Note:
Hello mina! I was reading over my fanfic after so long and I noticed a lot of grammar mistakes. So I decided to edit all the chapters, with my friends' help of course and repost it. After all has been fixed, I will post the long awaited chapter. GOMEN! (-o-)

For all you people that does not know or have forgotten this fic was inspired by a dream that I had a while ago. I hope that you guys like it as much as my friends seemed to.

Baka: idiot, stupid
Ja ne: later, bye
Hentai: pervert
Konnichiwa: hello, good afternoon
Mina: everyone
Watashi wa desu: I am
Arigatou: thank you


"Baka! Baka!" Kenshin muttered as he shuffled a few papers and put them in his briefcase. "I can't believe that I'm late for an important appointment. I shouldn't have stopped at the Gym. What was I thinking!" As he was about to leave the office, he turned and said, "Remember, you can reach me at my cell phone, Kamatari-san. But keep in mind, only for emergencies."

"Yes sir, you can always count on me."

"Good, I leave it to you then. Ja ne!"


Finally, things are going my way, Kenshin thought as he drove, not realizing that his speed had increased dramatically. But all of a sudden he hears a siren going off behind him. "Damn!" Kenshin exclaimed as he pulled over the shoulder. I spoke too soon.

"Konnichiwa Himura-san."

"Just get on with it Saitoh-san. I'm already late for an appointment." Kenshin growled.

"Temper, tempter Himura-san. Now let's see……"

"Just give me the damn ticket already!"

"Tsk tsk. Alright, since I'm in a good mood today, here's your ticket."

Kenshin growled as he returned to the highway. Preoccupied, he didn't see a car approaching fast behind him. "What the hell!" Kenshin exclaimed stepping on the brake as the car over took him.

Kaoru looked at her rearview mirror and stared at the car that she just cut off. It's your fault, Kaoru thought as she turned her eyes back on the road. "Slow driver." she muttered.

Kenshin stared angrily at the silver Bentley. He had half a mind to ram into it, but he had other things on his mind. "I hope the Kamiya Corp. doesn't mind that I'm late; hopefully they'll understand. What am I thinking? Of course they won't understand." he groaned. "This will make me seem so irresponsible."


Why do all these things have to happen to me? First I'm late, then I get a speeding ticket and to top it all off that crazy driver cuts me off. Kenshin brooded. He shook his head and finally noticed where he was. He turned right into the Kamiya Corp. parking lot and looked for a parking spot. Wow! I never knew that there were so many people working for Kamiya Corp. Kenshin thought. After searching for a short while Kenshin exclaimed, "Finally! A parking spot." But just as he was about to make the turn into the parking slot, a silver Bentley rushes past him and steals his spot. He stepped on the brake narrowly missed the other car by a mere centimeter. As he made his way towards the Bentley ready to give the driver a piece of his mind, the driver opened the door and revealed a stocking clad leg. Kenshin stopped on his track and stared at the leg with his mouth wide open.

Good, a parking space. Kaoru thought as she swerved her car in the spot not even noticing a red Mustang trying to back in the same spot. She rushed to open the door and tried to grab her briefcase at the same time. On her rush to reach the elevator, she didn't notice the man standing right in front of her until she bumped into him. She was about to apologize to him when he reached out and grabbed her arm. "Hentai!" she shouted getting ready to give him a mean right hook.

"Hey, hold on!" Kenshin said stopping her right hand with his left. "I was just trying to steady you to keep you from falling."

"Don't delude yourself. I wasn't going to fall. I know that you just wanted an excuse to touch me, you pervert!"

"Honey, you're the one that's deluding yourself. If I wanted to touch you, I'd touch more than your arm but don't worry," giving her a full look over, "that won't happen anytime soon." Kenshin said with a smirk.

Kaoru walked around him towards the elevator, trying not to look embarrassed. "What an infuriating man, how dare he say such things to me!"

Kenshin stared after her for a while wondering as to what just happened. After regaining his composure, he returned to his car and looked for another parking space.

"Man, I never knew looking for a parking space could be that taxing." he muttered a few minutes later while walking towards the elevator. He was just a few paces away from the elevator when it opened and the same woman that he saw a few minutes ago walked inside. "Wait!" he shouted trying to get her attention. He saw her look up, gave him a smirk and pressed a button. With a sinking feeling he rushed to the elevator, but as he reached it, the elevator closed inn front of his face. "Can this day just get any worse?" Kenshin asked himself. It didn't help that he could hear her laughing in the elevator.

Him again! I can't believe that he even had the nerve to ask me to hold the elevator for him. Kaoru thought. "But the look on his face when he realized that I wasn't going to wait for him was priceless!" she laughed. As she got off the elevator, an employee stopped her to ask her for her opinion regarding the project he was working on at the moment.

"Kamiya-san, do you have a few minutes to check over the software I've been working on?"

"Sure, Okita-san but a few minutes are all I have. I'm already late for a meeting."


"Damn woman!" Kenshin muttered as he rushed towards the board room. "I have never met a more infuriating woman in my life."

"You're late Himura-san."

Kenshin looked up when he heard his name uttered. His confused look changed to relief when he saw his lawyer. "You have no idea what I've been through today Hiko-san." Kenshin said as they walked towards the board room together.

"Stop the excuses; do you know how this makes you look?" Hiko asked.

Before Kenshin could answer back, they had already reached the board room and Hiko had started to the door.

"Konnichiwa mina. Forgive us for being late." Hiko said as he walked to the end of the table.

Kenshin followed Hiko trying to find words to help him explain his lateness. As he looked up, he noticed a pair of sympathizing eyes looking at him seated near where Hiko had stopped. It's good to see that someone understood. Kenshin thought. I wonder who he is. Kenshin stepped towards the man and introduced himself, "Konnichiwa, watashi wa Himura Kenshin desu."

The guy nodded his head and replied, "Konnichiwa, watashi wa Seta Soujiro desu."

"Nice to meet you."

"Same here, what happened?"

"Finally, someone is willing to listen."

Soujiro just smiled in response.

"Well, I stopped at the gym which made me late and on my rush to get here, a cop who has something up his ass decides to stop me and give me a speeding ticket. Then a crazy bitch driving a silver Bentley decided to cut me off as I tried to get back on the road. The same woman stole the space I was about to park into and even had the nerve to close the elevator on my face. I can't believe that she even had the audacity to laugh at me!"

"Did you say a silver Bentley?" Soujiro interrupted. "Was this lady wearing a navy blue business suit?"

"Why are you calling the bitch a lady? And yes, she was wearing a navy blue business suit. How did……" Kenshin trailed off finally noticing Soujiro's eyes had gone wider. "Hey, what's going on? What are you looking at?" he asked as he followed Soujiro's eyes to where he was looking at. "YOU!" Kenshin exclaimed. "What are you doing here? Get the hell out of this room; you don't belong here!" he shouted not noticing how quiet the room had became.

Kaoru just lifted an eyebrow in response and walked to the other end of the table. She looked around the room as she sat down. As she made herself comfortable, she stared at Kenshin's eyes and calmly said, "Let's begin."



Author's Note: Well, I hope that this is a better version and easier to read and understand. This fic has been check for grammar mistakes by me and my friend, Dasha. Thank you Dasha!