I don't own the songs or characters used.

Song used: Still Here by Digital Daggers

Musing through memories...losing my grip in the grey...

Thalia grit her teeth as her shaking arms, desperately trying to fire a shot into the face of a frightened bear.

Numbing the senses...I feel you slipping away...

Her hand was on the bowstring and was drawing the arrow back but she couldn't release it.

Fighting to hold on...

Thalia felt like she was being watched. But she didn't know why she cared.

Clinging to just one more day...

The silver-clad Lieutenant of the Hunters of Artemis tightened the grip on her bow before sighing and dropping it to her side in defeat. "Scram."

Love turns to ashes...with all that I wish I could say...

The bear wasted no time and scrambled to its feet, letting a frightened whimper out as it bounded into the thick shrubbery of the forest in desperation to guard his life. Thalia growled and turned, punching the tree with her gloved hand. "Damn you. Why did you have to go and die?"

I'd die to be where you are...

About a month ago or so, Thalia had noticed the absence of reports of her ebony cousin in New York and the Iris messages from him every Sunday and assumed he was on a quest or had gone temporarily inactive.

I tried to be where you are...

She'd seen reports that the young hero, who was now known for non-demigod related heroics in New York, had been presumed dead. Of course, Thalia refused to believe that. The Son of Poseidon was probably on a quest or something.

Every night I dream you're still here...

She thought nothing of it until she'd run into her brother while patrolling New York alone at night after she'd caught his attention with her silver attire. Unfortunately, they'd had a recent falling out with each other shortly after the war and they were not each other's favorite person right now. The meeting had started with the siblings' electric blue eyes glaring at the other pair.

The ghost by my side...so perfectly clear...

Not long after their first encounter and escaping, she was confronted again by the son of Jupiter during her dinner interval at a diner, and was about to go back to base when she was interrupted by him.

When I awake...you'll disappear...

Jason didn't seem concerned about her disturbed trip. He just stepped from beside the glass door with a knowing but sad look on his face. Thalia assumed it was because he'd found out the Hunters were assigned to New York for six months but didn't stay at Camp.

Back to the shadows...with all I hold dear...with all I hold dear...

"So you finally realized, huh? Took you long enough. And you call yourself a part of the seven. Tch. And it takes you so long to find out your own sister is in New York?"

I dream you're still here...

Though, the response she got from her brother was, to say the least, not what she expected.

Hidden companion...phantom be still in my heart...

"You were here this whole time. You didn't think of coming to camp? Of telling us you weren't dead?"

Make me a promise that time won't erase us...

"Tch. If you really cared, Jason, you'd come scavenging for me and yelling at our father for abandoning us when we needed him the most. But no, nothing!"

That we were not lost from the start...


I'd die to be where you are...I tried to be where you are...

"No! Don't you dare call me by that name like you know me! You don't care! You never did!"


Every night...I dream you're still here...

"No. Why don't you go back to camp? Back to that cousin of ours that you love more than me. He's the Golden One, right? Your favorite? The perfect cousin and hero? I bet if he went missing or was in town, you'd try and see him in a heartbeat, right?"

The ghost by my side...


"No Jas-"

"Percy's dead."

So perfectly clear...


When I awake...you'll disappear...

"Percy's dead, Thalia. He died more than a month ago."

"...you're kidding."

Back to the shadows...with all I hold dear...

She had looked up and expected to see the fearless Jason Grace, only to be met with the sight of what looked to be the shell of a broken teen standing in front of her. The expression of pure sadness and remorse on the hero's face was alarmingly evident.

With all I hold dear...

Thalia sighed and pulled her hand away from the tree as she thought about that night and slung her bow across her back and put her arrow back in the quiver.

I dream you're still here...

Ever since that night...hunting hadn't been so easy for her.

I dream you're still here...

Every time she held a bow to an animal or a monster who'd just been passing by and not causing a ruckus, she felt like she was being watched and could faintly hear a voice at the back of her head telling her it was wrong or there was another way.

Ever slightly out of reach...I dream you're still here...

She didn't know why, but she listened to it.

But it breaks so easily...

"Dammit, get the hell out of my head!" She yelled, raking her hands through her short, dark hair, not seeming to care who heard him.

I've tried to protect you...I can't let you fade...

Thalia let out a frustrated growl before she looked up towards the sky with a heated glare, and then shifting her gaze to the floor. "You're probably sitting in Elysium laughing your ass off at me, aren't you, Kelp Head?"

I feel you slipping...I feel you slipping away...

"Nearly always smiling, laughing, being cheerful all the time... I don't understand you. I don't think I ever will."

Every night, I dream you're still here...

"...and the hugs, oh god the hugs... you affectionate dumbass."

The ghost by my side...so perfectly clear...

"And even now you're haunting me from beyond the grave? Trying to infect me with your stupid sympathy and compassion!" She lifted her head to yell at the sky again.

When I awake... you'll disappear...

She looked back down and glowered at the ground. "I used to think I hated you, you know..."

Back to the shadows...with all I hold dear...

"Now...I'm not so sure..."

With all I hold dear...I dream you're still here...

"I hated you because everyone seemed to love you more...but Death Breath...Nico...he told me that after your death, everyone lost it. They put monsters into Tartarus faster than Lady Artemis could shoot arrows. But they still didn't do anything unnecessary."

Ever slightly out of reach...I dream you're still here...

She clenched her fists slightly. "I hear Poseidon sometimes neglected you. Abandoned you. Kicked you out. You two didn't have much contact...you argued quite a bit...I don't hate you. Not anymore, but the gods are still at fault."

But it breaks so easily...

Thalia felt guilt gnawing at her heart as she looked back up to starry sky one last time, and saw Zoƫ Nightshade running across the sky, bow at the ready. "I'm sorry, Percy...I'm so sorry..."

I dream you're still here...

I hope you guys liked it. Please review, check out my other stories, my Wattpad account under the same name, and if you have any story requests feel free to PM me ( I write Percy Jackson, Heroes of Olympus and YOUNG JUSTICE!)

Peace out,
