Author's Note:
Sorry if this seems rushed. I just like getting straight to the point.

Night fell over camp Skyloft, several of the campers left the campsite with their flashlights.

Among them were Link, Zelda, Pipit, Karane, Groose, Cawlin, and Stritch. Leaving the campsite at night was against the rules and if Couselor Impa or anyone else knew what they were up to they were in deep shit.

But Groose had told them to meet up in the forest unless they were chicken.

Once they were out of earshot from the grounds, Groose and his friends Cawlin and Stritch grabbed everyone's attention, telling them about a monster that lived in the woods and preyed upon travelers who got lost. Using his flashlight to scare them.

Link, Zelda, and Pipit just nodded in disapproval while Karane grabbed onto Pipit's arm in slight fright.

Groose then told them that if they can prove the monster wasn't real then he, Cawlin, and Stritch will do the camp's laundry for a week.
How could anyone refuse such an offer?

"This should be no problem," Link said, "It's just Groose and his friends playing a prank on us. Right?"

He received no answer.

"Zelda? Pipit?" he turned to find them, but he was alone, in the dark forest.

He felt his heart start to beat hard in his chest, trying to maintain his composure. "Okay... easy Link. I'm sure you can find everyone as long as-" Before he could finish his sentence his light started to flicker. "No! No! nonononono!" he frantically tapped his flashlight, keeping it from going out.
Suddenly a loud snap and rustle of leaves caught his attention. He shined his light around the area, "Guys? Are you there?" It was getting difficult to make out the scenery with the dimming light.

More rustling was heard. "Groose is that you? C'mon this isn't funny!"

The young man felt as though he was being watched. Like something was on the prowl, ready to strike. Sweat started to form on his temple, his blood ran cold.

Something slithered past his foot, making him jump, he pointed his flashlight to the ground to see what looked like the end of a snake's tail. He followed it with his light until it led into a shrub. Link was petrified with fear, not that he feared snakes but this one looked huge.

Suddenly he heard a chuckle from behind and turned again. A grayish face with white hair and dark eyes grinned at him from the shadows. "Good evening." it said.

Link gasped at the sight, the person rose slightly to his chest. "Don't get a lot of visitors around these parts."

"Um... hi?" said Link nervously. "W-who're you?"

"Oh, where are my manners?" said the stranger, "my name is Ghirahim, I happen to live around these parts. Are you lost little one?" Something about this person didn't seem right. Almost inhuman, Link felt that he should watch himself.

"Uh... kind of? B-but I'm okay. I'm sure I can..." Link looked around for a path back to camp before facing the man.

Ghirahim looked over the young man, who looked skittish as a mouse, marveling at his tasty looking body and pretty face. He was gonna have fun with this one.

"Hm, maybe you should come spend the night at my place?" He suggested, "You must be very tired. It's not often that I have a guest for dinner."
looking into his eye brought up some red flags in Link's mind, he knew he had to leave right away. "N-no I-I think I'm good." He backed away, "I think I'll just be on my way."

"Oh, but it can get rather dangerous at night." For some reason Link couldn't look away from those dark eyes. There was something hypnotic about them that kept him glued to the spot. "You should come over to my home and rest."

Link's mind felt a bit fuzzy, his flash light fell out of his hand, now that Ghirahim mentioned it he did feel a bit exhausted from the long walk. What harm would there be? Ghirahim leered at Link, licking his lips with a long, red, tongue, as he rose from his hiding spot, revealing a lean, masculine, grayish, body but instead of legs was a long, red, snake tail.

He crept up to the hypnotized boy, coiling his tail around his frame. "That's right Little mouse let me take care of you." He placed a hand on the boy's smooth, tanned, face, captivated by those dazed baby blues as his other hand wrapped around his slim waist.

Link stood there, spellbound, unaware of the cold, scaly, tail wrapped around his legs. He was captivated by Ghirahim, why was he so scared of him in the first place?

He was so beautiful, and his touch felt so inviting.

Link placed a hand over the one caressing his face and sighed in enamor. The naga closed in on his little mouse's face and locked lips with him. His long tongue entering the young man's mouth and explored, provoking the smaller tongue to dance.

The naga's mouth tasted of blood and venison, like he had recently eaten a deer, though Link was too enraptured to pay any mind. His arms wrapped themselves around Ghirahim's neck to deepen the kiss. One hand raking through his soft, blonde hair while the other around his waist snuck itself up his shirt. Link let out a groan which was happily swallowed by the Naga who smiled in the kiss, he liked to play with his food first.

They parted, connected by a trail of spit. The hand in Link's hair descended to the boy's rear, groping and massaging making him let out erotic whimpers and pleading whines. The boy blushed and ran his hands on Ghirahim's firm pecs, the naga's skin felt like porcelain and his nipples were like pebbles.
The Naga moaned at his mouse's hands touching his chest, then removed Link's shirt. The sight of the boy's bare body made the creature salivate, he looked so pretty and delectable without that bothersome article of clothing. Such a rarity indeed. The naga then moved a hand to his mouse's crotch to feel a hardening member underneath the fabric.

"Mm, looks like I'm not the only snake around here." he purred, "Why don't we let this little guy come out and play?"

He coiled his long tail around Link's middle to raise him to his level. Two hands took the hem of Link's pants before pulling them down with his underwear, exposing his member. Ghirahim licked his chops, gingerly taking hold of the human's dick in his hand and rubbed. Link let out a gasp as he was stroked, his face cherry red, getting stiff in that hand. He could feel his temperature rise as the speed of the stroking increased.

A finger pressed and teased Link's slit, "Ah!" he yelled, panting, "n-no don't touch... there..."
"But you seem to be enjoying this little mouse." Ghirahim then flicked his serpentine tongue against the head making his mouse flinch at the action.
Before Link knew it a hot, wet, mouth engulfed his dick and sucked vigorously, long tongue coiled around the shaft. "S-stop... it feels weird." The naga didn't listen and continued sucking, taking delight in the boy's pathetic whimpers, he looked up at the human's face, blue eyes full of confusion mixed with suspenseful arousal, how delicious.

Link's cock felt so bizarre yet so amazing in Ghirahim's mouth. His tongue felt so warm and slimy as it massaged his cock. A hand snuck between his butt and prodded at his opening; he grunted as a finger entered him and pressed against his walls, adding to the feeling of his cock getting sucked. The human felt tight, a virgin huh? Now this was quite a catch.

Something started to peak and suddenly exploded from Link's member which filled the naga's mouth with a white substance.
Ghirahim swallowed the boy's semen; the look on his mouse's face was gorgeous, delivering arousal to his own body. In all honesty he was planning to eat him at first but a human with purity and subtle beauty such as this boy's may have other uses.

He lowered Link eye level, his finger still inside that tight hole. Link flinched in discomfort at the dry digit exploring his chasm. "G-Ghirahim, please... take your finger out." he whined.

"I may," said Ghirahim, tauntingly. "But only if you agree to be my mate." The boy met the creature's eyes in slight disbelief, only to fall under their spell once again. "You will be my mate, right?"

Link yelped as the digit in his anus, now deeper than before, twitched and touched a strange and highly sensitive spot. It was then that he knew that he couldn't just say no to him. He nodded in agreement and the naga removed his finger with a chuckle and placed the young lad back on his feet.

"Good boy, now go stand by that tree."

He directed Link to a nearby elm, the boy obeyed and placed his hands against the bark, sticking his rear out. Ghirahim slithered over to the nude form and ran his hands across the smooth flesh again. Kissing and licking a trail down the back of the boy's neck to his back all the way to his behind.

His hands took hold of Link's butt cheeks, spreading them apart before running his long tongue across his rectum. Link grunted and moaned at the wet feeling. It was unusual yet felt so much better than being probed by a dry finger. The muscle excavated his anal, going deeper and deeper, tasting his insides and wriggling. The blonde gripped the bark of the tree, panting heavily.

Suddenly the naga's tongue slid out, his mouse turned with a disappointed look. A slit under the monster's torso opened, and creeping out came a large, pulsing, wet organ. "Now come here." he beckoned his victim. Link approached him, the naga lifted him.

"Please be gentle." begged the boy.

"I will be little mouse." promised the strange yet beautiful creature.

It then lowered his mouse's hips onto his organ, the lubrication allowing it to slide in easily. Link's eyes widened as the large appendage entered his anal, he gripped the other's shoulders as it went deeper. Deeper. Stretching his anus all the way down to the base. He feared that it might tear him as there came some pain, he gripped the other's shoulders as it came all the way in, touching the same strange spot in an odd but amazing way.

Thankfully Ghirahim paused at that moment, not wanting to damage his new mate, the boy's insides were wonderous. Such a vice like tightness and velvety softness, he savored every inch of his mouse around his appendage, purring in his pointed ear.

The boy wrapped his legs around Ghirahim's hips and his arms around his neck, adjusting to the size of the large girth inside of his rectum. Moaning in the naga's ear. Long, slender, arms wrapped around the human as hips began to shift, pulling out before shoving back inside. Link grunted, his face turning red, the pain from earlier was fading fast, replacing with an unbelievable sensation. Every thrust better than the last, hitting that one spot that delivered electric pulses from his pelvis to his brain overwhelming him with pleasure.

"Ugh! More! P-please... Ghirahim!"

Hearing his name being called out in a wonderfully erotic matter made the Naga thrust harder into his adorable mate. "Ahh, isn't this wonderful little mouse?" he cooed, "the feeling of me filling up your tight little hole?"

Link's mind was hazy, his will no longer his own.

"Mn, G-Ghirahim... Please... harder!"

"No, I'm your master," Ghirahim said, enraptured. "Call me master!"

"Master..." Link whimpered, "Please, I need you... Master!" his lips found the naga's earlobe and suckled. Ghirahim complied to his mate's request and slammed into that small hole, the human's body temperature rose, adding to the incredible sensation between the two.

Ghirahim sank his teeth into Link's neck, without injecting any venom of course, making his mouse give a startled squeak. Warm blood seeped from the wound, which the snake happily lapped up, savoring the tangy sweetness.

He could feel his cock harden inside the boy as he went faster. Possessively growling in lascivious pleasure. This human was now his and his alone, he won't let anyone else have him. He would take his mouse back to his cave and never let him go. He would take care and protect him from the cold, cruel, world, and ravish him all throughout the night. And perhaps when Ghirahim was ready he would have the boy carry his offspring.

Just the thought of injecting his eggs into him and starting a family with the beautiful golden haired human excited Ghirahim as his reflex intense and his hands gripped Link.

"M-master...!" panted Link, his dick stiff. "I'm at my limit!"

"Argh, will you come with me my sweet mate?"

"Yes! My Master! Yes!"

An arm removed itself from Link's shoulder blades and took ahold of his hardening cock between their bodies, proceeding to stroke as Ghirahim latched his mouth to Link's. After several hard thrusts, Ghirahim came and filled Link's insides with his seed before the boy came in his hand. They remained like that for a long minute, the boy's anus overflowed and dripping with the monster's seed.

He panted, sweating, as he placed a weak hand lovingly to the naga's face. "Master." he sighed.

"Hm?" said Ghirahim, touching his forehead to Link's, gazing into his human's eyes.

Link struggled to get the words out. Uttering out, "I-I... I wan-"


A voice called out in the distance. Zedla's voice.

"Link where are you!"

"Hey Link!"

Several more voices joined in, getting closer calling out Link's name. The naga sighed in disappointment, knowing that he would have to leave his little mouse before those other humans discovered them.

He looked into Link's eyes, hypnotically, "You will forget what had occurred here." he said.

Link blacked out at his words as the organ in his ass was removed and the snake demon re clothing him before laying him onto the grass and hastily slithering away.

Zelda, Groose, and the others found Link lying unconscious in the clearing and having to carry him home.

Unfortunately for them one of the camp counselors was still awake and caught them sneaking back into camp with an unconscious Link.

They told them everything, about Groose daring them to follow him into the woods to search for the monster. Midway through Link, Cawlin, and Stritch got separated from the group while the rest proceeded further through the bramble.

Long story short, it was all a cruel prank involving a monster costume, a stolen megaphone to make a roar sound, and fake blood. Basically Cawlin and Stritch snuck away from the group at Groose's order and dressed themselves in a costume made to look like a monster and when they were far enough in the dark wood Groose told the rest to stay behind while he 'checked out' a weird sound he heard, only to hide in the bushes and cover himself in fake blood and signaled his friends to come out while he let out a false cry for help before lying on the ground, playing dead. Zedla and everyone else rushed over to the source of the noise only to see what looked like a horrible creature looming over the 'corpse' of their campmate Groose.

After the scare, everyone eventually took notice that Link was missing. It took them 20 minutes to find him lying unconscious in a clearing, finding the dying light of his flash light from a nearby shrub.

Needless to say they were all in big trouble afterwards, and were punished the next morning by doing the camp's dishes for the next week. Thankfully Groose and his friends got the worst of it, since it was their idea, and were punished by hosing down the entire mess hall from top to bottom.

Link, however, was taken to the infirmery since he was unconcious and had what appeared to be a bite mark on his neck. It wasn't deep but the camp nurse couldn't clarify whether it was an animal bite or if it was poisonous.

When Link did wake up, he stated that he couldn't remember what had happened or where the bite came from. Though he did recall seeing something white but nothing more.

Since then, until the day they left camp. Link would often gaze into the forest with a sense of longing