Silence echoed in the Great Hall.

The first sound was missed by most, a bare breath of noise, it slowly built until it was a rush of wind. Then a clap of thunder filled the spaces left behind.

The wind and light gathered and pooled in a corner of the Hall behind the staff table and from the stonework a shape appeared.

The shape looked like a candle-flame, flickering and dancing in the wind. Colours began to show in the flame's edging, the blue and silver of Ravenclaw, the yellow and black of Hufflepuff, the red and gold of Gryffindor, the green and silver of Slytherin and the black and silver of Merlin.

"Alistair, as always, you are the voice of Hogwarts." Death reminded. He crossed the room and leant a hip against the Merlin table. Much to the distress of the students.

"I am." The sorting Hat said. "And she is not pleased."

"Hat…" Dumbledore began.

"Shut up, old man. I've got higher orders that yours. Did you know that there are three Heirs of the Founders in this Hall right now? And you're not one of them. You swore an Oath to protect this school… and yes, you've done that. But… you also took an Oath to protect the students… and that you have not done. Neither Hogwarts nor myself could do anything about that until the Founder's Heirs claimed their inheritances. Now that they have… We, Hogwarts and I, have called on Lady Magic to judge you for breaking your Oaths."

Dumbledore paled and looked to the doors of the Hall, only to find them sealed, solid surfaces.

The flame floated and danced across the platform until it reached the Hat, a flare of flame reached out to the Hat and danced along it's bream. The voice that emerged this time was that of a female.

"You were supposed to guard my children, instead you sent them where you knew they would be harmed. Lady Magic is more forgiving than I. She will allow you to keep your life." The flame lifted away from the Hat.

"But Hogwarts get to keep your magic." The Hat's original voice returned.

The two comments caused whispers and chattering amongst both the students and the staff.

"I am Headmaster-" Dumbledore began.

"Not anymore, you're not." The Hat crowed. "Now, you are an Oathbreaker."

Everyone saw the flames reach out and envelop Dumbledore, they all saw the shimmering silver/white of magic spew from the man's mouth.

"Now, you are a muggle. Now you have no magic at all, not even the empty core of a squib."

Gasps and not a few near hysterical giggles were heard.

"But Lady Magic is also a female. And like any female protecting her young, she is vicious." Death spoke again. "She has declared you immunda and notandum levium. Your vaults, less the money you stole from Hogwarts and the students, will be transferred to a muggle bank. No one is to give you shelter or assistance. You are a muggle, now, but because Lady Magic is a vindictive female, you will still be able to see magical places. You just won't be able to interact with them."

"Your personal possessions, those that a muggle can have, will be packed and taken to Hogsmeade, to your brother's place." The Hat added.

"Oh and since you can't use it, anyway, I'll have my wand back, oath-breaker." Death sneered and with a wave of his fingers, a wand left Dumbledore's grasping hands and floated gently across the Hall to fall softly into Death's waiting fingers. "I suggest that someone escort the muggle from the Castle and make sure he gets to Hogsmeade."

Two male Board members stood.

"If Lord Arius holds no objection, we shall see the muggle Oath-breaker to his brother, Aberforth's place." One said.

"We shall also explain to Aberforth how this came about." The other said.

"Certainly gentlemen. But… does the Board have a choice for a new Headmaster?" Death asked.

"The Board does, sir, the Chairman knows our opinions on the matter." The first replied.

"Very well, thank you, gentlemen."

Everything paused as a shocked and pale Dumbledore was lead from the Castle. The whispers began as he passed students. Hearing what he'd done, what he was responsible for, stunned many. But there were some that had known. Some that were just relieved the man was gone.

"Well, he's gone and my presence is no longer needed here. I shall take my leave, Alistair, Lady Hogwarts." And with that Death walked to the a wall of the Hall and faded into it.

"Mr Chairman? Hogwarts finds herself in need of a new Head, who would the Board recommend?" The Hat asked, having to raise his voice to be heard over the muttering of the students.

"Lady Hogwarts, Master Sorting Hat, the Board of Governors recommends Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall as the new Headmistress and suggests Potions Master Severus Snape as her Deputy. Moreover we recommend that a second professor for each subject be brought in, our current professors are under considerable strain." Lucius said.

"Hmm… hmm…" The Hat hummed. "Lady Hogwarts wishes to discuss the matter in more depth, but not tonight. Tonight we have delayed the Start of Term Feast enough. Let us settle the students and tomorrow we can discuss ongoing matters."

"Wisely said. May I call you, 'Alistair'? If we are to work together, I would like something better than 'Hat' to call you." Professor McGonagall asked.

"You may, Headmistress." The Hat, Alistair replied.

"Thank you, Alistair. Students… I thank you for your patience and I'll make you wait no longer. Welcome to Hogwarts, let the Feast begin!"

As McGonagall spoke, food appeared on the long tables and the floating candles lowered to illuminate the platters more clearly.

"Dig in!" Alistair yelled and the students cheered.

Harry Draco and Neville, who had regained their seats while Death fired his questions at Dumbledore, filled their plates and ate. Other students seemed bent on doing the same, at least until, the twins started to speculate.

"Wonder what subject Quirrell was to teach? And who's the professor between Snape and Black? What's he teach?" They asked.

"Oi, Gred, Forge?" Harry called, rendering the table silent.

"Yes, Harrikins." Fred answered.

"Quirrell was obviously to teach DADA."

"How do you figure that?" George asked.

"Because the professor you asked about?"


"That's my Da and he's here as Ancient Runes Master." Harry informed them.

"… and our Head of House." Draco added.

"Whoa." The two third year boys exclaimed.

"Harry?" A voice at Harry's shoulder spoke and Harry turned to see both his father and Uncle Remus.

"Hey Da. Uncle Re- um, Professor Lupin." Harry changed Remus' name halfway through.

"You're not in my class, now, Harry, you don't have to call me 'professor', if you don't want to. I'm not going to take points from Merlin just for a slip up." Remus assured him.

Harry sighed in relief.

"Thanks, Uncle Remmy. What's up? We haven't had sweets, yet. It can't be time to go up to the dorms?" Harry fretted.

"No, Harry, no. You'll get your sweets. I just wanted to ask you… well, you Draco and Neville, if you'd let me work some classes around the three of you."

"Ah, okay… but we're not all the same, how's that going to work?" Harry asked, confused.

"Let me worry about that, but… probably… I'll have to do a few classes, just to go over the differences. I'm not sure how I'll lay it out, but…" Remus trailed off thinking to himself.

"And Harry? Siri wants the three of you to sit in on his Animagus classes, he's thinking of having a couple of weekend sessions, we'll hammer that out in the next few days, alright?" Greyson asked his son.

"Sure, Da. As long as it doesn't interfere with our classes."

"I'll make sure of it, Harry. Oh, there's your sweets, enjoy. I'll see you up in the dorms." Greyson dragged Remus with him as he returned to the staff table.

"Oi Charlie? You catch that?" Harry called down the table.

"Yep, Claws. Keep us posted, yeah?"

"Will do, Spike."

"Okay, that's it." Said Fred.

"How do you know Charlie?" asked George.

"How do you know his nickname?" asked Fred.

"Didn't you tell them, Spike?" asked Harry.

"Nope, I wanted to see their reaction." Charlie grinned.

"Is it what you expected?"

"Pretty much."

Charlie grinned and reached for a bowl of grapes.

"Are you going to show them the rest?" He asked.

"In the common room? Sure, why not?" Harry wanted it clear. "Da gave me permission and Uncle Luc and Uncle Frank said Draco and Nev can, too."

"Brilliant!" Charlie crowed.

An hour later Charlie sat with an otter-shaped Neville in his lap, while Fred had Harry in his Draco-Aedes form curled around his wrist and George was playing tug of war with a Grimm-pup-shaped Draco.

When Greyson wandered into the dorm, he stopped and looked at the chaos the three Animagi had created.

"Alright you three, that's enough for tonight. You've all had a big day and while our new Headmistress has decided that formal classes won't start until next week, there's still plenty for you to do between now and then. Remus and Sirius both want to hold a couple on intensive classes and I want to update the Collective on tonight's events."

Harry unwound himself from Fred's wrist and with a flip of his wings crossed the room to an empty bit of floor, he took a deep breath and let magic pull him back into his boy form. Draco, still in Grimm form, sidled up to Harry before changing, while Neville slithered off George's lap and shifted as soon as his feet his the floor.

"Alright, Da." Harry grinned, he waited while his Da reached out and gave both he and Draco a hug.

"Shower and bed, boys and girls. Tomorrow is coming fast and your life at Hogwarts is about to begin."

immunda = unclean

notandum levium = untrustworthy

Harry – Claws

Hedwig (Owl Familiar)



Arctic wolf

Chausie cat

Draco – stripes

Gidget (Kneazle Familiar)



White Tailed kit

Snow Tiger

Neville – Paws

Ezra (kneazle/lynx Familiar)


Wumpus Cat


Fenec Fox



Arctic Wolf

Regulus – fangs


Grimm (black/grey),

Sirius – padfoot

Fanged Puffskein (turquoise/black),

Grimm (black),

Luna – slinky

Swooping evil

ferret (ermine)

Remus – socks

Werewolf (Eastern Wolf),

saw whet owl(silver)

Kneazle (brown tabby)

Bill – chains

ironbelly, red kestrel

Charlie – spike

horntail, red kite

Fred – whiskers

nundu, red grouse

George – spots

nundu, pheasant

Rumour = Master (two crossed wands over a cauldron emitting sparks)

Whisper = Captain = Greyson (two crossed wands over sparks)

Shadow = lieutenant (one diagonal wand over sparks)

Smoke = lieutenant = regulus black (Sirius' brother 27 feb 1961 – 11 oct 1979 (18)

Mist = lieutenant

Zephyr = ensign (single horizontal wand)

Murmur = ensign

Black, Sirius apparition, Animagus studies and relief for Remus

Lupin, Remus Care of magical Creatures

Longbottom, Frank Chairman of board of directors

Malfoy, Lucius Chairman of board of directors

Snape, Severus potions Slytherin Head of House

De Silver, Greyson Ancient Runes

McGonagall, Minerva transfiguration Gryffindor Head of House

Flitwick, Filius charms Ravenclaw Head of House

Binns history of magic

Sprout, Pomona herbology Hufflepuff Head of House

Pomfrey, Poppy Nurse

Hooch, Rolanda Flying

Sinistra, aurora astronomy

First term 1st sept- 18 dec

Second term 6th Jan – 21st june (Note: easter holiday = 1 week – dates vary)

=One Knut is

=One Sickle is

ʛ =One Galleon is

1 Knut

29 Knuts

493 Knuts

0.03448... Sickles

1 Sickle

17 Sickles

0.002028... Galleons

0.05882... Galleons

1 Galleon

Bill weasley is cursebreaker for Gringotts

Magic of Hogwarts has formed a new house, the house of founder, students will show virtues embraced by all 4 founders, those students are twins, cedric, oli wood, cho, Angelina, flint etc. then first years, harry, Neville, Draco, blaise, dean.

Always three = golden trio = deathly hallows, Draco=wand, Nev=stone, Harry=cloak.

Contract takes hallows and Moldysnort's

As per our contract, we surrender to Death his Hallows and the final piece of Tom Riddle's soul.

Chptr 6(?) first year at Hogwarts sept 1st to christmas