Marcelle walked across the courtyard, glancing up at Beacon Tower with a smile. It had been almost 6 years since she'd been here… that clocktower was Ozpin's office. She wondered if he was in. She wandered past the students who all looked surprised and began talking amongst themselves. Who was this woman? A couple of whispers mentioned huntress and weapons, so she assumed they might notice eventually who she was. Marcelle was no longer wearing all black, though her outfit was still mostly that color. Black leggings and a sleeveless turtleneck, Ozpin's green scarf wrapped around her shoulders and covering them. She had black arm warmers on, as well as a green ring and black bracelet. She had gear-like attachments on her clothes as well as on her boots. She sighed, wondering if it would be odd to have modeled her new huntress uniform on Ozpin's favorite motif and colors, but she didn't really care. She liked the look, it made her smile. Her weapons were suspended on her belt, and she walked up to the tower, staring up at it. "You're early." She turned, smiling at the blonde teacher behind her.

"Glynda." She smiled. "You look lovely today."

"Marcelle, you're starting to sound like an old man." Glynda sighed, shaking her head.

"Well, I am old, Glynda. I guess Ozpin must have rubbed off?" She chuckled, walking with the teacher towards the elevator.

"He's out of the office at the moment…"

"I'll just sit and wait… he still has the books in the corner, right?"

"That he does." Glynda smiled, glad to see that Marcelle was still willing to wait. She was always patient, which Glynda assumed was because of her agelessness. She let Marcelle into the office with a nod of the head. "I'll bring him if I see him."

"No need… I love the view from up here, so I don't mind waiting." She replied, going to the coffee pot first before heading to the book case and starting to thumb through his books. She'd spend most of her time during breaks here, since she didn't socialize with too many people without her team, and they always went home during breaks to see their families. Ozpin never minded, either. He always welcomed her in and let her read whatever books she wanted from the shelves. She picked out a book, going to sit on the floor by the window, smiling out at the campus before she began reading. She was almost through the third chapter when the elevator door opened, causing Marcelle to look up. She stood, smiling as Ozpin walked over to the coffee pot without mention of her being there. He poured a cup and took a sip, smiling.

"Marcelle… is this coffee you brought from home?" he asked, turning to her. "It smells sweeter than I'm used to." He smiled, Marcelle smiling as well. "Welcome back to Beacon." He added, offering her a cup.

"Thank you, Ozpin." She replied, walking over to him and taking the cup, placing the book on his desk. "And yes, Yuugato sent it with me." She replied. "I have an entire suitcase worth."

"That's quite a bit."

"Well you do run through this stuff quickly." She chuckled. He chuckled as well, nodding his head in defeat.

"Very true… So, what brings you to Beacon? I was surprised to get your letter." He added as he went to stand near his desk, offering Marcelle the chair. She shook her head, instead leaning on the desk.

"I thought I should come and see you." She smiled. "Make sure nothing's changed since I left." She paused, looking down into her coffee cup. "And to ask… if you still need my assistance…" she added, Ozpin's eyes widening. She still wanted to help, even after all this time.

"You really don't have to offer that…"

"I do." She replied. "… I had a run in, Ozpin… with one of Salem's faction." She stated, Ozpin's eyes widening. "I didn't catch his name… but he was strong, Ozpin… too strong for me." She looked away, Ozpin grabbing her wrist.

"Was it Hazel?" he asked. "Tall, bulky, stronger than you can imagine?"

"… Yes." She looked up at him, looking lost. "I… I'd never imagined how strong one person could be… I saw him attacking a huntsman, killing him…" she took a moment to breathe before continuing. "The only reason I didn't get more seriously hurt was because he was already tired out… so he retreated." She stated, lifting the scarf from her shoulders to reveal a huge bandage that spanned both shoulders and down her arms under her arm warmers. "But he could have… had he not been exhausted already… he could have killed me, Ozpin." She replied, the headmaster staring in disbelief as she wrapped the scarf around herself again.

"How long ago was this?"

"Not long… maybe a week?" she looked nervous. "Or two…" the fact that she was still so badly hurt told Ozpin she was in a bad way when it happened. He wanted to throw himself at her, hold her and protect her like he'd been thinking of doing when she first told him she wanted to come into this fight. He didn't want her to be involved. But they knew her now… so they'd continue coming after her.

"You shouldn't be pushing yourself so hard…" he muttered, Marcelle looking up to see a lonely look in his eyes. "I… don't know what I'd do if you got killed coming back into this fray…"

"It's a choice I made." She replied, grasping his sleeve. "And I wouldn't change it… Ozpin." The two stared at one another for a while, Ozpin soon smiling a little. "Good. You smiled." She let go of his sleeve. "You need to smile more, Ozpin."

"Do I?" he asked. "Well the Vytal Festival is coming up…"

"Ah, is it that time already?" she asked, rubbing the back of her neck, glad he changed the subject. "How long till the tournament starts?"

"Oh, not long now." He replied, sipping from the cup again. "Are you going to stay to watch?"

"I was thinking about it." She smiled back at him, Ozpin nodding his head. "But I know I don't have a dorm anymore, so I wasn't sure where I should stay. Any recommendations?"

"There… is an open teacher's apartment…" Ozpin had faltered just for a moment, but he looked like he wanted to say something other than what he replied.

"Oh, is there? How much rent would I owe you?" she asked.

"It would be free if you helped teach the students as a… Festival Guest…" he chuckled. "You're well known, considering your need to hide away, Merci."

"Ahh, don't bring that up…" she made a face, Ozpin smiling a little at her childish expression. "But if it means rent is free, that's more money for food…" she pondered, Ozpin chuckling at her. She loved to eat, so that was a big bargaining chip for her. "Okay." She nodded, looking up at Ozpin. "I'll do it."

"Oh? Alright then." He smiled. "Shall I show you where you'll be staying?" he asked, offering an arm to her. "Or shall I take you to eat something first?"

"Food sounds nice…" she looked cheerful at the mention of food.

"I do hope you've missed the cafeteria food." He added, Marcelle chuckling as she took his arm.

"Well it's been a long time since I've had it. A bit of nostalgia might be good." She walked with him to the elevator, the ride down quiet. Ozpin was never much of a talker, so Marcelle got used to being silent around him. Once they reached the bottom floor, Ozpin reflexively tensed, Marcelle removing her arm from his and exiting the elevator first. "Come on, Professor." She waited, Ozpin smiling a little, following her. Even though he knew she was older than she looked, she still smiled and acted her physical age. She didn't look a day over 20, around the ages of his oldest students. But she was also a well spoken and well-trained individual who could school any of the students in a fight, so her apparent age was trumped by her skill.

After getting settled in the teacher's apartments, Marcelle sat at the table and stared out the window. This was home for at least a little while. But her mind wandered back to the reason she came back, grasping her hand into a fist. She hadn't mentioned it to Ozpin, but she'd been having horrible nightmares since Hazel fought her. But they weren't the normal sort of nightmare… no, they were different. A voice called out from a pit of bubbling blackness, calling her a lost daughter… calling her "home", but this instilled a fear in Marcelle like no other. This voice was cold… this voice cared not for her… but it knew her… She had also begun hearing bloodcurdling screams and woken in cold sweat. She heard a knock at the door, turning to stare for a moment. "Come in."

"Pardon the intrusion." There stood Ozpin, making Marcelle stare. "I thought you could use the company…" he smiled knowingly.

"… Thank you." She whispered, Ozpin walking in and sitting with her.

"Something troubling you?" he asked.

"… Many things." She replied, smiling wryly. "But none of which I feel comfortable speaking about." She added, Ozpin nodding his head at her.

"Well, even if you aren't… I'd like you to at least tell me if I can help." He stated, sliding a box across the table to her. "I thought… a box of your favorite snacks might be a good place to start." Marcelle stared at the box, noting a soft expression on Ozpin's face.

"You noticed, huh…?"

"Just a bit." He smiled a little more. "Go ahead… eat."

"… It'll taste better with tea." She stood up, going to make some tea to go with the sweets, Ozpin smiling at her as she worked. "… Ozpin?"

"Yes?" he asked, noting her almost shaking as she stood there.

"… Do you ever hear voices…?" she asked. "Voices that call to you in nightmares… that sound all too real?" she asked, Ozpin staring at her. He stood up, walking over as she continued to stand there, fist clenched and trembling.

"… Is that what's been happening to you?"

"I don't know who it is… but she knows me… my name… what happened before…" she whispered, Ozpin gripping her shoulder as she leaned against him. "It sounds so familiar, but it's scary…"

"Marcelle…" he wanted to help more, but for now this was all he could do. Stand next to her and hope to comfort her quietly. But even just holding her like this was almost too close for Ozpin. He was tempted to touch her, and that was dangerous. There were too many near incidents when she was a student as well. He just kept his composure and waited for her to calm down.

"I'm sorry." Again, she apologized. She always apologized for falling apart like this. As strong as she was, if it was just them she showed it all… the pent up stress, the fear… the worry… he ruffled her hair gently, smiling.

"Don't be… I'm glad you trust me enough to show those emotions."

"… Thanks for checking on me…"

"I'd do it even if you asked me not to." He replied, noting that she was no longer shaking. He let her finish making the tea, then sat with her and shared in the sweets until she began to tire. "You should rest… tomorrow you get to be introduced as a special guest, after all."

"Alright." She nodded, almost nodding off at the table. She got up and walked him to the door, feeling almost lonely as he turned to leave. "Come again."

"… If you insist." He smiled, letting her close the door before walking away down the hall. But as he did, another door opened.


"Are you going to scold me, Glynda?" he asked, knowing the blonde was glaring hard at him. "Even though she isn't my student, I still worry."

"You're fraternizing, is what you're doing." She replied to him, still glaring. "Just tell her straight, it doesn't help either of you if you hold back."

"Of course not." He replied. "But my feelings are no good for her… and I cannot accept her feelings, should they be used against me." He added, Glynda sighing.

"You're making yourself lonely, you know." She replied as he walked off.

"I know." He replied, Glynda sighing. She always scolded him about these things, because she noticed. But Ozpin wouldn't and couldn't act on those feelings… not with Marcelle. He felt wrong for it… it felt like if he expressed those feelings and she expressed them back that something bad would happen. He didn't want to lose her. But knowing that Hazel knew her now meant that she was in real danger… more than just Tyrian appearing and attacking when they were students… more than any grimm she had ever faced down… no, this was different. Salem knew her now… that was what worried him. And if Salem ever found out, Ozpin knew she would rip Marcelle away from him. He didn't want that to happen to her. He arrived back at his home, opening the door to a lonely estate. Too large for one person alone, he wandered the halls and back to his room. He sighed, sitting down on his bed. Sleep would avoid him as it always did. He just picked up a book and began reading, hoping that he could contain those bubbling emotions that he'd held back for so long.

((I figured I should start this since I'll have to wait to see the first episode of the next season of RWBY to post the next chapter in that fic. I'm at a stand still, so I shall post all the fluffy angst while I can~ Enjoy~

-Winter Cheshire))