"Professor, don't hover." A familiar voice came to Marcelle's ears, along with a soft mumble in reply. She was sore, exhausted… but the green haired woman managed to open her eyes and look around a little. "Ah, she's up!" White hair… that voice…

"Al… der?"

"Welcome back to the world of the living, Marci." He told her, petting her head. "Here, glasses." He put them on her, letting her adjust as she lay in bed.

"Marci…" Noir bowed his head to her from over Alder's shoulder, the girl managing to sit up with Alder's help.

"Noir…" she smiled a little.

"Geez, leader…" Marcelle jumped, turning to see a grey-haired man standing at the window. "Giving us all a scare…" he turned, those shimmering turquoise eyes smiling at her. "Especially Prof Oz… seriously, are you two a thing now? He won't stop hovering over you!"

"Argris…" she felt tears sting her eyes, the three panicking a little at the sudden show of emotion from their leader. "You're all here…" she managed to choke out, Alder sighing and rubbing her head as she calmed herself down.

"Of course… you called us for help… we wouldn't turn you down." He told her, smiling.

"It's a damn good thing we were already on the grounds, though… seriously, imagine if we'd missed our flight into Vale!" Argris exclaimed, Noir slapping his partner's arm as he came around the bed. "Ow!"

"Quiet… you'll make her cry more."

"Glad to see you three as energetic as ever." Ozpin said, Marcelle turning to see Ozpin at her bedside, blushing a little. "And glad you're awake… Marcelle."

"Oz… a-are you hurt?" she asked, knowing that he'd been fighting Cinder off for a while before she got there. He had a couple of bandages but was no worse for wear externally.

"I'm alright… you on the other hand, look quite banged up." He rubbed her head. "Get some more rest…"

"I will later… where's Cinder? And what happened?" With no answer from Ozpin, she turned to Alder, who nodded.

"Well, Argris did a wonderful job suppressing the hijacked atlas tech that was rampaging in the city. Gave Goodwitch quite a fright I think, when he finally showed himself." Alder smiled. "General Ironwood was really surprised, too. And then on top of that, Noir was helping the beacon students take down the grimm at the school on the end where you hadn't taken out that huge horde. He was so determined. I wasn't able to help much, since you took down all those Grimm alone." Alder smiled.

"You're being too humble!" Argris scolded. "Marci, you shoulda' seen Alder! He was fighting off that White Fang punk Adam! It was so cool! Didn't give him an inch and made him retreat!"

"Haha, was he? Good job, partner." She pat Alder's head, making him smile at his leader. "And the students?"

"They're alright. Shaken, but alright. Well… except for Miss Yang Xiao Long." Alder replied. "If I had gotten there sooner, she would still have her arm."

"No no." Marcelle scolded him, ruffling his hair. "None of that. You know things happen." He smiled a little as she removed her hand. "… What about Quil?"

"Oh, he's fine. Went chasing that woman, Cinder, and came back when he lost her." Argris replied. "She must've been really good, to get away even with his semblance." Marcelle made a face, Alder quirking an eyebrow at her. "Anyway though, he's fine. Helping clean up the festival grounds.

"We're gonna go start helping the rebuilding efforts in the city… you get some rest." He stated, Marcelle nodding her head at him. "Good girl." He ruffled her hair before the three of them left the room. She sat in silence, letting herself calm down and take in the information she'd received. The school was in shambles, but aside from a few things, they were no worse for wear.

"Coffee?" Ozpin offered her a cup, the girl jumping a little and looking up at him, smiling.

"Thank you." She whispered, taking it from him delicately. She sipped at the cup, Ozpin sitting next to her and continuing to hover over her. "You know… Oz… I'm fine…" she turned to him after putting her cup down, but soon realizing another emotion lay just beneath the surface of his expression. "Oz-?" Marcelle was cut off by a pair of lips. Ozpin's lips. She stayed still, letting him press more into the kiss, squeezing her hand. When he finally broke the kiss, she stared at him, shocked. "Ozpin…?"

"I… I'm sorry, I know that was impulsive… but I saw you fall, and I thought… please, no… not her…" he whispered, his cheeks pink. "I can't explain it but you're… I'm…"

"It's okay…" her free hand was now in front of her lips, a soft smile coming to her lips. "It's… warm…" she smiled more, his face reddening from the sheer happiness on her face. "You're very good at that… Ozpin…"

"I… try to be…" he blushed, glancing away. He was glad Glynda wasn't around, she'd be scolding him and giving him an earful, even though she knew about Marcelle's real age. But it had been so long since these feelings had bloomed in his heart. The last few times had been more about the soul he'd merged with already having someone than his own feelings. But he lived with it. This time was different. Marcelle chose him, and he felt something for her as well. "Marcelle, I…" he hesitated, the celadon-haired huntress squeezing his hand.

"It's alright… don't rush those words." She leaned in, kissing his cheek. "I'll wait, Ozpin… till you're ready." She smiled, his face coloring even redder. But he leaned in and smiled, glad that she accepted it. She turned, pecking his cheek.

"Thank you… Marci."

That afternoon, Marcelle heard a knock at her door while she looked over documents that Alder had brought her about the attack on Beacon. "Come in." she looked up, seeing a fellow greenette with glasses and a few students at the door. "Oh, Professor Oobleck." She smiled, the man flying past the students and to her side with a bag tied closed with a ribbon.

"Marcelle, so glad to see you awake. I can't stay long but the students insisted upon thanking you." He shook her hand after putting the bag down on her side table. "So I escorted them here before I must run off to talk to the headmaster about the reconstruction efforts your team mates are spearheading. Among… other things." He pat her head carefully.

"Yes, sir." She smiled. "Don't let me keep you." She added, Oobleck dashing off as the students entered the room. There were 6, and she assumed a few others waited outside the door. She recognized a few from the battle at the tower… Pyrrah Nikos… Jean Arc… Velvet Scarlatina, Coco Adel, Weiss Schnee… and a blackette with a tinge or red in her bangs… with silver eyes. "What brings you kids to see me?" she smiled.

"We wanted to thank you… for helping our teammates." Jean spoke up first, offering a basket full of goodies. "For helping save the school…"

"Any good huntress or huntsman would have done the same."

"But you went further." Ruby stated, moving to stand closer. "You weren't just killing Grimm out there… you were saving lives… if you hadn't come to help take out those Grimm…" she got this look on her face… she looked like she'd cry. "If you hadn't shown up, Yang might be…"

"I did not interfere in Miss Xiao Long's fight." Marcelle replied. "My partner did."

"The point is, you tipped the scale in our favor… as did your team. And on top of that, you got hurt more severely than most of us." Coco stated. "So, let us thank you." She added, Jean putting the basket on the side table for her. "I'm sure the teachers all want to thank you for helping us out."

"Haha… you drive a hard bargain, Miss Adel." Marcelle added. "But without all of you that victory would never have happened. So please, remember that." She smiled at them all.

Marcelle was joined for dinner by Noir, the blackette carrying some take out. "No Alder or Argris tonight?" she asked, Noir shaking his head and taking a silent seat next to his former leader. He opened the box, revealing burgers. "Hehe, our favorite." She smiled as he nodded, placing her box on her lap. "Thanks…"

"For what?" he asked, removing his mask to eat, his face making him look far younger than he was. And much more feminine.

"For the food of course."

"… You're implying for other things." He added, turning to her.

"I…" she sighed. "I know I pulled you away from important work… so… instead of apologizing like I would normally, I'm thanking you for coming." She said softly. "I know you and Argris were trying to fix his arm…"

"You can't still blame yourself for that, you know." He bit into his burger, letting her sit in silence for a moment. "Argris doesn't blame you… he never did." He glanced toward her with those orange orbs. He saw her staring down at her food. "He sees that bum arm of his as a way to make himself even stronger… so when it does get fixed, idiot thinks he'll be invincible." He ate some fries before continuing. "Plus, he uses it as a sympathy card to flirt with women."

"Pff, does he?" she laughed a little, Noir looking back at his meal as she began to eat. "That's a relief."

"It's actually pretty awful." Noir began recanting stories to her about how often his partner flirted with girls, making Marcelle laugh. As he ended a story, about to start another, there was a knock at the door. Noir stopped as it opened, pulling his mask back up.

"Oh, apologies for interrupting." Glynda walked in, carrying a blanket. "I came to drop this off, Marcelle." She placed it down on the girl's bed.

"A blanket?"

"Temperatures are set to drop tonight rather drastically." She replied. "Ozpin wanted to make sure you'd be warm."

"Haha, did he…?" she noticed a sharp look on Glynda's face that made her sure that she'd scolded Ozpin already for what had transpired in the hospital room. Glynda always knew. "I'll be sure to thank him later. Thanks, Glynda." She added, the woman nodding before heading out. Noir turned to his former leader, quirking an eyebrow.

"Was Argris right?" he asked.

"Perhaps… perhaps not." She replied, smiling. "Now, again… you guys were in Mistral when…"

The following afternoon, Marcelle was waking up from a nap when she heard talking. She opened her eyes, seeing Ozpin sitting next to her bed. "Ozpin…? What's wrong?" she asked, sitting up as the doctor put her charts down.

"Nothing, Marci." He smiled, the doctor signing something before turning to her.

"Miss Lune… you're fit for release." He stated, the girl's eyes widening. "Though I would greatly suggest you stay with someone so you can get help if necessary." He added.

"Wait… I'm… what?" she looked so confused. "I was told I'd be stuck in here for over two weeks… what's changed?" she asked, the doctor clearing his throat.

"Well… to put it simply… your injuries have up and vanished… though your body still feels the fatigue and some of the pain, the majority of any injury you suffered seems to be gone…" he added, explaining to her for a few moments before stopping. "I believe your semblance kickstarted the healing for you."

"I… see…" she looked down at her hands, a sour look crossing her face. Ozpin caught the expression before she masked it, thanking the doctor. Once he was gone, he pet her head. "Ozpin, no one died, did they?" she asked. "No one's hurt, right?"

"Not that we know of, no." he replied, petting her head. "But your healing that quickly makes me wonder what happened…" he added. "But for now, since you're being released from the hospital tomorrow, I believe we need to set you up with housing aside from the teachers dorm. I'd rather you be somewhere you can be watched over more closely."

"More closely than the campus?" she asked him. "But where?" she asked.

"Well…" he paused, taking a breath. "I'd like you to stay with me…"

"With…?" her cheeks began to color, the heat rising in her face. "B-but Ozpin, you're too busy! I-I'd get in the way!" she exclaimed, mildly panicked by the sudden offer.

"I have been told… that aside from overseeing the reconstruction efforts, I need to take a break." He stated. "So I have been told to stay home, and have everyone report in to me by phone and over video." He still held her hand, gripping it a little tighter. "So… please?" the desperation in his voice made Marcelle's heart shoot out of her chest. "For me, Marci? So I can at least keep you safe?"

"… Ozpin…" she sighed, leaning into his shoulder, cheeks still burning. "I… If you're sure you won't be bothered by my presence…" she wondered if there was more to it than that, but she didn't ask. Ozpin wanted to keep her close. She didn't mind that… so long as he was alright.

((It. Has. Begun.


Domestic Fluff starts next chapter.

-Winter Cheshire))