Newt set down his cup of tea and looked around the classroom. It felt strange to be back at Hogwarts, especially given everything that had happened. The atmosphere in the room was tense. Everyone had told their version of what had happened and had now fallen silent.

Newt looked at the people in the room. Theseus was standing by a window. He was staring outside, a vacant expression on his face. Newt realized his brother needed Leta. He loved her more than he had thought he did. When Newt had learned that his best friend from school, the woman he had thought he was in love with, was marrying his brother, he had been upset. He had thought his brother was just doing this to spite him but now, as he watched Theseus, the usually powerful, emotionless Auror, looking so broken, he realized he had really been in love.

His gaze slid to Jacob. The man sat in his seat, his head in his hands. He had been quiet ever since they had gotten back. Newt could tell that losing Queenie was worse for him than Theseus's separation was for him. Of course, this was because of how he had lost her. Theseus had lost Leta because she was trying to protect them and help them escape but Jacob had lost Queenie to Grindelwald in a different way. She had gone to him willingly, believing that it was best for them. She had fallen prey to Grindelwald's charm and it had confused her.

Newt ignored Travers. Personally, he thought the Auror had no right to be there. He hadn't been involved in anything that had happened, except to make it more difficult for those who were involved. To make matters worse, he had forced them all to relive the trauma by asking them to recount what had happened that way the Ministry could have a "clear picture of what happened".

Dumbledore, on the other hand, was deeply involved, despite not having been in Paris. Newt had only just found out how involved he really was. He had been annoyed with his former professor for forcing him to go to Paris, not having understood why the man didn't go himself. He was by far the most powerful wizard in the world. However, now he knew why he couldn't fight Grindelwald. It was because of the little silver vial that, Newt believed, was currently clutched tightly in his left hand. The vial was a blood pact, a blood pact between Dumbledore and Grindelwald. Part of Newt wanted to know how those two had ended up making a blood pact but he knew he couldn't ask. All he knew was that Dumbledore was the only wizard who could defeat Grindelwald. Newt suspected that the fate of the entire wizarding world, of the whole world, in fact, depended on Dumbledore's ability to destroy the blood pact he had created with Grindelwald.

Newt's gaze fell on the Maledictus, Nagini. She sat huddled in a corner, her knees pulled up to her chest and her face hidden. He felt sorry for her. She had just lost her only friend. He had pushed her away to follow Grindelwald. She had tried to convince him he was making the wrong decision but he had been determined to learn who he was and he thought Grindelwald had the answers. The girl had told her story quietly then retreated to the corner.

The last person in the room was Tina. She too had a vacant expression on her face. She was staring at a spot on the floor but he doubted she was seeing anything. Newt wanted to comfort her, to pull her into a hug and tell her everything was going to be fine, but he knew he couldn't. Besides, nothing he could do could make her feel better. She had lost her best friend, her sister, her only family. She and Queenie had grown up together and, after their parents had died, they had raised each other. They had always been together and now they weren't because Queenie had chosen to follow Grindelwald, believing it was best for her and Jacob.

Travers was, of course, the one to break the silence. He stood up and announced that it was time to go up to the Ministry. After the silence, his voice had sounded as loud as a cannon. Dumbledore nodded in response and Theseus finally looked away from the window. Newt watched as his brother followed Travers out of the room, looking lost. Dumbledore stood up and made his way over to Newt.

"Thank you, Newt," he said quietly. "Thanks to you, we are one step closer to defeating Grindelwald."

Newt got to his feet. He was frowning slightly. He didn't understand how Dumbledore could say they were closer to defeating Grindelwald but he didn't question him.

"I know it seems like Grindelwald won today," Dumbledore continued. "And, in a way, he did. But all of us are here. You all lived to fight another day. Grindelwald will continue to gain support but so will we. When the time is right, we will move against him and we will win. For now, you've done enough. You and your friends should go home and rest. One day, I'll need your help again and I know you'll be willing to give it." He paused. "I think it's best if Mr. Kowalski stays with you. As a Muggle, he will be unable to defend himself against a magical attack. It would be far too dangerous for him to return to New York by himself."

Newt nodded and Dumbledore started to turn.

"Dumbledore," Newt called. The man stopped. "What about the girl?"

Dumbledore glanced at Nagini. She had looked up when Travers had spoken and was now staring, expressionless, across the room.

"You'll take care of her. She needs a friend and a family. You can be that for her. She'll need protection. Credence may decide to come looking for her. If he does, he won't be alone. In fact, Grindelwald may not let him go at all, instead choosing to send some of his followers. We don't want to put her in any danger. She'll be safe with you."

Newt nodded then he made his way over to Jacob.

"Jacob," he said quietly. The man looked up. "Dumbledore believes it's best if you stay with me. Everyone who was involved is in danger but, since you're a Muggle, you won't be able to defend yourself. Is that alright with you?"

Jacob nodded once.

"Okay," Newt said. "We'll be leaving soon." He slowly approached the girl in the corner.

"Nagini." The girl's eyes came into focus and she looked at Newt.

"Yes," she said quietly.

"Dumbledore wants me to take care of you. He believes that people might be looking for you and that we should protect you. Would you be willing to come with me?"

Nagini looked nervous. "But, Mr. Scamander, I'm a Maledictus. I'm a dangerous creature."

Newt shook his head. "No, you're not. You're not dangerous. You can control your actions, no matter what form you're in. I take care of magical creatures, that's my job, and many of them are far more dangerous than a snake."

The girl smiled slightly. "Thank you," she murmured.

"So, you'll come?"

Nagini nodded. Newt gently rested his hand on her shoulder for a moment then straightened up. He glanced around the room, just in time to see the hem of Tina's coat vanish through a door. He hesitated, wondering if he should follow her or just leave her alone. He knew she was upset and didn't know if she'd welcome company.

If I were upset, I'd want her to comfort me, he decided. The thought made him blush but he made his way out of the room and glanced in both directions. Tina had reached the end of the corridor to the right and had stopped in front of a window. She was staring through it to the grounds below. It was still light outside and, from where Newt stood, he could see mountains in the distance. He made his way towards her. Years of tracking magical creatures had trained him to move silently and he made no noise as he approached her.

Newt stopped a few feet away, unsure what to do. He studied her. Even from the back, she was beautiful. Her new haircut was slightly shorter, leaving her neck bare. Her new coat suited her, making her look more professional . . . and more beautiful. Her head was bowed slightly as she stared out the window and Newt was suddenly nervous.

What should I say? I don't even know what she's been doing recently, he thought. He continued staring at her for a few more minutes.

"Please say something," Tina said suddenly.

Newt felt himself blush. "How did you-"

Tina turned to look at him, offering him a tired smile. "I can see your reflection in the window."

Newt gave an embarrassed smile. "What are you going to do now?" he asked slowly. "Will you be going back to New York?"

Tina shrugged. "I don't know. I - I can't go back to New York, but I don't know where I could go."

Newt didn't say anything. He understood why Tina was saying she couldn't return to New York. That was where she had spent the most time with her sister and being there without her would be painful.

"Besides," Tina continued. "This isn't over yet. Grindelwald is still out there but he won't be in New York anymore. There's no reason for me to be there."

They were silent for a moment. Newt was trying to work up the courage to make the offer he wanted to make. Finally, he spoke.

"T-Tina, I was thinking . . . Jacob and Nagini will be staying at my house. I was wondering if, maybe you'd like to - you know - maybe you'd like to stay with us," Newt managed.

Tina smiled. "Thank you, Newt. I'd like that."