Disclaimer: All Characters belong to their original owners.

Author's Note: I am Handicapped so please bare that in mind if my spelling is off. I use spell checker. I also have a slight mental disability so please excuse any mistakes. I do the best I can with writing these stories and trying to post chapters.


Tony and Ross are at odds but when Ross attacks the Compound and injuries Peter and others Tony begins to fight the accords in the open. The Avengers Old, New and Rogue come together to help each other and the threats that come...Tony/Stephan/Steve/Bucky/Bruce

Chapter .1.

Tony sighs it had been a long year with all his past friends all turning Rogue including Rhodey after being angry with Tony for getting his legs damaged. But there fleeing had cost Tony. They left all the mess behind for him to clear everything up. Which he wasn't able to do much subtly yet. Or fast enough.

Tony had gotten the Barton's and Lang's out of their homes after Ross was going after them Tony had moved them to the Penthouse of the Avengers Compound which Ross didn't have access too. He gotten to know Cooper, Lila, Cassie and toddler Nate and he loved them like his nephews and nieces. They actually called him Uncle Tony.

Tony had been involved in an accident three months after the Civil War he lost his hearing from a bad head injury. Tony was lucky he knew sign language and had been teaching the others it and he had made an hearing aid to help him which worked pretty well. Tony still had to have signs some of the time. Also his head injury caused some seizures. His arm which had been broken pretty severely from Steve had been smashed again in the crash and needed screws and plates. But he had lost his right leg. Lucky he could make prosthetics. His new leg just looked like a real one and nobody could tell the difference. Which he was happy about. Lucky this prosthetic could help with the Iron Man armour too. He got a support dog a German Shepherd named Dusk.

Tony was also suffering from PTSD, Depression, Night Terrors and Panic Attacks with Nightmares. Which he had been seeing a therapist for because he didn't want to be scared of Steve or Bucky. He could admit Bucky wasn't to blame for his parents death it was HYDRA. It just took a few days. If Steve hadn't of sprang it on him he would have been fine and the fight wouldn't have happened.

So he couldn't really blame the 'Rogue's'. So Tony had worked on there weapons for when Tony eventually got them back. Because Tony was working on it.

Tony had also bought in some 'New' Avengers. Tony was second in command to Captain Carol Danvers who was Captain Marvel. Tony had also worked around the Accords to set up divisions at the Compound for several different things like: Avengers Division, Communication Division, Extraction & Retrieval Division, Human Resources Division, Science Division, PR Division, IT Division, Legal Division, Magical Division, Medical Division, Liaison Division, Search & Rescue Division, Security Division, Spies Division, Research & Development Division, Transport Division, Weapon and Technology Division and Junior Avengers Division.

Tony had also gotten around to finding the backup of his trusty AI JARVIS. With everyone's help Tony was slowly getting better. But Tony's shinning light with Stephan Strange who he was dating and Peter Parker who he treated like he was his son.

Tony was in his office reviewing plans for the Avengers Compound and the Tower when suddenly his hearing aid picks up a boom from the front gates.

"FRIDAY what is going on?" Tony demands

"Boss. Heavily armed men are trying to get into the compound", FRIDAY says

"Prepare the armour. Get Vision and tell Peter to suit up. Tell Harley to stay inside with everyone to protect them. And tell everyone to be prepared", Tony orders

"Yes Boss", FRIDAY replies

Tony rushes as he can to his armour and it goes onto his body. Tony flies outside and see heavily armoured soldiers starting to come in. Tony didn't know why they were here.

"They have no orders sir to approach and no reason to be here", JARVIS says to Tony

"Speakers JARVIS and active the Iron Legions", Tony orders

"They are on sir", JARVIS replies

"Lay down your weapons and surrender or we will have to use force", Tony says

They ignore him so Tony starts blasting them back as Vision and Peter join him.

"Don't permanently hurt them", Tony says over the comms

"Ok Mr Stark", Peter says

They blast the soldiers back but they were now firing on them. Tony was worried as only Vision, Peter and himself were here the others were on a mission. But the Iron Legions where helping. So he didn't know how this would turn out. He was trying to protect Peter. Hoping the kid would be safe. Tony knew he was not going to let any of these soldiers in the compound as there was children in there.

The soldiers kept coming. Tony was shouting out orders when he sees a solider pull out something.

"Sir that is a grenade", JARVIS says

"GET BACK PETER!" Tony cries over the comms

Peter doesn't have time to move before the grenade goes off. And rubble from the compound lands on him. Tony sees red.

"JARVIS all power to the chest pieces. Stun all of them", Tony snarls

Tony and the legions all let out a explosion of power from there chest pieces in anger. And all the soldiers go down.

"They are all unconscious sir", JARVIS reports

Tony lands quickly and runs in his suit over to Peter.

"VISION!" Tony yells

Vision comes over to start pulling the concrete of Peter. Who was unconscious.

"Pulse JARVIS?" Tony asks

"He has one sir", JARVIS says

"Call everyone we are moving everyone here to the Tower that has been redone. Get medical here if there not busy inside", Tony orders

"Yes sir", JARVIS replies, "Captain Marvel and the rest of the teams are on route"

"Good. Vision tie up those soldiers and disarm them. I will have police on route we will get to the bottom of this. Because someone will pay", Tony snarls

"I will get it done", Vision replies

Tony was furious an he was going to find out who did this one way or another…

A day later…

Tony was exhausted as he was up all night making sure everyone was transferred to the Tower safely. He had seen many members he was protecting at the compound have scratches and cuts from the explosion which made him furious. And worse till Peter had a lot of broken bones and was unconscious in the medical floor of the tower. Tony had enough of this shit. He had interrogated one of the soldiers to find out it was Ross. So Tony was having his Legal Team getting ready to press charges. JARVIS and himself had been finding all of Ross's secrets and giving them to legal.

He had all the important stuff from the Compound being transferred to the Tower with a couple of the New Avengers. Now he wanted his Old Avengers/Rogue Avengers back. And he was going to bring them back now. He had, had enough of this shit. And it was time to take Ross down. Or if Tony couldn't he would kill Ross.

He told Carol, Daisy, Hope and Stephan about what he was going to do at the Press Conference he was going to hold in an hour. Daisy and Hope where already in one of his new Quinjets on their way to pick everyone up.

Now Carol and Stephan were with him to talk to the Press and Ross was going to be there this was going to be fun telling Ross he could shove his precious Accords up his ass and that Tony was accepting the Rogue Avengers back into his Tower which they would be guaranteed safety to he sorted out there Pardons. Which he had already been working on.

Tony walks out of his car to the press all yelling guests with Carol and Stephan by his side this was going to be fun…


The 'Rogue' Avengers have been helping T'Challa in Wakanda, but it had been boring. As they all wanted to go home. They didn't know what was going on back on in the US.

T'Challa had gathered them all at a big table. Starting with Steve, Bucky, Sam, Clint, Natasha, Bruce, Rhodes, Wanda, Scott and Phil Coulson and his team.

"Everyone I have managed to get some news from the US. There is a story breaking now about Tony Stark", T'Challa says clicking on the television screen

They see the news with a picture of a damaged Avengers Compound.

"What the hell happened there?" Natasha asks

"I hope Tony is alright", Steve says softly

"Breaking news in the Avengers Compound was attacked last night. And we have footage that has been leaked on the internet from an unknown source", the reporter says

The Avengers see the soldiers barging down the gates of the compound and see Iron Man fly out of the Compound with some other suits, plus Vision and Spider-Man. They see all the fire power go all over the compound and then the shaky footage sees an explosion and the Avengers were shocked to see Spider-Man trapped under the concrete. Suddenly all the Armour's chest pieces light up and they take out all the soldiers. The Iron Man armour lands and runs to Spider-Man with Vision. They see Tony's face as his mask comes off as he and Vision lift the concrete. Tony was shouting instructions but they didn't know what they were. And the footage goes blank.

"Who the hell would do that?" Clint asks

"How dare they attack our own", Steve growls

"This happened last night at the Avengers Compound. Now we cross over live for a press conference that Tony Stark is holding", the reporter says

The screen switches to a platform with microphones and Tony was standing in front of it with a woman and man at his side and Ross in the next to them scowling. Tony still looked like he did when they left him. But his eyes looked older.

"Welcome everyone. We are here to talk about what happened at the Avengers Compound last night. The reports are true the Compound was attacked while Captain Marvel and two other teams where busy taking care off different situations. So that only left Spider-Man, Vision and Myself to defend the Compound. In the attack Spider-Man was badly injured and is currently receiving serious medical treatment and his condition is serious but stable at the moment", Tony says

"Mr Stark do you know who attacked the Compound?" a reporter asks

"I interrogated one of the surviving soldiers and he said he was hired by Secretary Ross", Tony says his eyes flashing with anger

The Avengers all gasp at that.

"I DID NOT SUCH THING!" Ross yells

"As of this moment the Avengers will no longer answer to Secretary Ross. And we will not answer his calls…", Tony starts

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" Ross yells

"WATCH ME! YOU ATTACKED PEOPLE I CARED ABOUT!" Tony snarls, "So you can go to HELL Ross. As I will not let you near any of my people or friends now"

The Rogue Avengers all looked wide eyed at Tony's anger. They had never seen Tony so furious before.

"And as of this moment the 'Rogue Avengers' will be welcomed back to my Tower with open arms", Tony says

The Rogues all looked at the TV with hope.

"You can't do that!" Ross yells

"WATCH ME! Captain Rogers and your team if your watching this you are welcomed back home and will have my protection and that of all the Avengers which are currently with me. Come home. Thank you everyone", Tony says

"Get back here Stark your mine and when the Rogues return I will get them", Ross says

Tony then slams his fist into Ross's nose.

"YOU SON OF A...", Ross growls

"NEVER threaten my family or anyone I care about", Tony snarls

Tony walks off the stage with all the reporters shouting questions at him. And Ross was turning red.

"The New Avengers all stand with Iron Man in his decision", Captain Marvel says to the reporters

"Seconded by me the Supreme Sorcerer of Earth", Stephan Strange says

"You heard it here first. Mr Stark has invited the Rogue Avengers back", the reporter says

The TV cuts off. And all the Avengers were shocked to say the least. Was Tony really going to get them back home?

Suddenly T'Challa's phone rings.

"Hello?" T'Challa asks his phone on speaker

"Hey King Kitty", a familiar voice says

"Tony", Rhodey says

"Mr Stark is that you?" T'Challa asks

"Yes it is me. Tell my Team Mates that they will have a lift home in an hour so they better start packing. I am serious about the lift and the time. And tell Agent he and the team are coming back too. And the person who is coming is really going to surprise them", Tony says

"How did you…", T'Challa starts

"I have always known where they are. So tell them to get there asses back here. I promise they will have my protection. Including Sergeant Barnes. And tell Cap I promise not to kill him. I actually can help him. So hurry up. And you too can come T'Challa you and your tech savvy sister too. There is plenty of room. I will see you all in a couple of hours", Tony says hanging up

"How did he know we were here?" Wanda asks

"I want to know how he knows I am alive and here", Coulson says

"We will probably have to ask that question in person. So are we all going?" Steve asks

There was unanimous nods.

"Avengers go and pack we have a place we need to be", Steve orders

Author's Note: What do you think? Please review:)