Hey there Moonies! Here I am with a new fic. I know, there are two 'unfinished' but I will be posting their ends soon. This is for the UsaMamo gift exchange. This bad boy is 'due' tomorrow but since it is not a one shot like it is supposed to be (sorry), I am posting early. I will also post as quickly as I can. FYI this fic is not finished. It is finished in my brain but not on paper. I have not posted an unfinished fic in eight years so I am nervous but this has to be done. I promise that I will get it completed as quickly as possible.

Sardoniyx I truly hope you enjoy this fic cause it is all for you! Thank you for the challenge. Due to the content on your Tumblr page, this fic is Game of Thrones inspired. That said, I have not watched the show or read the books. I did, however, take a few courses in Medieval Literature and History and did research as I worked. I have an obsession with Legends and Folklore so I really have enjoyed this.

Also, this fic has not been betaed. Due to the rush and other complications, only me, myself, and I have given this a once-twice over. Keep that in mind while reading and be kind! I did my best to keep the language in Middle English but if I went full blown, we would all need a translated version. Another thing to keep in mind while reading.

Alright Lovelies, I hope you all enjoy, especially you Sardoniyx! Check out my Tumblr page for a link to the playlist for this fic!

Chapter Oinos

"The life and passion of a person leave an imprint on the ether of a place. Love does not remain within the heart, it flows out to build secret tabernacles in a landscape."

John O'Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

It had been a few winters since he had returned home, but nevertheless, it was still the same. It was a place that was always unchanging no matter how much he did in its stead. It was the time of year for the rains, still cold yet not cold enough for snow, so instead, it rained. A never-ending pelting that turns the streets into rivers of mud, running down like blood from a wound.

Keeping his cloak tightly cinched, he walked the ruddy lanes, unsure of what it was he was looking for. A man who embraces his instincts, he was not one to ignore the strange calling to him now, knowing there was something waiting for him on these streets today.

Those who dare to look him in the face turn their eyes immediately, causing him to pull his cloak in a little tighter. It is uncommon for a Knight to be recognized by others on sight, even one of his fame and glory. However, given his steel grey eyes and blinding white hair, most know him upon one glance. He recognizes no one. This is not his part of town.

Grendlewort is not a grand place, not like that of Theoden, his new home near the castle and his King. Grendlewort is a humble place, large enough to hold nobility like his father and several peasants that fall in his care. Third in line, it was never his place to care for these people and even now as he passed the filthy and downtrod, he was glad for it.

Nearing the edge of the town, he found himself for the first time, questioning himself. Yet was he to find anything that was remotely reproachable. What by the Goddess was he here for?

The mud squished as he spun on his heel, the narrow mud path feeling tight with the homes and merchants so close to him. There were few out in this area, the rain chasing them off or a lack of coin. And yet, a few small ones found themselves right in the thick of it. Upon closer inspection, he found that it was many children, all surrounding one frail child. It was hard to tell much about the creature, black mop of hair on top of a mud-covered frame. There was little else exposed of the child, a larger youth pushing the child in question into the mud and coating him all the more.

All ignored the scene save for him, watching on with enraptured interest. He found it impossible to turn away.

Seven against one, the child in the middle not standing a chance as each opponent outmatched him in girth. He still stood his ground. It would not have been strange for the child to run, or considered cowardly in the least being greatly outnumbered and outsized. But still, no move was made to escape.

He watched on in silent awe as the small child lifted himself from the mud and did his best to face them all. Each opponent came at the child and by some miracle, the small child bested them. Some landed hard in the muck, not paying attention to their feet as they ran. Others took a fist to the jaw. All held on tight to a part of themselves in pain while the small victor stood ready to defend himself again. However, his opponents all limped or ran off, leaving him alone in the rain. Slowly, the child relaxed, not letting his guard down in the slightest. So when he finally approached, a tiny fist was thrown at him to be caught.

Dark blue eyes widened as they met his grey ones and the child slowly retracted his fist. The small one made no attempts to apologize, only continued his journey away from him. "What is your name child?"

He stopped but did not turn, continuing to give him his back. "What does it matter?"

"I asked so you will answer!"

The child cringed, his harsh tone showing his impatience with the impotent creature. "Mamoru."

"And your parents?"

He glanced over his shoulder at him, the lack of fear on this Mamoru's face at his acquisition strengthened his resolve. "Dead."

Taking a few steps closer, he caught the slight shiver that ran through the tiny boy. Not from fear, his clothes were already thin and bare in places and all of him was covered in cold mud and rain. "Face me, boy." He turned, slowly, but turned regardless. "Well then Protector, let us see if you can live up to such a title shall we?"

Without another word, he walked away, glancing back only once to see the boy following close behind.

"Is it true that the mighty Kunzite took on a page?"

He did not take his eyes off his task, knowing the green eyes that questioned were already wild with ideas. "Aye, Zoisite, and you mind yourself as you will see for yourself. The 'Army of One' returns today."

The young page looked over at his elder, his blonde locks twisting in the breeze through the stable doors. "Mind myself? Such threats are pointless in this matter."

The Squire glared back at him while settling his weight on the pitchfork he held. A quick flick of his wrist placed an errant, brown, chunk of hair out of his sweaty face. "No tricks Zoi. The boy maybe younger than you but he is far less inexperienced."

"And how do you know, Nephrite? Have you laid eyes on him yourself?"

Returning to his work, Nephrite scooped up another load of hay and tossed it into the stall. "Nay, never. But with Kunzite as his master, he would have to be a fierce creature."

His steed trotted under him, the roads dry and favorable for their journey. He had been hoping for rain, snow, ice, anything that would slow them. The Goddess had deemed his prayers unworthy, brightly shining sun above him the proof of such.

His master strode before him, his grey steed matched the man's grey eyes. It was hard not to follow this man's lead, Kunzite the Brave, the Army of One. Although he had not recognized the man on first meeting, he was soon overwhelmed with the reality of his fortune that did not fade much over the last couple of years. For whatever reason, fate had smiled on him and now he was on a path of greatness.

All of this and yet, it felt as though he were on his way to his doom.

"Why must we adjourn to Theoden Master?"

"I cannot explain it any more than I already have Mamoru." There was no emotion in the man's voice, but after a couple of winters under his guidance, he knew this was his means of showing agitation.

It was true, his Master had told him many times over the last fortnight that they were expected to return and the reason behind such a move. Yet he still struggled to understand. A plight that his Master seemed to understand without a word, a sigh coming from the man before him.

"Mamoru...the Queen has passed and the King is in mourning. This is the best time for a rival to attack. It has always been my intention to return and as my Page, you must come with me. Perhaps, if you had a family, you would understand. This is a difficult time for the entire Kingdom. So mind your tongue."

It was true, he had no family to relate to. He did have his Master and that was enough. "I will do whatever it is you ask of me, Master."

This would be his first time in the Theoden township, the castle already in sight since clearing the last woodland on their path. The sun had been high when they cleared the trees and now as they approached the stone wall surrounding Theoden, it sat just above the treeline in the distance.

The iron gate before them was covered in thick, sharp spikes and squealed as it slowly raised just above their heads on their steeds. The town was so fearful of an attack, they refused to raise the gate any higher than that.

Even with the late hour, people roamed the streets and bailey. All dressed in black, there was not a single person without tears in their eyes or on their cheeks. Their mourning was lost on him; he had never mourned a single passing in his lifetime, not a familiar or a monarch. It was telling though, the amount of love the Queen had from her people that they weep so freely.

Being the town of the King, it was far larger and grander than Grendlewort. For instance, the streets were stone here in Theoden. The hooves of their steeds cloped loudly across them. The town around the castle stretched for miles, causing their arrival to be in dark, the sun setting during the last dredges of their journey. Empty, save for a few guards, the hooves on the stone were almost deafening.

Master Kunzite dismounted with the grace he lacked, his short and thin legs struggling every time he mounted and dismounted. Yet, he did all he could to make his Master proud, making sure not to stumble when he landed and embarrass the man. Leaving him behind, Mamoru took both reins, leading the horses in and settling them quickly in the stable. Master stood, waiting, just in front of large doors made of wood that was stained green. The weathered entrance was decorated with iron, pieces coming to points and sticking out from the frame.

Now that the sun was gone, the chill remained, a wind whipping around them cruelly even in the protection of the inner castle walls. The breeze seemed to be caught inside, just as he was, spinning around them looking for an exit in vain. Was his fate now the same? To wander restlessly in these walls only to die within them? Not even inside and already he missed the freedom of the forests and the open road.

Groaning from its own weight, the door opened like the den of an execution. A few souls in sight, he stuck close to his Master, the man not missing a beat as he wound the halls even with the few lit candles barely lighting their way. The inner air smelled of smoke and salted meat, a scent that grew stronger the deeper they went. The next set of large doors they came upon sat open, hushed words coming from inside. The heat hit him as he crossed the threshold, as did the encompassing scent of onions, meat, garlic, mead, and sweat. A large fire roared in a fireplace that could fit ten grown men, a boar spinning on a spit inside it. A few black pots hung over the flames next to the beast, people rising and taking portions out before returning to their seats and company.

The end of the room sat a long table and three large chairs. Only one was occupied, a man who appeared in good health sat with food before him, untouched. Master walked up to the lonely man's table without hesitation, taking a swift knee once near and he followed shortly after. Making sure to bow lower and longer than his master, they both waited to be recognized before rising again.

"Kunzite! You have returned!"

"Of course my Lord. I would not leave you to face such a dubious time alone."

Now standing, they watched the man as he stretched his arms out. "As you see, I am far from alone. All my faithful Knights have returned home with you."

The King held no anger towards them, yet his voice and face lacked any trace of warmth. "Where is the young mistress?"

"Asleep. Cried herself into a deep slumber. Who is the young one with you Kunzite?"

The King's hooded eyes landed on him, looking at him carefully as if the sight of him would reveal his identity alone. "This is my Page."

"Page? You with a ward?"

"My King has been upon me for years to take one…."

"And yet, you refused so every time! This boy must truly be a treasure to have such an honor. Tell me boy, who do you hail from?"

He was unsure of whether or not he should speak. It was not his place to in front of nobility. "His Majesty asked you a question, boy."

Master was growling at him. It would appear that he had already embarrassed him. "I come from Grendlewort, same as my Master."

"Aye, boy that much is clear. What be your name and lineage?"

Glancing over at Master once more, he waited to be silenced. But Master made no such attempts. "My name is Mamoru and I have no lineage. Plague and impecunious slew them all."

The King's stare flew to Master. "You took on a low blooded page?"

"What he lacks in blood he makes up for in spirit."

Sitting back, the inquisition over, the King smirked at the two of them. "I have no doubt."

"Go now and fill your belly, Mamoru. The King and I have much to discuss."

Without a glance, Master left him to find his own way. The stew was made of potatoes, onions, and venison. The garlic it held burned in his stomach, warming him up more even with the fire's heat. The boar was tough but sweet, a few bits with skin landing on his plate from another man as he passed. Even though it was tossed to him as if he were a dog, the man smiled warmly at him when he looked up at his benefactor. After a few bowls of stew and some dried meat, he sipped on mead and watched the fire dance before him. The remaining meat sizzled and popped, causing him to lose track of all that was around him. It was not the first time he had been left behind by Master, expected to find his own way.

Only a few remained in the hall, he knew there would be no fault in him sleeping where he sat. And he found it with ease, the aid of the heat from the fire and the mead he drank, its sweet after taste hiding the true dizzying effect it held.

Dim, the light of the fire giving more than the sun, he lifted his head off the table to the sound of birds singing in the distance. Gaining his bearings, he found he was not the only one to sleep at his table, a few heads still resting on the hard surface.

The fire had grown cold, mostly ambers, causing him to shiver. "Are you cold?"

Not easily startled, the tiny voice had him searching in haste. Hunting for its source, he was taken aback by a pair of bright and surprisingly large eyes, peaking up just above the table. "I am fine little one."

Everything below the cheeks was hidden, not even the creature's nose was revealed to him. Even though messy, pure gold sat on top of its head, the creature looking unearthly even in the dim morning light.

"Little one? You are not large yourself!"

Perhaps a fairy as he imagined an angel would not be so easily offended. "Forgive me. You are small enough to hide from me though. Therefore the title is fitting."

"I am not hiding!"

All at once, the creature stood, jumping on the stool before her. In nothing more than a thick dressing gown, the dark green material only made her skin glow all the more. Twisting and turning, her hair fell over her shoulders like a curtain, thick and long for such a small child. She had her tiny fist on her sides, glaring at him yet he could not stop the humor that rose into his chest at the sight of her. Such a tiny thing and yet she looked ready to fight him tooth and nail.

Curious more, the creature's eyes were rimmed with red and sorrow. "Have you been crying, Rhiannon?"

The sorrow remained in her eyes as she smiled, a small rouge appearing on her cheeks. "My name is Serenity."

He chuckled lightly, "Fitting." When she tilted her head in confusion at his words, a few curled tendrils slipping and falling off her shoulders, he laughed outright. "What are you doing here Sidhe?"

She blushed more, bowing her head to hide. "I go as I please."


Both their heads turned, finding the King with his Master at his side. Although course, the King held nothing but warmth in his eyes at the small fairy before him. Stealing a glance, he saw the small creature was yet to show any fear. Nor did she jump down from her perch, her head only reaching the King's shoulder just the same.

Standing before her, the King crossed his arms indignantly before her and she mirrored. "What are you doing here in so little dress?" She remained silent, turning her head from the man in a brazen show. The King responded in anger at the child. "Do not take your eyes from me girl. You should not walk around in such a state. It is not befitting."

"..Mother was the one to dress me…."

There was a small sniffle and the King cracked before their eyes, a sullen look crawling onto his face quickly. Whatever fight he had with the girl was lost in an instant. "Forgive me. However, you still cannot be so indecent. If the ladies do not please you then dress yourself or stay hidden."

Nodding, the girl hopped down and slowly made for the door. "Mamoru, accompany her."

Master's tone left nothing to be discussed and he rose to follow after the child. She walked slowly, even in the freezing hallways and her bare feet. "You will catch a cold if you continue like this."

She remained silent, even as he draped his cloak over her shoulders, the thick cloth threadbare in a few spots still gave a lot of protection to him in the harsh winters and cold nights. And now it served the Aos Si he followed in silence. Climbing along stairwell that curled around itself, they passed many dark, wood doors. They stood out amongst the dark grey stone that made up the walls on one side. The other side was broken up by large open holes, the brightening sun illuminating the hallway. It brought in cold air that smelled of wet hay, the damp morning giving way to a blood red sun.

Soon, she stopped at one of the doors near the end of the hall. Struggling with the heavy aperture, it took her a few tries to open it, but turned to face him before disappearing. "My gratitude Mamoru."

Bowing her head slightly, he followed, only to have his cloak tossed over his head and hide his sight. Once removed, he was met with a closed door and an empty hall.

"Till we meet again, Serenity."

Rounding the corner, she nearly lost her footing, the strands of hay making the stone slippery under her boots. Picking her hem up again, she returned to her pace, not caring in the least the looks she got as she flew past a few who wandered around the castle.

Once outside, the sun warmed her skin and she picked up her pace all the more. Only slowing once she reached the stables, peaking inside to see if there were those who might stop her. One boy, in particular, worry but thankfully he was nowhere in sight.

With no time to waste, she went straight to her pony and did not bother with saddle or reins. The beast trusted her and she trusted it, there was no need for such things anyway. As gently as possible, she mounted her horse, a leg on either side of the large creature and gave it a swift kick. The two of them flew, out of the stable and down the streets.

A flurry of white, she gained a lot of attention due to her haste. But she did not dare slow, offering up those she passed with a smile was her only choice.

Even though five years had passed and her memory of only having seen three winters at the time was hazy, she was sure the field she now stood in was the same one her Mother used to bring her to. Early spring, it held few flowers, but a fortnight from now and it was sure to be brightly painted with them.

It wasn't nearly long enough before the sound of hooves broke through the tranquil solitude. Her mare stood at the edge of the field, but her pure white color made her stand out against the dark forest edge. There was no time to get to her either, nothing she could do but duck down and hide in the tall grass.

Growing louder, the hooves stopped suddenly once near, the steed's loud panting taking over as the only sound around her. She could just hear the footsteps that fell, managing to convey their agitation and fear in each step as they neared her horse.

Daring a look, his dark tunic matched his locks, standing out harshly in the bright field. He clashed against her horse, the boy laying a gentle hand on her neck before turning on his heel. She had to drop her entire body to keep out of his sight, pressing her hands to her mouth in hopes of silencing her laughter and breath.

"Serenity!" His voice sounded tight and a bit frantic. "Serenity show yourself right now!"

The beating of her heart had her worry he would hear it, taking one hand away from her mouth to press to her chest. His footfalls grew nearer and soon she heard the sound of the grass buckling from the smacks of something else of a hard material. Carefully rising, she found him in a small hole through the grass, his wooden sword in his hand he was beating the tall grass back in search of her. And he was getting close.

It wouldn't be long now before he smacked her with it so before he could, she pushed up with her legs as hard as she could, sending herself up from the Earth and towards him. At first, he held his sword up at her in defense but swiftly dropped it to the ground.

Catching her with care, the force she laid on him caused them to spin and then fall, him twisting so he landed beneath her. "Goddess alive Serenity, I swear you pray for death!"

Quickly pushing them both, he stood her back on her feet before him. "You would not hurt me, my dear Mamoru!"

"Aye, not I, but the many who gain from your father's ruin might! What possesses you to act so foolishly?!"

Pouting, she didn't shy away from his glare. "I have not been outside the walls of Theoden since my mother passed. Would even you, Mamoru, deny me this pleasure?"

His frown faltered and she had no doubts of winning him. "I would not but there is no need for you to travel alone."

"If I had asked, even you would decline, keeping me stuck inside to my studies. Not even you will play with me anymore."

He sighed, a hand running through his locks as he turned slightly away from her sad eyes. "That is because I am a Squire now. I have no time for the childish frolicking we once did. You have your Ladies in Waiting now for that do you not?"

"They are not the same. I barely know them. And father forced them to spend time with me. You are my true companion Mamoru."

Her eyes to the ground, her mood now fouled completely, she missed the look he had. So when he pushed a stray lock behind her ear, she was surprised to find the gentle smile that graced his face when she looked at him in return. "You only need to spend time with them Serenity. I know they will love you as all in this land do. You are your mother's daughter."

Anyone else, the phrase would have upset her. But not when it came from Mamoru, for he knew how such words affected her and therefore only said them in earnest. "Will you stay with me? Enjoy the day with me if only for a little while?"

The hand he used to brush her skin had lingered. At her words, it dropped though, another sigh coming from him as he released his guard. "We may stay a short spell. I cannot abandon my duties for long and neither can you. And I do not want Master losing faith in my abilities to find and control you."

"Control me? Hmph, it is I who controls you, do not forget it!"

He smirked at her in return, his hands going to the clasp on his cloak. "This is true, your Highness."

In a heartbeat, he had his cloak off and laid out for her to sit. He sat on the bare ground, not sharing his own cloth with her as usual. "How did you find me?"

He had laid back, looking up at the clouds above them and she waited. "When the people spoke of seeing Rhiannon herself, I knew which way to go. You also do not know how to cover your tracks, the speed of your horse tore up the ground for me to follow."

"Is it that simple?"

His head rested on his hands, his arms wound under him. "I will always find you, Serenity. Have faith in this."

Turning, his eyes found hers, and her heart skipped. The intensity of his stare told her he meant his words, even though his actions had proven it to her time and time again. No matter how well she hid or how far she roamed, he managed to find her. He alone could and bring her back.

If she did not turn from him and gain her freedom, she was sure she would not be able to say what she wanted. "I have faith in you. You are my Knight."

Their time was short, the sun not even moving before he made them head back. Mounting her horse with his unneeded help, he chuckled once she sat safely on top. "You find something capricious?"

His laughter died, but his mirth remained in his tone. "You. I see now why they called you Rhiannon. Although, I never really had any doubts."

She glanced down at herself, her hair falling unimpeded on her shoulders and into her view. Her white gown matched the fur of her pony, the two of them looking almost like one beast as she sat upon it sans saddle. Her feet bare, the hem of her skirt rode up to her knees as she straddled the back of her mare, a few of her tendrils reaching and tickling the back on her hands as they held on tight to the mane.

When she looked back up, he was already settled on the back of his steed, the brown beauty standing tall next to hers. It was a fine horse, one meant for long travel and battle. The horse of a warrior. It looked proud to have the one that sat on its back as its owner. Just like her, he was missing a saddle and rein, him leaving in haste just as she had.

His wooden sword was fixed to his belt again; the weathered wood barring many scratches and bruises from all his practicing. "Mamoru...why do you work so hard?"

Facing their path as they traveled, he looked back at her, his brows knitted in confusion. "Why would I not?"

"Because of your disdain for my father. For all monarchy."

"And yet, I have no ill will towards you, do I?" Tearing her eyes away, she looked down at her hands to nod in response. "Master pulled me from the streets, gave me a purpose. I will not dishonor him even with my lack of care to my future duties."

"So you serve your Master and not my father then?"

"That is all I have been tasked to do."

Looking back at him, he had his gaze back to the path ahead. The gentle swaying of the horses and the breeze that shifted through the thick forest, it was easy to pretend it was just the two of them for all eternity. "But one day, you will be tasked with more. Will you take your duty just as fiercely?"

"I will do whatever I can to honor and please my Master."

"Is it true that Elfin blood runs through Sir Kunzite's veins?"

A sideways glance, one brow raised above the other, he smirked at her. "I would not know. Is it true fairy blood runs through yours?"

His questioning a jest, he turned away without an answer. Which was good as she did not have one. It had been said, by a few of the townsmen and those within the castle that her mother was an unearthly creature. All her memories of her mother had been magical ones. As the years passed, it was harder and harder for her to discern memories from dreams. With father never speaking a word of his fallen wife, it was hard to know anything for certain.

"I'm afraid my dear Mamoru, I must give you a vague answer in return."

He chuckled, "I've known you were not of this Earth since the day we met. You have no need to concern yourself, for I know the answer already."

"You never met my mother either."

"A true shame I know."

Home steadily grew in the distance, the two of them riding slowly back in silence. Many of those she passed on her way to freedom still lingered, taking one look at her and recognizing her as both the fairy they saw before and the Princess. Many found it funny while a few showed their fury in their eyes, not speaking an ill word towards her. This she was certain was due to her company, Mamoru known throughout the village already as Sir Kunzite's ward. It gave him clout and most stayed far away from him for it.

Once at the stable, Mamoru did not give her the choice of dismounting on her own, grabbing her waist and pulling her down without a word. He led both of their horses inside and returned quickly as if he feared she would leave without him. Offering her his arm, she allowed him to guide her inside. Those they passed gave them a smirk, trying to hide their amusement. She already knew that by coming peacefully with Mamoru she made him look well amongst his peers and had no cause to fret over this. Even when Sir Jedite gave Mamoru a pat on the back.

He dropped her arm when they neared the hall, not wanting to seem disrespectful to her or her father. This did vex her, his inability to even touch her as a friend due to his standing was ridiculous. Everyone knew how good a man Mamoru was to become regardless of where he came from.

The doors were shut, something that only happened when there was a guest and by the look on Mamoru's face when he opened the door for her, he did not know of this. It was affirmed for her when he glared at her as she passed by him over the threshold and how he refused to look at her after that.

"Serenity! You have come to us at last!"

King Kelven and his youngest son, Prince Weylin had arrived that morning, she was gleeful to have missed it. Now she had to bare their continued appearance; feeling on display as she made her way to her father's side. The pair traveled with a handful of their knights, the five strangers standing out amongst her father's men. Kelven was part of the Northeast region known as Clannad Mountains. Covered in thick snow from winter to spring, those that lived there were pale colored and thin.

The men of Theoden were dark, many legends claimed it was due to the dark hearts of those who lived here. Tales of monsters and demons living in the thick forests, taking the souls of many and spreading their hatred across the land. However, she had never seen such creatures even after venturing many times into the 'cursed' forests. She was certain it was due to the dark meats of the boar they ate and the sun filled springs and summers. This led to most who lived here having dark hair and brown skin.

The only exception to this was her mother, herself, Kunzite, and Zoisite, the only pale colored people in this land. Which she was sure was the reason behind all the rumors with their blood. Even though he blended in, Mamoru was darker than most, his black hair standing out amongst the browns and dark sand. It caused her to wonder about his blood as well.

Even with the few strange ones, Kelven and his people still clashed, the seven of them nearly glowing in the dark hall. Few others joined the party, Kunzite stood near her father, Mamoru just on the other side. Jedite and Nephrite sat with a few of Clannad's Knights while Zoisite stood by the door.

Three women and a girl from the kitchen stood by the fire cooking or moved in and out and around the room. Every now and then they were stopped by a Clannad Knight, trying to put their hands on them even though that was not chivalrous in the least. The girl, she knew well and held dear, poor Juno having to deal with the improper handling. One Clannad tried to pull her into his lap, thankfully Nephrite pulled and pushed her away, saving her from such a fright.

"Forgive my daughter and her tardiness. She had lessons all day long and what with the shock of your arrival, I was hesitant to pull her away."

Once she sat, her father grabbed her hand under the table and gave it a harsh squeeze. He would not chastise her now but clearly, she had mistaken her father's earlier unease with zest. "That is quite alright King Lir. We all appreciate the value of a strong education. Isn't that so, Weylin?"

Weylin was three years her elder and yet, Mamoru treated her with far more respect. The snake-faced boy sneering over at her as he spoke. "I agree to an extent. But I wonder what the need for educating a woman could be? Does she not need the knowledge of..sewing and stitching along with music and arranging flowers more than anything else? It seems a waste of time to me."

"My daughter will one day rule in my stead. Does she need the makings of a Lady? No, she needs to be more."

Both men looked perplexed, Kelven the only one allowed to speak on such a matter. "Is she not expected to marry? Let her husband do the ruling?"

She was watching the men, sitting in silence as her own future was discussed. This was something she was used to, but it ruffled her still. "That is her decision of course. But I want her to be able to stand on her own and make a choice from her heart."

Now they laughed, Kelven and Weylin, at her father. Kelven shaking his head, "You spoil her so Lir." Turning his attention to her, she bit back her glare at the man. "I hope that your heart may choose my son here. Perhaps the lady will consider it? Keep him in your thoughts and see."

She had no intention of thinking of the eery and rude boy ever again if she could. Still, she gave a gentle smile in return. "As my Lord wishes."

Their attention turned, she finally managed a glance at Mamoru, who still refused to give her his eyes. His arms were crossed tightly over his chest and his jaw flexed back and forth, the rest of him completely still as he stood next to his Master. He was far more tense than Kunzite, his anger at her had yet to wane in the slightest. What possible slight could he have against her to be so angry still?

The conversation on matters that did not include her, she focused on eating and getting away as quickly as possible. Her ears pricked when the words of war met them.

"They are restless Lir. If not abated soon, you will have an uprising on your hands."

Kelven had many faults in her book such as addressing her father so informally, but she doubted the man would make up such a tale. "If they will not calm themselves, then we will have to calm them ourselves."

"I can give 1,000 hands. My men are skilled with the sword and the shield."

Her father raised a hand swiftly, "Utsery will not require so much. It will be a conversation and, if need be, a swift battle."

"You forget, my Lord, Utsery is known for their use Dragons."

"That is only myth." All turned to the fair-skinned Kunzite, not even flinching at their stares. "Forgive me my Lords, but I refuse to allow such tales to be spread. It would cause undue panic amongst my men."

"Sir Kunzite is right. We cannot allow such tales to run around unchecked. If Kunzite says there are none then I am sure it is true."

"As your knowledge permits." She hated the way Weylin spoke to her father, lacking the respect he needed. "How far has your man traveled? Has he seen it for himself?"

Kunzite remained silent and she could now see that Mamoru was forcing himself to look elsewhere, not wanting to glare back at the Prince. Kunzite remained both emotionless and silent, her father drawing the high man's attention back to him. "Whether it is true or not, it would not do to have men pissing themselves over it. Best we say it is a myth than let them worry over it."

Even though she was not one to find fault in Kunzite, this was the first time she disagreed with him. Even she had heard the legends of the Dragon riders of the East. It is said that they even eat Dragon meat, gaining strength from their flesh and making them an inhuman race of people. She had never seen the Kingdom of Utsery or anyone from such a place but with so many of the tales matching up, some of it had to be true.

She wasn't sure it was best to keep it from the men risking their lives, the possibility of facing such creatures. And she wasn't sure turning down the extra men was a good idea either. It was not her place to speak, unfortunately, no matter how much she wanted to. If she did not leave soon, she might though, struggling to control her tongue.

Standing swiftly, the men around her attempted to stand with her so she spoke with haste. "Forgive me, my Lords, but I must leave you now."

"Aw, and I was so looking forward to hearing your voice. Speaking and singing."

That time, she was unable to hide her glare at the young Prince, father pushing her slightly around the table in hopes of hiding it for her. "It will have to wait, Weylin. She is right, it is time for her to retire."

To her shock, Weylin rounded the table as well, attempting to come to her side. "Perhaps I should accompany you? It would not do to have such a fair and young Lady walk around so at such an hour."

Father interjected, coming in between her and the approaching Prince. "That is kind but unnecessary. Mamoru, if you would?"

Even though he was asking, it wasn't really a question. Silently coming to stand a respectable distance behind her. She knew as soon as she turned from the table, Mamoru was right behind her, taking her father's place as a guard between her and Weylin. Even in the dark and empty hallway, Mamoru stayed silent behind her, her own anger rising the longer they remained.

Resigned to sleeping unresolved, they neared her courters when Mamoru grabbed her arm a bit harshly and sped up their journey. "Is that really why you ran off? To avoid visitors?"

His tone was harder than his hold, shaking her to her core. "Yes."

"It never had anything to do with your mother. You played me a fool."

"That is not true! I did go to that field because of my mother…"

"And yet, you left out key information. Lying to me."

"That is not lying Mamoru."

Now at her door, he released her, almost flinging her to it. "It is the same. You could have told me. Revealed your true intentions."

"Would you not have dragged me back sooner then?"

"No in fact, quite the opposite."

Her mind spun, his words and tone not matching. "You speak in riddles, Sir."

"I do not, I would have kept you far away had you told me Clannad was to blame for your departure." He took a step closer, the anger on his face melting slightly but not completely. "I do not like the way that Prince Weylin speaks to you. And now I do not like the way in which he looks at you."

She was still young, not used to the attentions of any man other than her father and Mamoru. But given that, she did notice a distinct difference in the way Weylin looked at her and how Mamoru did. Even now, his eyes were on hers and full of warmth. Weylin's were always cold and refused to meet hers.

"Any man who offers marriage to a girl as young as you looks at you like his bride instead of the innocence that you are is a snake and should be cast out."

Was that how Weylin looked at her? Like a bride? Was that how a man looked at his future wife? Father had never looked at Mother they way Weylin looked at her. She was sure Father loved Mother. So Weylin looked at her like property, not a shocking revelation given the man in question.

Mamoru looked at her like a sister, him the brother she never had and she was so thankful for him. He was her protector. Now and forever.

"Although I never trusted Clannad to begin with, your views of them only strengthens my resolve, my dear Mamoru."

Mamoru took a quick glance around, worried about someone coming upon them and their conversation. "Be careful, Serenity. They may be worrisome but you still need not alienate them. You must walk a fine line with them, keep them on your side and always in your sight."

Stepping around her, he opened her door, offering her only one small smile before closing it behind her. She knew if she opened the door again, he would still be there, waiting. He would not leave until he heard the click of her lock, making sure she was secure before leaving her alone for the night. Even without Mamoru's silent insistence, she would not fight him on it tonight, locking it quickly so he could return to whatever mess Kelven and his men had created in his absence.

Three days and the snake-faced Prince and his portly father had yet to make any moves to leave the comfort of Theoden. The longer they stayed, the more irritated his Master became. To anyone else, it would seem as though Kunzite was just being the quiet and noble servant. But he knew better, knew what the man was truly like. It had him worrying that the man might actually act out and cut off the hand of Weylin if he reached over to touch Serenity again. Something he dreamed of doing every night since the bastard first laid a hand on her.

He had struggled to contain himself then, the Prince watching their Princess greedily as she was forced to sing. Something her father made her do every time there was a guest. With a voice like an Angel, he understood the King's desire to present her. But with his words the other night, of marriage being Serenity's choice, he wondered to what end this display was for? Perhaps the King had been lying, wanting to entice interested parties into giving him a grand offer.

His disdain of the King was known to few, Serenity one of them, yet even with his low opinion of his King he doubted these thoughts. Serenity was his treasure, his remaining connection to the Queen he loved so dear. It was impossible to think the King would ever give her up. The task would not be an easy one for anyone who dared.

However, it seemed as though Weylin might dare, his eyes only leaving Serenity when they spoke of things he felt she did not belong to. Only proving his ignorance the more.

The only reprieve other than King Lir's hesitation to release his hold on Serenity was her age. Even at eight years old, she was fair. It was clear she would be a beauty when she matured. As for now, she was far too young to be given away. Although a betrothal wouldn't be strange, it still seemed, unlike the King.

He hoped the King felt as weary of the Clannad clan as he and his Master where. That was their only hope.

Having not paid attention to the conversation, King Kelven going on about a mare he had just acquired, he found himself out of sorts when he saw the horrified look on Serenity's face. He had been watching her, blocking the conversation out and occasionally glancing over at the snake sitting next to her. When her wide eyes found his on her, he struggled to regain the point that was made, not even noticing Jedite's entrance or the parcel he read out to the King.

"We should move immediately. When would your men be ready and by our side?"

Kelven grinned and it had him boiling. "They have already dispatched my King, I feared this would be the case and took the liberty to send for them."

More like he called them here to intimidate. Weylin was crowing in the corner, "Utsery is nothing but heathens. Such a battle was imminent."

"Yes, with our men and yours Lir, we will teach them their place."

"Should we not send aid to Vassals? They will need it with such a violent attack."

Serenity's big, blue eyes were filled with tears while his were hooded. He had missed everything. "My dear, I'm afraid there is no point."

Her face crumpled and dropped, his Lady's sorrow only had him more on edge. Never had he felt such a look was befitting on her, no matter what the cause.

"I will ready the men at once my Lord." His Master turned and made haste, him following without command behind him. He neither slowed or glanced at him as he hastened behind him. "You will be joining us in this battle young Mamoru?"

"It is my hope but I will do as Master commands."

Kunzite nodded before him, "Then fight you will as it is a Squire's destiny."

It wasn't long until the bailey was filled with men, readying their belongings, weapons, and horses. He was among them, still not afforded a real sword, his bow and quiver were on his back.

The tension was felt even by his steed, his hoof stomping impatiently of the cobblestone beneath him. He would get his release soon enough, the beast only needing to wait a moment longer. There was little else on the creature, save for the few weapons he did not carry on him and the few spare clothes he had. The weight was not too much, most of it being placed on him at the moment. Once on its back, the steed would feel it but would race at his command regardless.

Searching, he looked over his saddle, catching Nephrite's wary glance. His stare danced to him and behind, causing Mamoru to slowly turn and face his doom.

He was not surprised in the least to find her glaring at him, arms crossed over her chest and toe-tapping. "Where are you going?"

Turning back to his duties, he ignored her anger at him. "You know the answer to that."


"Because I am a Squire and it is my duty. My Master asks of me and so I will follow."

Although she grew silent, he knew that she was still there and that she was not done. "So you will march with them? A boy under my Father's banner?"

"I am nearly a man and that banner is yours as well."

"But you are MY Knight!"

A few looked over, her outburst gaining some attention. All that saw quickly smirked and turned back to their duties, leaving him to deal with her on his own. "As your Knight, I must protect your Kingdom. So that you have one to rule one day."

A soft hiccup came from behind and he turned swiftly, her trying to contain her tears and refusing to look at him. "What if you do not return? Who will protect me? I don't want to lose you Mamoru."

"You won't. Serenity...I give you my word. I will return. And when I do, I will be a full-fledged Knight. Your Knight. And I will serve you, that will be my duty."

She nodded, but still did not look at him. Silent, she thrust out her hand, it took him a moment to understand and follow. "A token...for you."

The small white cloth was folded in her hand. Her tight hold only releasing when his fingers touched hers. With considerate care, he slowly unwrapped the soft folds, revealing a golden braid now held together with a ribbon on either end. Looking closer, her head turned away from him, he caught sight of the shortened strands just at the base of her neck. The former home of the golden silk she now handed over to him.

"One of my Ladies said...when someone you care for leaves...you give them a piece of yourself. A token. For safekeeping."

He had met her Ladies in Waiting only a handful of times and now he worried what else they might teach his Sidth while he was away. Giving him a 'piece' of herself was not what a girl her age should know of, nor do for a lowly Squire such as himself. He, however, lacked the strength to refuse it, knowing it would cause unnecessary pain in return.

So instead, he ripped the leather cuff he wore off his wrist. The braided cords were something he had had on him since he could remember, a gift from his long-gone parents. He had replaced the leather three times now, knotting a twisting the original pieces into the braid to keep it safe. Now he tied it around her wrist in hopes it would keep her safe.

Neither of them said a word, him mounting his steed and following the army out. He glanced back only once, to find her watching in the distance. Her image burning on his brain as the last time he would see her in such a way. Looking after him, he was sure she was doing the same, both of them hoping to remember what the other looked like. For there was no way of knowing when they would see one another again. But he was sure he would return to her. It was his promise.