AN: This story takes place in the timeline after Corpheyus is defeated but before trespasser. Please enjoy! ~ AelrindelDA

Smoke consumes the valley. The burning scent of charred flesh stains the air. Each step forward is a step into the unknown. Demons and evil poor from the sky like blood pooling around the wound. "Commander, there's too many of them!" Lightening crackles against fire in the wind. The air splits in two as an arrow sharp as a dragon's tooth, rockets past Cullen's head and into the skull of the Terror demon before him. Looking up, the fire parts before him. Long legged strides cased in tight black armor. An hour glass waist curves like the essence of flame. A heart shaped face cradle in peach skin with high cheekbones and expressive brown eyes. Dark brown hair like fresh earth dances in whispers against the wind. The bow disappears into the strap on her back and a bottle of smoke screen smashes into the ground. Faster than the inhale of his breath, the woman reappears to his side. Poison tipped daggers sinking into the flesh of the demon behind him.

Gripping the sheets of his bed, Commander Cullen Stanton Rutherford, awakes in a sweat. Looking around his room, he recognizes it as Skyhold and he lets out a sigh of relief. Every night these lyrium dreams...these fucking lyrium dreams return. Yet, in everyone, she arrives. She takes down every demon. Like a guardian angel. Cullen chuckles and shakes his head; he wouldn't be surprised if she stood on the roof of Skyhold, perched up like a crow, bow and arrow at the ready.

As if on command, the door swings open and Sarah Trevelyan strides in. Her maroon and gold leisure clothes hug her hips, the curve of her ass and her small breasts. Suddenly conscious and aware of the awakening beneath his sheets, Cullen rolls to his side. "To what do I own the honor?" He chuckles and gives her his best smirk. She smiles at him, lighting up the room like sunlight through a glass window pane. She walks across the room, grabbing his white shirt and brown nugskin trousers. Tossing them to him, she leans coolly against the wall. Half munching on a muffin, "We have been summoned."

Standing with his back to her, Cullen hopes that she can't see the massive erection that he is currently sporting. But the room becomes quiet. Too quiet. Looking over his shoulder, he finds she has disappeared. Soft gentle kisses land on his shoulder, in the nape of his neck like butterflies landing on dew kissed petals of the wilted flower. A moan of pleasure escapes his lips as Sarah's right hand runs across the muscles of his bare chest. He sucks in a sharp breath and the muscles in his abdomen tense. Delicate but slightly calloused fingers wrap around his stiff member. Gently biting his neck, she begins to stroke him. Slow at first but then quicker.

"Sarah," Cullen's moans turn into a growl of pleasure. His balls tighten and his semen spurts out in long thick ropes across the bed sheets. Cullen puts his hands down on the bed to hold himself up. His breathing is heavy and the minor exhaustion is setting in. A gentle but firm smack across his ass sends his adrenaline back into his veins. Turning around, he finds Sarah Trevelyan smiling at him, licking his cum from off her finger tips, "You better get ready. Cassandra is not known for her patience."