Hello all Storm here with a new chapter! Here we'll be seeing Naruto and Esdeath returning to the Capital, along with Naruto exacting his revenge on Syura before finally leaving the Empire with Kurome and Esdeath in tow. So, without further ado.

I own nothing

The moment Naruto and Esdeath stepped through the portal, they had arrived back on the mountaintop, where they originally were.

Not wanting to waste another moment and risk the chance of his target escaping him again, Naruto had lifted Esdeath up and flown them straight towards the Capital, sensing that's where they were.

Upon their arrival at the palace, Naruto had made a beeline to where the Phantom Ruby was pointing him towards his target, with Esdeath following behind, eager to see what Naruto will do. His pace only quickened when he sensed Kurome nearby, and while Naruto knew Kurome was more than capable of handling herself, he refused to risk losing anyone else he cared about. Especially to the same bastard that took his mother from him.

They soon arrived at the Courtyard, and Naruto saw something that angered him even more than he already was. He saw his target, and saw the bastard dared to lay a hand on Kurome, with his expression alone making it clear what his intentions were.

Before any of them could even react, Naruto vanished in a burst of speed. Reappearing as he slammed his target against a stone pillar, with his hand firmly wrapped around his throat.

"Naruto?!" Kurome said, surprised at her boyfriend's sudden appearance, even more so, given how he and Esdeath had vanished for a while now.

Though she was thankful that he showed up, and got that bastard Syura off her, before she killed him, herself.

"GAH! You fucker, how dare you-ACK!" Syura gagged, when Naruto squeezed his throat tightly.

"You stay fucking quiet. The only thing I want to hear from you, is screaming." Said Naruto, before grabbing his mask, which he stored away for the time being, while staring at Syura with nothing but disgust and hatred in his eyes.

"Seven years ago, you and your band of murderers and rapists attacked a village, killing everyone and raping the women. There was another woman there, one who was lucky enough to die before you could violate her, that was my mother!" Naruto growled, as Syura gained a look of recognition, before he smirked wickedly.

"Oh yeah, I remember that shithole town and the bitch your talking about. A shame she died; I would have fu-" Syura gagged, when Naruto's grip tightened once again.

Naruto growled as he was surrounded by a blazing red aura, wanting nothing more than to simply kill him right now. But he wanted him to suffer first.

"Seven years, seven fucking years, I have dreamt of this moment, having you exactly where I want you. I already hunted down every other member of your group, Wild Hunt, they called it. I made sure that each and every one of them died screaming! Now it's your turn, and to make sure you can't run away." Naruto said, before searching Syura's person until he found Shambala, which he promptly crushed, ensuring Syura couldn't escape.

"Now then, let the fun start." Said Naruto, smiling sadistically, while creating a carving knife.

Meanwhile, Esdeath watched this with an eager expression and a growing blush on her face, wanting to see every detail. Kurome watched neutrally, knowing exactly what Naruto was about to do and the reason for it, and she felt absolutely no sympathy for Syura.

Unfortunately, before Naruto could start, he was interrupted.

"What is going on here?!" Shouted Great General Budo, one of the Empire's most feared and well-respected generals, and unlike most, he wasn't affiliated with Honest.

But despite being one of the few non corrupt individuals in the Empire, Naruto still despised the man. While he actually cared about the Empire and wanted to change it for the better, along with getting rid of Honest, he still prioritized dealing with the Revolutionary Army and Night Raid, rather than fixing things in the Capital, first.

In Naruto's opinion, Budo was worst than Honest, simply because he was a good man that did nothing to stop the pain and misery around him.

And now he dared to get in the way of his revenge!

The moment Budo walked up and grabbed Naruto's shoulder to pull him off Syura, his fate was sealed. Whirling around, Naruto aimed his hand at Budo, containing a small red orb hovering over his palm.

"Die!" Naruto hissed, before the orb transformed into a massive energy beam that engulfed the Great General.

Budo didn't even have a moment to react or scream, before his entire body was vaporized.

"Oh my." Esdeath said, amazed, and even slightly aroused, at how effortlessly Naruto just killed Budo, someone who was her equal, if not superior, in strength and skill.

And yet Naruto just killed him, like swatting a fly.

"You don't seem surprised, Kurome." Said Esdeath, looking at the teen, who simply shrugged.

"Meh, I've seen Naruto do better." Kurome replied, knowing Naruto was more than powerful enough to kill Budo, from seeing previous displays of his power.

This only made Esdeath grin widely, now more eager than ever to get a chance to fight her beloved and see what he can really do.

"Now then, where were we." Naruto said, turning back to Syura, who was now starting to look scared at seeing how easily Budo was killed.

With that, Naruto created four chains that wrapped around Syura's arms and legs, spreading them apart.

"Wa-wait! L-Let's ta-talk a-about th-th-this! I-I-I can ta-ta-talk to-to m-my father, M-Minister Ho-Honest, he c-can get yo-you anything you w-want!" Syura said, resorting to begging, since he didn't want to be tortured.

He enjoys inflicting pain on others, but not the other way around!

"Your father is Honest…good to know." Naruto said, now having another target, once he's done with Syura.

Before Syura could try begging some more, Naruto ignited the carving knife with flames, before stabbing it directly into Syura's crotch. The moment the flaming blade pierced his flesh, Syura released a scream of pure agony and pain, his screams only increasing in volume, when Naruto began repeatedly stabbing his crotch again and again. The burning blade making sure the wounds were cauterized, and so he wouldn't bleed out.

Finally, Naruto grabbed both Syura's mangled dick and balls before slicing them clean, with Syura's cries being loud enough to be heard throughout the entire palace. That is, if Naruto hadn't created a barrier to make sure there would be no further interruptions.

Naruto looked at Syura in disgust, as the bastard started crying in pain.

'He'll be crying a lot more, once I'm done.' Naruto thought.

Moving behind Syura, Naruto removed his pants, before creating a much smaller chain, which he stabbed Syura's severed member on.

"You have raped so many women, I think it's time you finally knew what that feels like." Naruto said, lining the chain up, while Syura's eyes widened in horror.

"Nonononononononono-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Syura screamed in complete agony, when the chain with his member on it shot straight into his ass.

And it didn't stop there, it went deeper and deeper, until it several feet inside him, before violently ripping itself out, only to immediately thrust itself back in Syura.

Naruto walked back to the front and created a large sledgehammer, while creating small platforms, which he had Syura's hands and feet placed on. Raising the hammer up, Naruto brought it down on Syura's right hand, shattering it into hundreds of pieces. Naruto then brought it up, before slamming it right back down, continuing this for several times, until Syura's hand was little more than a mangled piece of flesh and bones.

Naruto repeated this with Syura's other hand as well, before doing the same with his feet, not stopping until all four were destroyed beyond repair. After crushing his hands and feet, Naruto brought the hammer down on both of Syura's knees and elbows, bending his arms and legs in ways they should not be able to bend, with the bones even poking out.

At this point, Syura could only cry in utter pain, all while the chain with his member continued entering and exiting his now bloody ass. But Naruto was still far from done.

Grabbing Syura's head, Naruto forced him to look into his glowing red eyes, with Syura's eyes glowing red as well, for a moment. Immediately after, Syura's screams once again resumed, before they became muffled gags and gasps, despite nothing being in his mouth.

The reason being, Naruto had just implanted the mental image of Syura being forced to be gangraped repeatedly, without pause. All the while having to hear his father say how weak and pathetic he is, that he's nothing but an embarrassment, that he should have drowned him at birth.

While that was happening, Naruto created a smaller hammer and another knife, before cutting open Syura's sides exposing his ribs. Then systematically, Naruto put the hammer behind each rib before violently snapping it off and pulling it out. He did this with every one of Syura's ribs, until he had successfully broken off every single one of them.

Looking at Syura, Naruto saw his cries of pain had now ceased, with the bastard now simply having an empty, dead look in his eyes.

Satisfied by this, Naruto snapped his fingers, causing the chains to vanish and the illusion to stop, with Syura's mutilated body falling to the ground.

"You're weak." Naruto stated, with Syura's body trembling as he whimpered.

"Now you understand that? Admit it!" Said Naruto, wanting to hear Syura say those words.

"Ad-Admit it?" Syura muttered, with Naruto smirking viciously at how broken he sounded.

"That's right, say it loud and clear, you are weak!" Said Naruto, smiling cruelly, as Syura whimpered some more.

"I-I am…" Syura said but couldn't say it clearly.

"You're what?!" Said Naruto tauntingly.

"I am…WEAK!" Syura screamed, as what little remained of his mind completely shattered.

Hearing this, Naruto's grin widened, before began laughing wickedly.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's right you are weak! And now you can die with that knowledge!" Naruto said.

With that, Naruto thrust his hand into Syura's chest gripping his heart, before with a single pull, ripped out of his chest. Naruto watched in satisfaction as Syura released a final gasp, before the light faded from his eyes.

'It's over, it's finally over.' Naruto thought, dropping the heart and panted heavily as the adrenaline left his system.

After seven years, he had finally gotten his revenge on every single one of the bastards that took his mother from him. He felt a massive weight leave his shoulders, because he can finally rest easy, knowing they're finally dead.

'Now I just have one thing left to do, then we can leave this hellhole.' Naruto thought, before summoning his mask and putting it back on, along with switching to a new set of clothes, given his previous set was covered in blood.

"Kurome, you and Esdeath wait here. I just have one thing left to do, then we can leave." Naruto said, with Kurome nodding at his words, having a feeling she knew what he was doing.

And given that he included Esdeath, Kurome figuring she was now part of their relationship.

Looking at the ice general, Kurome couldn't help but sweatdrop, when she saw Esdeath's flushed and panting expression. Her sweatdrop only increased when she caught a very familiar scent coming from Esdeath.

Meanwhile, Naruto walked through the palace, until he reached the throne room. Kicking the doors in, Naruto didn't waste any time as red chains appeared and impaled all the guards, before shooting straight through Honest, tearing the fat pig apart, as they did. He didn't waste time torturing Honest, simply wanting the man dead, and not wanting to spend anymore time in the Capital.

The only one who he didn't kill was the Emperor, whom Naruto merely knocked unconscious. Naruto considered killing the brat, given he was the reason Honest was able to gain as much power as he did, and cause so much suffering.

But Naruto decided against killing the Emperor, instead he created a copy of himself and handed it the Emperor.

"Take the brat to the Revolutionary Army, tell them Budo and Honest are dead, and they can have this damn Empire." Naruto said, no longer caring who was in control.

Now he just wanted to take his girls, find his sister, and finally leave.

Returning to where Kurome and Esdeath, Naruto didn't react when Kurome punched him clean across the face.

"I take it Esdeath told you about what happened on the island." Naruto stated, having expected this response.

"That was for not asking me first." Said Kurome.

She knew she told him that she didn't mind the idea of sharing, but it was the principle of the matter.


Naruto, Kurome, and Esdeath jumped off the platform he had created, that carried them to the Marg Highlands, directly to Night Raid's new base.

After collecting what little items they wanted to take with them, the three had left the Capital and headed for Night Raid's Base. So Naruto can get Akame's answer on whether or not she'll be coming with them, then afterwards, he'll locate his sister.

Not even a moment after they touched the ground, all of Night Raid had ran out ready for a fight, with Chelsea looking surprised and hopeful to see her brother. Though most of them paled in fear, when they saw not just Naruto, but Esdeath as well, while Akame was surprised to see her sister for the first time in years.

"Why are you here?!" Najenda questioned, given if they were here to fight, they would have attacked already, though internally, she was worried of how they could have found their base and that Esdeath was with them, as well.

"Honest is dead, Budo is dead, and the Emperor is currently in the hands of the Revolutionary Army." Naruto revealed, much to their shock.

"What? That's impossible!" Najenda said, since they would have gotten word of this happening, or if the Revolutionary Army attacked the Capital.

"It's actually very possible. I killed Honest and Budo less than an hour ago, then handed the Emperor over to the Revolutionary Army. Funny, how I managed to do that in less than a day. What you lot, and the Revolutionary Army, have failed to do for years. You're welcome, by the way." Naruto said with a mocking and sarcastic tone.

"How do we know you aren't just lying?!" Shouted Tatsumi, glaring at Naruto.

"Because I don't really give a damn if you fools believe me, or not. Besides, I'm here for Akame." Naruto said, looking at his friend, with Akame understanding what he meant.

He wanted to hear her answer for his offer.

"Boss, if Naruto says they're dead, and the Emperor is in the Revolutionary Army's custody, he's telling the truth." Said Akame, knowing Naruto wasn't one to bother with telling lies.

Looking between Naruto and Akame with narrowed eyes, Najenda nodded. She didn't trust Naruto one bit, but she trusted Akame and if she said he's telling the truth, then Najenda will trust Akame's words.

"I need to check in with headquarters, watch them." Najenda said, before going inside, wanting to just double check to see if it's true.

Akame looked at Naruto, who was still waiting for her answer, and gave a small nod.

With Honest and Budo dead, the Emperor with the Revolutionary Army, and given Esdeath was with Naruto, she likely wasn't with the Empire anymore, meaning the war was basically over. The only thing left was for the Revolutionary Army to arrive at the Capital and bring order, while weeding out the rest of Honest's supporters and other corrupt individuals.

This also meant that Night Raid would be disbanded, so it won't be known that the newly formed government had employed assassins, giving the new Empire a fresh start. So, Akame would be free to accept Naruto's offer and make amends with both him and Kurome.

Though Akame wasn't the only one who planned to go with Naruto.

Naruto was pleased when he saw Akame nod, happy that she accepted his offer to join him and Kurome. However his attention then turned to Chelsea, when she stepped forward and looked at him with hopeful eyes. Looking at her, Naruto's eyes widened in recognition.

"Naruto." Chelsea said, looking at him hopefully, wanting to confirm this was in fact her brother, and they didn't simply have the same name.

But when he removed his mask and she saw the whisker marks; Chelsea knew she had finally found her brother.

"Chelsea." Said Naruto, not believing what he was seeing, his sister was here, a member of Night Raid.

But here she was, alive and well.

"Naruto!" Said Chelsea, smiling widely, before running to him and throwing her arms around her brother, pulling him into a tight embrace.

"Chelsea, you're alive." Naruto said, smiling, as he hugged his sister.

"Of course I am, did you ever doubt it?" Chelsea asked.

"Never." Replied Naruto, having known Chelsea was still alive, given how she was a natural survivor.

And he didn't need the Phantom Ruby to tell him that.

"Good, because if you did, I'd have to hurt you." Chelsea said, pulling back with a "sweet" smile and a dark aura surrounding her.

'Yeah, that's definitely Chelsea.' Naruto thought, while gulping, as Chelsea and their mother were the only ones who could say that, and actually terrify him.

*Timeskip – Three Days*

"What's Naruto doing?" Esdeath asked as she, Kurome, Akame and Chelsea watched as Naruto sat cross-legged, floating in the air, having been doing it for several hours and hasn't moved an inch.

"He's looking." Kurome answered vaguely.

"Looking? Looking at what?" Chelsea questioned, while walking over and waving her hand in front of his face, but got no reaction, she also didn't see anything that he could be looking at.

Before she could poke him to get a reaction, Kurome stopped her.

"Don't do that. As for what he's looking at, he's looking at different worlds." Kurome revealed, surprising the three.

"Other worlds?" Akame asked, not expecting Naruto to have a power like that.

"Yes. The Phantom Ruby lets him gaze into other worlds; he's even let me experience it once." Answered Kurome.

"What was it like?" Esdeath said, curious and eager to hear of these other worlds, and what type of fighters were in them.

"Hm, imagine moving at hypersonic speed, all while dozens of images go past you, yet you can still see them with crystal clarity." Kurome said, trying to think of the best way to describe the sensation, before rubbing her head in remembrance at the headache she had afterwards.

"Well, why is he doing it?" Chelsea asked annoyed, having wanted to catch up with her brother after finally reuniting.

"Because I'm looking for a world we can go to." Answered Naruto, opening his eyes and floated back to the ground, surprising them.

"A world we can go to?" Said Akame, not expecting that.

"Yes. A new world and a new start, given I have no desire to remain in this one, and I doubt that any of us will be welcomed in the Empire, or anywhere else." Said Naruto, given he and Kurome have killed dozens of people, Esdeath has killed hundreds and tortured even more, while Akame and Chelsea were assassins.

"And I have found one that might work." Naruto said, before with a wave of his hand, he created a swirling red portal of Ruby Mist.

Seeing the portal that will take them to an entirely new world, the girls couldn't help but be curious and excited at what awaited them. With that, the five stepped through the portal.

So, what did you think, good. Yep Naruto has finally gotten his revenge, killing Syura after brutally torturing him, along with killing Budo for getting in his way and Honest for being Syura's father. Not only that but he also gave the Emperor to the Revolutionary Army, effectively ending the war in less than a day. We then see Akame has agreed to Naruto's offer, along with Naruto and Chelsea reuniting with each other. Finally Naruto has looked into other worlds to find one where he and his companions can travel to, until he found one, with the five leaving their world for a entirely new one. So, review if you liked go away if you didn't.

Storm out