No One's POV

It had been a rather stressful several days; the visions had stopped, instead, however, Chuck had been plagued with dreams. Dreams that seemed far too real.

They came in flashes, like muddled kaleidoscope colors, memories all blurring together; memories of himself, or someone, spinning the cosmos and universes together, the beginning of creation as man and angel knew it, the creation of the Archangels, Heaven, of a Darkness…

Chuck wished Emery was here, she would know what to make of these dreams, just as she knew how to sooth his splitting migraines after a vision, and how to make sense of them; she was his anchor.

He supposed his prophet days were over. Or maybe not. He wasn't sure about anything these days.

Nora and Matthew were the only sure constant in his life. The only thing that really mattered. And, as long as they were safe, cared for, well, it was the only thing he focused on.

"What- what are you doing here?" Chuck answers the door to find Sam, Dean, and Castiel standing on his porch.

"Hey Chuck." Sam greets, having the decency to look a little sheepish.

"Yeah, hey, look…" Chuck begins. "I- I don't mean to be rude... But- now really isn't a good time and all." He casts a look behind him.

"What, got a girl over?" Dean sort of scoffs, likely not believing the words.

"No." Chuck answers firmly, his gaze hardening. "What do you want… After the last time, you'll excuse me for not wanting you here."

"Excuse, Dean." Sam immediately butts in. "Look, Chuck… We just wanted to check in. I wanted to say thank you. And to ask-"

"I don't have any information for you." Chuck cuts off.

"Is everything okay?" Sam asks, noticing Chuck's avoidance of their questioning and clear uncomfortable look.

"You're not going to leave, are you?" Chuck sighs with resignation. "Fine, five minutes. I'll answer your questions. But, after that. I never see you three again. Deal? Don't even call me. Really… Lose my number." Chuck opens the door.

"You got it." Dean blithely agrees, practically pushing through the door like a bull in a china shop.

"Flowers?" Dean asks, noticing the five day old roses sitting on the dining room table; Chuck didn't have the heart to get rid of them.

"For my wife." Chuck only answers softly, simply glancing at the roses before looking away.

"You're married!?" Both Winchesters inflect, clearly not expecting that answer by the look on their faces.


"Daddy-" Nora runs into the kitchen.

"Hey sweet pea, go finish your show. Daddy will be done in a minute. Daddy is just talking with his friends." Chuck promises, gently steering Nora back out towards the living room with a soft push.

"You have kids!?" Dean looks even more stunned, voice getting unnaturally high for a moment.

"And if I do?" Chuck challenges. "The Archangel took my wife and best friend. You'll excuse me if I'm less than pleased to see you."

"Chuck-" Sam begins.

"I don't have answers for you." Chuck simply states again. "I- I don't have a wife anymore. I have my kids. I'm done. Okay? No more anything. Nothing. It- it's been a really stressful several days for me… Now, I'd like for you to leave."

"Chuck…" Sam says again, as he and his brother, along with Castiel, walk towards the front door, steps solemn in tone. "We didn't know. We didn't think… We're sorry."

"That's the thing, Sam. You don't think. You know, I know everything about your life… Because I've been writing about it… Even when you do think… You don't care. Because all you care about is saving each other. And sure, that's a nice sentiment… But what about those you leave behind? You know… They suffer too." Chuck says softly, and perhaps, that tone was harsher than any words he could have yelled at the Winchesters, the door shutting behind them.

"I am speaking to you." Raphael speaks, his tone full of self-righteousness and annoyance; it made Emery want to smack the tone right out of him along with his expression.

Emery simply continues to watch the tv and lounge on the couch, intent on ignoring the Archangel; it had been, well, Emery wasn't quite sure how long, a few days maybe, of being kidnapped, not long, if the sun outside the window was anything to go by, it seemed to rise and fall different than Earth's sun, but the time stuck in this room seemed to drag on endlessly, it could be weeks for all she knew. She still had no answers from Mr. Self-Righteous Asshole. Either way, she owed him nothing. And was going to continue to give him nothing, it wasn't like he didn't deserve worse.

"I am speaking to you, human." Raphael repeats, his jaw ticking in annoyance, clearly questioning why his Father had given him this person as a mate; she was infuriating.

Raphael snaps his fingers, the tv turning off and promptly disappearing.

Emery merely sighs, instead picking up a book from the large stack beside the couch, and flipping it open to read.

Raphael snapped again, the book literally disappearing out of Emery's hands, as well as the rest of the books.

"Will you stop ignoring me?" Raphael questions.

"Will you let me go?" Emery deadpans, turning to stare at Raphael.

Raphael stares at Emery, both in a stare down.

"I thought so… So, no." Emery answers.

Raphael opens his mouth to speak, as if he wishes to say something, perhaps to apologize, but wasn't sure how, or perhaps to explain, but he stops.

"What? Have something to say?" Emery asks bluntly, feeling Raphael's gaze on her, Emery having turned back to look at something, anything, other than the Archangel in the room.

Raphael simply stares mutely at his mate; there was something about her that set his grace alight with emotions he couldn't name, that made him freeze, unable to get words out, or be able to speak.

"Yeah, I thought so…" Emery scoffs; he reminded her of one of her kids having a tantrum and wanting her attention.

Raphael disappears in another moment.

"Douche." Emery mutters to herself, now left in an empty room.

How do you guys think I'm doing so far? I've only got a few reviews so far. I really appreciate them! So thank you! But I'd sincerely like to know how you think I'm doing.
