Gamer of Magic: Decade Quest

'I have a feeling these three hate me' Natsu pondered. He glanced around to Dimaria, Brandish and Irene. 'All they do is order me around… at least Wendy is just Wendy, sweet and caring' he internally sighed. 'Bosco is much more… industrial than I would have imagined as well' Natsu stared down at the town from the hovering airship'.

"Excuse me… M-mages" one of the airship workers, nervously spoke up. "Could I-I have y-your attention".

"Speak! Now!" Irene slammed her staff down, vibrating the whole airship.

"YES, MA-AM" the worker saluted in reflex. "We have arrived in Bosco, please head to the large mansion in the centre of town to meet the client" he puffed, showing nerves in the powerful presence. "I would also need to inform you all, Bosco is a self-militarised state in code 43 section 79".

"Which means…" Natsu droned out.

"Well, all personal crimes are dealt by the individual, the government won't take action unless you damage the state or harm officials" the worker stepped back slowly, his retreat quickly turning into a run.

"Let's just get this over with" Irene huffed. "Hurry up! Sooner we do this job, the faster I can get off this dump" she stepped on the ledge of the ship and crossed her arms.

"I'm ready to go" Naruto whistled beside her.

"At least you are not useless" Irene commented giving a small smirk.

Irene +25 Rep

"Hey I'm here too" Dimaria appeared beside Natsu with a click. Jumping in surprise, Natsu accidently latched onto Irene's waist.

"Your little time doesn't work for me, you just made me wait longer" Irene glared, not caring that Natsu had froze as her hugged her waist.

"Did I? if you think about… it… I'm just going to shut up now" Dimaria scratched the back of her head nervously.

"Boy… Naku?" Irene hummed.

"Natsu" he robotically stepped back from her. "Did you need something?" Natsu rubbed his arm cautiously.

"No one will save you when I chain you down and have fun, better watch yourself" Irene wriggled her eyebrows with a light chuckled.

"I will" Natsu squeaked under her gaze.

"I was joking" Irene barked.

"More like threatening" Natsu mumbled under his breath.

Irene turned to face him and leaned down so they were face to face. "I'm sorry but are my jokes not good enough for brats like you".

"Well…" Natsu gulped, unable to break eye contact. "I think the… more serious personality makes you more… attractive, not that you aren't already, it just suits you". Natsu shrugged "I mean I could teach you some jokes if you want, y-you know since humour changes every year and… uh".

"Aren't you precious" Irene chuckled. "But I don't need humour advice from you" she slapped him with what she considered light, spinning him in a circle.

"Ow" Natsu grumbled. "Why'd you slap me?"

Irene shrugged mockingly "because you are slapable"

Natsu nodded in agreement as he smacked her back on the ass. "Your ass was very slapable too" he stuck his tongue out, mocking her back. Irene glanced at him with a slightly amused look "hey, you started it".

"And I'll finish it, cocky brat" Irene raised her foot and placed it dead centre on his back.

"Wait a second, please don't" Natsu pleaded looking down over the edge. "That's a long way down".

Irene hummed "don't worry so much, if you are taking this quest…" She booted Natsu off the airship "you can handle a drop like this".

"S-Scary…" Wendy whispered, shaking on the spot behind Irene with Carla and Brandish. "I hope she doesn't kick me off" Irene glanced back at Wendy. "Uh oh" Wendy froze as Brandish shrunk herself behind the girl.

"Let's go, Now!" Irene hopped off the ledge, following Natsu in the drop. Dimaria gulped and quickly dived off the airship.

"Move it, bluey" Brandish turned to normal size. "I don't want to see Irene get angry again" she grabbed Wendy's wrist. "Hurry up" Brandish dragged Wendy into the air.

"Wendy!" Carla called out as her friend was forcefully taken overboard.

"Carla!" Wendy's voice echoed as she fell.

Natsu grumbled "this isn't so bad actually". Activating his wind magic, Natsu slowed his descent. Only stopping a couple of feet from the ground before cancelling his magic. "Next time, I'm going to kick her off though".

"I would like to see you be able to move me an inch" a whisper hushed into his ear. Natsu spun his head back to see Irene's smug features. "But I doubt you are that impressive" she shoved him to the side. Flipping her staff, she poked him back slightly.

"I'm coming in hot" Dimaria yelled as she twisted in the air. Natsu glanced up just in time to see her impact on the ground harshly, where he was originally standing. "Now that's a god level landing" Dimaria bragged as she made a small crater as she landed on one knee.

Natsu sighed in relief for not being crushed by Dimaria. "Oh dear~" an unmotivated yell echoed above. "Falling fast" Natsu braced himself as another high impact, landed straight on him.

-2,500 HP

'Ow' Natsu grunted, stumbling forward a couple of steps.

"Thanks for catching me~" Brandish's sang monotoned as her lips brushed his ear.

"Yeah, no problem" Natsu suppressed a groan of pain. 'How did she take nearly all of my health down in one go? Her level better not effect this, I have been hit harder and lost less health, this is a bunch of bullshit game!'

Brandish sighed as she gripped onto his shirt and tied her legs around him "carry me".


Side Quest – Carry Brandish

Objective: carry Brandish until she gets bored or until the client meeting


Brandish +250 rep


Side Quest – Hidden Pervert

Objective: Charm Brandish

Optional Objective 1: Seduce Brandish

Optional Objective 2: Cop a feel

Reward 1:

Brandish stops being distant

Reward 2:

Brandish +500 rep

Brandish shows genuine interest in your existence

Reward 3:

Title "That's some balls…"

+25% boost skill chance towards Brandish



50% fatality

-1,500 rep with Brandish


"You want me to carry you…" Natsu grabbed her thighs to hold her up. "Sure for beautiful little thing like you I can".

"Mmhmm" Brandish hummed, resting her chin on his shoulder. Natsu sighed as Brandish melted onto his back. Quickly holding her a bit tighter as Brandish went limp, completely relying on Natsu to hold her.

"Carla, i-it's fine you can put me down now" Wendy stuttered above the group. "P-please" she tucked in the bottom of her dress, to avoid any stares up her dress.

"These ruffians threw you off an airship, I don't think we should be any closer to them than this, child" Carla huffed as she carried Wendy in the air.

"They're not ruffians, Carla… they seem nice" Wendy argued back.

"Oho, what are you calling me cat?" Dimaria clicked her tongue. "It's not wise to piss me off, I could…"

Irene slammed her staff down, silencing them. She gave them a glare before turning on her heels, and walking away. Natsu hummed, glancing between his quest and Brandish's worried face, as she stared in Irene's direction. 'Do I dare? It could end badly for me… but then again, Brandish looks too lazy to care… but if I fail one quest, I could fail the other immediately'. Natsu mentally braced himself "don't worry Brandish, I got you just relax and we won't get in trouble with cherry hair". He lips twitched upwards as he felt Brandish supress a small giggle. "Maybe we could get some tropical smoothies before cherry notices" Natsu adjusted her on his back by lifting her up a bit higher. Subtly moving his hands, Natsu grabbed Brandish by her rear as he readjusted her. 'Please tell me that's… yes' Natsu cheered mentally as the cop a feel was ticked off.

"I like mango… don't like pineapple, everything else is average" Brandish nudged his head with her own. "I want it in a coconut".

Natsu hummed "aren't you going to say please~"

Brandish squished her cheek against his "I want an umbrella too".

"If you're lucky" Natsu rubbed his cheek back against her softly.

"Mmmm" Brandish snuggled into him. "you're cosy".

"If that's the case, you can hold me whenever you want" Natsu rolled his head back. Moving her hair back with his nose, he put his lips against her ear. "Truth is… I'm really enjoying carrying you, I would…" Natsu continued to breathe the words in her ear. Brandish shivered at the closeness of his words but never backed away from him. She moaned lowly as she closed her eyes and leaned into him so his lips consistently brushed against her ear.

"Squirt, Randi" Dimaria yelled back. "Oh~…" she raised an eyebrow at their closeness. "If you two want to fuck, can it wait until after we meet the client?" Dimaria made a follow motion with her hand as she ran off.

'Did everyone walk off while me and Brandish had our little moment?' Natsu hummed before feeling Brandish grab his chin. "What are…" Brandish silenced him by snapping his head forward.

"Move it!" Brandish growled. Not needing anything else, Natsu sprinted ahead. Putting magic power in his legs, Natsu pounced off the ground leaving a dirt trail. "Faster!" Brandish ordered in a cheery demeanour, somewhat enjoying the ride.

"Fine!" Natsu twitched. "Max speed!" he rocketed forward. 'As long as we reach that big building in the centre of town before Irene, we are in the clear' Natsu chuckled, darting past everyone with ease. 'Home stretch' he kicked off a wall as he turned the corner. "Oh shit!" Natsu's eyes widened as his feet slid on the ground, unable to slow down. Unable to stop, Natsu reached down and picked Wendy up into the air so he didn't steamroll her. Still not stopping, he quickly juggled Wendy onto one arm. Natsu stumbled forward, grabbing Dimaria by the waist. Fortunately slowing down as he came closer to Irene.

Turning around with a cocked eyebrow, Irene bore into him with her gaze. "What are… you…" as if planned by fate or his terrible luck stat. Natsu slowly came to a halt but an insignificant pebble tripped him in the air, only to crash on Irene. All five mages groaned as they all tumbled like a tumbleweed for a minute before becoming a heap on the floor. "I am going to kill August for moving this job on to me" Irene gazed up into the sky in dull annoyance. She clenched her fist, oozing of magic power but dropped it with a sigh. "I shouldn't kill him either or my reputation will be disgraced" Irene scowled at her position, literally and metaphorically. Literally, she was lying on her back with Natsu face full between her legs after his tumble. Brandish on top of him, sandwiching her chest on the back of his head. Wendy laid on her side by his left, blushing like a tomato as his hand accidentally fell on her rear. Dimaria had the same look as Irene as Natsu's right hand landed on her breast and wasn't subtly squeezing it.

"If you aren't going to kill him, can I?" Dimaria turned her head to Irene.

"No… I just need to wait a while after we meet the client and I can make his death look accidental" Irene twitched.


Side Quest – Carry Brandish (Complete)


Brandish +250 rep


Side Quest – Hidden Pervert (2 of 3 Complete)


Brandish stops being distant

Title "That's some balls…"

+25% boost skill chance towards Brandish

Brandish themed outfit (Epic)

'I failed to seduce Brandish but the rest of the quest went quite well… I can't say everything else went well because of that' Natsu shrunk in his place as there was a killing intent in the air. All five plus Carla were sitting in a plain office waiting for the client. Irene made no noticeable signs of anger, but she tapped her fingers impatiently. Dimaria kept giving him the stink eye while she had her arms crossed in anger. Even Wendy, with mild influence from Carla was ignoring him by turning her attention away from him but he couldn't tell if it was anger or fear of being berated by the cat. Out of the four, only Brandish was giving him positive attention as she leaned on him to rest, not even reacting when Natsu placed his hand on her inner thigh by mistake. 'I hope Brandish, just doesn't mind my hand there, I'm too scared to move it an inch… please give me a sign that she is fine with this and just not too lazy to hit me away'.

"Alright, sorry to keep y'all waiting, I…" a small chubby man with a thick black moustache, bald her with fading scars waddled into the room. "Is something the matter?" he asked, feeling a great deal of tension from his guests.

"Everything. Is. Fine" Dimaria seethed.

"R-right, o-of course" the man sweat dropped.

Natsu gazed at the man while he gave a speech for the mission. 'Urgh, this is sounding like a political campaign… and not a good one' he rolled his eyes and leaned back against Brandish. 'Civil war… crush the rebels… glory of Bosco… yada, yada it's always the same with these speeches… for us, it's just go defeat those people and whatnot'. Natsu sigh internally, feeling as tired as Brandish, he rested his head on her shoulder and snuggled into the crook of her neck.

"I-um, excuse me…" the man motioned to the two snugglers but it fell on death ears.

"Ignore them, they are giant babies… they can fight, we can tell them what to do after… lets just leave it at that" Dimaria rubbed her eyes in frustration.

Chapter end


Brandish: Friendly (500/1000)

Dimaria: Friendly (0/1000)

Irene: Neutral (750/1000)

Wendy: Friendly (500/1000)