When she landed she saw Mirai Gohan was awake and sitting up trying to get his bearings.

The second she made her presence known he shot forward with a murderous glint in his eyes. Gohan blocked him easily enough stopping his fist from getting near her but the words coming out of his mouth did have her surprised. "You Monster! How could you?! You took them away from me! I'll never forgive you!" Trying to continue pushing the hand Gohan caught into her face.

"Gohan..?" She whispered hoping a calm, quiet voice would make him see her and not the monster he was clearly imagining. It didn't work so she went with his nickname she made for him last time, "Nii-san?" It seemed to work as the tears falling down his face, his eyes cleared up as he came back to himself.

"G-G.." Before he collapsed once more. Everyone stood there shocked. Not saying a word as Gohan bent down and picked up her future counterpart and put him back on the lounge chair before turning to Bulma and giving her the Sense Beans. She hoped when they eventually woke up, they would get some answers and not be attacked again.

Trunk's wounds were dealt with thanks to the sensu bean and both men were still lying there unconscious. After his outburst Mirai Gohan was back to being unconscious. Thanks to the Sensu Beans, Trunks started coming around. Gohan stood back with the boys out of the way, she wanted answers and for some reason her face triggered M. Gohan, so she wouldn't let it trigger him as well.

"M..Mom..?" He croaked as his eyes opened to see Bulma standing over him.

"Hey kiddo, how are you?" Bulma whispered.

"H..How? She killed you I saw it.." It was like he wasn't fully awake yet and looking at a memory of still within a dream.

"It's okay hunny, you're safe now. You can rest." Trunks closed his eyes once more and fell into a gentle sleep.

"Okay, can anyone tell me what is going on?! Why is there an older me look-a-like there? With the same name and all and an older Goten look-a-like With Gohan's name and none of you seemed surprised about it?!"

Vegeta chose then to answer the questions, "you probably don't remember as you were both very young, but these are the future counterparts of an alternate timeline of you son and Gohan. From a world that the androids that's an evil #18 and #17 won in. In that world Gohan was born a boy and we all died, besides him and you Trunks as a couple month old baby. Before you were born, your future counterpart came back in time with the cure for the heart virus and warned us." The boys still looked scared.

"Technically you already met them, you probably just don't remember when you two were around 3-years-old, they came back again and fought Bojack." Gohan added.

"But mum how, can that be a future version of you? He's a guy." Goten asked confused.

"Well you studied theoretical physics right? I'm sure I had you both cover it recently. Well we're not sure how but when Cell used the time machine Bulma made to send Trunks back, well in a version where Trunks beat the androids, Cell snuck up on him and killed him using the time machine to come back only he went all the way back to when my parents got married and stayed dormant until he showed himself. Somehow that caused a major change in the timeline and I was born a girl instead. We never got the chance to explore how just showing up like he did changed the timeline or if the other times it was used has also changed things, but it clearly has." Gohan mused.

Whis made himself known then having stood further back and watched the scene, "so I guess that machine is the reason I am watching over so many linked universes compared to the other angels. It has been quite troubling dealing with multiple Lord Beerus'. So Lady Bulma you are the reason there were so many rips in the timeline. Time travel is supposed to be forbidden. I should summon Lord Beerus here as he will be waking up soon to punish this timeline."

"W-Well it's not me exactly but a future version of me, so you can't punish me for something I never did, even if it was another Bulma that did it. And anyway apparently the Version of Bulma that created the time machine is already dead."

"Too late I've already summoned him." Whis laughed.

"Whis is just kidding Bulma, he wants answers as much as we do. Beerus has already pledged this planet is safe, though individuals on it, that I'm not sure about." Gohan joined in on Whis' seeming teasing. Turning to him seriously now, "Whis what did you mean linked universes is there more than the 3 the we suspect?" Gohan asked her scientist side coming out full force.

"Well yes, besides this one and the original timeline that these boys come from there are 4 more active timelines all created from using the time machine. There were more if I'm not mistaken, but Lady Chorona started erasing them as they showed up each time the time machine there malfunctioned. Luckily I jumped in and offered to watch over all 6 of the remaining ones. I dare say even this time being used she would of erased the fractured timeline created from it by now."

"Oh wow. That's crazy. I wonder what in the time machine made it malfunction like that. So every time it was used there was a new timeline created?" Gohan was getting excited even Bulma was paying rapid attention.

"I'm not the best person to ask about it. As far as I know a timeline was created every time the machine was used, it created a new timeline though there were a few times the machine malfunctioned and caused major changes to a timeline. For instance you being born a girl. I believe there was one where your father was born female as well. That one fascinated me immensely."

"Wait, can you go from timeline to timeline and different dates within those timelines?"

"Oh my no. Only Lady Chorona has the power to look at different dates in different timelines and universes and visit them. I am stationary in any one time though can jump from timeline to timeline and universe to universe but only from this point in time."

"Wow, that's amazing."

"Hey what's everyone doing out here by the pool just standing around? I thought there was going to be a BBQ?" Krillin added walking up to the group with Maron tailing behind.

Everyone was so absorbed by what Whis was explaining they didn't notice Krillin and Maron come up to them. Until Krillin noticed why they were standing around. "Oh wow the Mirai's are back! That's awesome."

Finally both boys were starting to sit up. They seemed a lot more alert now. The fact that they didn't start fighting Gohan again was a big plus.

"Tell us what happened boy." Vegeta jumped straight in when M. Trunks finally sat up and looked around.

"Dad? Where am I?"

"You're in the past, M. Gohan brought you back all beat up."

"H-He did? But Last thing I remembered was taking a blast to the back trying to protect them."

"Ugghhg, Trunks? You there kid?" M. Gohan groaned as he sat up.

"Gohan! Thank Kami you're alright. Did anyone else make it with us?"

At Trunks question it seemed all life drained from M. Gohan's face. "I had to make a split-second decision. You and I are the ones able to carry out the plan we built. No matter what happened." You could tell it took a lot for him to say it, like he was trying to convince himself of that not just M. Trunks. "I passed out once I got the machine going."

"You are both safe in the past now. Take your time but tell us what happened, why'd you come back?" Bulma prompted gently.

"Was it Majin Buu?" Vegeta prompted abruptly.

"No. We beat Babidi and his henchmen easily enough. Apparently they came originally when the androids were attacking to check on the planet but didn't stay when they, the androids attacked him and couldn't get any energy from them. He came back about 5 years ago trying to suck what life remained on the planet, but we defeated him before he could get either of our energy and the remaining humans on the planet. The peace was short lived however, we had finally gotten world communication back and got all the people left in the world to the main city and were building it back up before this thing attacked. T-This monster is different." M. Gohan stopped abruptly and couldn't find his voice to continue.

Knowing the why, M. Trunks continued the story. "This monster is unlike anyone we've encountered. Systematically slaughtering every living being, boasting every chance they got that they were sent to eradicate all mortals. That they had already done it in their timeline and would work their way from universe to universe. We were sceptical on coming back here as we thought this was the timeline they came from, Mum thought if we went far enough back in time it would be okay that dad would still be around and could help."

"How far in the past have you travelled out of curiosity you both barely look any older then when you were here nearly a decade ago." Bulma added.

"17 years. She came out of nowhere, took us by surprise. She… She knew how to trick us."

"She?" Gohan asked coming forward and joining them.

"Yes. It was only myself, Gohan and mum that truely knew the face of the monster, the betrayal, the rest of the world only saw a new killer. Cold blooded and calculated. For over a year she has been slaughtering all that remained of humanity. Claimed to of exterminated all humans, Saiyan's and mortals she deems unworthy and a large chunk of the universe she came from before turning her sighs to the next universe, ours. No matter how strong we got how much we teamed up to fight her she was always beating us back, playing with us." M. Trunks eyes darkened as he spoke, looking at Gohan with such malice she involuntarily took a step back luckily it was into Vegeta, instinctually his arm encircled her waist. This caused M. Trunks eyes to narrow even more. "The murderer. The monster. She has your face. Your voice. She may not dress like you, always in black clothing. We called her Black."

"How is that even possible?" She whispered. No wonder M. Gohan tried to attack her he thought she was the monster 'Black'. That monster that looks like her must of killed people important to him. "There has to be a mistake, or an impostor. No matter how much time goes by I would never hurt innocent people like that."

"What do you want us to say? The face I looked to as a little sister who brought me back from the dead who shares the same DNA and energy signature as me, went around killing everyone we loved while smiling and laughed about it. You wanted me to find a woman and make a family. Then you went and KILLED THEM!" M. Gohan screamed with tears running down his face.

"That wasn't me! No matter what that monster looks like it isn't me! Please believe that Nii-san." Both boys had come up to flank their parents when M. Gohan had started getting angry, Gohan felt Vegeta's arm tighten on her waist. She honestly felt like crying, she was glad she passed Vegeta Jr. to Maron who wanted to hold him earlier.

"Argh, Whis why did you wake me then summon me here. You should know better than tha.. Oh.." Lord Beerus popped up out of nowhere and stopped when he saw the scene in front of him. "Hmm well this is interesting. Two Gohan's with the same energy signature and two of the purple haired Saiyans. Hmm that sounds like time travel. Isn't that forbidden Whis?"

"Oh Lord Beerus good of you to join us. Yes I've already explained to them. I'm holding off on the punishments until we get more information."

"Then what was the point in summoning me if not to destroy and punish? Can I at least destroy the machine that allowed the time travel?"

"Oh I just wanted you up and working is all."

"Please Lord is it?" Trunks ventures.

"Yes, Lord Beerus the destroyer." Whis supplies.

"Technically he is a deity." Gohan added.

"Uh, destroyer, God sir. We need that to get home to save our timeline."

"Like I care, it is forbidden for ones to travel through time. Not even the gods are allowed to just manipulate things such as time. And to think it was accomplished through science and machines."

"It's pretty amazing isn't it. A capsule Corp. original. My greatest masterpiece. Though I have no idea how it works yet." Bulma jumped in feeling pride in the work of her future counterpart.

"I should still destroy it and you 3 for creating and using the object."

Bulma blanched while M. Trunks quickly fell to his knees to beg for his mothers life. "Please God sir, if you have to punish someone punish me. Please leave my mother out of this. She didn't know the plan or that we were so desperate to use it. We can't succeed on our own again this threat and if we fail here the way she speaks it won't only be humanity who will be eradicated but most of the universe."

"Hmm well, I guess I could be lenient this one time. After all you didn't know it was forbidden and we never thought mortals would be able to create a machine that could manipulate time and space. I know if you feed us something we have never eaten before and if we like it I'll allow you to use the machine to help your timeline before destroying the machine."

Everyone sweat dropped racking their brains, until Trunks ran into the house and came out with two steaming containers of instant noodles handing it to the God's, "just wait another minute and they will be ready. They come in many different flavours; mum has been living on them when she's too lazy to set the chefmatic."

M. Trunks and M. Gohan watched on with a shocked face while the rest seemed to smirk knowing this sort of 'threats' were a regular occurrence, all watching as the Deities faces lit up in delight.

"Well now that's sorted, I've got to learn more about my greatest creation." Bulma boasted as she climbed up and started tinkering.

While all that was going on Maron, Trunks and Goten were off to the side looking after Vegeta Jr. Maron leaned over to the boys, "so this is the what you two will look like in the future huh? Gotta say… Wow, nice." She giggles with a faint blush on her cheeks as her eyes roam both the future warriors.

"Technically that's just what Trunks will look like. The taller one who looks like me is what my mum would look like as a guy. Guess we could say there's a chance I could look like that when we're older. Except I hope with two arms." Goten mused. "Anyway Maron where's your mum?"

"She's busy today apparently, but there was supposed to be a B.B.Q. or something so that's why dad and I are here."

"Don't think it'll happen now. This is so freaky." Trunks said.

Vegeta walked up to both Mirai's, "you say this person who looks like my wife is so strong even the two of you together can't even beat her. I want you to show me your full power so we can assess where this monster may be and what we have to work with."

Out in the yard Vegeta faced off with the two grown men. Both powered up to Super Saiyan 2, Vegeta followed suit and also powered up. When the Mirai's attacked full force Vegeta had trouble blocking both of them. Eventually they pushed him to reveal his Super Saiyan 4, with that he was able to take both down easily enough.

Gohan walked over to the crater formed by the boys and helped each of them up with a hand each. "That was a good fight. Is that the full power you possess? When did you find Super Saiyan 2?"

"Uh not long after we visited when Bojack attacked. Gohan didn't want to be behind his younger female counterpart so we worked on building up to it at what remained of the lookout, thanks to Mr Popo. I never dreamed there would be a form like that we could reach." M. Trunks answered.

"We call it Super Saiyan 4."

"What about super Saiyan 3?" M. Trunks wondered.

"Well it's a tough form, hard to reach and though it's strong and fast, it drains your energy very quickly. Unfortunately, Super Saiyan 4 is only reachable with a tail. Though also not strictly linked to the Super Saiyan transformations as we know them, it is completely different form. Though you should be building up your base form more then training as Super Saiyan."

"And here we were thinking Super Saiyan was the pinnacle of all power-ups." M. Gohan lamented.

"There is a lot more out there than just Super Saiyan son, guess after your time here you never got the time to really relax and find it." Vegeta added coming to stand by his wife. The Mirai's tried not to star at the couple it just seemed so weird that Gohan and Vegeta got together and built a family to them.

"Oh my Kami, I've found it!" Bulma exclaimed getting the occupants attention.

"Found what mum?" M. Trunks adds running over to her and the machine while the rest follow.

"How to get you both back. The fuel tanks may be empty but thanks to the brilliance of future me, she left all her notes and programming disk for us."

Gohan came up and took the book having a look through the pages. "Wow this is way more advanced than anything we've been working with. These equations.. Wow. Huh no way, is that the main basis of it. It's so simple when you think of it." Gohan mused to herself as she read through the pages.

"I know. I would of never thought to use those that way, must have been some desperate epiphany I haven't had yet."

The rest were trying to read the pages behind Gohan's shoulder but looked at them like that were crazy being able to understand the advanced equations and theories on the pages.

Suddenly a flash of lightning lit up the sky and a black hole in the sky opened up. Out came a black being. The group beneath it just stared in wonder at the person before them. Indeed it was a spitting image to the Gohan they know standing near them, as the woman above surveyed the area.

"My, what an interesting development. You boys should know better to run away, and not just to another universe but to the past. Oh, to see my dear family once more." The Gohan look-a-like stated in a sickly-sweet voice.

"Whis do you feel that?"

"Yes Lord Beerus, it definitely feels like Lady Gohan. If mixed with god Ki and that Ki was warped with an evil aura."

"Guess we will finally see what's forced these mortals to do the taboo?"


These chapter have been a bit short but just seemed the right places to pause what has been written so as not to cut it at a big climax. I bet some of you can guess where these last few chapters are going.
