My apologies dear readers. I've been unable to publish chapters for any of my fanfics due to complications with my computer for reasons that are too complicated to divulge any more info, as even I am still unaware of the full report. In these last rough two months, I understand that you may be wondering where I have been, but don't fret, as I will attempt to get back to writing later chapters whenever possible. This however may not be for a while, and as much I would like to continue my fanfics, I am currently unable to for the foreseeable future. I don't know if I can continue on a few weeks or a few months, but all I can confirm for you now is that there will be no fanfic chapters posted anytime soon. I thank you for your understanding and I am very grateful that you've enjoyed my work. I hope that my past chapters will hopefully keep you entertained for the foreseeable future.