Hi everyone

Disclaimer: Lion King belongs to disney. I would try to play from Scar point of view.

I, The Dark Lion, Prince Of Misfortune, called Scar, return from the elephant graveyard. I had planned to kill my golden brother, King Ahadi favorite and heir, Mufasa and his son Simba. Those two lions ruin my life and any chance of ever becoming king, mainly Mufasa. To think I was the king brother and I would be treated with popular respect but no! Mufasa's look upon everyone by the Pride as a god and a hero and was respected by all. I was different, in my own weird way, I was look upon as trash and no one fear or respect me like they did him, maybe that was why I was name Taka. After tommorow they would learn to respect King Scar and not seen me as Taka anymore.

Gah Taka! Every time I hear that name, I wanted to barf! Taka is dirt! Taka is trash! Taka will never have a purpose! Taka will always be a laughingstock! I keep having thoughts returning to the small den that can give me little peace I have left. Slumbering over, I went to sleep guite fast.

I saw many things, my birth, me playing with all of our friends and brother back in the day, Mufasa being announced king, I started getting neglated by all of the lions except by my mother, Sarafina and Sarabi. Mufasa wasn't even their for me. When I got my scar by my father, Sarafina and Uru's came after me and comforted me. I was sad after Ni and Sarafina mated and I started to act rashly to her and same for Sarabi when she fall in love with Mufasa. After Ni left Sarafina, she came back for me, yet I yelled at her and hurt her. But I was pain and through time we mated. Not too long after she had Nala she was pregnant again and I know I'm the father, of course Mufasa will ruin it somehow. Mufasa this! Mufasa that!

Ugh! How much I wish I could be older and the shining lion of the pride! I would never turn evil and could always laugh in Mufasa face! I can't wait to get rid of him!

"Taka." A familiar voice was heard.

"Mother?" I ask. My eyes widening, I haven't heard that wise voice for years.

"Taka. You changed so much and it was my fault. I should've left Ahadi after he hurt you."

"Are you my conscience or are you real?" I ask.

"What does your heart tells you?"

"That you are real."

"Taka, I came to warn you that if you kill your brother, your life would change."

"Why should I care?! He was always Ahadi's favorite and the golden boy!" I raise my voice and spoke in a high tone. However, I wasn't angry with her, I could never be angry with her. She lick my scar when I got it. "Finally I could kill him and his brat!"

"Then what? You keep false promises to the hyenas who could betray you any moment. Betray your brother that loves you and would die for you in any moment and loves you from the stars and back."

"Mufasa loves me?" I ask in disbelief. For years, Mufasa had always disrespected me. He never even hug me anymore.

"Of course. Mufasa always love you."

"Why didn't he check on me when I got my scar then?!" I demanded.

"Because Ahadi forbid him. Do you think Mufasa didn't cry not able to protect his brother? He even yelled at Ahadi." She said, further shocking me. I always believe he didn't check on me because he didn't want to or just thought I did something stupid.

At first I thought she was lying, but I sense the truth behind her words. "What can I do now?"

"Do the right thing. Show everyone who you really are." My mother said, disappearing from my eyes. As she disappear, I saw the sunrise of the pride lands slowly rising over my eyes.

Now I had to take Simba to the gorge, I still hold my mother words in my heart. But it was too late to go back. Or was it?

A/N I always like Scar and he was my favorite lion king character and couldn't believe that he never got any justice. I admit at first I hated him but after learning his back story, I wish we could seen his life as Taka on screen instead of a stupid remake which I believe would be a complete failure. This isn't the end of the story though, the next part is going to have a twist. Also the cub I was referring to is Mheetu, I believe he is Scar son and blood. Yes I know he doesn't appear but I believe he is canon and will be use in this story. My story, my rules. Hope you all enjoy and review please. There may be criticizing but politely.