The sun shined it's bright lights as it rose on a new day in the Manhattan skyline. The sunlight shined through Adriens apartment window. He groaned at the shimmering rays and looked over to see Lila resting on his bare chest. He let out a brief sigh but smiled and kissed her on the forehead. His mind seemed still, all sides of him almost felt as one...and then Lila woke up and kissed his lips and the shake up happened. Although he was stunned by the kiss for a bit, he let out a small moan and separated from her lips for a brief moment.

"good morning to you two miss Rossi," Adrien replied as he stroked her hair and cupped her cheek.

"And what a good morning it is~" The italian women replied her hands as traveled down his chest until they happened to be between his legs.

Adrien felt a chill shiver down his spine but relaxed when he felt where her hand was. "So you still have some spunk in you huh?"

Lila giggled in amusement, "Interesting choice of words," she soon kissed him and got on top of him when there was a knock on the door. Adrien gently rose from the bed enough to break lip contact.

Adrien called out nervously, "Hello?"

"Get dressed and tell Rossi to do the same," Nathalie was on the other end and her tone was stern.

Both of them blushed, with Lila looking a little annoyed. Adrien was a little startled at the fact that Nathalie knew about his evening with Rossi. He soon felt his heart drop at the possibility that she was going to be even more strict than Gabriel was. Adrien then replied, "We'll be right there."

He soon turned to Lila who was still annoyed, "Sorry."

"hmph, maybe she needs to remember who she works for," She smiled and kissed his cheek before whispering into his ear very sultry "Boss"

Adrien then let out a small smirk, "Don't worry, I'll win her over," He added with a whisper in her ear. Lila shuddered and let out a small but lustful smile.

But then Nathalie knocked on the door again startling them, "today you two."

Adrien then called out to her, "Coming!" he rubbed his neck in embarrassment and proceeded to take a shower.

Adrien Lila and mayura were in a secret room in adriens penthouse. The room was filled with white butterflies and the window was shaped with a butterfly pattern. Mayura then turned to adrien now as hawkmoth with Lila standing next to him. "it's time for our next move," She started.

Adrien then felt something in his veins which caused him to rub his hand over to quell it. "Yes, we have the resources and the capital and now it's time to launch the offensive...or at least a distraction"

Mayura then smirked in amusement: "you've learned much adrien. I'm impressed. she then hands him a file Quentin beck or mysterio as he's called is held in the raft. His mastery of illusion comes for being a former special effects artist. You and Lila will break him out as a distraction for shield. But first I'll need a drop of your blood Adrien. Give me your palm."

Mayura pulled out a dagger from her fan and Adrien removed his glove to hand it to Mayura. With one swipe of the dagger the blade cut through his flesh and a strand of blood was visible. She then put the dagger away and pulled out an amok. She wiped the blood off of his hand and concentrated her dark magic into the bloodstained Feather.

"Come my beautiful amok and bring my creation to life," She replied as she raised her hands. With each movement of her hands the blue aura was slowly morphing into a figure that was a replica of Chat Noir. But his suit and his hair was white as snow, and his eyes were a dark blue.

"Cat Blanc. I am Mayura. You are the embodiment of Adrien's frustrations and heartbreak. Ladybug has fallen in love with Spider-man, and she also was responsible for not letting his mother come back. You will bring Ladybug's miraculous and maybe squash that meddlesome pest Spider-man if he tries to stop you. Can you do that."

The Sentimonster slowly let out a jagged smile and hissed, "It'll be my pleasure Mayura." Adrien was shocked but he let out a small grin as he slowly approached the sentimonster. He then concentrated a dark butterfly and gave it to Lila transforming her into volpina.

"Go now and spread mayhem across New York!" Mayura then spread her hand and commanded the three villains to cause trouble. "This is going to be fun! Hahahahaha"

The Dahl residence

Jack was hurrying, putting a shirt on when he got the text from SHIELD. They wanted his insight which meant he could go casual and he could easily say he had a contract with SHIELD. He got his shirt and sweater on, coat and all he needed was the Scot. He opened her door...and was momentarily stunned.

Rose and juleka were laying down on opposites sides of the bed and each girl let out a small sigh. They each had an arm over lizzies breasts and were resting their heads on opposite shoulders.

Jack's eyes widened in awe, this was so precious. He almost took a photo but this was not the time so instead he gently closed the door and tiptoed silently into the kitchen

Lizzie yawned minutes later

Juleka and rose groaned slightly with rose and juleka each slowly waking up. Juleka briefly looked over and saw the light on her phone. She then moved away from Lizzie and picked up the phone to see it was a text from luka. Juleka then sighed in frustration.

Rose was still snuggling Lizzie like a giant, buff, scottish teddy bear. But when she heard Juleka sigh she leaned over and touched her shoulder. "What's wrong?"

"it's luka. We gotta go," Juleka replied in frustration.

Lizzie then yawns and stretches as she overheard them "Awreddy?" (already?)

Juleka then sighed, "Yeah he's my big brother it can't be helped. Even after all these years he's still protective of me."

"Awww okay. puir host 'at Ah am, cannae e'en gie ye breakfest" (awww okay. poor host that I am, can't even give you breakfast) Lizzie replied bowing her head.

Rose and Juleka both heard their bellies growl at the mention of breakfast. Rose then groaned, "can't we at least have breakfast? Please?" Juleka then texted Luka: can we come after breakfast? Luka via text: sure. Juleka then turns to lizzie and Rose, "Luka says we can stay for breakfast"

Lizzie then grinned and gave them both a hug, "Sweit! aam nae a crappy date!" (sweet! I'm not a crappy date!)

Rose and Juleka then rubbed her shoulders then chimed in, "Who said you were crappy?" Juleka started. "You're an awesome date," which causes lizzie to grin with a small blush.

Juleka and Rose then felt their stomachs growl again. "I'm starving." Juleka replied. "What are going to do for food?" Rose chimed in but soon, smelled something coming from the kitchen.

Lizzie got into her dressing gown as Rose picked up her underwear and hastily putting it on whilst Juleka got her sweater on. Once they were fully dressed they left the room and saw Jack in the kitchennette with stacks of fluffy pancakes on the breakfast table

Jack smiled warmly as they made their way to the table, "Morning."

Rose was soon feeling red and let out a brief, "oh my." Juleka was rubbing her head in embarrassment, "hehe hey mr Dahl…"

Jack soon turned to Lizzie, "Hey Liz we got a call from our friends in the S Tech halls, so we gotta make tracks but we can give your dates a lift on the way

Lizzie: blushing completely overcome."

Rose and Juleka took in the smell of pancakes as their mouths watered. "these look very good". Juleka then took her fork and knife and replied, "yeah I'm starving"

The french ladies settle in, Lizzie and Jack shared a glance. Jack smiled and nods assuringly and she sighed and smiled back before joining them

The two french girls slowly cut into the fluffy pancake and savoured the fluffy goodness in their mouths. Rose soon replied, "these are so good." Juleka nodded in agreement: "yeah".

Rose and juleka finished their breakfast and leaned back in their chairs. "That was so filling. Rosereplied as she let out a small burp. "oh sorry"

Juleka then giggled "I don't blame you rose. Thanks Mr. Dahl."

Jack then chimed in, "so you two are from Paris huh? What brings you two to America?" internally he thought to himself, "don't say my daughter's bed"

Juleka then replied as she got her utensils, "well we're part of a band called kitty pride and we're on tour with jagged stone. Rose chimed in "he's retiring because his singing voice is not what it used to be but I think he's still got it".

Jack then nodded, well everyone has to go sometime. Jagged Stone huh? He the one who looks like the love child of McJagger and David Bowie?

Lizzie laughed in amusement That's gotta be th' most rock an' roll hin' ye ever said (that's gotta be the most rock and roll thing you ever said)

Rose then grinned, i guess juleka chimed in "besides his songs we've also listened to Bowie mcjagger and Bruce Springsteen. Oh and queen"

Jack then said in glee, "I love queen"

Rose and juleka chimed in at the same time "who doesn't?"

Jack and Lizzie both started humming the song, bicycle

"oh is that bicycle?" Rose then clicked her fingers as she recognized the tune. Juleka then nodded, "yeah I think it was one of their overlooked songs."

Jack grinned "Yeah Pity he didn't say motorcycle"

Juleka then gets a text from luka: jagged stone and I are in the hotel lobby. Juleka then had an idea "Hey Liz do you want to meet jagged?"

Lizzie then mused: "Th' lovechild ay bowie an' jagger? heel yeah!" (The lovechild of Bowie and Jagger? hell yeah!)

"Luka said right now he's having breakfast in the hotel lobby and they don't have to go to msg for another hour."

Rose then also came up with another Idea "Maybe we can also have jagged meet Mr. Dahl."

Juleka then nodded in agreement "then let's do it".

Jack then checked his watch, "Well maybe I could nip by for a quick meet, don't wanna waste too much of his time".

Juleka then texted luka, "we'on our way." "it's alright I'm sure since he's retiring he'd have more time to know you better"

Jack: well depends if I'm the kind of guy he'd want to know better, I mean I think he's talented and handsome but not sure if he'll think the same

"Daddeh!" Lizzie replied as he playfully slapped him and he chuckled.

Marinette's New York apartment.

Peter was face down in marinette's queen sized bed. He groaned as he turned to his side and saw that Marinette wasn't next to him. He slowly stood up and looked over to see his spider suit on the floor. As Peter moved along the edge of the bed he notices a folded pair of pajama shirt and shorts on the couch near the door. He soon hears someone humming from the other side.

"Guess sweet pea's making coffee." He then takes the pajama shirt and exits the bedroom and he slowly walks towards the kitchen but he leapt up and crawled across the ceiling. He smiled as Marinette was slowly singing the song Sunflower by post malone. He didn't even notice marinette's choice of pajama's a red bra with spider-man's face (well his face on the left breast) and pajama shorts with a black spider on the front right leg. With the web-shooters still on his wrist he then hung upside down from the web and slowly crept behind as she sang:

Needless to say, I keep her in check

She was all bad-bad, nevertheless

Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck

Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck

Needless to say, I'm keeping her in check

She was all bad-bad, nevertheless

Callin' it quits now, baby, I'm a wreck

Crash at my place, baby, you're a wreck

Thinkin' in a bad way, losin' your grip

Screamin' at my face, baby, don't trip

Someone took a big L, don't know how that felt

Lookin' at you sideways, party on tilt

Ooh-ooh, some things you just can't refuse

She wanna ride me like a cruise

And I'm not tryna lose

Then you're left in the dust

Unless I stuck by ya

You're a sunflower

I think your love would be too much

Or you'll be left in the dust

Unless I stuck by ya

You're the sunflower

You're the sunflow...aah!

She was so caught up in singing the song that Peter wrapped his arms around her waist without her noticing. She briefly yelped when she felt his hand wrap around her bare stomach. Marinette soon looked over her left shoulder and sighed when she saw it was her brown haired hazel eyed boyfriend resting his head on her shoulder.

"Morning sweet pea," Peter soon replied as he kissed her on the cheek. She let out a small giggle and turned her face to kiss him on the lips.

"That was some evening huh?" Marinette replied as she turned to face him.

"It sure was." Peter replied with a kiss on her forehead. "Excited for your first day of work?"

Marinette nodded in agreement, "Yeah very. I'm ready for a fresh start. It won't be easy though balancing superhero work with my job that pays"

"I know what you mean," peter nodded as he sat down on a chair next to the table. "But it's nothing that we can't handle" Marinette smiled and soon pulled out a chair to join him. She soon nuzzled up next to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Hey Peter," marinette started.

"What is it Mari?" Peter then asked as he was sipping his warm cup of coffee with her.

"Do you sometimes wish things had turned out differently in the past?" Marinette replied as she gazed into his eyes. Peter was actually taken aback by the comment.

"What do you mean?"

She lowered her eyes and clenched her cup, "I just…I still I wish there was more I could've done to stop mayura. She still hasn't been caught, the butterfly miraculous is still missing and now we have these outposts with these mercenaries spread across the city."

Peter then placed a hand on her shoulder, "I know that the superhero life isn't easy but we've done pretty well with these new challenges. And you finally managed to land a job with the same company as me. Just remember, I'm always here for you and you're not alone in this."

"Thanks webs," She replied as she sipped her coffee. Marinette then heard a cell phone ringing from her bedroom. She then looked at the table and saw hers wasn't the one that was ring but was Peters.

"I'll be right back," Peter replied as he put his cup on the table. Tikki then floated in front of Marinette and saw that she was smiling seeing her little bug friend. Tikki was a little concerned because she also knew about Mayura and her escaping with Gabriel's miraculous.

"Do You still think about what happened five years ago?" Tikki asked.

"Not as much but at the same time, it does occasionally pop into my mind." She sighed. Then she clenched her cup and remembered another bad memory, the day she was akumatized and became an evil version of Ladybug;Miss Fortune. She still remembered her black and purple costume, her hair loose and that wicked smile. Her chain of thought was interrupted when she and tikki saw Peter come back to the dining room table.

Peter had returned with his cellphone and there was a police radio broadcasting something horrible on the other end. "All units officers are under attack in times square, repeat officers under..." then it went cold with nothing but static on the other end.

"That doesn't sound good..." Peter said with a worried look on his face.

"I guess that means we're going to be late for work." Marinette pouted but Peter smiled.

"Another day in the life of a superhero huh?" Peter replied.

"I know. We better get moving. Go suit up," Marinette said as she went to change into her business casual suit with jacket and slacks. As Peter was getting his Spider Suit on, he then thought to himself, "Marinette is lucky she doesn't have to change in and out of her suit, I'm actually kind of jealous." After he finished he approached the window and saw Marinette was still in her business suit.

"Ready?" Spider-man asked as Marinette was adjusting her collar.

"Yeah, Tikki Spots On!" Now as Ladybug both she and Spider-Man swung across the New York skyline with spectators watching them from bellow. They soon landed feet first on the sidewalk where pedestrians would normally walk. Then they saw a grim sight, that caused Ladybug to gasp in horror. Police officers were on the ground some face down and others with claw scratches across their faces.

"What happened here?" Spider-Man replied as EMT's were loading the injured onto gurneys. He then noticed the chief consoling an injured black female officer who had slash marks across mid-section.

"We were just directing traffic when this man in a white cat suit attacked us," The chief replied as the officer was soon carried off by EMT's.

Ladybug approached them, "White Cat suit? Can you tell us more about this cat person?"

But just as the chief was about to tell her more details, the screens across Times Square were flickering on and off. Citizens who were watching the screens also n Spider-Man and ladybug then turned around after the flickering stops and on the screens throughout Times Square and on the cellphones of civilians was a woman dressed in a black dress with blue makeup and the background behind her was a blue peacock mask.

"Citizens of New York you are not safe. Your so called protectors Spider-Man and ladybug will not protect you. Not while I'm around".

"Mayura?!" Spider-Man and Ladybug replied at the same time as they exchanged a look of shock. It was their worst nightmare. The Peacock Villainess that had taken Gabriel's miraculous five years earlier was broadcasting throughout the city. But what was she up to?

"Spider-Man Ladybug, your days are numbered and when I take the ladybug miraculous, you will bow before me. But first I have a surprise for you."

"Surprise?" Ladybug asked in confusion. Then Spider-Man felt his Spider sense go off. A shadowy figure then appeared behind Spider-Man and had his claws drawn. Spider-Man turned around but he was soon struck across the face, the sharp edges of the claws ripping through his mask and cutting his face. The blow had also sent him flying into a nearby Taxi.

"Spidey!" Ladybug cried out as she saw her boyfriend and the one responsible for the attack on the police officers. It was the chat blanc sentimonster. "Chat Noir?!"

He was a splitting image of the original chat noir, with a few changes. His catsuit was completely white his bell his ears, everything. His skin was pale and his eyes had white irises and blue sclera.

His appearance and personality were different than how Ladybug remembered him. "I have no quarrel with you milday," He then turned to Spider-Man who was slowly getting up from the taxi and pointed towards him. "But I'm here to rip out his throat because he took you from me!"

Spider-Man then saw Chat Blanc and his eyes widened in shock, "Oh no...Adrien..."

The Chat Blanc sentimonster soon moved his hands and a blue aura appeared in them. Spider-Man and ladybug were soon in for a real battle.

To be continued...