
Resident Evil 2 and RWBY do not belong to me.

The copyright belongs to CAPCOM and Rooster teeth respectively.

Before to start, I rewrote this chapter because of the grammar errors that still here. I used the Grammarly app to correct the misspelling but it seems to be a few mistakes, notify me to check it out.


It was weird, the floor did not feel like the floor of the ship they had "borrowed", instead, it felt a damp cold slowly awakening the girl with reddish tips and mostly dark attire. This consisting of a dark steed with red ribbons such as roses, long cream-white sleeves, a dark skirt with a reddish interior, a pair of stockings with the figure of a rose along with boots that combined with his clothing. A noise of some blades began to be present and thus increase its power until it became a dry noise only to return the silence with the sound of rain.

- * gasps * -the girl woke up suddenly watching her around. She was inside a small room with some lockers on her left and one was open with a police uniform with the RPD logo inside. Behind her, a large trunk and on her right a table and a poster with a raccoon on it. She got up on her feet and saw the door in front of her, tried to open it but was somehow blocked even when it did not have insurance. "Weiss?!, Yang ?!" She called his friend and sister watching through the door window but there was only one aisle with a spotlight. Sticking his face closer to the glass of the door looking at where the handle should be, seeing that it had a chain attached and connected to a tube. That was what stopped her.

"It's not enough space" she commented to herself, definitely her beloved weapon could not be used because of the size of the room. Shooting the glass could work but for the circumstance, she decides to look in one of her pockets for her Scroll. At least that way she could see how far or near are her friends, besides Jinn's lamp was still tied to her belt. The signal indicators of them were in No signal, Weiss, Yang, JNR and his uncle were not even in the maximum range, perhaps it was the fourth that blocked the signal so she approached the door. The indicators then showed a question mark as if she were grabbing the signal only to disappear again.

Boom *

Something else has just exploded, and now there was a fire alarm sounding. It was not good and to make matters worse he began to hear grunts and quite a lot. "Those Grimms are also here?" The one with reddish tips was surprising but I already knew how to face them. So he came back to the door when he heard a grunt, she was ready to use her eyes but that was not a Grimm, it was a person. Filled with bloodstains from his clothes, pale skin and pieces of flesh missing from his neck. His eyes completely blank, even without pupil she could feel his gaze. That person then pounced on the door, Ruby was ready to use Crescent Rose until the head of that human released blood after hearing the percussion of a gun moving it. He was still alive, but two more shots sent him to the ground.

"Who is there?" The girl did not feel safe until out the window saw a man who could be said was in his twenties, blond hair and straight with a dark leather jacket and soaked by water. "Wait, do not shoot" he exclaimed as he put away his gun and took a pair of tweezers breaking the chain that blocked the door. He entered and closed it immediately.

-What ... was that?! - I ask the girl while she kept her gun. The young adult just looked out the window and breathed a sigh of relief and turned to see her. -I do not know, but I hope it does not get up again ... by the way, what are you doing here? - He asked while turning to see the lockers.

"I would like to know, I only woke up here and I can not call my team" she answered. While he looked at the uniform that was in the locker. The girl's response sounded strange .., wake up here? Call your team ?.

"Excuse me ... em .."

"Ruby Rose"

"León S. Kennedy. Do you have a radio with you?" Ruby just shook her head and instead took something from a pocket of her belt, noting bullets of heavy caliber belonging to a heavy weapon.

"I tried to call Scroll but there is a lot of interference here" Ruby displayed the scroll to show him, Leon was left speechless when he saw how the device seemed to be something out of this world. Slim, compact and without keys, being able to see on the screen the name of several people with a question mark next to it, probably indicating signal reception. "We were on our way to Atlas but as soon as I fell asleep I showed up here"

"Atlas?" Leon mentioned a little confused but quickly preferred not to continue with that issue until being at the police station. "Look I do not know what Atlas is, but we have to go into the police station, where we can be more secured and talk about it." Ruby nodded, there was a bit of confusion in her mind, as it was possible that someone did not know about the Kingdom of Atlas. "Ruby, I need you to check what's in the trunk and please ... do not turn around to see where I am"

Ruby simply did what Leon asked her, assuming he would change his clothes. she opened the trunk, finding that it contained what appeared to be a weapon that reminded her of those used by some military and white fang. But unlike these, it was not very bulky or square, it was more garter and with rounded edges. There were also two magazines, so Ruby puts the gun on the table, noting also another one on there, a handgun next to a box of ammunition .45 ACP. Fifteen if she did not lose count when she opened it and see the order distribution except for a few that were outside. Ruby took the handgun and downloaded it by counting 7 in the clip.

She went back to see the trunk and took the loaders, 30 bullets house one. "Leon, two weapons and some ammunition," she said without turning to see him and remembered that she still had her backpack and decided to check what she had. León already ended up putting on his vest with the logo of the Raccoon City police department he did not pay attention to what was said by the girl. "Not what I think how my first day would start"

Ruby was distracted from her search, first day?. That explained why he put on his uniform without any remorse. She was thinking when she felt Leon take a few steps towards her. "What we have ... a sub-machine gun and an M1911. You stay with this "Leon said, taking the short weapon she had found on the table and giving it to her. "You know how to shoot I suppose?"

"If I know how to shoot and I already have a weapon" she replied, she unholstered her weapon in a scythe mode. Leon stepped back to see how that weapon was expanding almost covering the entire room. "Hey ... where did you get it ?!" questioned Leon quite astonished and a little scared.

"It's my baby. I made it with the help of my uncle" the girl replied kindly. Leon was still quite impressed .. and the bullets in Ruby's belt, some kind of caliber similar to 50, made more sense now. "Hey, and how much ammo do you have of that?" The question ruled Ruby's skin. After what happened in Argus, there was not much left. "I only have five magazines, one in Crescent Rose, one in my belt and three more in my backpack, also some in my belt" she replied reflecting on it. "You are right" Ruby took the gun while compacting her weapon, it would be good to save the bullets of her dear crescent rose.

Leon then walked to the door opening it looking carefully at the corridor and seeing the corpse of that person. Ruby followed him without looking at the body of that person until climbed the stairs and then she felt the waterfall over. Making her put on her hood. There were more people, one of them approached them but with shaky movements, a face deformed by the bites. Ruby realized what was happening, it had become a zombie, it seemed something out of one of Jaune's comics. Leon did not think twice about seeing it approaching and used the submachine gun in single-shot mode. The first two bullets hit the head with pieces of his face, but the movement of the zombie was very erratic that the young policeman failed his head. Although I hit him at the neck which ended up knocking him down. "I do not think he's completely dead" the rookie cop mentioned as he walked through the small garden, but Ruby approached the body lying on the ground.

Leon looked at him and quickly approached her to take her hand and plead. But the Zombie returned to live and tried to step up, Ruby instinctively unsheathed crescent rose and in a blink of an eye, the 'little red riding hood' had sliced the head of the undead. She stepped back a few steps to give room for the inert body to fall, giving her some nausea at watching it. Suddenly, heard the sound of Leon's weapon, he was firing at the zombies that came from the other side of the courtyard. They were about five, now fourth after the rookie officer smashed the skull of one of them but it was dark to see how it looked. The blonde stepped back as he recharged, it was not going to give him time as a zombie was about to grab him. Ruby did not waste time and used her semblance to gain speed and used her weapon to split the Zombie slicing it from her right shoulder.

"Down" Leon shouted at Ruby, who quickly went down and the uniformed shot in automatic to an undead who was about to grab her from behind. This seeing the body fall saw three more approaching her, one seemed to have been a police officer for his blue uniform and dark pants, the other two seemed more female bodies. She did not think twice she pounced on them with her weapon attacking the Zombie on her right first by cutting her from her shoulder to the side of her body. Leon shot the knees of the dead officer to make him crippled, and Ruby finished with the last one left. Quick the two went to a fence with a mesh door, being able to observe the alarm sounded because there was a huge fire by the collision of a vehicle. Leon took out a key and introduced it with a little bit of difficulty in the rush and water until he opened the door. They both entered and closed the door

"There" Ruby pointed to a door and luckily it was open and both entered. It was a small reception but with corpses of policemen, Ruby began to remember the comic that Jaune read where those who were killed or bitten by Zombi are transformed into these. Leon, on the other hand, had other things in mind. When Ruby saved him, he could see how she emerged from what appeared to be a large turn of roses. Not only that, when she attacked the other Zombies, she moved her weapon as if it would weigh nothing contrary to the appearance of it. Besides, she had also mentioned something about an Atlas "Ruby, can you explain to me, how did you emerge from some rose petals?"

Well here ends the first chapter and as it is easily noticeable, I am taking the route León (2) or better known as León B. And I have to say that I still do not know how to continue it because at this point Claire is on the other side of the commissary trying to get a piece of puzzle and turning off the helicopter fire. I am aware that route B is like a copy and paste if about the puzzles and the fights with William we are referring to, so I do not if you want to see that Claire has already solved the puzzles or see León and Ruby solve them.

I would like to know your opinions about what you would like to see.

Another thing, with Ruby helping Leon, is obvious that things will get a little faster and even easier. And this is where I can see Ruby decapitating the Tyrant or Mr. X (although for me there is only one Mr x and that is Mihaly of AC7) or amputating one arm to William ... which could accelerate his mutation (oh-oh) ... same could happen with Mr. X but the truth, I see it more as that would cover the attacks of her or stopping her in the attack. Although the truth is that there is very little space in the police station to use crescent rose in its scythe shape, perhaps in the sewers, but even so she will have to take care of her ammunition.

Also, knowing that Ruby is already leaving her child side aside. I still notice how she can keep talking more of what she has to say.

And yes, I wrote the crossover for the challenge of the user Gravenimage, which is to put Ruby in the stages of Leon, either A and B.