It had been a couple days since the incident in the library and Dash had been doing his best to ignore him. There were no wailings, no taunts. Not even a carrot thrown at him during lunch. A lot of people seemed to notice the shift but no one really questioned it except for Sam and Tucker.

And boy, was that a trip.

When he told them what happened, Sam started mumbling about Danny and his puns while Tucker began making kissy faces at him.

Meanwhile, Danny's been trying to make arrangements with Dash so they could work on their english project. Which they still had nothing done on.

But everytime Danny tried, Dash would scuttle away through the hallways and disappear around a corner.

Today though, they finally had another work day in the library and Dash was forced to sit awkwardly on the other side of the table.

Dash was trying his darndest to not look at Danny, but it wasn't working at all. Everytime Danny glanced up from his book, his eyes caught Dash's and Dash would jump and look away, trying to be casual.

After the seventh time this happened, Danny groaned and closed his book, rubbing his hand over his face in exasperation.

"Look, Dash. Would you chill out?"

Dash gaped at Danny, mouth flopping like a fish as he tried to comprehend the statement.

"Chill out?" Dash suddenly burst. "Chill out?! How can I chill out after I discovered the kid I wail on is the hero I have a crush on, who I just told I like?"

Danny shrugged and opened his book again. "See that right there. That's not chill."

Dash glared him before speaking again.

"How are you this chill anyways? Shouldn't this have been some kind of life altering bullshit? Your worst enemy discovers your greatest secret?"

Danny sighed and closed the book again.

"First off, you're not my worst enemy. Second," Danny continues as Dash opens his mouth to make a retort, "if I can handle Paulina having a creepy shrine in her locker I think i can handle you having genuine, non-creepy feelings for me."

They were silent after that.

After a few moments Dash spoke again.

"So it doesn't bother you that some guy has feelings for you?" Dash asked quietly.

Danny shook his head, looking to the side as he spoke. "Not really. I'm, uh. I'm bi? So I don't really care about that."

There was a beat of silence.

"Does it bother you that it's me?"

Danny looked back at Dash to see him looking down, picking at his nails.

"Honestly, Dash? You're actually a lot nicer when you're not around some of your friends. I mean, that's no excuse. But there are times when you're hanging out with certain people and you're like? Amazing? You help Paulina shop for dresses when no one else wants to go with her. And you're always there for Kwan when he's having a rough day. But the rest of the football team are dicks and so you guys try to fit in."

Dash stared at Danny after he finished speaking, taking in what he said.

"You think I'm amazing?"

Danny's eyes widened and his ears turned red.

Danny opened his book again, mumbling, "Under the perfect circumstances, yes, I suppose you can be amazing sometimes."

Dash let out a whoop and raised a fist in the air.

"I'll take it!"

Danny smiled before pushing a book towards Dash. "Okay, now that we've got that figured out can you finally start working on our project?"

Just as Dash started reaching for the book, a crash was heard out in the hallway. A familiar cackle could be heard.

It was the same ghost from a couple days ago.

Danny groaned.

"Really? I finally get you to work on something and now a ghost has to interrupt school?"

Danny gets up, pushing the chair back, and starts running to the closet in the library. As he gets there and starts closing the door, a brick mountain shoves his way in, closing the door behind them.

Looking up Danny sees Dash, practically bouncing in excitement.

"Dash, what do you want?" Danny asks, annoyed.

"I wanna see you become Phantom.



Nothing happens for a moment, but another crash could be heard and Danny closes his eyes.

"I'm goin' ghost." He whispers.

"Pfft, what is that, a battle-"

Dash gets cut off as the white rings appear around Danny's waist, traveling up and over his body, leaving behind Phantom. Danny's eyes open to reveal the bright, glowing green, and they travel over Dash's face, taking in his expression.

"-cry?" Dash squeaks out.

Just as Danny started to move towards the door, Dash reaches out to run a hand through Danny's white hair. A shiver travels down Danny's spine, and their eyes meet, and the rest of the world is gone.

"You glow." Dash says, ruining the moment with an obvious fact.

Danny snorts. "I mean, yeah. I'm a ghost."

Dash turns red and sends him a glare. "I know that! There's just not any trace of that when you're a human."

Danny shrugs. "It helps with keeping up appearances though."

Another crash sounds through the door, closer this time. It sounds like the ghost made its way into the library.


Danny went intangible, phasing through Dash and the door into the library. As he was taking off, Dash shouted something at him.

"Go get 'em, Phantoenail!"

Danny groaned and shook his head.

Some things may never change.