Story title: The Prince Pro-tempore

Chapter 12; entitled: the following day

Author: billybobcsgun36 - - id# 641050

Time period; - half way between the battle of Hogwarts_ and the no longer applicable: epilog.

Category: AU - Alternate Universe; (of course)

Definition of AU - Wherein Hp characters don't follow cannon in their behavior. - (Do I really have to explain what Alternate Universe means … come-on)

Basically - -I write the way I speak, as if it was script written for a stage play – inserting pauses in dialog for emphasis. It's not proper I know, but it is a-lot better English than what is seen now in 'text messages - on – Facebook or in a blog'.

** Does anyone remember a time when disagreeing with the current Leftist dogma wasn't responded to with foul language, personal insults, racial slurs, physical violence and unbridled hate centered around a red, silly ball cap? I miss the days when people use to discuss topics and listen … actually listen to the other side. - Different generation … I suppose.


*Post-production, retakes begin…



*Roll film





Rupert awoke the next morning on the receiving end of oral sex, not a bad way to open one's eyes… actually. That Tracey's' gratitude for saving her mother and sister had translated into a surprising amount of aggressive 'intimacy', which had come as quite a surprise to Rupert. - His history with women had been a series of herculean efforts just to semi-steal a single kiss. Even his former married lover was 'high-maintenance' when it came to 'wooing' in word and deed, resisting until the last moment, making him constantly worry of being accused of assault. And this was all before he had become Prince pro-tempore.

The previous night had been a competition of sorts for Rupert, after months of being celebrate and all the stress he had been under since becoming 'pro-tempore', to have a woman in his arms again, a 'toxically feminine' female that reveled in her sensually rather than rejecting it … was a enjoyable change and inspired his desires while feeding her insatiable hunger all the more. – Rupert had never before encountered an aggressive bed-mate; he was instead, far more accustomed to working extra hard for romantic crumbs, ever so reluctantly given.

He considered himself to be a giving lover, motivated to go above and beyond the call, to provide maximum pleasure to a willing bunk-mate. Judith obviously didn't count as she didn't fancy men. - His problem so far had been the women he was attracted too. Married women that wanted to take pleasure while giving next to nothing, or witches who wanted to dominate: beat-down and manipulate him like a much abused, loyal dog.

Three times last night he had done everything he could 'think of' to drive his Slytherin bed-mate right up the walls. But Tracey refused to just lie there passively taking all he could give, instead she responded in kind, all but literally devouring him. This was a totally new experience for him …the literal polar opposite in attitude to the bookworm, who had repeatedly accused him of being intellectually and socially inferior to her. And most recently; in desperate need of mental help.

Rupert could not understand those selfish males that expected oral sex but found the mere thought of going down on a witch … disgusting. Fools - In Rupert's very limited experience with witches, giving oral sex was the best way to maximize Tracey's pleasure and hopefully inspire her to come back for more. Desperate for intimacy; Rupert did something to Tracey that no Slytherin girl had experienced before, going to bed with a man that was more interested in serving her pleasure than his own. Just the thought of Draco being less than totally selfish in bed was … hilarious.

Tracey Davis was a little disappointed in her new bed-mate/lover … not sexually of course, but in putting himself last, behind everyone else. Of the gold he had received from Judith, not counting the 50mil in Bern, more than half of his newly acquired wealth as 'prince pro-tempore' had been used to pay-off the debts of his Great Aunt and Uncle as well as his parents, both personal and property (the Burrow) … as well as set-up a grub-stake fund for his other surviving siblings. Henley had told her all that and yet, she still had difficulty accepting the truth that the trio's clown was that giving …without expecting anything in return.

As she watched him get-out of bed, Tracey took in her surroundings once again and sighed. Painter's drop cloths for walls, second-hand or often repaired furniture in four roughly divided rooms with raw plywood floors covered in indoor/outdoor carpeting; wasn't what she had expected for 'one of' the soon to be riches monarch's in Europe. – The Schloss itself, the Royal Palace of Bergen-Steiner was a drafty, empty shell and Rupert had given-up the only livable section to Erwin and Victoria, his great aunt and uncle. - Gryffindork's … are strange beasts, and she really had quite a job ahead of her. At this point a voice was heard, just outside the plastic drop-cloths.

"Is Mistress and Master ready for breakfast?" Tweaky asked while peeking in, again looking solely in Tracey's direction

"Allow my Lady to dress Tweaky, and then …yes", Rupert said over his shoulder

"Master, the Chancellor begs an audience, pressing matters of state … he says", Tweaky said finally looking at her master.

"It always is with him", Rupert replied with a resigned half-chuckle.

"What shall I tell him?" Tweaky asked.

"Inform De LeClair that The Prince needs to eat, and only after that is done will he be-free for state business", Tracey said

"Yes my Princess", Tweaky replied

"Tweaky", Tracey called before the house-elf could pop away. "I am not a princess; at best I will be a paramour to a royal, a courtesan."

"Tweaky did not misspeak great-one", the house-elf said with an elaborate bow before with a snap of her tiny fingers … disappearing.

"Why don't you 'hold off' on claiming any formal title until we get to know each other better?" Rupert said as he pulled on his trousers.

"You need a noble"

"The country wants a noble, whereas I do not … for the time being, I will gladly accept an extra close friend and advisor … with benefits", Rupert replied with his trademark lop-sided grin.

"You are only saying this to get … more benefits"

"That's not entirely untrue" Rupert said with a gleeful look

"There is a quick way to settle this", Tracey said as she confiscated Rupert's shirt from the other day (to cover her otherwise naked body) and walking over to her sole suitcase that Tweaky had sneaked into the bedroom while they had … (slept?) opening it; she unscrewed a small tin with air holes punched in the top and said: "Timmy … Sally come forth". A moment later two house-elves wearing spotlessly clean dish towels appeared and instantly took a knee.

"Yes Princess", they said in unison; much to Tracey's gob smacked astonishment.

"Remember luv, hose-elves know things that we… do not!" Rupert said laughing softly.

"Destiny", she asked her-self, more than half stunned?

"Or a curse, for you", he replied. "At this point who can say? - But until we 'both' decide on our suitability for one another. Let's keep titles at arm's length… okay?"

"And here I was looking forward to being a royal paramour"

"And I thought my fate was to be an overlooked shopkeeper", Rupert said with another resigned chuckle.

"Timmy; next to the office on the first floor you will find an entire skid-load of dry-wall sheets", Tracey commanded. "With the building materials you find there; implement 'Phase One'. Take what you need to put insulated walls around the 'plastic enclosed' rooms that I indicated the other day … and add 'as planed' several more up here, I want baseboard heat in all rooms (up here) meaning: a intimate sized formal dining room, a sitting room/lounge and book-shelved 'study', added that to what is already in the west wing. - Sally; dig-out my furniture, books, throw-rugs and oil lamps. Place them as you deem fit to make this temporary space, more …livable"

"Yes princess", the two said in unison before with a pop, disappearing.

"I was unaware that rearranging my living space was a-part of being a social director/elite pure-blood snob … handler", Rupert said sounding amused

"It isn't, but even a lowly consort like me, can expect to be comfortable. All the Muggles are gone; thank the Lord, so now we magical's can finally do something about this drafty, run-down Schloss. As the head of your harem I am expected to …" she began only to be interrupted.

"… harem … me? - You're mental, you-are!" Rupert said with a snort.

"Right-then, as your prime paramour it is my duty to make sure that you avoid embarrassment by not having a proper place to receive those wishing a 'private' royal audience … like with Henley just now".

Rupert opened his mouth to say something less than polite, thought better about it and abruptly shut his gob. An awkward silence followed as he tried to think of 'Princely way' to tell the young woman he had just slept with to: butt-out. - - He was just finishing the buttoning of his trousers when he heard an unsteady voice behind him ask; "Rupert … your back … the scares, when did that happen?"

"Which scares", he replied. – "The one on my shoulder happened when I splinched my-self, while escaping the DE occupied Ministry. The wide ones are from my encounter with the engorged brain…"

"No…no, you were clearly …flogged" She said.

"Oh yes … that's right", Rupert said with a sad smile, "and I believe you were there when it happened. It was during our fifth year right after my twin brother's spectacular exit. I was caught setting off fireworks as part of a diversion…" he said before he had abruptly realized that he had 'perhaps' said too much.

"The twins exit was a diversion … for what?" Tracey said all excited.

"It seemed vitally important at the time; Merlin knows I paid a heavy price for it. But in the end, my sacrifice like a lot of other things I did during the war, didn't amount to much", Rupert said.

"Thank-you, I remember now. You were 'publicly flogged' at the Hogwarts whipping post, with the entire school looking on. You jerked violently at each blow, but you never cried-out. It was the bravest thing I had ever seen a Gryffindork do. That incident made me and Daphne start to reconsider our entire position on the whole 'Potter thingy'."

"I did that?" Rupert asked, sounding gob smacked.

"Draco boasted loudly about what he did to you and your 'raggy clothes' while you were still bound to the post. That he attacked someone who couldn't fight back was a dishonorable act and all pure-blood Slytherin's knew it", Tracey said. "Pansy and Greg didn't take an active part in that atrocity, but they did watch it happen. - - In fact the cruelty of Umbridge's blood quill that term and publicly whipping you, was the beginning of the 'decline' of the DE wantabe's influence in the Snake-house. - It was your beating and how bravely you took it … that for the first time made 'some of us', including Greg, to seriously consider fighting with Potter at the siege of Hogwarts".

"All I did was take a beating, like my dad did to protect my Mum"

"So it's a tradition in your family … huh?" – Tracey said smiling. "Did you do it for a girl too… oh Sweet Merlin on a bike, please tell me you didn't waste that bit of bravery on that man hating Feminist … Granger?"

"It wasn't JUST for the sake of Potter's - stalker, but she indirectly benefitted. The Hogwarts resistance movement was threaten with exposure at that point, with my beating… I had hoped, avoiding that outcome", Rupert said sounding a-tad embarrassed.

"And you still insist that what you did as a part of the Golden trio was inconsequential" Tracey said with knowing snort.

"What about Neville Longbottom and all the abuse he endured under Alecto and Amycus Carrow? - He suffered a-lot more than I did with a single whipping, especially when the 'Cruciatus Curse' became the standard form of punishment at Hogwarts"


*** Authors blatant plug: I wanted to wait for the end of the chapter …but I'm weak. I am a huge RON fan (just saying), but the whipping incident mentioned above came/burrowed from another 'Ron centric' story that I highly recommend… it's called: 'Lions Breed True, by notsing' Id # 2480660. I cannot praise this Ron centric story and its sole outtake, strongly enough ***


"I think that Neville was inspired to take his abuse without flinching by what he saw you take during fifth year … leading the resistance during your absence was his fate as the alternate 'child of destiny' to Potter. - Daphne and I watched from the side-lines as the botanist stood up to Tom Riddle … and that was bonkers brave".

"I couldn't agree more", Rupert said in a semi-whisper, feeling immensely proud of his old school dorm-mate, friend and future brother-in-law.

"I personally believe that Clotho, Lahkesis and Atropos have to understand gratitude, especially when fate is so-boldly embraced as we did by standing tall with Potter. - - He and Granger hogged most of the glory … naturally, with Granger closer to becoming Minister of Magic than ever before. Glory/fame is the Granger-Potter's reward, and I hope they both choke on it, as they have both been major 'butts' since the war"; Tracey sneered.

"Potter is just henpecked and she loves to dominate him … that's all", Rupert said weakly in defense of his old friend

"As for your sister, she found a more earthly hero to adore in the botanist. Longbottom is her reward as she is his, for sometimes romantic life-long LOVE is the best remuneration destiny can provide. I hope for that kind of remuneration myself … actually", - Tracey said in a calculating way to Rupert's mutilated back. "My Mum (the dryad) always said: 'the three sisters of fate help the most, those that make a stand on the right side of history'. And we did, my prince … we did".

And with unexpectedly a loud pop, Tweaky returned, saying: "your house-elves are straining at the bit to start re-making the royal quarters into something a-lot more suitable; my Princess. - Breakfast is ready to be served in the first floor office; I took the liberty of transferring it there, so that Timmy and Sally can begin work up here. The three of us decided to invite the very anxious Chancellor (Henley De LeClair) to join my two Royals for breakfast as he is all but bursting with barely contained news".

"Is he now", Tracey said with an amused snort.

"The office, isn't really suitable for a meal … it's small …roughed in … plastic walls", Rupert began while smiling warmly at Tracey as she quickly dressed in jeans, sandals and a clearly old and worn-thin 'Slytherin Quidditch' alumni sweatshirt-hoodie of lime green with silver trim. The prince couldn't help but envy her 'semi-grungy' look, knowing that he wasn't allowed anymore the right to be so informal in appearance.

"Timmy has put up and 'mudded' several bits of dry walls in the now expanded into 'two' rooms at the old office site. The office itself is not all that much different in size; however Sally hexed the folding table/desk and chairs into solid oak and did the same for the larger conference and temporary 'Throne Room', where breakfast will soon be served to my royal's". Tweaky said proudly.

"Throne room", Rupert said with clear surprise.

"Temporary 'Throne Room', you'll need that, until the first floor is properly renovated" Tracey interjected as she fussed over the way 'her' prince was dressed, straightening his tie, pulling a smidgen of lint off of his waistcoat.



Henley kept looking around the modest sized 'roughed in' conference room, taking particular note of the two chairs on a raised platform at the far end of the room. Neither was higher than the other and seeing this, two words popped into his mind … 'duel monarchy'. - He shook his head to clear his mind of such nonsense and smiled; for the room he was in at that moment, enjoying breakfast - hadn't existed the last time he had gone home.

He had swung-by Rupert's flat in the village first thing that morning, to learn from Ms. Davis, how it had gone in the arboretum yesterday, only to find the Prince's brother and his wife Audrey with their wands in open view, magically stripping the two bedroom flat of all of the 'gaudy décor' of Rupert's former married lover. When Henley pointed out the illegality of using wands where a Muggle could see, Percy pointed at a hand written note on-top of his luggage by the front door.

Picking up the note, Henley read and smiled as he took in the Prince's obvious joy that his brother had accepted the dual post of Master of Heraldry and Foreign affairs Director for Bergen Steiner (which was to be a small, one man and wife department) to handle all diplomatic relations with all other magical countries. To express his gratitude, the Prince had offered (rent free) his old flat, until the couple outgrew the space.

The prince by decree had also set-aside 'pro-tempore' the 'no magic in public law' as there were no Muggles anymore in the valley to see magical's doing magic. (ah …the joys of an absolute monarch) which allowed Rupert's entire 'diplomatic office' (all 2) time to establish a residency. After an all-inclusive update of what Percy had accomplished diplomatically since assuming his new post on the day of the coronation, a very pleased Henley made his way up the hill to the Royal Palace. The snow-ball of progress was picking up speed downhill as everything except the 'heir and spare' issue was falling into place.


"What do you think of Percy; Milord Chancellor", Rupert had once asked?

"Far more experienced than anyone else here in Foreign affairs, so England's loss will defiantly be to our gain. His wife is charming so Spain is delighted at the appointment and of course the French…"

"… Loves my brother to death, yes Henley, I know", Rupert said with an amused chuckle.

"Yes sire", Henley said with big, knowing, grin.

"If Percy likes it here, I intend to have him and his wife elevated to the nobility before the new council is seated"

"A Weasley on the 'Privy Council', good idea Sire, another Royalist vote. Also, the council won't object to Percy filling one of the empty seats, for Audrey's rather long maiden surname contains: 'Bushitillo', which was the name taken in marriage by the last lawfully married Baroness Bergen after her first husband's death", Henley said with another genuine smile.

"You don't believe the divorce of the last Baron Bergen was lawful", Rupert asked?

"As no male heir resulted from the divorce … No sire, I don't"

"But what does your view do to Audrey's legitimacy?" Rupert asked. - I know she isn't' a direct decent to the Bergen bloodline any more than I am a Von Steiner, but I find it amusingly ironic that Audrey can trace her lineage back to the other founding family of our country"

"When we elevate Percy, we will fudge things a-bit. - My idea is changing her maiden name officially back to 'Bushitillo-Bergen' which will greatly please most of our traditionalist. Although getting Percy to change his last name to Bergen officially, might be too much to ask of the Crown Mother. - - Can I assume that your brother will eventually get the ten-acre estate that you acquired during the roundhouse negotiations you had with Judith (god rest her soul)", Henley inquired?


"Come to think on it, the clock is counting down, with just 28 days until the new council is seated. I need to get with you about elevating a distant relative of mine: 'Fredrick Saxe-Coburg' to one of the empty spots on the council as agreed at the roundhouse discussion. He runs a magical import business in the old Gotha duchy of Germany and he was who I had in mind when I arranged for a traditional ten acre plot with Judith … but I might need a loan to pay for the land"

"I sell you the acres for a single galleon, if that will help", Rupert said sincerely knowing how much he depended on the old man?

"It will sire, it most certainly will, thank-you", Henley said deeply grateful.

"Tweaky tells me that you are bursting with news?" Rupert said as he put his fork down.

"Yes Sire, The final court decision is in and as expected, you have been declared your late wife's only legal spouse. There is loads of paperwork to fill out and possible legal appeals to the decision to be 'dealt with', but within the next two years some 500 million will be deposited in your 'Bern Switzerland' Gringotts account for investment. - A little over 600 million will stay in Vancouver Canada as agreed in advance with the Gringotts globins there, so that after taxes and charitable gifts are deducted or about half of the over 2 Billon (Canadian dollar) estate.

"Furthermore and at my insistence: the Vancouver Goblins will henceforth administer 'with your approval of any large amount dispersal, the funds set aside by Ashira's father for her 5 million yearly allowances. As you directed the 'yearly renewable' airline voucher has been increase to ten, to cover immediate family members of the Countess Jakubowicz, meaning her goat herder Adonis and any biological children they produce".

"Good, well done Henley", Rupert said happily.

"On the issue of money Majesty, your government does not receive any NEW tax and rent revenue's until next November and with the coronation expenses went way over budget …I was wondering if you would cosign a loan from the Royal bank to cover expenditures until then?"

"My twenty bars of gold is either spent or tied-up in other projects", Rupert began …

"The Jakubowicz 400 million in investment capital (as deposited before Judith's death) and the 50 million in Bern isn't tied-up, its available right now", Tracey added softly.

"Yes… yes, I forgot. Tell me how much you need and I cut you a check. - - I'm not use to having this much Dosh and I greatly worry about making a complete muddle out of it." Rupert confessed.

"You won't", she said firmly. "By the way Henley, I have some news for you. I don't know how the search goes to find a magical bride of noble birth for our Prince, but you can stop the search for a bed-warmer, as of this morning I became his 'one and only' royal mistress", Tracey said sounding pleased.

"No, that's not doable", Rupert replied in a resigned tone. "To become my mistress I have to be married to a living wife, as Judith is dead that makes me an officially a widower and technically 'single' once again."

"Royal Paramour then", Tracey said in an increasingly annoyed tone. "I thought you weren't worried about my title?"

"That won't work either I'm afraid. Henley: is Judith's cottage half way up the valley ready to be occupied", Rupert asked?

"Yes Majesty"

"Good …once we have finished here, I will have Tracey's house-elves Timmy and Sally transfers all of Lady Davis's belonging into that cottage and declare it as her 'official' residence, the purely Muggle staff I assume departed when the other Muggles left us. Do this while I establish a bank account in her surname with twenty-five thousand galleons in it", Rupert said in an oddly detached tone.

"You don't want me", Tracey asked sounding deeply hurt?

"We are discussing titles my dear and public perception and reputation. We have to look ahead to the next five chess moves … you know: 'moving things along' as you did last night"

"Meaning", she asked?

"You can't be seen as openly living with me, as to why, Henley, do you own a house-elf?"

"Yes Majesty", Henley replied.

"Call it here, please", Rupert asked and a moment later a male house-elf of indeterminable age appeared in the room.

"What is your name elf?"

The elf looked to its master before answering, and with a nod from Henley said: "Billy, Sire"

"Billy, how many royals do you see in this room?" Rupert asked sternly.

Again the elf looked to its master and only after a second nod in the affirmative replied: "TWO"

"I thought as much, Thank-you … Billy", Rupert replied as Tracey and Henley stared at the House-elf utterly gob smacked. "Tweaky called Miss Davis 'princess' this morning as did her own two elves, my Tweaky has called her 'mistress' several times now and has taken orders from her. A blood bond house-elf only obeys its master or an immediate family member designated by its master. Rarely does a house-elf say the name or title of anyone else, the best I ever got with Harry's elf: Dobby was 'Wheezy'. I have learned that House-elves in general, know far more about certain 'things' than we magical folk suspect".

"I just want to be … with you…" Tracey mumbled, her voice trembling.

"And I came here, just to make a few chess sets and be caretaker to my great aunt and uncle", Rupert said. "I m sorry Tracey, but it appears that any plan you might have had to be just my pro-tempore lover, and then move on to someone better, just went out the window, - - On that thought: before you leave us Billy, one last question. Is the princess with child?"

A stunned silence followed as the elf walked over to Tracey and openly stared at her abdomen for a good long while before saying "No, not yet, but Rose is eager to be conceived"

"Rose", Tracey asked?

"My grandmother Prewett's first name", Rupert replied semi-stunned.

"It seems my Prince that you are getting an arranged marriage whether you want one or not", Henley said as a slow smile began to appear on his face.

"But who arranged this?" Tracey asked. "I didn't … I swear"

"Well I didn't do it either", Henley interjected while holding up his hands in mock surrender, " I wanted to get you a bed-warmer … yes, but speaking geo-politically: Bergen Steiner requires a noble born wife to offset the peasant 'usurper' claims that the Moreau faction is now spreading about you, my Prince. - He has been asking the magical French to bring in an army and drag you off the throne."

"When did this happen", Rupert asked?

"I learned about this just two days before the coronation", Henley replied.

"And what are we doing about it", Rupert asked?

"I had a charge of treason drawn up against Claude, while Philippe pushes the idea personally in Paris", Henley said. But the moment that we slap Claude in irons, I feared that his friends in France would have all the excuse they needed to invade with more hired magical mercenaries than the ones currently sitting on our borders.

There are French magical mercenaries sitting on our border", Rupert asked horrified.

Yes, Sire. The magical French were deeply embarrassed when Judith pointing out 'publicly' that there were a good number of their magical nobility that helped and fought with the Nazis. – Frenchmen rounding up Jews and fighting in the SS had been seriously downplayed since the second Muggle global war. Magical governments are revising history all the time, as they did to your family Sire, when magical England officially declared that no Weasley fought at the battle of Hogwarts"

"But that some French collaborated with the German occupation … is common knowledge", Rupert interjected softly.

"So is the Japanese attack on 'pearl harbor', it's a fact of history everywhere… but in Japan the whole 'incident' is either glossed over or outright ignored. That French anti-Semitism exists is not a secret, as all countries has Jew haters within them, - But French magical's helping the Germans as 'outted' by the late Judith was deemed an 'offensive truth of history' - and just as quickly torn down like some fools tear down statutes to deny history … with the French answer to this 'unpleasant truth', is the indirect annexation Bergen-Steiner via a privately funded invasion", Rupert asked?

"Claude's faction has already propositioned people in-country … haven't they", Tracey asked.

"Yes Princess", Henley replied without thinking. "They conducted a small; poorly coordinated uprising, the day after the coronation, which was quickly put down by the royal guard. As we are not sure that we got them all; so with that in mind I have doubled your bodyguards and castle security"

"We need to get to a Basel magistrate at once," Rupert countered suddenly dead serious. "I'll get Tweaky to fetch my mother and father, 'duel-Apparate' them to the same Basel courtroom where my marriage to Judith took place so they can be present for my second rushed wedding - - Henley I need a goblin written 'last will' drawn-up leaving everything to my soon to be Swiss wife Tracey … evenly split with my immediate family. - Finally: call out the entire guard… all of it. Tell them to prepare for war with France."

"Let's not overreact here", Henley interjected forcefully. "Not all of France is behind this … just a few Jew hating ex-nazis with more money than sense. German and Switzerland were informed yesterday of the situation (the attempted take-over) by your brother Percy. But they refuse to act against France until they have concrete evidence that an actual invasion is underway"

"Where are the magical mercenaries encamped and what is their numbers", Rupert asked?

"Their main camp is just outside Colmar France and they number in total about six hundred"

"And you know this how", Rupert asked?

"Claude told me when he demanded I call off the coronation of the usurper … you sire".

"When", Rupert asked?

"Five days ago"

"Six to one odds: trained killers versus our weekend militia. They won't even work up a sweat taking us out. - Is there a way to evacuate my people secretly, without going out the front door", Rupert asked?

"Yes and No sire, we can pork-key people OUT but we can't bring anyone in", Henley replied.

"How much warning will we get, if any", Rupert asked?

"You are under a misimpression; Sire, the Claude faction has already attempted to invade … at dawn … the day after the coronation and were repelled with heavy casualties"

"How did I somehow miss that party", Rupert asked?

"The barrier stone, that's what stopped them cold", Tracey said suddenly all excited.

"Yes my princess": Henley said having heard and witnesses his Prince most unusual offer of marriage and more importantly Lady Davis unspoken consent. So you see sire, we are technically under siege, with no-one able to physically leave by train or enter. - I came this morning to inform you that the tracks of the royal rail-road have been torn up from the border to our Basel station" about three hundred mercenaries are camped just beyond our bluish tinted wards, down near the old docks on the Rhine actually, stopped from entering by 'bluish unbreakable wards' I'm pleased to say",

"Unbreakable, there is no such thing, Tommie Riddle eventually got into Hogwarts", Tracey said contemptuously.

"Good point your highness, which makes me wonder. My prince: were you asked to add your 'blue magic' to the wards at Hogwarts during the battle there", Henley asked.

"No I wasn't, they asked Seamus to blow up the 'wooden bridge' for that Irishman had a surprising talent with explosives, but me … no. I had next to no control of my blue thingy at that time, hell I could still use a wand, back then (barely)" Rupert admitted.

"Well all I can say is that if your blue magic was as strong during May of 'ninety-eight' as it is now, no Death eater would have ever breached Hogwarts defenses. The Barrier Stone was created not only to protect Bergen-Steiner; it was by design, crafted to anticipate attacks as well. The four hundred mercenaries that tried to force their way across our border suffered heavy casualties in the attempt. Our few Royal guards at the border are still counting the enemy dead".

"Why wasn't I told", Rupert asked?

"Sire: I my-self: wasn't even told until after nine this morning", Henley replied. "Our border-guard commander was convinced it was an optical illusion, a clever magical trick intended to make us lower the wards. For who would waste over one hundred lives to invade 'Bergen Steiner'?"

"Then Germany and Switzerland has its proof", Tracey pointed out.

"I'm sorry to say Princess elect, but that's not quite true, our enemies have cleared their dead on their side of the wards and those bodies caught inside the barrier are dissolving as we speak. Their camp outside our border looks less military in nature and more like a welfare abusing/refugee base-camp of the drug-addicted, homeless - - a sight that happens more and more often in Europe today. Overrun by refuges that refuse to assimilate, learn the language or work, preferring instead a life of leisure under state-run largesse"

"That won't happen here" Rupert said with a snarl. "I refuse to burden one worker with supporting three invaders who refuse to work under any circumstances".

"So, with their internal coup d'état, a failure, our enemies from the Moreau Faction intend to starve us out", Tracey said desperate to change the topic.

"Yes and No" Henley said smiling big. "I'm sure a siege is a-part of their overall plan, but they forget that prior to Philippe robbing us blind, we had zero trade with the outside world, no working rail-road, just loads of debt. When your fiancée married Judith a few months ago, Henley said pointing toward Rupert (no quick denial from either …interesting) our massive debt was wiped clean. Every inch of land, all revenue from rents and taxes now flows into the royal treasury. Even if we 'forced' half of our income onto our prince for his upkeep as required by law and he doesn't want it … just ask him (Henley said again pointing at his prince) we are still expected under normal conditions, to bring in twice as much as we spend".

"Our enemies have suffered casualties… yes, and they still have a 'five hundred wizards' army to pay, feed and house, just as winter is setting in. They can't get in and we can't get out and expect to get back in; luckily: our house-elves are unaffected by their wards or ours and can still carry messages and individuals - out (one at a time) with zero difficulties. Using this messenger system; I have already taken the liberty of asking the goblins in Bern to undermine our enemies finically just to protect their investments in Bergen Steiner. And I expect Percy to easily be able to convince the ICW and the more reasonable French magical's to clean house, before the violence spreads".

"Because the French love his arse", Rupert said again with a lop-sided smile.

"Why is that …exactly, I heard that saying at the Ministry back-home; time and again and never understood it", Tracey asked

"Long story, but the short version has to do with old Perce during his days as the 'Scarlet Pimpernel (*)'. - It's a family thingy actually, my sister-in-law (Fleur) mum runs the magical French foreign-office, and that was a large part of the underground path to freedom for loads of Muggleborn's during the Riddle civil war, – to the French, the Scarlet Pimpernel is a romantic hero. To be admired."

"May we get back to the siege now", Henley asked politely.

"What siege", Rupert asked? - "From what I heard in history class with Professor Binns; when I bothered to stay awake … that is. (Tracey chuckled) Goblin rebellion sieges were all about starving-out an enemy by denying them food or water. We grow more food than we can eat, with loads of fresh water running through the valley and out to the Rhine".

"All true my royals; they can't hurt us finically or physically starve us out. The only remaining non-locals in the valley is about fifty odd folk and that includes in large part …your extensive family, which cannot at present … go home. I can easily envision the Claude faction kidnapping them as leverage against you the moment they return home. The wards have a anti-apparition aspect when attacked, which makes popping immediate family over to nearby "Basel" impossible, pork-keys don't work and the floo network is closed.

"My family can't go home and that's for …" Rupert said as he began to panic

"Until the siege ends", Henley said worried about his engaged Prince pending melt-down.

"Indefinitely underfoot … no way out", Rupert asked?

"Your brother … Bill he works for Gringotts … yes?" Tracey asked

"Yes. That's true" Rupert said weakly.

"There was a rumor I heard back in England, that all goblin banks are connected … deep underground via a goblin version of an underground tram or bullet train", Tracey said thinking her words over very carefully, "… that the London Gringotts is connected to the Paris branch"

"I've heard that too", Rupert said.

"And the closest goblin bank branch to Bergen Steiner is in Bern Switzerland approximately one hundred and one kilometers away by Muggle roads" Tracey added. "Have either of you ever heard of a above-ground gold transfer between two Goblin banks?"

"Goblins would never let humans use their tram system to evacuate this valley of non-combatants", Henley said firmly. "Even if the Prince was to personally asked to use their internal communication network to get messages to the ICW or his immediate family out through a tram system …that we can't prove even exists, the answer would still be a firm no - I can easily see what you're thinking and it's a good idea, but I can't see the goblins helping out without them giving up their neutral status. But perhaps they don't have to".

"The family homes of this Principality two founders, sit at the farthest point from our 'one-way in and out' entrance/exit into this valley … why?" Henley asked rhetorically. "If the only threat of invasion comes from the mouth of the valley why did the Bergen and the Steiner's build their strongest defenses facing that Arch?"

"You know Henley I have wondered about that too. The eleven other castles (ruins now) all have their heaviest defenses facing towards the bottom of this valley … facing the arch. What threat comes from a solid Rock face", Rupert asked? – "This valley militarily set-up is entirely arse backwards; the best defenses should be those that protect the farms and the crops from invaders coming down from the mouth".

"Sire … your blue magic, how good is it at cutting solid rock?" Henley asked. "I remember you used your 'blue magic' cut-away several granite rock falls clearing the 'right of way' for the railroad and easily cut chunks out of box canyon wall to widen the area for the tracks to lay flat, so that they weren't so close to the edge".

"True enough, each time I cut into the valley wall it got easier, by the end it was like a hot knife cutting warm butter… why do you ask", Rupert inquired politely?

"I also remember you telling me, how you adjusted the 'barrier stone" wards to seal-off _Faun-gully _from the rest of the valley: thus protecting their privacy from magically sightseeing 'goodie two shoe's' … a rabid pack of 'political activist' tourists who instinctively know what's 'best' for the fauns and dryads (without bothering to ask them … of course) grimly determined to manage every aspect of their lives (reproductive for example) by killing their offspring at birth to keep their numbers down …herding them into protective sanctuary like 'reservations'… like 'wizarding-kind' has already done with Dragons and Centaurs." Henley rambled on for a-bit, before he caught himself.

"Sorry" he continued apologetically, "I have a big problem with narcissistically conceited individuals, who are so self absorbed that they honestly think 'they alone know' with absolute certitude what's best for a non-human species like the House-elves. - They shout down, insult and belittle anyone who dares to oppose their tyrannical views. You know of whom I speak Rupert and I am so glad I never met …IT".

"In fact I will never understand how you put-up with for so long – that opinionated male hating …cow. Judith was 'spot on' right about the career obsessed, hard leftist and political activist, as being heartlessly gender bigots. I've run into that type too": he said as he shivered in dread. "And may God help the house-elves of the world … if 'IT' ever gets her way".

"Anyway I will climb down from my soap box now and get back to business", Henley said. "Being grateful that when I was of dating age, I only encountered real women ... Anyway … sorry again for giving my option in a world where allowable speech is determined exclusively by progressive tyrants and their media sycophants".

"Ah yes … carrying-on then … what rock would you like me to cut quickly, Milord Chancellor", Rupert asked 'awkwardly' as the old wizard regained control of himself, wondering silently if the man he depended on the most, was cracking under the strain of governance?

"Could you open-up a man sized 'hole/door' in the blue barrier wards, into a gully I know of, near the arch, and then cut a narrow seven foot tall tunnel, just big enough for two to walk side by side. A tunnel through the narrowest part of that mountain, pointed in the direction of Zurich Switzerland? - - I studied the far side of the area on maps, and there is nothing but forests on the other side. Once all the way through, a shelf could be easily cut on the far side, big enough for all of our current non local visitors, excluding your immediate family to port-key home".

"Get anyone that doesn't want to endure the siege a chance to get out and then tear down the tunnel and seal the hole/door in the barrier wall. Good idea Chancellor, show me the spot and I'll get started", Rupert said as he got up. "However before I make this secret passage, I want any evidence you might have of the Moreau faction treason on my desk within the hour. Claude and his co-conspirators are to be arrested at once, with all of their Bergen Steiner bank and property assets seized into our hands. I want them tried before their peers, convicted and if found guilty striped of their titles and lands and then banished for all time from Bergen Steiner upon pain of death"

"Yes Sire, we can start the tunnel tomorrow if you don't mind, my castle still has a dungeon and I would very much like playing host to those traitorous dogs", Henley said with an evil look in his eye. "If I need either of my royals … where can I find you two?"

"The east wing, I have a major bomb-shell to drop on my family, concerning my pending engagement. That should keep them occupied until the escape tunnel is done"




*Check the gate


*That's a wrap, folks


*Credits roll


PS … the expected teaser at the end of the credits


Authors end commentary: I seriously considered continuing this tale by opening the arch and warmly welcoming into Bergen Steiner … the Silvan wood-elves just as Claude's mercenaries break thoutogh the Blue barrier wards at the mouth entrance of the valley. I passed on the idea for two reasons: One) a lack of readers, anyone who writes Fan-Fiction knows how much work is involved, with in my case, the very little pay-back in reviews. - If I worshipped at the 'altar' of the Goddess Granger instead of everyman Ron, I sure things would be different. But I'm a Ron fan (just saying) and I wouldn't stick Granger on anyone I like (Draco can have her; I suppose).

Two) because just a few more chapters couldn't do justice to that kind of major battle, plot-line twist and perhaps a five armies' thingy …like the battles in the Hobbit or the L.O.T.R.

Lord knows I'm already in the dog-house for daring to write a HP story that takes place outside of the Hogwarts years of the P.O.C. (Potter's old cronies) or spin a tale that isn't about a bunch of adolescent teenagers (never been kissed) fluff.

In one review the complaint was made about how my HP characters (get this) weren't behaving according to established cannon. Does anyone recall me pointing out that this was an AU story?

Anyway, thanks for reading… review this work if you want … but do keep in mind (as I do) what we all know already, that I could never make a living as a novelist.



End transmission


Y'all come back now …Hear?