Chapter 1: Your eyes

I woke up and didn't know where I was or how I got here. I couldn't remember who I was except for my name before I got to The Compound. The guards outside my door didn't say much and wouldn't answer any of my questions. I was given a sleeveless royal blue silk dress that fell right above my knees from a guard whose uniform color matched mine. I noticed those in my hall wore similar colored clothing, too. Those in the hallway across the main hall from us wore red, even their guards.

We didn't interact much with the red group, but we often saw them in the dining hall when we would line up to get our daily meals and forced to take supplements. I suspect one of pills they give us is some sort of birth control, for the girls in my group haven't had their periods since they've woken up.

There are 8 of us in our blue group; 5 men (Goku, Yamcha, Krillin, 17, and Piccolo) and 3 women (Chichi, 18, and I). We found out we are all the same age, and I quickly became friends with the two girls. However, they too, could not remember their lives before entering this place.

We are always accompanied by guards who wear the same color as us whenever we moved through the halls. I don't know if guards would be the right term. We weren't exactly prisoners since we had the option to roam the blue colored halls, the library, the dining hall, or the weight room whenever we had free time, but we weren't exactly free to do what we wanted when we wanted either.

There was a set schedule every day where we were "forced" to repeat weekly.

The first three days of the week, the guards would separate me from the group. I would go into some sort of lab to tinker with varies types of tech in which my brain would automatically know how to fix, and my fellow hall mates would train with weights or machines.

The fourth day, we would go into a medical lab to have our vitals and health checked by doctors. Like the guards, they would only speak to us when necessary. We had no idea what they are testing for and our complaints would fall on death's ears. My hall mates and I started a game of who can ask the most ridiculous questions to see which doctor or guard showed the funniest reactions or got them to laugh. Goku was winning.

The fifth day, we would clean our rooms. We all had our own individual rooms with a private bathroom and the guards would watch us from the long window that stretched from the beginning of the hall to the end. The window started about five feet off the ground and reached up to the ceiling in the hall, but from our rooms, it started about six feet off the ground for we had to take a step down when we entered our rooms.

The sixth and seventh day, we would spend our time in the library. These days were my favorite as we spent hours in the massive library. There were nooks scattered around with overstuffed cushions and the sweet smell of books all around. My second week here, I found a hidden nook deep within the library away from the chatter of my group, who weren't into book as I was, to escape reality.

That was where I had my first dream of a mysterious man. He had swept up black hair, a devilish smirk, and a body of an Olympic god. But his charcoal eyes were what captivated me the most. They were the type of eyes that would make anyone freeze in their tracks from the intensity they radiated.

When I woke up in the mist of the cushions, I had an ache in my heart and tears in my eyes. I don't know why I felt so much sorrow from dreaming about a man I've never met before. Maybe it had to do with my life before this place.

From one of the rows of bookshelves in front of me, a book fell onto the floor making a loud noise. A dark figure bent down to place it back from where it fell. His back towards me, he started scanning the row of books with his eyes. He finally turned, but I couldn't make out his face for the books were in the way. With a grunt of excitement, he found the book he was looking for and pulled it out from the place it rested.

I froze in my spot when I saw his eyes. His charcoal eyes.

Straightening my dress, I slowly got up from the cushions and started walking down several rows of books before I reached the one he was in. Book in hand, he looked up when he felt my presence. We just stared at each other for what felt like minutes.

He wasn't wearing a guard's uniform nor was he wearing clothing similar to what I or my hall mates wore. This mysterious man was wearing all black and what looked to be armor that looked solid yet flexible. It molded nicely to his muscular body, leaving nothing to the imagination. Nothing. Fearing I was caught starting at his crotch for too long, I lifted my eyes, but caught him gawking at my body. He was staring at my chest. Having the sense of déjà vu, I cleared my throat.

"The Art of War is a fascinating book," I blurted out.

He looked down at the book in his hand and nodded once before lifting his eyes back to mine.

Wanting to get closer to him, I took a step.

"Have you read it before?"

He shook his head.

"Not much of a talker are you? Neither are the guards or doctors. Are you one of them?"

He shook his head again.

"Hmm, then what are you? You don't seem like one of the captives here either."

"I'm told I'm a tactician and strategist and that I have the authority to come and go wherever as I please."

His deep velvet voice was music to my ears. It sounded sensual and had me clutching my legs together. This man I've never met before already had an effect on me and my body.


"Yes, I was told I was in a coma and finally woke up two weeks ago."

"Told again…"

"Judging from your clothes, woman, you're part of the blue block of halls." His eyes slowly lowered his gaze to glance at my body again.

A shiver ran down my spine as I folded my arms over my chest.

"Y-yes, I am. And my name is Bulma, not woman."

He's eyes widen slightly when he heard my name and started walking towards me, "Hn, it was nice meeting you… Bulma." He walked past me until he reached the end of the row.

"You didn't tell me your name."

"My name is Vegeta." He turned slowly with a smirk on his face before disappearing in the sea of books.

My heart picked up its pace at the mention of his name.

I wonder if I'll ever see him again...

Hello wonderful people of FF!

I originally wrote this fic for ao3 because my later chapters become very explicit and that is not allowed on FF. So feel free to head on over to /users/Fanfictina18/works to read more! I will post more chapters, but FF is way more confusing to upload to than ao3..

Special shout out to BV4ever in convincing me to post on here bc she wanted me to share them with the wonderful fan base on here!