There were things about Harbour Town that Asami still didn't quite understand. It's proclivity for intrusive, gossip, gotcha style journalism. The avid spiritualism, in a town where industry, fishing and oil drilling was king. The fact most houses, including Korra's parent's had balconies despite year round snows and icy winds.

Korra's own ability to withstand hours on end in a freezer, however, was starting to make a little more sense. Leaning against a column perched precariously on its edge, arms keeping her knees tucked around her chest as she watched the lights of the people's of Harbour town flicker and change from her vantage point.

"Hey you," Asami said, plume of breath crystallising in front of her lips. Since they hadn't been thrown out of Korra's parents after the dropping of their bomb; the heiress had claimed a fur throw from the living room. It wasted on the residents that would frequently wear no sleeves on a snowy day - she had no intention of taking it off. Gripping it with one hand, and fresh boiled tea in the other, she watched her girlfriend stare down at her hometown, stoic and still daring to hold her breath.

"What are you looking for?" she posed the question.

"Pitchforks…torches on the horizon, run of the mill run me out of town stuff." Korra finally turned, planting her feet on the inside of the balustrade. Her face changed upon seeing her, pressure in her chest lightening, despite her best efforts to remain morose and cynical.

Asami offered her the tea in her hands, having only made it for the sake of giving to her.

"What's this for?"

"I foolishly thought for a moment an ice princess, such of yourself, would be cold out here."

When Korra took it, the spark that passed between them still surprised her as their fingers brushed.

"Thanks, I'm sorry I shouldn't have left you alone with them but-"

"You were checking the perimeter after being outed to a largely conservative town, I get it man," Asami surmised, her tongue planted firmly in her cheek. Korra's lips pursed and smiled. "It's okay, I've been alone with your parents before."

"Not as my girlfriend. Isn't it-?"

"Intimidating? Oh yes, but your mom is really sweet and god your baby pictures are so cute, that belly," she made a pinching motion and it gave Korra the rare head to toe, entire body flush, "and your dad keeps giving me tea. Finally I had to say 'Tonraq, do you give Korra this much tea? Does she know that you already love me more than your own daughter? Do you think she could take it?"

"Shut up," Korra chuckled, Asami cupped her cheeks, catching her joy as it left her and lips pecking it back into her skin like a hummingbird. Korra caught her and kissed her back firmly.

"I do have bad news actually," she said with a lilt in her voice that kept Korra at ease, "Your parents want to take us out for dinner in town… ask me my intentions toward their daughter."

"What are your intentions?" Korra asked smiling, running her thumbs over the curve of her hips, languishing in this particular moment.

"I'm a gold digger, what else?" She watched Korra's aura blaze and sparkle as she made her laugh, her thumb caught the tears that slipped out. She decided she loved actively seeking Korra's joy, teasing it out of her, making her melt. Either she was getting good at it, or as Korra opened herself up it was getting easier to make her smile.

That smile faded a little when she realised.

"They want to go out tonight?"

"Your mom asked me to come get you."

Korra gulped.

"I'm going to need something stronger than tea,"

"Stop dragging your feet and ask me out for a drink after."

"You're crazy,"

"It's changing out there, what if you like it?"

"What if-?"

"I didn't take MMA for fifteen years to waste my time being afraid of people on the street."

"You saying if we get homophobic slurs we'll just high kick them in the throat?"

"You say that like it's a bad thing." Asami took her hand and led her inside, the suitcases having both been pulled into the guest room, owing to that the bed was bigger and Senna insisted if you're going to sneak in together it might as well be the one with matching quilt and curtains.

When Asami closed the door she dropped her blanket and peeled her shirt over her head. Korra's brain short circuited as she casually undressed in front of her; and like that she'd forgotten they were dating.

Through the eyes of someone younger, and invariably in much more pain than her current self, she took her in, comfortably partially nude inspecting her choices. Korra had kissed the navel Asami's hand drew across as she inspected her clothes, she'd slept with her head between the jut of her bare shoulder blades more than once, she'd even undressed her herself, but occasionally she'd revert back to the lesbian cliche she started as, and was overwhelmed by Asami all over again.

Goose pimples rose on Asami's arms, and with pale hands she rubbed at them as she searched for something appropriate, attractive, and above all, warm.

"Get over here," Asami urged without looking, and it took Korra a beat to figure out what she meant. When she stood behind her, the Carmaker reached for her hands and pulled them across her stomach, guiding Korra to stand flush against her back. "I wish I could wear you all the time,"

Korra could only smile and hold her tighter, basking in the glory of the woman in her arms, and the entirely unexpected journey that led her here.

"I love you," for once she caught her girlfriend off guard, usually quick to quip and joke and lighten the mood, Asami held it in her hands like a small bird, and whispered back.

"I love you too," she turned into her, and kissed her, sweet, nourishing, purely out of love of being kissed by Korra. Tempering the sparks that surged between them, Asami pulled back, gazing into her eyes, thinking of how thankful she was to be here, tongue tied and not quite brave enough to say it.

They were shocked out of their reverie by Senna knocking on the door.

"How you doing in there?"

"Fine! Senna, just picking outfits,"

"I can help-"

"No! It's okay, mom, we'll be out in a minute."

Korra huffed and reached around her girlfriend, pulling up a sweater from her own case and handing it to her.

"This is my warmest, and it was made for, well, here,"

"What about you?"

"What about me?" Korra looked down at the choice of vest top, sweat pants and ugg boots and back up at Asami, who looked at her skeptically.

"Go change Korra,"

Korra rolled her eyes and peeled her shirt over her head. She didn't miss the way Asami's eyes dropped and blinked, left eye first, the right after.


"Hmm?" the heiress couldn't raise her gaze.

"Dinner with parents."


The restaurant Tonraq chose was a mere ten minute walk away, and in that time Korra felt her worlds, now completely collided, shifting and slotting peacefully, thus far, into each other.

Asami gripped the length of her arm with both her gloved hands, cheeks rosy, steps steady and purposeful. Determined not to slip and fall in front of Korra's parents, who lagged behind, and watched them lead the path.

"Mr Mayor!" Ginger was already waiting for them at the doors, "any comments for the Tribune?"

"I would've thought today's announcement would be scoop enough,"

"Korra then," Ginger rounded on her, but before Tonraq could defend her.

"What's your take?" Korra asked, and although Ginger had questioned her she was surprised by the response. "I don't mean your paper, I mean you."

"Off the record, coming out, in this town, you're either brave or insane," the reporter's eyes dropped to their clasped hands, and the meaningful looks strangers were giving them in the high street of the city, "I think I'm going to have to err on the side of brave,"

"And your paper?" Korra asked.

To answer Ginger pulled out todays copy and unfurled it, and the couple looked down on the embrace they'd shared after the announcement, Korra kissing Asami, and tasting victory on her lips.

Historic Day for Same Sex Couples.

The sub heading "As True and Pure a love as I've ever seen."

Asami skimmed the article and relived the day from another perspective, the hubbub of the town and the comments from its inhabitants. She had to hand it to Ginger, her neutrality was offset by interviewing the for and the against.

"It's about time somebody brought this Tribe into the 20th century, I know it's the 21st, but I'd settle for the 20th,"

"I hold no ill well toward my niece, I just wish she'd kept her sordid little life and egregious partner in the city where it belongs,"

Korra read one aloud, "Have you noticed all the bad weather we've been having since the homos came to town?"

"Can I have this?" the heiress asked.

"Sure," Ginger laughed, producing another, "if you sign this one for me,"

Korra didn't know what to make of her girlfriend autographing the paper, and Ginger taking it with a wink.

She stepped back to let them pass, before asking.

"Any comments from the CEO of Future Industries?"

"Nothing grand," Asami smiled at her girlfriend, "hoping to impress my girlfriend's parents just enough to make use of one or two of those new laws,"

"She's succeeding," Senna remarked.

"Wait, which law?" Korra balked as Asami smirked and led them inside.

What surprised Korra the most was that, after Ginger, no one said a word. With bolstered confidence she moved the hand she gripped from under the table, and slipped her fingers through Asami's between place settings. Partially to get a good look at what the townspeople would do, but mostly because she'd always wanted to.

She even inspected her parent's expressions, but couldn't derive more than their eyes catching their hands, and moving on, unaffected. She could hardly believe it.

Asami was charming, and making them all laugh and touching her leg, or her fingers or finding an excuse to run a thumb over her lips.

"Sugar," she'd explained, a wry smile upon her own lips. She's been waiting to do this, Korra thought, heart a flutter, she's killing it. She added watching how her parents expressions softened after witnessing the sweet moment between them.

As the night wore on Korra felt a new, unfamiliar feeling flow over her like a balm. It was only when her parents got up to settle the cheque (having won the right by out manoeuvring Asami) did she recognise it. I feel safe.

"That was good," Tonraq sounded relieved on his return, having been performing his own checks over the course of the evening. "You ready for a brisk walk home Sato?" he teased and it warmed her cheeks.

"Actually," Korra felt brave enough to utter the first word, but out of habit it faltered on the second, "I wanted to take Asami out for a drink…show her the town."

"Oh," her father bounced his eyes, Korra, her girlfriend, the patrons of the restaurant, "Of course," he added after a beat.

Tonraq stepped forward, and pulled the pair into his arms.

Senna rubbed his back and told them.

"You two have fun,"

The bar Korra chose was one that hosted all walks of life, The Glacier was a microcosm of the town and its reflection. Every face in the glass turned towards them as the howl of the winds announced their arrival. As oak snapped shut behind them, those faces turned back to their own drinks slowly, but the couple waited until no attention was on them, not for any other reason than they were caught off guard by it like deer in headlights.

Asami shook her head, which turned into a shudder driven by a cold pocket shaken loose in her borrowed clothes. Korra's expression still hadn't eased, her blue eyes turned narrow, sizing up the patrons on the first floor of the bar.

"Phase one complete," she nudged her hip with her own and Korra turned to gaze at her, once again light headed and lost as her two worlds collided quite unceremoniously. "I'd like to try a local delicacy, if you remember what that is…? So I can get to know this place better? Korra?" She cocked her head inquisitively and her girlfriend seemed to take a moment to understand, when it clicked a full five seconds later she began nodding.

The heiress' heart skipped at such an adorable sight kissed her temple habitually before parting and seeking an empty table. Korra swept another reconnaissance, and took measured steps as she watched the other patrons of the bar.

When she returned to her girlfriend she wasn't even sure what she got, her blood was pumping too loudly in her ears to know exactly what the barmaid was offering.

"You okay?" Asami took the glass from her shaking hand.

"No, yes, I don't know. This is a lot. Talk to me, distract me," Asami took her hand and placed it on the table between them.

"I can't believe you've never taken me here before," she looked around, immersed the history and culture, and matching it to what she knew from Korra. Blue and mahogany seemed to be a running theme of the town, but nothing here was as bright or deep as the colours Asami saw when looking at her girlfriend. The walls were covered top to bottom in photographs, a timeline going from monochromatic to a kaleidoscope of smiles, ceremonies and gatherings. The heiress couldn't help but look for Korra. She had to remind herself that even though she was born here, she was only ever here a fraction of the time as a child, and as an adult, even less.

"It set my teeth on edge," Korra shrugged, looking up at a moose head planted on the wall.

"This bar?"

"Feeling my feelings," Korra corrected, "the idea of bringing you home, to my parents, and it not being the way I wanted…and here,"

"Okay, don't spiral, it's okay." Asami's thumb stroked hers soothingly. She considered the ways she could convince Korra to sit with her on her tactically selected couch, and snuggle with mulled wine in front of a roaring fire. "It's beautiful here, is all I'm saying, and who knows? Beautiful setting, beautiful girl, forbidden love, might've sped things up."

Korra choked on her drink and squeaked.

"I still can't get used to you flirting with me,"

"You don't like it?" Asami's confidence wavered.

"I never said that,"

Asami pursed her lips, caught in her gaze, enthralled by it.

"You go," she dared her.

"Flirt with you?"

"Seduce me," the heiress insisted.

"You love playing with dynamite don't you?"

"I just don't enjoy holding back," Asami bit her lip, just a little, eyes dropping to her lips, Korra's doing the same. "Not anymore,"

The sculptor couldn't shake the feeling that she was caught in a limitless seven minutes in heaven, sharing a timid kiss with her crush while her elementary school watched in awe. In fact she was sure some of her old classmates were in this pub. She pulled away tense, eyes still closed, waiting for that disapproving voice in the crowd. Only all she heard was the earnest request from her girlfriend.

"Sit with me,"

Korra let the conflict she felt inside slip away as she did as she was told. Asami claimed the length of her arm and leaned her head on her shoulder, eyes closed while Korra remained watchful.

"Are you glad we did this?" Asami asked.

"It's been a while since I've been to this place, it hasn't changed, but also it has." Korra remarked.

"That's not what I meant."

"I know," Korra whispered, stroking her fingers along the inside of Asami's, "I'm paranoid a little, still, but, I'm lighter than I've been, and they accept me and it's honest…and you know what the best part is?"

"Something cheesy?"

Korra kissed the back of her hand.

"I have you,"

Best friend Asami would have berated her for that pungent, brie-level of cheese, only girlfriend Asami could only smile helplessly in response.

Her body tensed when the barmaid took a tray from the bar and started toward them.

"Here we go," Korra muttered, and Asami sat up a little straighter, still clutching her hand.

To their surprise she lowered the tray, and placed two more wines on the table.

"We didn't order these," Korra said.

"On the house," the girl pushed a flare of blue hair behind her ear after she placed them, eyes dancing from customer to customer, before shooting them both a warm grin, "for what you did,"

Stunned, the couple watched her walk back to her duties. Korra nosed the wine to make sure it wasn't poisoned, before sipping the sweetest elixir she'd ever known.

That smile faded however when they spotted icy blue eyes boring into them from a private booth on the balcony floor.

"Isn't that your Uncle?"

"Ugh good date ruined,"

"Do you remember what I said about homophobes and throat kicks?"

"Not until they slur," Korra mused finishing her drink, blood beginning to boil, the heat of the wine fanning the flames, "I'm sorry there's fire and wine at home and I can't be here with him."

"No I get it," Asami gave her an encouraging look. "But hey no pitch forks,"

Korra couldn't help but smirk as she helped her up. Asami was all for getting her girlfriend out of a toxic place, but in the practice she was immediately swept with harsh freezing gusts.

"How is it even colder now?"

"Just get in here," Korra opened her jacket and Asami slipped in tucking her face into Korra's neck and inhaling as her nose turned pink.

"Are we going to walk like this or?"

"Or I can carry you in my coat, sing Diana Ross, turn the rest of this town gay,"

"That's incredibly in poor taste," Korra stiffened at the voice she hadn't heard in years.


Asami leapt away from her, body tense, fists clenched, but Korra had the mind to stand between them.

"Proud of how your plan worked out?" Korra asked.

"It may have been diverted, but the results are the same, the town knows what you are." The tall sallow skinned man looked down his nose at her, twisting his lips.

"Except I control the narrative…you saw the papers."

"People will take pictures of anything strange, monkeys at the zoo for example."

"Listen pal," Korra rounded on him, finger aloft, "The only reason you pulled such a pathetic bone head move as to send your kids to spy on me is because your policy is bear shit and and everyone here knows it, so you're resorting to bashing your brother's gay daughter, because he's succeeded in everything you haven't," Korra preceded to list them on her fingers, a little wine drunk and incensed by years of hiding and building burgeoning rage toward this man and all he represented,

"You lose elections, you're unapproachable and physically a toothpick, sadistic, and you're too far up my ass looking for gay you're missing the closet case that is your own kid!"

Unalaq slapped her.

"That wasn't fair," Korra turned her head back with a hand to her own sore cheek, "Desna should tell you himself," Unalaq raised his palm to smack her again, but she caught it and jabbed three fingers in his throat, leaving him gagging.

"Be careful how you react," Korra warned him calmly, "My girlfriend has many lawyers, she will sue," clasping her hand Asami guided her away without looking back. The heiress was stunned, her own body thrumming with adrenaline, aching to use it. She wanted to scream in triumph, go back and smack Unalaq herself, and kiss Korra until she couldn't breathe, but Korra was walking so fast it was difficult to know which one to pick.

"My lawyers only deal with patent law really," she confessed out of ear shot.

"Don't tell him that," Korra hushed after turning a corner, unable to swipe away her grin as she pawed at her stinging cheek. "I hit him,"

"You poked him - He hit you! He's evil, he deserved it."

"I know. He has been cruel to me my whole life, since I was born he's looked at me like Hamlet, I fully expected him to pour poison in my dad's ear at some point."

The carmaker cupped her jaw and soothed the mark with her thumb.

"Can I go back and kick his ass for ever hurting you?"

"Oh my God yes, I swear that's a fantasy I've had wait - No the last thing I need is to be stuck in a court room with that man,"

The heiress laughed and kissed the corner of her mouth, before settling with the centre.

"My hero, so brave," she cooed, snuggling close and drawing her lips over her mouth and cheek. Korra bit her lip smiling, absorbing her gentle ministrations. "Standing up to the whole town."

Korra shrugged speechless, about to say something humble and self deprecating when she remembered something that had piqued her curiosity earlier.

"So which law was it?" Korra asked in the parting.


"Earlier, you said you wanted to use a law or two. You…wanted to set up a business in harbour town?"

"I don't-"

"And not be discriminated against," Korra recalled the cocky, flippant way her girlfriend had spoken to Ginger, charming and witty, and alluding to something too fantastic for Korra to ask about outright. "You wanted to buy a house here then? Or… rent?"

"Korra," Asami blushed, pursing her lips to hide her smile, "You know what I meant…I'm serious…about us."

"After what happened…You still believe in marriage?" Korra couldn't say if it was the adrenaline that made her ask, or Asami's gambit with the reporter. The heiress stared at her, expression unreadable, reflecting quietly on her first wedding and how it ended. "Sorry I didn't mean to-"

"I still believe, one day" Asami told her, shooting her a quick curve of her lips "If the right person…" her confidence wavered but her eyes met blues, "if she'll have me,"

Korra's heart seized in her chest as her mind flooded with the words, and everything they implied. Asami was already leading her home in her daze. Ears shining pink in the thrill of the unspoken now in the air. When they reached the porch the heiress turned back to ask if Korra had keys, only Korra tugged on her hand and pressed her mouth firmly over hers. Asami caught the back of her neck and kept her close, her back pressed into brick, angling her head.

The glittering lights of Harbour Town behind them, triumphant over a day that neither of them ever expected to happen, kissing like teenagers drunk on it. It took too long a moment for either to realise the porch lights were flickering on and off. Lips parting half heartedly, they dared a peek at the window to the living room.

The curtains were closed, but swaying gently.

"Oh my God," Korra seethed, marvelling at how after everything she still couldn't stop smiling.

"This is so high school," Asami laughed.

"I can't wait til I graduate and move to the city." Korra rubbed her face before fumbling with her keys.

"Oh it's not so bad here, the curtains match the bed, it's nice,"

"You and my mom…" Korra opened the door, peering around the corner to see find her parents, nonchalantly watching tv, her father holding the newspaper upside down. "…Could start a decorating club,"

"Maybe I'm getting tips for our apartment."

"Our apartment?"

Asami's heart was in her stomach as she teased.

"Stop dragging your feet and ask me to move in with you."

Korra was once again stunned into silence, watching her girlfriend tuck her hair behind her ears, and nervous eyes hold her gaze in earnest.

"You really mean that?"

"Of course, she could come visit us and I…" Asami dropped the act, and put her heart on the line.

Considering what a shared apartment with Korra would be like, for not the first time since she'd shared in that bed she now thought of as a home. She was staring at a ravine of dark doubts and on the other side mysterious and pure, but something deep inside her gut was telling her to take a running leap, "I don't ever want to wake up without you again."

I'm dead, I died, if this is heaven I never want to leave

"Okay," Korra nodded furiously, grinning, tears leaking, "Okay, tomorrow?"

"We told your mom we'd be here til Friday,"

"Saturday then?"

"I'll make some calls." the heiress smiled, a little numb herself, until Korra tugged her so eagerly into her arms that the ice still on her boots sent them slipping onto their asses, landing hard onto the pinewood.

Korra didn't remember sitting up, but here she was, chest heaving, eyes leaking, lost in the puncturing gasp that came after her foot slipped, perched on molten rock one second, and the world blasted out from under her feet the next. Face going slack and dumb, as the unexpected ripped though her, hot and searing.

Hundreds of miles from any volcano, staring emptily in the cold dark, reliving a nightmare that had already come true once before. Why not again? Why not remember it in agonising detail? What if this time the outcome was worse, and instead of saving three little survivors she bore witness to three little scorched corpses on the cliffside, before burning to death herself.

Between dreams, reality and oblivion, all logic was unobtainable then as her wounds reopened and bled profusely. A boulder from Makapu's mouth shot up, and on its descent clawed down the helicopter that had been searching for them.

If she could speak she would scream, but every muscle she had was coiled, tense and twisting.

"I'm here," a whisper filtered through, and an icy hand cooling the side of her face. Slowly she became dislodged from the nightmare, and reality held her with a long arm about her chest, and had tucked herself behind her, sitting her snug between her legs. "It's not real,"

With that Korra's vocal cords and breath came loose, deflating with a shattered groan squeezed from her lungs of a broken accordion.

"I have you," Asami told her, the arm around her ribs reaching out toward the bedside cabinet, fumbling with a lamp before illuminating them. Next to it she pulled up the photo. Smiling Korra. Asami, kissing her.

"They're safe," she flipped it, three distinct handwritings visible through the blur of tears, "Honey, It's over,"

Korra couldn't say I know, or I'm okay, or I'm being stupid. She could still make noise but that didn't mean she could speak. She reached up and grabbed, her fingers curling gratefully around Asami's wrist and holding her there as more and more pieces of her brain awakened, until she was alert enough to let go of the horrors.

Korra's life had, for the most part, levelled out; she was at peace with her parents, she sure and certain in the love Asami held for her, and that nothing could take her away. She was still at the mercy of PTSD, the crux of that curse being that no matter how far she travelled, it would always come back to remind her.

Her breaths became sobs, easing back, body slumped into the heiress' front as she cradled her.

It took all her strength, pushing the words through her throat to finally say.

"I'm sorry,"

"Shh," Asami shushed her, pressing her lips over her temple, brushing over the tears Korra had wept in her sleep while still horizontal.

They'd done this before over their years of friendship, albeit with much less soothing kisses on feverish skin. Korra's nightmares tended to stem from real life traumatic events. Except they were more than memories, in the waking it was as though she was reliving them, both in and out of body. If she were lucky enough that Asami was there; she'd hold her, until Korra had the wherewithal to tear herself away.

Back then, was for a hit and run driver, and what Korra had just relived was a literal burning hell-scape. The memory alone had been physically gruelling as well as emotionally demented. The heiress could tell from the way Korra shook and sweat and begged incoherently before bolting upright.

"I woke you," Korra mumbled, mind levelling, selfishly nestling into Asami's chest.

"I'm taking care of you, like always." her whisper was nourishing, soothing and contrite. Her fingernails scritched at Korra's scalp, and like a latch she unlocked her, muscles slumping into their exhaustion, the heiress carrying her onto a soft place to land.

"It must be hell." Korra chagrinned.

"Not to me. Not if it's you," Asami told her without a beat. Korra listened to those words, and let the record player in her mind play them to a symphony of bliss. Tears slipped from the corner of her eye, she swiped at them, more embarrassed of the inexplicably joyful drops than those of pain or fear.

Asami's thumb traced her brow, and forefinger hooked under a lock of hair, the middle another, and ring another.

"I'm fine now-"

"You're not," Asami chided, "it's okay that you're not,"

Korra should tell her to sleep, but she knew that her girlfriend wouldn't stand for it. She lay against her, entirely weak, eyes shut, feeling the gentle satisfying tugs of Asami plaiting her hair.

The Ice Sculptor sniffled, tucking her hand between her cheek and Asami's chest, settling in.

"I adore you." Korra told her.

"I'm obsessed with you so…" Asami mimicked her and Korra couldn't help the laugh that fell out of her then. "Do you have a hair band I could borrow?"

"Korra, alarm,"

"'S your alarm," Korra moaned back, nose tucked in the crook of Asami's neck. When she had fallen asleep she was being cradled, and awoke planted, sunken into Asami's embrace as though she'd fallen from a forty foot drop.

"Your body hath incapacitated mine,"

"I don't know what you're talking about,"

"You care not for me, nor my plight,"

"Why are you talking like a victorian child?"

"Woe is me,"

Korra lifted herself, half smiling, unable to open one eye. Slapping the bleeping box on the beside.

"Oh my god it's six, you don't have to be up for half an hour," Korra balked.

"I scheduled in cuddle time."


Asami flipped her so she could rest her cheek on Korra's sternum, she blindly fumbled for her hand and placed it on her hair. Korra scritched gently, she couldn't plait like Asami but she could put her to sleep with careful patterns she'd studied in their six months together.

"Through," the heiress asked and Korra obliged, laughing, carding her fingers through her silk locks. "More,"

"I only have two hands,"

"Spare me your excuses," Asami declared in a drawling over dramatic voice, her own fingers teeming into Korra's shirt cold and soothing.

"So cruel," Korra kissed her forehead, "walk on my back with high heels, please."

Asami giggled and settled back into her happy place, fingers feeding into Korra's shirt, tracing her navel, leg's tangled with her girlfriend's and her lips literally anywhere on her soft expanse of beautiful brown skin. Her eyes couldn't help but climb the length of the body she pressed herself into, from the ruffles of her shirt, the jut of collar bones, the content guise of her face as she enjoyed the moment.

"I love you," her gut spoke for her, but she managed to stifle the next part, and spoke it only in her head, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Little did she know, Korra was more or less thinking the same, but cradled the secret thought behind closed eyes and soothing fingers. It would jinx it to say it too soon, she was sure of it, no matter how sure she felt about their relationship.

"I love you too," her mouth smiled speaking the words, feeling the Carmaker tuck herself tighter into her embrace. Korra wasn't a morning person, but waking up with Asami was something she absolutely adored. Her groggy wakeful ramblings were golden moments of adorable weirdness that she never would have known as merely her best friend. She could never have thought how intimate it was, watching her dress, put on her makeup, brush her teeth, shave her legs, or simply lie quietly with her waiting out the clock.

"I don't want you to go," Korra lamented quietly when the second alarm sounded.

Asami propped herself up with her forearms on her chest.

"I'll see you here tonight, at home, in our bed, where we live together,"

"Not soon enough, call in sick,"

"They're catching on,"

"So fire them,"

"Or, come have lunch with me," Asami dipped her head, tracing her lips over Korra's jaw, hovering over her mouth before adding. "We can talk business,"

"Ok yeah whatever you want,"

Asami only smiled, and slipped from the bed. Korra turned to look at the glaring clock, and began counting the minutes. 06:31


Korra ran to Asami's office, sports bag on her back, sweat jeweling her neck, takeout bag in hand.

The Carmaker thought she was the most beautiful courier to ever be buzzed into the building.

"Delivery," she chirped happily raising the bag. Asami swore she felt her pupils dilate at the sight of her in a compression top. There was perhaps too long a moment she ogled her, her sculpted lines, her shoulder muscles, and biceps, glistening in a way that made her wet her lips. Words, you have them, so speak! Asami had to remind herself to act like a rational human in public, or at least in front of her Assistant/ new best friend.

"I can't believe you actually came," It was proving to be difficult in front of her girlfriend/ex best friend.

"Perks of being your own boss I can step out whenever I want, plus I'm not entirely convinced you would eat, unless someone made you."

"Hey I feed her!" Chimed Opal from her desk, still typing, "Oh crap is that the time?"

"It's okay Opal, Korra's got you covered." the heiress told her, smug, reaching up and tugging the drawstring of her girlfriends bag. Opal looked up and finally took in the meal that walked in.

"Jesus," she mumbled, even seeing pieces of Korra's back lent her a total understanding as to why Asami had jumped the proverbial fence. "Can I have some?" she added a little too loudly. Asami rolled her eyes, as Korra flashed her an innocent smile.

"Go get lunch Opal," Asami instructed, "Take as long as you need,"

As she stepped inside the Carmaker saw her assistant giving her a thumbs up from her desk.

Asami slammed the door behind her.

"I got extra Moo Shu, because I know you like to pick at mine but I've noticed your take is getting bigger so, if there's leftovers you can put it in the fridge here and just leave a threatening note," Korra laid out the containers sequentially on Asami's desk.

Her girlfriend had a habit of keeping everything aligned just so, so the Sculptor made a point of orienting the boxes in harmony with the stationary on her desk.

"You hungry?" Korra asked unbeknownst to the affect she had on her by merely standing there.

Asami locked the door before crossing the room in two swift strides. When Korra turned to greet her, the heiress caught her with a kiss, purposeful and magnetic. Her hips locked her against the desk as her fingers clawed through silken brown locks, sucking on her bottom lip and biting insistently, every touch snowballing into something bigger and more frantic.

"You didn't really mean talk by talk business did you?" Korra panted between impassioned kisses, nails scoring her skirt. "I've wanted to fuck you against this desk since you first gave me a tour of this building,"

"Stay quiet and you can't take my clothes off; I have a meeting," Asami instructed her.

"Deal," Korra responded in a breath.

Her arms wrapped around her back and lifted her bodily to her desk, shoving the food back, flinging stationary. Asami's lips drew away to kiss and suckle her throat, tasting the salt and sweat there, knees clamping at her hips insistently. Between her legs she could feel Korra's body stiffen and tense, the wordless code spoken with only lips to skin.

Korra reached between them, fingers grazing her blouse buttons, flicking them apart. Enough so that when Korra began her descent, she could tuck her bra and shirt to the side take her breast into her mouth, tongue circling its peak.

The heiress moaned before pulling her away, berating herself for giving in so easily, balancing Korra's sternum at the end of her stiletto.

"You're still wearing them," said the Ice Sculptor, smug. Asami had a hard time questioning the logic, particularly as Korra manoeuvred her leg, parting her, running that scorching hand of hers inside her thigh as she fitted her self between. Her lips a shuddering breath away, she lifted her again, carrying her to her chair and perching her at the edge of her seat.

Asami braced each heel either side of her on the desk, and Korra descended to her knees rucking up the heiress' skirt. She pulled her panties away from where they had been soaking and dipped her head, following the heady scent and kissing the building wetness gently. At first she licked, tasting with delicate swipes of her tongue as Asami's fingers carded into her hair.

"Korra," her cunt felt empty, she missed the complete sensation of her fingers working inside her, even as Korra's hand strayed above and plucked her nipple. Out of pure instinct she grabbed her wrist, and pulled two of her fingers into her mouth, partially to keep quiet, mostly because she craved the sensation of pulling Korra into her.

Korra moaned approvingly, flatting tongue against clit and finally slipping fingers effortlessly into silken folds. The heiress keened, hips fluttering, hands cupping the back of Korra's neck as if to guide her, well aware Korra knew exactly where to go; digits curling and pumping, adding a third, stretching her just enough. Korra's mouth worked harder into her, her eyes flying up to catch Asami, watching her face change, her mouth falling open, her eyebrows drawing in, her body wracking with pleasure.

When Asami came her body curled around Korra, as though subconsciously trying to keep her there, as her head falling back with a silent scream to the ceiling, and hips rutting uncontrollably against her mouth, every last lave and kiss Korra gave her sending her twitching and quivering into the next orgasm. When she stopped, with Korra squeezing the last few drops out of her until she could finally catch her breath, she closed her eyes and listened to the wet kiss of Korra's mouth leaving her clit. She didn't open them again, not even as Korra stood upright, opened her bag, took something from inside it, and the clink of straps of a belt piqued her curiosity.

"I had a feeling," Was all Korra said in explanation, "And I always wanted to try this,"

It was new, Asami noted, and bigger than anything she'd yet taken, just the size alone and the knowledge it would make her stretch made her heart skip.

This was a day of acting without particularly thinking, still seated she was at the height to lean forward and take the tip of cock into her mouth, head titling back, sucking in the color, tongue skilfully butterfly under helm and turning her eyes up to watch Korra's bore down into her.

Her lips came away with a wet pop, and she stood, practiced hands catching Korra's head and neck and aiming lips onto hers in a fierce kiss. There was something frantic in the way they clung to each other, spurred by the time limit and the sordid fantasy of it all, no matter how much time passed between them every touch felt knew and electric. Still the strap pressed insistently to her stomach between them, and Asami knew something had to be done about that.

The heiress nibbled at her lip and let her hands slip beneath lycra, palming the slick expanse of Korra's back, itching to pull up. Korra knew she'd lose the upper hand if she allowed this, and so, took control.

She scooped Asami off her feet, and lay her back on the large desk, shoving aside a swathe of ledgers, blue prints and braced herself above the heiress. Just the idea of easing the shaft inside her had her panting with desire.

Korra hooked her arm under her knee, aligning her hips so she was splayed open, perching the tip of the phantom member at the edge of her glistening pink.

"Asami," Korra coaxed her to open her eyes, thumb tracing her lower lip, rolling it down a little, Asami suckling it inside. Korra's fingers skimmed her slick wetness, guiding the head down her slit before sinking inside her a mere inch. Asami sucked in a breath and her voice came with it.

"Go slow," she breathed, tugging Korra down until their foreheads balanced, heavy breaths mingling. Dutiful, Korra does as she's told, kissing her sweetly, easing her open, fluttering her hips until Asami is filled and their bodies flush. With long deepening strokes, Korra fucks her slowly, Asami widens her legs and feels her strong arm hooked under her back, completely supporting her, dripping, quivering and mouthing I love you's over and over against her lips.

"Fuck," she gasps as the full length throbs inside her finally, pleasure zipping through every nerve in her body.

"Is that okay?" Korra asked, "Tell me if it-"

"Korra," Asami breathed, hand cupping her jaw, craning her eyes on hers, "Destroy me,"

Korra's eyes darken as her conviction settled, climbing effortlessly over her, laying her against the desk, obeying with the strong sure rut of her hips, unselfconscious and daring, fucking her into the wood. Asami's hand comes up and grips the back of her sweat slick neck, her nose tucked into her hair as she pants and clings on for the ride of her life.

By the time she's reached her mark, her speed has heightened, lips latching onto her pulse point and heiress driven to near madness in her silent ecstasy, clinging tighter onto her stretching clothes, curving her spine and lifting her legs around her to feel the throbbing length firmly stroke her front wall.

Hips moving faster and harder, striving for a common goal, Korra used her grip on the desk to keep a tight and hard rhythm. Asami's could hear her pens shuffling as the desk shook beneath her, Korra's breath huffing against her jaw, her hard body pressing into her front fully clothed incensed her. The knowledge that she was creasing her blouse, her blazer, that her fingers between the ties that keep her hair perfect for the boardroom, we shouldn't be doing this, mussing them as they intertwined, all the while being filled so exquisitely by the thick toy inside her, fuck fuck fuck, and Korra's unrelenting pace, fucking me, fuck me, Korra! was overwhelming, so much so she could no longer keep her silence.

She let out a keening sound, god, so close.

"I've got you," Korra tells her, rising her leg using her grip on her knee, opening her wider as she gives into desperate grinding, finally using her full core strength to drive the cock into her.

"I'm cumming," she gasped, repeating it, hands clawing at Korra's maddeningly clothed back, twisting her shirt in her fingers, desperate for skin. With a noise Korra had never heard before Asami's body shakes, arching her back above the desk, thighs clenching around her hips. Deciding the only way to stay quiet her is with her mouth, her tongue seeking hers laving carelessly again each other in a deep and frantic kiss.

It was times like this Korra couldn't help but wonder what her former self might think of this; Korra's strap on deep inside her best friend, the taste of her scintillating her tongue, Asami's lithe muscular arms trembling as her body clenched and shuddered uncontrollably. She was beginning to let go of these past-self comparisons in leu of her amazing present.

"Hey," Korra repeated, placing tender kisses on her temple. "Asami honey, look at me,"

Korra braced herself above her on her forearms, admiring her from above, still inside her. Her green eyes were bright and clear. Her lips slowly forming a warm satisfied smile up at her as she involuntarily clenched around the thick strap.

She lay across her own desk, sun streaming through the windows and on her thighs, fully aware that an ill-timed window cleaner could easily see themselves a money shot. Nothing could convince her to move at that moment, there was always something so tranquil about the after that she loved. Particularly with Korra stroking her, kissing her gently as the sweat began to evaporate from her skin.

Asami didn't waste a moment, combing her fingers through her hair, pulling her down, kissing her deeply. She pulled insistently at Korra's shirt, wordless instruction clear. Korra stood, and eased the strap out of her, letting her snap the clasp and drag her back down onto the desk. Greedy fingers finding their way back between Asami's legs and stroking the soaking wetness pooling there before plunging two back inside.

The heiress felt she was about to cry she was so happy.

"Miss Sato?"

The pair froze in disbelief, Asami's legs bent high as Korra's fingers between them stopped pumping.

"Fuck," Asami breathed, clutching Korra's neck, lips a moment away from hers, "Please no," Asami had never been particularly religious but then she thought, Please God let her keep fucking me until I cannot walk out of this building.

"Uh huh Opal?" The heiress prayed she wouldn't try the locked door and give them away, she continued to as Korra slipped down her body, when her head was beneath her legs she leaned in once more and laved just enough to get Asami to flutter hips instinctively. The heiress had a hard time connecting to her morals as Korra suckled her clit, sending her eyes rolling back into her head.

"Your two o'clock is here, is your…meeting…running over?"

She groaned in frustration when Korra pulled away, wishing she could return the favour tenfold, alas this the end of her lunch hour and Korra's own thoroughness thwarted such an act. She felt even more put out when she felt Korra threading her legs through the panties she'd discarded, only stroking her outer lips thrice before kissing her, tasting her juices on her lips and helping her down off her desk with shaking limbs.

"Two minutes!" she said the first number in her head, and then panicked over how little time that was scrambling to press her clothes flat and put her desk to rights. Korra repacked her bag, on her knees on the ground, wiping her own mouth she told her smiling.

"You might have to redo your lipstick." When she stood she tugged her skirt down and stroked the flyaways from her hair.

As Asami took a mirror from her desk and wiped away the evidence, Korra went about re-organising her desk, food and blue prints included. The Carmaker finished first, and watched as Korra carefully placed the take out boxes and told her.

"You will eat in your meeting."

"What about you?"

"I already ate," Korra shrugged, stepping behind the desk and kissing her forehead, if not for the slick feeling between her legs, Asami could almost kid herself that nothing had happened.

"Wait!" Asami caught her at the door, running in heels straight into her arms, and letting her lift her up, weightless, her hip and shoulder sockets giving satisfying pops in her squeeze. Eventually, unfortunately, it was time to let go, but not without kiss.

"When I get home, we'll finish this,"


When Asami opened the door to her head of security, she panicked and she lied.

"Thank you for bringing over those documents, they were very…thorough,"

Korra grinned at her sweetly, adjusting her bag.

"Let me know the next time you want a package." She saluted.

"Lin, it's so good to see you," Asami adjusted her focus, plastering on an innocent smile, trying not to focus on Korra smirking behind her.

"You too, and nice to meet your partner finally," she nodded towards Korra before stepping in the office. The two shared a cracked look before Asami waved at her girlfriend gingerly.

She's so adorable, Korra thought to herself, staring at the door a little too long after it had closed, I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

"Awkward," Opal chimed in, "Where'd your ponytail go, Korra?"

"I don't know what you're talking about,"

"So this is like a regular Thursday for you two?"

"Goodbye Opal!"

As the solstice loomed, so did Harbour Town's first pride, and as the catalyst in their LGBT movement Korra and Asami had been reserved front row seats. The summer snows were at their thinnest, and the sun shone brightly over the kaleidoscope of flags and decor. For the first time in a decade, Korra was following her father into the Town Hall, into the mayoral office where he spent his days.

He wanted to show her something, and of course the tiny anxious part of her that remained; warned her it was a trick, that Unalaq was wearing a Tonraq mask and was waiting to unzip and slap her with a lawsuit a full six months after the 'incident'.

The first thing she noticed upon entering was the rainbow flag in a pen pot on his desk, suddenly she remembered all the good that had happened because of him. The relief stopped her in her tracks. The second was her picture, framed, twice; Asami kissing her cheek on a beach and a newspaper cover of Korra kissing Asami in triumph the last time she was here.

"Would you like some tea?" Tonraq offered.

"No," she stammered, slipping out of her ennui.

"Are you okay honey?" her father asked in earnest.

"I've been afraid to ask…how it's been here, since…"

Her father smiled at her warmly, and although he was her parent it had become habit to second guess the act. As she rationalised it as something she should accept, Tonraq took a box from the filing draw of his desk.

"These started, during the first week of the new laws," he lifted envelopes and cards from it, "Started as a trickle, but as word got out, a flood," from a manila package he pulled out photographs, wedding pictures, brides with brides, grooms with grooms, it wasn't until she really looked did she recognise that these were venues in Harbour Town, rich in blues and woods and snows, "there's some for you and Asami too,"

"What are these?"

"Why, they're thank you's Korra,"

"But I didn't-"

"You know you did, it was one of the bravest thing I've seen you do, and it showed people the way. Hearts and minds…and this movement is centred around you, there's a reason I put the parade on your birthday."

Korra watched him carefully, and the weight of what he was saying came over her in a rush. She looked at the swathe of pictures he was splaying on his desk, and saw the happiness she was feeling reflected on the faces of the newly married couples.

"Your mother and I have been invited to a dozen weddings this year alone,"

Korra hugged her father, and realised then this was the first time she had embraced him, and not the other way around.

"I'm gathering quite a collection," Tonraq told her, "I'm hoping that soon enough, I'll have your picture too,"

"Oh she's so adorable," Asami crooned on her knees, "She give you any trouble?" she reached for those soft white ears and ruffled the smiling puppy's face.

"No more than Korra," Senna leaned against Korra's doorframe where ironically she had been hiding her gift.

"This isn't too much is it?"

"She has wanted a dog since forever, you hit the nail on the head; she is a cutie,"

"I wanted our first birthday together to be special." Asami smiled as her hand received snuffles and she cradled the bright white malamute in her lap. "Thank you for picking her up for me,"

"Just don't let her loose in the snow, or you'll never find her again," Senna smiled down at her, throat tight, swiping her eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm just so happy you're both here,"

"We couldn't step out on our own party," The heiress assured her, occupying the puppy with a chew toy before standing. "We'll go to pride, we'll get back, the big reveal and…I've been looking forward to it,"

The heiress swept her suddenly sweating palms on the front of her jeans. Senna noticed the tells of someone she had come to know quite well over the years, and pressed.

"You okay? You seem nervous."

"I've actually been thinking about it every day," she admitted unable to omit truths in front of someone she respected so much. Senna cocked her head, brow creasing. Asami's heart was in her mouth when she put her hand in her pocket, and didn't even have to open the box for Senna to know what it was. But still she fumbled with the clasp, in the opening and Senna clapped a hand over her mouth when she saw the gold ring and sapphires embedded in it. "I wanted to ask if this was okay,"

Asami had berated herself for not practicing this part, truthfully she's concentrated more on the after, but still she wanted to make good with Korra's parents.

Senna's hands flapped a beat, before clasping Asami's shoulders and tugging her into firm hug.

"God, with everything you've got planned, I think she might have a heart attack!"

"There's EMT's on stand-by today right?"

"Hey mom!" Korra's voice rang from down stairs and they sprung apart, "Asami?"

"Go downstairs," Senna urged, swiping at tears that now, would not stop leaking, "I'll hide puppy."

Asami sniffled and nodded, surprised when the older woman stopped her and kissed her cheek.

"It's more than okay, we love you. You know this."

"Oh God now I'm crying,"

"Korra has an amazing amount of love to give, I've always known that even though she spent so long hiding it, Asami, I'm just so enthralled the way that she gives it to you, and she does."

Asami couldn't help but each out and wrap her long arms around the shorter woman again, clutching her close, processing her words.

"Go!" Senna urged, rallying to the fur ball and doggy crate and carrying them to her bedroom as Asami descended the stairs.

"Hey hun you guys almost ready to go?"

"Mmhmm," Asami clenched the box in her fist in her cardigan pocket, "Your mom is just - she's on her way,"

Korra caught the higher pitch of her voice, and watched her try and school her features.

"You look freaked, what did she say?"

"She's glad we're here and she told me she loved me," her lip quivered as the reality of those words knocked her for six.

"Oh God she broke you," Korra caught her in her arms and held her frame securely against her own, now well practiced in soothing her, tucking her eyes gratefully into her neck. When her mother descended she scolded, "Mom!"

"You weren't there!" Senna defended, "Where's your father?"

"He said he had a special tie and," Tonraq made his entrance tying said tie, "It's rainbow, a little on the nose dad,"

"If I can't wear this on Pride when can I?"

"He has a point," Asami sniffled.

A feint yip interrupted the conversation.

"What was that?" Korra asked, Senna coughed.

"Frog in throat," she lied, crinkling her eyes, smiling innocently, perhaps too wide.

"My girls," Tonraq opened his wings and swept the three most important women in his life to his chest, "Shall we march?"

The bars, the shops, the bus stops, the houses donned themselves in pride flags, she even saw flags that had the Harbour Town sigil emblazoned over the colours. The air tasted sweet with delicacies from the tribe, smiling faces happily receiving stamps of colour, without words, her hometown had spelled it out, you are here and you are welcome. Korra gripped Asami's hand tight, unable to form the words as they walked.

"Look who kissed and made up!" Their heads whipped out to find Kana, Kya and Katara sitting outside a bar like it was a bistro. They were old pros, donned in feather boas, sipping mai tai's and watching the parade for the best seats in the house.

"No I walked in on them doing that, up top!" Kana mused before sipping on her straw. Katara high-fived her while Kya palmed her face and stood to greet them.

In her head, Korra framed the moment as it happened, precious and slow. Kya hugged her tight, their shared histories ever present in the climate and air as finally, the pair felt outwardly accepted and acceptable. Kya moved from person to person, barely speaking, her message clear. Every part of the encounter was exquisite and pure, as she mouthed thank you to all the members of Korra's family.

"Hey Jenga," Kya quipped wrapping her arms around Asami finally, "How far you've come," she praised her quietly, the heiress body sung with the pride of it.

"It's so good to see you again." Asami told her rocking her gratefully from side to side.

"My turn!" crowed Kana, having gone down the line and decided it was best to hold the two of them at once. "You guys are underdressed," she added lending Asami a boa and looking in her own purse for more.

"So how does Harbour Town do a pride parade?" Kya asked Tonraq, nudging his arm in a sisterly way.

"So there's a march to the stage at the southern peak, speeches, music and fireworks, and then we all enjoy the events at put on by our local bars for the occasion," Tonraq recited, gesturing as though guiding weather patterns, folding his hands over each other in mayoral stature when he was done.

"Thank you for that, my lord mayor,"

Tonraq guffawed good naturedly and tugged his old friend into a firm hug.

Hand in hand the couples meandered along a promenade, watching the people of Harbour town, march shoulder to shoulder. Korra had doubted this event would amass more than a few tourists who came for the ice dives and cultural appropriation, but as she looked she saw that despite the way the town used to look every inhabitant seemed to know somebody who was touched by this.

Whole families bolstered around their one, and stood amazed as they watch them step out blinking in strange sunlight. She swore for a moment she could see Desna, with a larger hairier gentleman, but in a blink the two were gone and Korra chalked it up to midnight sun madness.

"Was everyone here in the closet and I just didn't know it?" She wondered aloud.

"Maybe some people are allies, and embraced the change," Asami responded, squeezing her hand thrice as eyes followed them. An eager set from the crowd approached them, timid and shrinking, the girl looked as though she was breathing freely for the first time in a long time.

"Can I take a picture with you two?"

"Of course," Korra told her after a beat. She scrolled the dial on a disposable camera and turned it towards them smiling, Asami awkwardly threw up a peace sign.

When she was gone Asami took another look around.

"This whole town is gay,"

"Shut up," Korra laughed. "I think there's tourists…dad showed me a lot of people have come here…just to get married," Korra paused as the 'M' word passed from her lips, they hadn't spoken about it since they were last here, "and there's people like Kya,"

"And you," Asami added.

"And me," Korra smiled. "You have to take some credit too, none of this would be have happened without you persuading my dad me being gay is okay."

"I doubt that, and it wasn't me," the heiress tucked her hair behind her ear as she looked around the town, before casting her gaze on their interlocked fingers, "I'm just glad we can do this here," she told her, raising their hands and kissing her knuckles.

When they reached the stage the sun was setting. Deep blues and pinks merged in the sky over the ocean, and in between them the lit up small stage perched on the edge of a cliff.

Asami held Korra's hand in her left, and the weight of the velveteen box in her right tucked away. She tried her best to keep the truth of it from her face, but as she second guessed she couldn't help the way she twitched. She kept thinking about what it meant, past, present and future, the power of it thrumming through their entangled fingers. The more they walked and enjoyed this pantheon of love and collective change the more she wanted to forget the plan and kneel in the thin sheathes of snow.

She was glad when Tonraq got up on stage and started to speak, his voice was a welcome distraction.

"Welcome every one, to the Tribe's very first LGBT Pride Celebration!" The crowd erupted into applause, but as last time Korra stayed still, overwhelmed by it all, "We couldn't have asked for a better turn out, and as a citizen, I couldn't be more proud of my hometown… but this isn't about me…my daughter fell in love," he found her in the crowd in a second, "and we all want to celebrate love like hers on a day like today. Love like hers proves and assure our fellow citizens, this is a safe place to be yourself, no matter who you have always been. So without further ado, Korra, Asami,"

"What?" Asami balked but Korra wasn't looking at her, even as she led her through the crowd and on the stage, blood pumping in her ears. "Korra what's happening?" Her heart bottomed out when her foot touched the first step of the stage. Her right hand shot forward and clasped the hand that held her left as her body filled with adrenaline.

Korra only managed a few steps onto the stage, Asami realised she was trembling, and not with the cold.

"Asami," she pulled a palm sized box from her jacket, and in the same move fell to one knee.

She couldn't speak or breathe or hear, as the Korra box opened showed her the perfectly crafted betrothal necklace. Sculpted with intricate minute patterns, and inlayed with bright cerulean resin in the shape of a cog and water symbols.

Asami kneeled to her level, cupping her jaw, and training her eyes on her own smaller box, that she had no issue with opening one handed, instead of asking the words she merely kissed her, and when her hearing returned she could have sworn a bomb had gone off, if not for the crowd bursting into riotous applause.

"Marry me," they whispered it against lips, and both responded with a resounding "Yes," in a heartbeat.

They embraced on stage, swiping tears of joy holding each other in a cocoon of this moment.

"Um," she sniffled, laughing, crying, full of everything, fumbling with the necklace and offering it to Asami who pulled her hair aside before kissing her. She sealed the clasp and ran her fingers over the carvings, the heiress reaching up to do the same.

Asami took the hand she'd been clinging too and slipped the ring on and Korra was lost in it, mesmerised by the glow of gold, and how perfect it looked on her skin.

"Happy birthday," Asami told her.

"Is this my present?" Korra laughed, wiping her eye with the heel of her hand.

"Actually no," Asami chuckled breathily, "It's not,"

Fireworks lit up the sky then, golden, bright and screaming triumphant into the night. While the crowd was momentarily distracted, Asami kissed her, and pulled her off stage with an aim to kiss her more. In the euphoria of the moment they quite forgot they were in front of a crowd, but the people strangely seemed to be living for this moment.

"Korra, Asami, anything for The Tribune?" Of course Ginger was ready to pounce.

"Oh Ginger! Hi, uhm…We are no longer girlfriends," Korra told her.

"That is the worst way to tell people we're engaged." The heiress admonished her, grinning, catching the tears still falling from her eyes as her body sang with adrenaline.

"I panicked!" said Korra smile full and even, giggling with her best friend and catching her hand.

"Kiss me you fool," Korra did, unselfconscious and proud, sure of the gesture and everything it represented.

She found the rest of her family in the crowd, and her friends, teary eyed and desperate to hug their happiness into them in a huddle. Her mother too choked up to speak, held her daughter for the longest time, head balanced on her strong shoulder, extremely happy that her baby was happy.

Asami was showing off her betrothal necklace, and Kya couldn't help but pull down her scarf and reveal one of her own, winking, placing her finger over her lips and hiding it once more.

"This is your day," she assured a speechless heiress, who could only wobble her lip, nod and fall back into the next pair of arms, Tonraq lifting her off the ground as though she were star player.

Music piped up, performers started performing, the Mayor of the city crowed over the din of the crowd.

"I knew this would work!"

"What? Both?" The Carmaker laughed, tracing her fingertip over the necklace when her put her down and watching Korra hold her mother.

"Look at that smile," he explained, in awe of the chain of events that led to it.

Free and easy Korra, it was everything they'd always wanted for her.

The hours since leaving the house could only be an emblazoned in her memory as a long tapestry; an exquisite panoramic portrait of the day.

She thought it would end on returning to her parents house and in her mind began sealing the frame, finessing the details, hanging it high, shining above all others.

It was only when Asami stopped her on the porch did she maybe think this was premature.

For the first time all day, they were alone together. The rush of emotions charging through them were slowing and preparing to land.

Asami was cupping her cheeks, etching the memory for her own archives, thumb tracing her jaw holding back from the sweet curve of her lips.

"I'm gonna marry you," Asami told her, hearing the beauty of the statement.

Korra laughed and threw herself into her arms, her glee emanating bodily through her. Old Korra might've asked if she'd felt this happy the first time she was engaged, paranoid and self deprecating, but in the present all she could do was enjoy it.

"Why are you crying?" Asami crooned, stroking her wet cheeks.

"I'm not I'm just- I've never been so happy,"

"Oh," the worry in Asami's face faded, "just so long as you show up on the day…I mean I don't think I could recover as well as last time," she joked with a grimace, "I can't believe I wasted all that time not being yours,"

Just saying that made Korra feel nostalgic, she'd loved being her friend, even though she'd pined she'd never have traded it, not given what she had now.

"We always used to say, we'd grow old and live together in a house as old biddies, on rocking chairs on a porch somewhere, sitting crooked and talking straight, just old best friends. Plotting our future and inside I thought yeah right, you know."

"I always expected that one day we'd grow apart, that my crush would fade and we'd just go in the separate directions we were destined to go in and that my love for you, knowing how strong it was, how deep it went, would be something I just carried, alone…but at every turn you held on to me, through everything, any shift in the world you would reach out and grab and refuse to let me go off to be miserable by myself, no matter how awful any of it was; you clung to the positives and small mercies and just guided me through."

"Recently I've come to realise it's because you loved me just as strongly, just not in the same way. I think that was like my Rosetta stone to our whole relationship. Everything was there, we just didn't know it until Ember Island. Knowing that just makes all the anxieties I had, the insecurities, evaporate." Korra breathed the last word, relief washing through her. "You make me feel like not only is true love something that exists, but it's something I have always had."

The heiress couldn't help but be moved miles by everything she said. It was difficult to speak to respond, and to be honest if she kissed her what remained of her plan would disappear into thin air.

"It was always obvious to me how important you are K…and I have loved you for all this time."

The natural conclusion to such a statement was a kiss, only Asami placed her cool fingers over Korra's lips.

"Get inside, close your eyes, it's time I gave you your present."

The sculptor was all too happy to oblige, almost tripping over after closing the door and ripping off her shoes.

"Wait there, Close your eyes," Asami insisted mounting the stairs.

"Now? Here?"

"And the door, do it."

Eyes closed Korra listened to the padding of footsteps, following her fiancé audibly across the house. It wasn't until she heard the scrape of little nails on the floor did her heart skip, it nearly exploded when those paws pounced onto her chest and knocked her over.

"Polar bear puppy!" her inner child all but screamed it eyes wide cupping her furry cheeks and the dog licked her own.

"Actually no, as far as I could tell those are mythical, but she's an albino malamute so the closest I could find on the island,"

"I died, this is heaven I died, I'm hallucinating I died I'm dead - hey, not the mouth!" Korra wrestled with the beast only too happy to wrestle back. Asami kneeled next to her, and the excitable ball of fluff alternated her kisses to accommodate her new friends.

"Happy Birthday sweetie," Asami told her, kissing her temple."What are you going to name her?"

It was in the dark in the guest bedroom, Asami spooned her fiancé as they both watched their newest family member ruff quietly in her sleep, chasing hares in dreams. They were both too exhilarated by the day to even begin to drift, and for the first time were no longer tip toeing about the future. In fact planning it was proving to be immaculate pillow talk.

"Come on you must have some ideas of how you want your wedding to turn out."

"I'll be happy with whatever you want."

"So my first wedding, 2.0 you're saying you'll be happy with a mach 2?"

"Opal planned that wedding, not you," Korra teased, "And I've noticed," she added with a smile, "Since we got together you spend less time in the office, more time with me in our home,"

Asami balanced her lips in the crook of Korra's neck as she thought about it. She supposed a by-product of actually being in love was leaving work on time to be with her.

"We'll just go through it point by point like any other project," Korra surmised, logically, quietly, measuring her words, mindful that somewhere in Asami's last relationship this was the breaking point, "So long as we do it together,"

"All those years in love with me, you must've thought about a wedding, what you wanted it to look like?"

The secret tugged at Korra's lips, it still surprised her that even though they were worthless now, still she felt the need to protect them.

"Just you," she said it quietly, the words finding their way out after an eternity of darkness, just as surprised to see the light of day as Korra was. "It was kind of painful to think beyond that," the good truth came out, but so did the bad. Korra couldn't help it, Asami knew her deep dark terrible secret, and she was liberated by the honesty, but she couldn't stop herself from being totally honest.

"Close your eyes…describe it to me, but not the dress,"

"What about Vegas?" Korra jibed

"No-one dreams of getting married in Vegas,"

"I think it's romantic, running away, eloping,"

"I think we owe each other more,"

"If you say so," Korra snickered as Asami kissed her cheek only to nip at her ear, "Hey!"

"What about here, your dad did make it legal here specifically for you."

"Yeah that was nice of him." Korra played with the heiress' fingers in one hand, the other tangled in the fur of her present in the other, "I had this idea…a while back, we'd get married on Ember Island."

"I thought we'd finish our honeymoon there." Asami teased, "Rent the boat, sail around, get this one a doggy life vest, just you and me, coming and going as we pleased…"

"I like the sound of that, away from prying eyes,"

"Oh that hotel was most definitely betting on us."

"We were interesting and dare I say it scandalous." Korra turned in her arms, so they were lying face to face, "Maybe we should spend one night there, for old times sake."

"By that logic we should spend a night at Kya's,"

"And the bar?"

Asami narrowed her eyes but bit her lip.

"Fine, if only to gloat that I won,"

"Honey there's never been any competition,"

Asami claimed her prize, teasing Korra's lips apart with her tongue. She felt the chill of her engagement ring seep into her hair. Korra's palms pushed up her chemise and the rest

fell away so easily she wondered why she'd even bothered getting dressed. Asami took her wrists and pinned them beside her head. When Korra looked up at her, betrothal necklace hanging from her throat, she never imagined she would ever see this, even in her wildest dreams.

"Ruff," the couple froze, Naga was looking at them curiously cocking her head.

"Oh," Asami balked.

"Yip!" She hopped up on the bed settling on the covers in front of Korra and sticking her nose in her neck.

"Look at that face!" the heiress lamented, torn. "It's her first night with us,"

"Uhh, should we set some ground rules?" Korra asked.

Asami adjusted her veil, before catching the tall dark and handsome spectre in her reflection.

"You showed up," she teased, smile genuine turning to Iroh in the doorway.

Her ex pursed his lips, his eyes taking her in, before falling to the ground, stepping back.

Iroh crossed his hands over his cummerbund, cutting a charming figure in a dapper suit.

"Wow, Asami, I knew it was bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, but I'm sad I missed this,"

Asami chuckled, rising to her feet, opening her arms. Iroh hesitated before lumbering over, weighted with emotion. All this time without her he'd come to the same conclusion she had, that they were never right for each other. What surprised them both was that after, they still a place in their lives.

"In the grand scheme of things, I'm not," the bride touched her necklace, thumbing the pattern she'd memorised and could recreate in her mind, a brail of history, and love all locked in a simple touch. "Thank you for doing this."

"Thank you for asking me, really, I wasn't sure if you meant what you said." the General said nervously, stepping from foot to foot. "I'm just so happy for you,"

The heiress offered a hand to him, and squeezed his fingers softly.

"This is what forgiveness looks like,"

This was the first wedding she'd attended, Korra thought, that had ever had two brides. Teenage Korra would be surprised this could ever happen, but secretly pleased. She adjusted her flowers, holding her breath, eyeing the clock. She watched the faces of her friends, Mako and Bolin on her side, Opal stood at another, and felt the pit in her stomach bubble and twist. Even Naga sat vigil at her side, too big to be a ring bearer now, in a few short months the puppy had become an adolescent, leaning bodily against her mother's side, ears too big for her head, feet still too big for her body, but still tall enough to slow dance with a fully grown human male in a pinch.

As safe as Korra felt, as certain she was that this was happening, she couldn't help but worry every second she wasn't with her. The last wedding she'd attended after all, didn't go so well, or so she thought; up until stealing the bride.

She looked at her father, back straight with an upright zeal, letting go of her mothers hand to give the eager thumbs up. She couldn't help but smile a little at him. A shiver ran up the open back of her dress, sending goosebumps across her shoulders and arms. Her hair was up in a bun of flowers, just like the pictures she'd seen of her own mother way back when. She'd decided today was the day she'd wear heels, not that Asami had even asked, you only get married once, Korra had told her, that means only one chance to make it perfect.

Korra wondered for a split second if the statement had scared her off until large, intricately carved doors boomed open. Meelo had kicked them apart earning a gasp followed by a chuckle from the crowd.

Asami's cheeks howled red, before her green eyes met blue ones, from all the way across the room and everything turned all right again. She clutched Iroh's arm for balance, as her bride's angular cheekbones, enhanced by her up-do, her elegant roll necked dress, and her defined shoulders singing through silk, knocked her for six. Ikki and Jinora held more flowers for her, whereas baby Rohan, now walking, threw petals at guests with excellent aim.

This was the first time Korra had seen her in that dress, she half expected her to reuse her old one, and of course she wouldn't blame her. The gesture of wearing something new, moved her more than she thought it would. This one looked different, smaller but in no way less grand, intricate lacework off the shoulders, the mermaid cut hugging her hips before billowing on the ground. Asami was a Queen, dark curls framing her exquisite deep green eyes, floating towards her. If gracing her with her poise and presence was all Korra ever got, she could die happy.

She made a point of walking slowly, savouring this moment, of leaping into the future, and for once being caught by the person who pledged to love her. She couldn't help but compare the two days, seeing for certain that the before could in know way match beside the after. Iroh guided her to place with a single hand, gently turning her to her future, before letting go, and taking his place amongst her friends.

When Asami was in proximity of her fiancee she kissed her gratefully, earning applause until the officiant cleared her throat.

"I haven't gotten to that part yet," she told them, and Asami cleared her throat, nodding barely listening, lost in the intricacies of the woman ahead of her, their fingers loosely tangled between them.

"I do," hearing Korra say it, felt like a miracle, and in her heart of hearts she felt her soul being fulfilled by it. The sculptor slipped a ring onto the finger she held, turning the diamond until it glinted, winking at them both.

"I do too," she added, before the officiant had even finished her line. Taking the ribbon necklace in her fingers and unfurling it, tying it around Korra's throat.

"Now you may kiss the bride,"

Already in her orbit, her arms crossed behind her neck the rest of the way, kissing her sweetly, and to riotous applause.

"Speech!" Bolin started the chant, and soon enough the rest of the party joined in, having been enjoying the free bar since arriving at the venue.

Asami looked at Korra, whom was smiling but throat tight. Korra squeezed her wife's hand thrice and gazed at her expectantly, you go.

Gingerly, at the brides table, she stood, and people ceased clinking glasses to listen.

"I want to thank you all for coming. The people who mean the most to me are here in this room. Even from beyond…" she trailed off, looking for the empty chairs at the end of their table, symmetrical with Tonraq's and Senna's. Korra had insisted, even though Asami had said it would be morbid, she couldn't help but imagine her parents, sat there; smiling at her, and for that she was grateful. "I know they would all be proud that I…have found happiness."

She felt her wife rubbing the small of her back gently, soothing her through the ancient pain.

"As many of you know…Korra fell in love with me slowly, deeply and most of all quietly, without me knowing; I, however, fell in love much faster and without much finesse. I basically argued with her to get her to give me the secret, and when we kissed, boy, did everything start making sense…You're my hero, and now my wife, and couldn't think of a happier ending to our story, and the best beginning to our new life. If you would all raise a toast, to Korra,"

"Korra," said the room.

"That's not fair," her wife countered, standing after Asami had taken upon herself to sit, holding her hand, kissing her ring, Korra said, "I walked into love with you all those years ago, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step of the way. Knowing that if you could never love me back I could still adore you from where I stood. I would build up my walls, and you would take them down, until finally helped me take them down for good. I have been writing these vows in my mind since I met you, and I could never settle on the combination of words to tell you all I'd do for you. It was only by kissing you I realised, words mean nothing without the act of love itself… I'll spend the rest of my life, loving you, showing you what you mean to me, and how happy you've made me." Korra raised her glass, "To my wife, I love you Asami."

Asami surged from her seat to kiss her this time, teary eyed to the sound of applause.

"God let's get married again," she laughed.

"After another Honeymoon, obviously." Korra told her balancing her forehead over hers.

There were many aspects of the wedding that had been planned to a tee, Asami liked to think of it as a collaborative project, and fretted over each detail, all the while hoping Korra wouldn't be scared away. It was something of a trigger for her. Korra on the other hand had taken as much as she could from her, and would calm her night and day when worries crept up. She did however delegate one single thing.

Kai wheeled out the mystery sculpture she'd commissioned from him. A month or so ago, he'd grilled on how she and Asami had 'met' and in the vaguest of terms told her his artistry would only ever seen on the day it was intended. She had to hand it to him, the kid had style. Upon the sight of blue and purple lights under the blanket, Kuvira sidled to the front of the crowd, having a healthy interest in the ice herself.

"May I present to you, the Lovers of Mt Makapu," he yanked at the blanket and the scale mountain glittered white and unthreatening blue. The ice incasing the cave was crystal clear, and any one from the out side could see the miniature boat inside, the manta rays trapped in their dives, and the women holding hands and the netting of a boat, model-lips just touching.

"He even got the algae right," Asami breathed kneeling.

"How did you-"

"I had a research partner," Kai winked at Jinora, who, stunned out of her reverie, shot him with finger guns.

"It's not going to go off is it?" Korra asked nervously.

"The back is a vodka luge," he shrugged, holding up a bottle of grey goose he was far too young to have purchased legally.

"Hired, you are hired for life,"

The Aang and The Korra ended with an unusual display, night had fallen on on their first day on Ember Island, and Korra watched the Tiki Torches of Kya's bar grow smaller on the beach behind them as they sailed away. Blue fireworks soared listlessly into the sky, the surfers of the competition waving them away. She saw Meelo, tall enough to compete at last, in his rash shirt, clutching his board waving harder than the rest.

Korra couldn't help but think of the last time she was on a boat, barely conscious and bleeding, only the thought didn't last long as her wife came up behind her and wrapped her arms around her stomach. She was happy to be replacing that memory with a much more pleasant one.

"Day two of being married to me," she punctuated the statement with a swift kiss to her throat. "How is it?"

"I wore a dress in front my parents, I daresay they were happy about that. I've been on in a rolls royce, a jet and now a boat. Many vehicles in one day we just sailed away from a festival that is named after me…and I have a dog, and a wife… I think I'm set, for life, and that's not even mentioning that you're a millionaire,"

"Okay now you're a little too smug right now, bring it down a peg," Asami kissed her cheek, "I have the most perfect bride in all of the world," she balanced her forehead on the back of Korra's head, "That's it, I love you and you're literally all I need to be happy."

"I love you too,"

"Do you think they can see us now?" Asami asked, balancing her chin on her wife's healed strong shoulder.

"We can see them so, yes?"

"Don't you want to go to bed, and start enjoying our actual honeymoon,"

"I am having fun, oh," Korra balked at the sensation of a wet kiss being placed at the crux of her jaw.

"I can drop the anchor and be below deck in lingerie in thirty seconds."


The arms slipped away and within two seconds the sound of rope grinding against the box and the anchor hitting the seabed rang out. Naga grunted at the sound, but went back to gazing up at the stars in a warmer sky, docile and oddly soothed by the sea.

"I died," Korra whispered under her breath, gripping her sweater and pulling it over her head, "I died and I'm in heaven," she added pursuing her.

The cabin was snug, and celestial. Asami had made a point of decorating before Korra had even seen it. Lit corner to corner with fairy lights, hibiscus petals smattered on every surface, their photographs, with Korra's trademark, dimpled, even smile captured on a variety of occasions throughout their relationship. Both significant, and mundane.

Korra could ignore all of it though at the sight of the woman before her, holding champagne.

"I lied about the lingerie," Asami admitted, alabaster skin glowing in the star light. Korra's eyes devoured the sight of her, tongue wetting her lips at those hardening pink nipples, the slender curve of her hips, the dark, tamed thatch of hair between her legs, the long legs themselves.

"I can't believe this is happening," Korra whispered, jaw tight with emotion, her own fingers flying to her necklace.

"What would make you believe it?" the heiress asked, genuinely curious, tone suggestive as she took a step toward her, craning her neck to the side to better brandish her necklace, "I'll do anything,"

Korra's lips hovered over Asami's, her arms aloft holding the glasses, Korra's own hands hovering just above her hips.

"Anything?" Korra countered, watching Asami bite her rouge tinted lip and nod. Her green eyes fell to Korra's lips and back up. The Sculptor's hands came up, the tips of her fingers grazing skin, teasing the peak of her breast but only for a moment, "Touch yourself?"

Asami felt a tightness build within her, as she placed glasses on a shelf, and reclines herself on the bed. Black silken hair blooming beneath her like a halo. She couldn't feel self conscious new if she tried. Not as Korra watched her settle, pupils dilating, eyes hungry for what she was about to see.

She just wants, and without words she mimics being fucked by her wife, thumb teasing her nipple, body arching with the touch, scores her nails down her abdomen, until her fingers reached their mark and slipped easily amongst the wetness. With three fingers she parts herself, the middle deftly swiping at the pink that has her shuddering, playing with herself, circling a stiff clit.

All the while taking in the sounds of the ocean, and the warm bath of Korra's gaze as she dipped her fingers in her own entrance. Asami moaned with abandon. The sound of the plunge was all it took, her wife taking her wrist, pulling her out, slanting her mouth over ruby panting lips. When she pulled away, the musky scent drew her mouth to her wet fingers, sucking the flavour deep, all the while her own fingertips brush the tender twitching pink between her legs, every touch sending pulses of pleasure from her clit with barely a finger.

The heiress couldn't wait much longer, claiming her mouth, the tongue welcomed inside, tasting herself and Korra as her legs couldn't help but open wider.

It was clear, Korra wanted to draw this out.

"Please," she begged in turn tugging at Korra's short buttons, slipping her hand inside, watching those blues widen with surprise. "Korra,"

"All good things," the Ice Sculptor smiled, "Trust me," she added, taking a champagne glass and pouring just a tipple over Asami's clavicle, watching the fizzle fall and bead down her perfect shaking skin. She teases with her tongue, following that trail she took her lead kissing every drop, tasting it's vintage, hot breath billowing over her sensitive skin, tweaking her nipples with feather like touches.

Korra keeps up her slow, tortuous pace, worshipping her every whimper and moan.

"Ngh," she keened, eyes rolling back, intensely relieved that this was who she had chosen as her three incredible fingers entered her and stretched, suckling the peak of her breast until Asami's fingers flew into her hair. The tips curled and pumped while the heel of her strong hand worked on the outside, stroking her mound and creating an exquisite amount of friction over her twitching clit.

Pressure quickly built, and soon enough Asami's counter thrusts became frantic, closer to the edge. She knew a small shove would've got her there, but she wanted to leap, and she wanted Korra with her. Her own fingers curled, her thumb making precise circles over her wife's clit, swiping and pumping, the seams ripping on her shorts, her free hand clutching her close.

"Suck harder," she loved that she could say it, she loved that Korra would oblige, she didn't care if she'd be sore if it meant this moment of intense euphoria from fast fucking.

"I can feel how tight you are," Korra's voice crooned, "Come for me,"

"With me." Asami urged, fluttering her own fingers faster inside her.

Korra's body was bowing, the combination of the show, Asami's voice and her fingers inside her, had her shaking in ecstasy.

Her mouth slipped, and Asami captured it, kissing her enthusiastically, as her own orgasm shook her world. She could never get tired of how Korra made her muscles melt and radiate pleasure, every cognisant part of her body left working could only ask for one thing; more.

Even coming down from it she found her hips still cantering, Korra's body flush against hers, her teeth scoring gently against her jaw.

The shorts must go, she thought taking her hand from them, the shorts, and then that stupid t-shirt.

Korra had taken a liking to the Ember Island is for Lovers T-shirt, that strangely enough was a gift from Mako. Asami unwrapped her, less desperate, taking in every inch of skin she uncovered, the sweat, the feint prints of left clothing, hickeys left by her own mouth. Soon enough, once she'd stripped her she couldn't help but pepper kisses over her chest, getting lost on the lost pigmentation on Korra's shoulder. A storm of emotions passed over the sculptors visage, Asami instinctively cupped her cheek and soothed her, lips passing over her cheek, crooning in her ear.

Hooking her fingers on her waist band she pressed a deeply meaningful kiss over the marks, before letting Korra take control of the kiss as she dragged down those infernal shorts.

She descended her body, tongue tracing the indents between abs until she kisses her way past her navel. She couldn't help but look up at her from between her legs, her curved torso, dark nipples erect, her strong arm bracing her grip on the head of the bed, muscles twitching as Asami's tongue stroked her thigh, and her lips followed, suckling closer and closer to her centre.

"What's the count now?" Asami asked and Korra shudders, eyes clearing just a little as her breath percolates over sensitive open nerves.


"The count, or at least the only one that matters now,"

"I don't- I lost count,"

"You're winning," Asami tells her, guiding her leg over her shoulder, "Four hundred and twelve over Four, ten,"

The ice sculptor grins, about to pose a rebuttal, but a long stroke of a tongue laving her cunt silences her, and her hand flies to the crook of Asami's neck, holding her there as her clit is suckled. She's so wound up it doesn't take long for Korra to openly grind her mound over Asami's mouth, her fingers pumping mercilessly as she expertly fucks her best friend with practiced ease.

Korra's back rises from the mattress, pushing herself down on Asami as she eats her out, taking her forceful ruts and giving back as best she could, taking as much of her as she can into her mouth, and pumping her fingers deep against the clenching and her becoming slippery. Korra comes quivering, writhing, her back arching but her hand still tenderly cupping the back of the heiress' head, who laves her lovingly until the trembling passes.

She climbs up her body and settles in her arms, kissing her essence onto her neck, cheek, before whispering teasingly.

"Four eleven,"

Incensed Korra yanks back her breath, laughing, tucking and rolling her. Drunk on the moment, the euphoria, she took a toy she'd been saving for just such an occasion from a case beside the bed. Asami knows this particular model, and she knows it's Korra's favourite, she's quick with the harness, and as she kisses her she reached between them and slid the saddle into place over Korra's clit. She could see the record player in her head skip as she did this, when it caught up again she whatever was playing had upped tempo considerably.

The heiress found her self turned, face down, Korra laying her palm flat on Asami's lower back she nudges the head in place before pausing, waiting.

The heiress marvelled at the confidence her wife now possessed, turning her head on the pillow to catch her eye behind her before bucking into the toy, dragging it against her slit.

The joint satisfying pull had them both crying out, Asami can't help but push her mouth into the pillow to keep the pitch ringing out. As the pressure mounted on Korra's clit, the shaft climbed inside Asami, filling her, stretching her, making her shake as overly sensitive walls closed in around it as Korra thrusted.

Korra was truly curious to see how far she could take this; changing positions, mouth or tongue or strap, until they truly lost count and were lost totally in each other.

Towards the last climaxes of the night, their skin was sheathed with sweat, swollen lips, bruised skin, and a gentle canter of her hips, she made love to her wife. Staring deep into her eyes and feeling forever changed as foreheads touched and the heiress cupped her cheek. This was the only thing that was real, in her heart of hearts she knew this, as Asami kissed her, grateful, calm and soothing.

Asami fell asleep first, splayed on her chest and utterly spent, joints popped out of sockets, body still tingling. Korra laid awake, looking up at the stars through the sky light.

It must've been a while as Asami started to shiver in her sleep, she took a blanket that had been tossed off to the side of the bed and covered her with it. Almost immediately she settled back in to her arms, content.

"Naga wait! Not without your floaties Naga!" Korra struggled with the wolf as she struggled itching to play, leaping into the sea. "Shit!" Korra wrestled with her new boating shoes in a panic and tripped, barely stopping her ribs from colliding with the deck when she heard the unmistakeable splish splash of doggy paddle. "Oh." she balked, "You like that?"

Naga barked happily in reply.

"Care to swim with me, K?" Asami asked, perusing the edge of the boat as though planning her entry point in the crystal blue waters.

Korra experienced some serious deja vu at the heiress, dropping her shorts, looking over her shoulder in her bathing suit, throwing her a wink.

"Just so long as we stay away from the volcano this time," Korra chagrinned, still acutely aware the mountain was a mile away from where they were anchored, behind her and slightly to the left.

"Didn't I mention? I established a Future Industries volcanic research centre here on the island, so if Makapu is about to go off, this time there'll be fair warning."


"Did you think I would take you here again if there was a chance it would end the same way?" The heiress cupped her cheek as Korra struggled to breath at the emotions throttling her chest then, "I never want you to be afraid Korra," she told her.

Korra nodded and let her arms do her talking, hugging Asami tight to her chest, pressing her eyes into her neck.

"Take the plunge with me,"

"Wait, What?" the world was already turning sideways as Korra exclaimed this.

The water rushed up around them. She could feel the sure and certain tug of a hand on her wrist guiding her up, and when she surfaced that arm placed her grip on the rope on the side of the boat. Korra shook out her short locks while catching her breath, fuming until the moment she saw Asami's eyes crinkling with her held back laughter.

"Oh, I see you," Korra seethed as she tugged her close, grinning and instinctively Asami angled her head. Fingers knotting in her loosely tied up locks, electricity zipping through her whole being as her lips pressed to hers gently, palm rising out of the waves to cup her cheek.

"I'm really glad I made you come on my honeymoon." Asami breathed when they finally parted.

"Me too," Korra whispered, almost bashful. Almost, but not quite.