I don't know how my day has ended this badly but here I am in a bar alone. I knew today would be hard, no parents to support me has been hard over the last 2 years but it's even more painful today, usually Kate helps distract me from the pain but she's out with her family, I was invited but I always feel like I'm imposing. I knock back my vodka and coke and feel the slow burn, before ordering another.

I turn on my bar stool and look around the bar, it's fairly quiet and I see the odd group having expressive conversations, but I find myself drawn to a lone stranger in the corner, his copper hair and grey eyes make me shiver and I find myself staring. He looks engrossed in his phone and I begin to imagine what he's looking at. Without warning his eyes meet mine and I've been caught, I swivel quickly in my seat and face the bar burying my face in my hands, how embarrassing he's caught me staring. I take a long gulp of my drink and try to compose myself. I'm pushing my hair behind my ear when I feel a presence beside me, looking up I see Grey eyes looking at me. I don't know where it comes from, but I feel a confidence build.

"can I help you?" I smile a sickly-sweet smile.

"Well I'm sure you can, you see I've been sitting alone for a while and I could use some company, and since you're here alone too I thought maybe you wouldn't mind if I joined you." He smiles back, and gosh he's hot.

"I suppose that would be okay." He nods and sits down next to me before ordering.

"I'm Chris by the way." He offers his hand to me and I accept.

"Ana." He smiles at me as our hand makes contact and I feel a spark.

A couple of hours and a number of drinks later we are still sat talking, the bar has emptied, and the night is drawing to a close, but I don't want it to end. I've never been the type to have casual sex, I've never even had sex! I've never wanted that but with him now all I want is him.

"So, I should probably be getting home." I'm not sure how I'm supposed to hint that he should come too but this is all very new to me.

"Come back to my hotel?" Okay Ana now or never this is happening.

"I'd love to." He calls someone on his phone before turning to me and offering me his hand. I take it as he leads me out to the street, and before I know it I'm in the back of a car. We're both looking at each other both unsure where the next move is, I reach my hands to his face and pull it down to mine, and then I feel it, I feel fire building within me.

His lips are so soft, and he cradles my neck so perfectly that it feels as if it were meant to be. I'm not sure how long we've been doing this, but he pulls away as the car stops, both of us upset we have to part. He helps me out of the car and we make our way through the hotel until we get to his room. He goes to put his key in the door and I panic shit, he doesn't know I'm a virgin. Before I can think I grab his hand.

"Before we go in, I need you to know I've not done this before, I'm a virgin." He opens the door and steps in pulling me in.

"There is no pressure here Ana, however this night plays I'm happy to be with you. Even if I get to talk to you all night it'll be worth it." He pushes my hair behind my ear and I can't hold back anymore, I grab him and kick the door shut, this is happening tonight.