"Why now?"

The question sat heavily in the air, like a storm cloud over the horizon on a still night. It was a perfectly valid question, really. One that Remus Lupin did not have an answer to. He sat still, thinking, wishing it was all a nightmare and that he would awaken to learn that things were as they were always intended to be. He kept his head down, eyes on the wood of the table before him, ashamed and worried.

The owner of the question on the table was Sirius Black. He, along with Remus Lupin was one of four people still living who even knew this situation was an issue. The other two, sitting across from the werewolf and his best friend, were Hogwarts heads of staff, Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall. Both of the older teachers seemed to be pondering this question as well.

"I believe," Dumbledore started, speaking softly, stroking his beard as he thought, "That blood magic only works so long as someone survives in the direct bloodline that the magic belongs to. Because James' last Potter cousin passed away in France, it has begun to fade. Though it was in place so long I dare say the boy's looks won't change too drastically. He'll possibly grow taller in the coming years. Hair will lighten in the coming months. His jaw square a bit..." He seemed so calm.

"Did he seem concerned when he came and showed you his teeth, Sirius?" McGonagall ask. She was referring to the morning previous, when Harry Potter, Sirius' Godson, had awoken with elongated canines and nails. It was after a full moon.

"Seemed to think that it was something to do with Voldemort. I thought that was a good enough explanation for now, and because he was satisfied, though worried, I let it go." Sirius answered with a shrug.

"Remus?" McGonagall called his attention up to her, speaking softly, as if he would shatter at the mere mention of his name. "Alright my boy?"

He opened his mouth to speak, but no words would come to him. Guilt, pain, loss, it all sat fresh on his chest as if fifteen years ago were just yesterday. He closed his eyes and took a deep, ragged breath. No one spoke, giving him a moment to gather his thoughts. After a moment, he looked to Dumbledore, swallowing thickly before he began to speak.

"Sir, if I may- the physical changes are the least of our worries. That blood magic bonded the entire lie. You know as well as I that children born at St. Mungo's are automatically registered to their biological parents. His name on the school's records and birth certificate will change, too, won't they?" He looked as though he may vomit before an answer came.

"Yes, and no. His name won't change, just the parentage. But I believe that we should probably come clean to him before that comes either way." Dumbledore said with a nod.

"Can Remus have him?" Sirius demanded. "Or does he have to keep going to that bitch sister of Lily's?"

"I don't think-" Remus started to interject, but McGonagall held her hand up.

"You can, actually, yes. He is your son." She confirmed. "And given all that has happened on top of recent developments, it would be best if he did stay with you rather than Petunia and Vernon. Remus has always been ready to protect Harry at any and all cost. The fact he even allowed his child to be put under that level of blood magic to begin with shows that."

"He will hate me." Remus said quietly.

"Maybe he will be angry, sure." McGonagall replied, still speaking in her soft, motherly tone. "Hurt. Confused. But we all know that Harry has always felt draw to you. He very much admires you. He will see why you did what you had to, in time."

"I hope you're right." Remus sighed.

"He's a great kid, Moony. He had the three best parents a child could ever ask for, and you know- An alright Godfather to boot." Sirius grinned.

"I don't know what to say." Remus said, despairing. "He will think I didn't want him. Or think me a homewrecker. It is so complicated, and just because James was on board, doesn't mean Harry will. And it is true, I never intended for him to find out. It doesn't mean I don't love him, I just wanted what was best, and things could not have gone more wrong."

"We will be there, too. All four of us. Together." McGonagall said, reaching across and taking hold of Remus' hand in support.

"Whenever you're ready, we'll have Sirius go up and get him." Dumbledore said.

"I will never be ready." Remus said, staring before himself at the blank spot on the table. "Just do it."

Dumbledore and Sirius both as Harry to sit quietly until Remus finished explaining, and also made him promise to remain calm, no matter what he heard or how shocking he found anything being told to him. The boy looked pale as he listened, but he kept his promise. Sirius, Dumbledore and McGonagall sat to the side, leaving Remus and Harry sitting, facing one another. He spilled his secrets to his son, tears occasionally rolling down his cheeks but never effecting his voice as he kept composure enough to get the entire truth out.

Harry sat before the man he now knew was his real father, mouth slightly agape.

"Say something." Remus pleaded.

"Did you love her?" Harry ask, first thing.

"I-" Remus stammered, and he closed his eyes. "I did, yes." He had already reopened the wound of losing Lily when he told Harry how he and Lily were lovers, but she and James began seriously dating and they broke off their pseudo-relationship so she could have a full, real relationship with James, who she did not have to lie about being with or hide. He and Lily never had romantic relationship, rather a deeply trusting friendship which had occasionally included sex. It was more than awkward to explain to his fifteen year old son.

"Then why did you let her go?" Harry demanded, anger sounding clear in his voice.

"Harry, you know what I am." Remus reminded him. "I had nothing to offer. And when James asked her to have an official relationship, she took him up on the offer. He'd been in love with her for years, she gave him a chance and ended up very happy with him almost instantly. She didn't know she was pregnant for close to two and a half months later. By then they were very attached to one another, and it was illegal at the time for werewolves to marry outside their species, anyway. I really just wanted you both to have a good life." He paused and wiped the tears from his face. "The laws, you have to understand," He took a shaky breath. "If you had been born with any symptoms at all, it is likely the Ministry..." Remus' voice broke and he trailed off.

"Likely they would have killed me?" Harry guessed. Remus didn't confirm this, but he didn't deny it either.

"I wanted to protect you. Both of you." Remus said. "That is all."

"And you got my dad in on it, how?" Harry questioned, crossing his arms.

"He knew. He always knew. It was his idea, really. The blood magic. Which, was why I couldn't tell you. As long as you were under that blood spell, you were a Potter and I literally could not tell you. We thought it was better- James was going to always be your father. There was never supposed to be any issue with it." Remus swallowed again. "He came from a very wealthy family, he had a home, money. I barely kept a job long enough to make rent month to month in the one bedroom flat I had." He looked at his son with pleading eyes, hoping he would understand.

"Please, son, we did what we had to do back then. The world was dark and horrible. Lily's pregnancy was, too, at first. Then we thought of a way to keep you two safe. And it was our only little ray of hope." Sirius added from the corner.

"I- I need time to think." Harry said, standing suddenly. Remus' eyes met the floor, but he nodded, giving no protest as the teen left the room.

"Well, given some of the past bits of anger I have seen young Harry have," Dumbledore said, clearing his throat, "That went better than expected."

"I have to say I agree." McGonagall nodded. "Give him time, he probably wants to go talk all this over with Weasley and Granger. The three of them share in everything. And if anyone can help him level his head, its Miss Granger."

"I hope you're all correct on this one." Remus sighed. "I really, really do."

Thanks for reading! Please review and let me know what you think of this plot!