Summary: "I said I want to go to a dark gloomy haunted old castle!" I wailed. "What part of this that looks like a haunted castle to you, Kuma-me! This is just an orphanage!" OPxBNHA. Smarter!Perona. OOC for sure. This one is longer and weirder.

A/N: I word vomited another fanfic… just what am I even thinking… Just do me a favour and ignore every typos or grammar mistakes or whatever strange sentences happening in here. I just typed whatever my brain conjured so this guaranteed to be weird. And this fic is long… This thing is longer than my thesis draft, like brain priority please, and I don't even like writing long in the first place. It's because the longer I write, it's somehow managed to derivate from the lighter genre I originally want… and it becomes so cringe worthy too, ew. Anyway, thanks for giving this story a chance.


"If you were to go on a trip, where would you like to go?"


I think I said I want to go to a dark gloomy haunted old castle...

Somewhere far where I can spend my day singing cursed song…

Spoiled by servants…

Surrounded by cute animals

Having pancake and hot cocoa in bed…

I feel like I popped a vein and wailed.

"WHAT PART OF THIS THAT LOOKS LIKE A HOUNTED CASTLE TO YOU, KUMA-ME! THIS IS JUST AN ORPHANAGE!" I stared with utter horror at the pudgy hands that attached to my arm and then to my body. "AND WHY'D YOU TURNED ME INTO A FUCKING BABY?!" I fucking shrunk. Somehow the warlord managed to not only teleports me away, but he also turned me into a baby. Forget about trying to find a way back, I can barely sit by myself!

"Shh, shh, sweet baby, don't cry." The matron shushed the baby in her arm gently.

"I CAN CRY WHENEVER I WANT WOMAN!" I shrieked. No matter how much I scream, it comes out as baby cries, I actually reduced to a real baby, go figure. "You try being whisked away from everything you know and turned into a pooping drooling baby! I'd like to see you try not crying then! UWEEEEEEEEHHH NOOOOOOOOOO! KUMA-ME, TAKE RESPONSIBILITY!"

"Got a pair of lungs, that one." One of the staff winced at a particularly high pitched scream. "Voice quirk?"

"I don't think so." The matron said. "We'd lost our eardrum if that's the case. I think it's just her being scared or angry—" "OH YOU BET I AM!" "Well, considering we found her abandoned like that in front of our door, with nothing but a blanket and a letter. She has every right to be."

Wait. What?! Blanket? Letter?

If I meet Kuma again, Shichibukai or not, I'm gonna fucking murder him.

"Yeah can't blame the baby." He offered a soft towel to clean my face. "What did it say?" The matron handed the letter to him. I stopped my tantrum and reduced it to just gross sniffing—damn my snotty baby nose—so I can hear their conversation better. "Just her name… Perona, huh? What a weird name."

After I'm done with Kuma, this man will be the next on my list.


Fucking warlord, fucking sent me to another world… Easy to find out when you can't find any blues or Paradise or New World. The only Triangle in the sea is Bermuda Triangle and not Florian Triangle. No word of World Government, Shichibukai, or Yonkou. Marine exist but it's just a sad replica of the terrifying power house I once know. There's no Devil Fruit or Communication Snail, here they have Quirk and Phone. And One Piece is not the greatest treasure most wanted by man, but a dress teenaged girl likes to wear in summer.

Great… just fucking great…


"Horo horo horo!"

"Eek! Run away it's the freak!"

—and that's one negative hollow for you, you little brat! How dare he?! What part of me that look like a freak?! I still have my delightfully cute face and big doll-like round eyes, bubble-gum pink hair that frankly just adorable, and cherubic pinch-able cheeks which adds more cuteness point if any. Honestly, I love adorable self! If I could I'd ask for cute doll or zombie servant that looks exactly just like this five years old self of mine. I think I'm even cuter than the first time around… hmm, probably because I've been fed enough this time. Oh well, anyway doesn't change the fact that I'm so fucking cute!

"Look at the freak…"

"What is she doing grinning in front of the mirror like that? So creepy…"

"What a weirdo."



I miss my wonderful old life. Thriller Bark is no five star hotel yes, but since it's the ship and home of a warlord, it might as well counts as one. Especially if you are high enough in the pecking order. The luxury is hundred times better than common mayor. We never run out of treasures because Pirates, and Doctor and Moria-sama can make a lot of cute zombie servants that does not need food nor rest. Then Moria-sama become a Shichibukai and life can't be even more perfect.

…Unless, maybe, someone get rid of that annoyance, Absalom… Nonetheless! Life on Thriller Bark was wonderful!


Until fucking Strawhats came.

…and I thought, yeah, that's still okay, Thriller Bark was destroyed but at least I'm still alive! I can hide somewhere, take the treasure, and wait until Moria-sama come to fetch me…

(If he's still alive at this point)

…or maybe I can create my own pirate crew! Ghost Pirate! With cute ship and cute crew and everything! I can't make my dream cute zombie island but that's fine! It's basically freedom and I'm this close to that freedom… and KUMA just have to appear in that moment to ruins ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING!


Still, as far as enemy goes, Strawhats is not too bad. They doesn't torture or kill anyone, what a bunch of softies. Really, I wonder how they even managed to survive the first half of Paradise. Probably by a healthy dosage of pure dumb luck. Although… despite of that, if I was given the chance, I'd like to put that all of them in the graves where they belongs, preferably by my own hand. Especially that long nose! I still haven't forgive him for that—that pathetic excuse of a fight! WHAT KIND OF MAN USES ROACHES TO BEAT A GIRL IN A FIGHT!


But still… a lost is a lost. I've had enough of them to last me a few heart attack. For now I'd rather stay as faaaarrr away as I can from their ridiculous brand of insanity.

…and thanks no thanks to Kuma, currently I'm stuck in another world, where every single person, whether they are Pirates or Marines, are unable to reach me and I them. It's virtually impossible to make any contact with my old world. Unless someone here has the ability to rip the fabric of reality and teleport people to a different world like that God damned Kuma, which I don't think they exist here, then I can kiss my Strawhats-free and Moria-free life good-bye.


When he asked me where I want to go… was my true wish was to get away as far as possible?

Eh? Is that the reason why Kuma sends me here?

Wait… Eh? Huh?

But if-if that's true then… EEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHH—!



Minus the need to eat a horrifically disgusting fruit and fatal weakness to drowning and sea-stone—Quirk, to put it simply, is like a weaker version of Devil Fruit power. So far I found that, quirk has more varieties than typical Devil Fruit. What more multiple people can have the same quirk and it can even be passed genetically. So in a way, quirk is far more convenient and versatile than Devil Fruit.

But at the same time it also has a lot more limit in growth and weakness. You can find someone with the quirk of conjuring lava, and at first that might sounds horrifyingly similar to a certain Marine Attack Dog. But after you saw it in action, the truth is, it's just one sad quirk to have. They just conjure lava and that's about it. They can't change into magma body, make lava rain, or raise literal volcanoes from the earth. It just conjure and make a sad hot muddy puddle on the floor. You can fight by throwing it around maybe. But they will never be the same degree of the frigging Akainu though, thank the God for this small mercy.

…and here comes my little problem.

I stared at the negative hollows floating in front of me. All ten, that I can barely able to conjure, without fainting. They look and act the same as my usual hollow. Honestly speaking, it surprises me that I still have my Devil Fruit power, even in this new world. A small mercy that I'll gladly accept, even if it's just a weaker quirk version of it and that I was forced to wait for four years to get it back…

…It's still something that reminds me of my old life, of Perona, the Ghost Princess.

(You can't blame me for bawling when I realized what my quirk is, for what it actually is. I've lost my old place, my life, my home, my world. The thought of losing my power… something that makes me… Me. Something I dearly treasure as the only thing that intimately belong to me (Because the entirely of Thriller Bark is Moria-sama's, even Kumacchi, in the end, also belong to him, like Perona was also) and no Pirate worth their salt would stay fine after losing their most prized treasure… and Perona—I was a pirate through and through, It broke me when I call my hollow and they didn't come, it broke me again when I'm four and throwing a tantrum and they came, then it heals me.)

I sighed and dismissed them. "So every time I summon my hollow it will cost me my energy huh…" Ten negative hollows is my current limit. It barely scrapped my actual ability and I already feel sluggish. For someone who used to summon hundreds of them without feeling the slightest bit tired, this drawbacks is really annoying. It will take years for me to gain even a half of my previous power. I clenched my four year old chubby fist and groaned. "At least my body is currently young enough to train… Ugh this is so troublesome!"

There's small positive side of it though, for some reason I can fly and go through a wall without having to be separated from my body. Aside from that difference, my quirk, officially written down simply as Ghost Control, is not that different than my old Hollow Hollow Fruit. So it's very easy for me to adapt. Also since I don't have to leave my body behind whenever I use my power, no one can't take an advantages of that weakness ever again. Good riddance.

I also don't have to worry about water or sea-stone… that's another crippling weakness gone.

The hollow I can summon right now is limited to only the basic negative hollow. I can't call my Mini Hollow or the special variation of it, Toku Hollow. What's even worse, I can only summon a small number and barely has enough control to chain them together to make a Ghost Network.

I summoned a small hollow. This one is round, just the size of my palm with the same silly face as the other, but it glows and warm. A new type of hollow I created out of a whim. This one cost far less energy than even my negative hollow and hundred time cuter. It's weak and practically useless in battle since it doesn't do anything else besides glowing like small bulb.

A Firefly Hollow.

"Horo horo horo." It squeaks.

I bopped it lightly. "I'm weak now, but it's not like I can get stronger from here on." I yawned. "... and at least I don't have to worry about Marines and Shichibukais here."