AN: Hey everyone! Hoping this chapter finds you all super well.

We are humbled to announce that Master Mine: A Lesson in Love has moved forward to a finalist position on the Granger Enchanted Awards for Best Smut and Best Work In Progress. We are aligned with some truly amazing stories in both of these categories, as are there many other amazing fics in all the other categories. Please take a moment to follow the link below and vote for your favorites - whether they be ours or not! Thank you so much!

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BETA Love : RaynePhoenix 2, Sab81790 & thebeebeegun

Chapter Twenty

Weds, July 11th
Lucius had been staring at the journal in front of him for over an hour. Each time he dipped the quill to write to her, he stopped himself because of the guilt that assailed him. He hated that he felt like he shouldn't want to write to her, that wanting to see if she was doing okay and needing to know how her day went made him feel like he was betraying Severus.

He was so frustrated with his personal life. He and Severus had only discussed business or grunted greetings and departures at each other, and he hadn't seen Hermione since the dinner with her and Severus. Outside of Draco, they were the most important people in his life. Even though it had only been eleven days, he was tired of not interacting meaningfully with them. The last month and a half before that had been some of the happiest days of his life. The frequent evenings together at the Manor, talking with Hermione through the journal, the easy comradery with Severus at the club as they worked together – those were the moments that made his days worthwhile. They were the moments that made him feel as though he had a real life.

Stop it, Lucius! Stop bemoaning what you have no control over! He slammed down the last of his nightcap. He hated being this weak man. He hardly knew himself anymore. His eyes flickered to the blank paper.

Still, without them –

His thoughts were paused as his name was scrawled over the parchment; Hermione's hand as familiar as his own.

Lucius? Are you there?

His heart raced, relief filling him even as guilt niggled in the back of his mind. Should he answer her? He knew that she had been as disappointed as he had been when it came to Severus' decision to end their ménage a trois escapades. His hand hesitated over his quill while the next words sprawled.

I don't like not talking with you. I know Severus is feeling insecure, but we're all friends. We should be able to move past this and still be close.

Lucius sighed and closed his eyes before resolutely closing his fingers around the peacock feather and tapping the tip of excess ink.

Let's just give Severus a few more days. His feelings are valid, Hermione.

Of course, his feelings are valid – but so are yours and mine! He's not unaware of the connection we have. And not just the connection you and I have, Lucius – or that him and I have – but all three of us. He's been a right bear to deal with. First you were gone for several days, then he was at the conference, then he got back and … I just hate this. It's gone on too long.

He's impossible when you two are at odds with each other. You've been friends forever – this whole 'not talking' thing is weighing on him. And I gather it's weighing on you, too. Why are you both so damned stubborn?!

Lucius couldn't help the chuckle that bubbled up his throat even as he grimaced at her scolding tone. You're right.Neither of us do well apart. We've been fixtures in each other's lives for a long time. There is a deep history there, and we're very close. That being said, trust me when I tell you – time is needed.

I disagree! I think we need to sit him down and tell him that he's being ridiculous. He doesn't need to be jealous, or worried. You and I would never betray his trust. You love him – he loves you. We all care deeply for each other, there doesn't need to be any misgivings. I would never hurt either of you on purpose, and I know that both of you feel the same. What we –

As he watched each word appear on the page, Lucius' heart grew heavier. He couldn't do this. Not now. Not when he was trying so hard to move past them.

Stop, Hermione. Stop. Let it be enough for now to know that I miss you, as well as him, and we will all move through this. We did once before, we will again.


The one word, even in writing, implored and pleaded all at once.

I can't do this, Hermione. Not now. Goodnight.

It was a long time before she replied, and he heaved a relieved sigh when she did.

Goodnight, Lucius.

Thursday, July 12th

"Another one," Hermione sighed, setting down the morning's profit. She reached across her desk to scoop up her now lukewarm cup of tea. The headline on the paper proclaimed: "Marcus Flint Paroled!" The article was a lackluster lamentation of how the young man had been pulled into the Death Eater crowd by his elders and had exhibited good behavior throughout his Azkaban sentence.

Honestly, that wasn't why she was fussed. It had almost been ten years since the final battle, it was probably time some of the lesser Death Eaters were integrated back into society.

It was actually the secondary front page article that was more concerning. Another Muggleborn attack, but the witch was able to get away with the use of her wand. Unfortunately, she hadn't gotten a good look at him and reported that his hair and face were covered.

This was maddening. Hermione sighed again and used her wand to heat up her tea before taking another long drag of the fragrant liquid. She looked up at the knock on her doorjamb to find Jonquil.


"Hey, Hermione," Jonquil entered her office upon the greeting and took a seat across from Hermione. "Sleep well?"

Hermione had to hide her smirk with her teacup. She most certainly had slept well; like the dead actually. Hers and Severus had both needed an extra session this week, and the night before had put her through her paces like never before. "I did," she answered, once in control of her smile. "You?"

"Well enough," her employee answered. "I wanted to get these back to you," Jonquil handed a large file folder to Hermione over her desk. "Your work is impeccable; I have no feedback. I can imagine the business you're doing this for is very pleased with you."

Hermione had to swallow a snort as she took the folder. The paperwork within was charmed so both the name of the club and owners were blacked out, so Jonquil did not realize who she was actually hired by. And yes, they were absolutely pleased with her.


Hermione let out another controlled breath as she worked over her parchment. The atmosphere in the office since Lucius' arrival about thirty minutes ago had turned frigid. It just reinforced her conviction that the change in their dynamic was affecting them all more deeply than they cared to admit.

Severus had been a surly arsehole for the last two days, she had not lied to Lucius when she had written to him the night before. He was not being cruel to her by any means, but he had been much stricter during their session this week, and her arse bore the marks of his frustrations. Not that she minded.

No, she didn't mind at all. In her own turmoil, the heavier Dominant hand was welcomed, needed even. She didn't understand when she had become this person – one who held in what she was feeling; one who weighed every word before she said them. Instead of talking to Severus, telling her how frustrated she was with his decision to no longer include Lucius, she was keeping it in. But in the same breath, she knew why she didn't tell him – because she was carefully juggling the feelings of a man who had suffered much in his life and she didn't want to hurt him. She didn't want to hurt either of them.

"Did you see that Flint was released?" Lucius tenor startled her out of her thoughts. His voice was cool, barely conversational.

"Flint junior," Severus muttered immediately. He raised his voice and answered brusquely, "Yes, I saw."

"He warrants watching, don't you think?" Lucius did not turn to his partner, instead he talked over his shoulder, his voice remaining aloof.

"It might be worth having a conversation with him," Severus returned while steadily making notations on the parchment in front of him. "He has the opportunity to make something of himself now. We could offer him a position, he'll need work." When Lucius didn't disagree, he asked, "Here or do you want him at M.E.?"

"Here to start, I think," Lucius adjusted his position in his chair, but still did not turn. Hermione slightly canted her head to observe the two men better, frustrated at their obvious attempt to not involve themselves in a real, animated conversation. "A bouncer? He's a big guy. Could work the front door? Geoffrey has been looking for a promotion, we can have Flint take his position and move Geoffrey to a weekend floor manager position on the main level, Rickett put his notice in last week."

"I'll reach out to Flint."

Hermione found herself confused, even as she wanted to scold them for their behavior. Why would they offer Flint a job? "Wait –"

She was instantly flustered when both men, who had refused to look at each other during their discussion, turned to her with intense stares. She flushed before continuing, "Why would you be so willing to help Flint?" She bit her lower lip when both men pointedly returned their attention back to their deskwork.

She was just about to repeat her question when Lucius answered. "Flint hasn't had things very easy in his life. His father was a disgusting individual, beat his children and his wife repeatedly throughout his entire married life. There's no proof, but hearsay dictates he caused his wife to miscarry a pregnancy just before Marcus started school."

"That's awful." Hermione's heart clenched.

"He didn't have it easy in school, either," Severus continued offhandedly, almost as if he wasn't paying attention to Lucius. "Was accused of rape in his seventh year, a Ravenclaw student. She was a vindictive little thing; they dated off and on in their fifth and sixth years and –"

"I was on the Board of Governors at that time." Lucius actually broke Severus off, causing Hermione's eyebrows to raise to her hairline as she watched Severus' fists clench on the top of his desk. "Again, no solid proof. She refused to have her memories examined and declined to take Veritaserum. Flint offered to take Veritaserum to prove that copulation was mutual – her parents removed her from the school the following week. I believe she was transferred to Beauxbatons." Hermione's eyes were caught on Lucius' hand as he finished signing his name with a flourish of his quill. The blond man sat back in his chair, eyes tilting towards the magical monitors above him.

"Much like myself," Severus continued quietly after a moment of silence. "Flint got messed up in the wrong crowd and was pulled into things he wasn't ready for nor did he understand the repercussions of what would happen due to his choices. He's paid dearly for the actions of his father and friends, and if he's been doing well enough in Azkaban to warrant parole, who are we to not offer him a chance?"

The air felt just a tad warmer as Lucius concurred with a simple,"Indeed."

Hermione chose her next words carefully, not wanting to disrupt the tenuous peace that seemed to fall over the office. "Two ex-Death Eaters who have the means and willingness to assist someone who was basically a child when the second war started. Very… magnanimous of you." She paused in thought for a second. "It's weird, though. I have no recollection of any of that."

"Why would you?" Lucius asked with a curious and slightly amused glint in his eye. "I don't recall you being on the board of Governors at the time."

Before she could respond to Lucius' tease, Snape added, "Besides, you were busy with your little time-turner, saving dogs and hippogriffs, if memory serves."

Hermione smiled at her own presumptuousness. "Yeah, I guess it's silly to be surprised that things happened within the school that I knew nothing about."

Snape gave her one of his signature smirks before replying, "Much to your dismay, I'm sure, you weren't actually a know-it-all about everything."

"Ha ha." Her heart warmed when she looked from steel eyes to onyx to find them both full of affection. "Well, as I said, you are good and generous men to help him."

She caught a telltale blush on Severus' cheeks at her praise and a smile started to curl her lips. It fell when Lucius pushed himself to stand somewhat abruptly. "I have an appointment, if you'll excuse me?" His tone had returned to the icy formality of Lucius Malfoy, businessman. And just like that, the relaxed atmosphere of seconds ago was gone.

"Of course." Snape's asperity also made a reappearance and Hermione's back teeth grit in annoyance.

Lucius turned without a friendly farewell or even a glance in her direction. Her gaze slid to Severus and she watched his shoulders curl slightly into himself. She sighed again, Merlin, what stubborn, frustrating, self-absorbed peacocks! she thought before she turned her attention back to her work.

It took a few moments, but the sound of Severus' quill scratching over his parchment started again. Gently, she placed her elbows on her desk and threaded her hands behind her neck, rubbing the strained muscles there. A cold feeling was settling in her gut. She knew from earlier conversations with Severus, that Lucius had been fucking his frustrations out with some of the more intense submissives in the club. She was worried she would see him on the monitors chatting someone up. She didn't begrudge him his interest; she just didn't care to see it.

Therefore, it was a while before she had the nerve to look up at the screens, and she regretted it when she did. In one corner of the highest image, Lucius was seated at a booth with Miriam standing next to it, talking animatedly. Hermione had found them just in time to witness the Dominatrix gesturing to two, lovely blonde women. Lucius stood, a roguish smile on his face, his long hair tumbling forward as he gave the women a slight bow. He brought each woman's hand to his lips, kissing their fingertips gallantly before gesturing for them to join him at the table. He signaled for a waiter before saying his goodbyes to Miriam and retaking his seat.

It was like watching a car crash, Hermione couldn't look away. Her nose tingled with tears and she had to swallow hard as she observed her training master's flirtatious body language. When sparkling raspberry water was delivered to their table, she made a hasty excuse to Severus and escaped from the office, not missing his questioning glance at her and then to the monitors as she bolted.

I hate this. Hate it! She wiped the tears that had fallen as she sprinted up the backstairs to Severus' flat. Slamming both the flat door and the bathroom door behind her, she pulled her work clothes off hastily while starting the shower, turning the water as hot as she could stand it.

She was so frustrated. And angry. She was angry at her muddled feelings. She hated that wanting to be with Severus, but not wanting to let Lucius go as a sexual partner and second Dom was seriously fucking with her mind. She was also angry with Severus for not realizing Lucius would never be a threat to them because he lived for their happiness. Everything Lucius had done from the very beginning was because of how badly she wanted Severus and the fact he knew Severus wanted her in return. She trusted Lucius explicitly, and knew that Severus did, as well, so why was he being like this? Why was he getting uptight about something that felt so right – so right that even Severus, himself, had admitted it?

And she was angry with Lucius for taking out his frustration and disappointment with being dismissed as their third with other submissives. She wanted him happy – of course she wanted him happy – but she didn't want to see him flit from sub to sub to get his fix while he tried to find his happiness.

He was happy with them, damnit! If Severus would have just let it be until the right woman came along –

Her mind forcibly cut itself off at that thought, though, and she buried her head under the intense heat of the shower spray in complete denial. If she finished that thought, she wouldn't have been able to refute her feelings.

Because when it came down to it – would Hermione Granger ever feel like there was a right woman for Lucius Malfoy?

The following Tuesday found Snape and Lucius reviewing their ledgers and writing the final installment checks to Caspari Keller, the charms expert who had designed and created the majority of the specialty rooms within The Dungeon. The newest rooms were completed and would be open to the members soon. The two wizards were in good spirits in anticipation of how well the play areas would be received.

"Almost ten years and going strong," Lucius announced proudly as he poured them each a firewhiskey.

Severus took the offering and tapped his glass to his partner's as he responded, "Here's hoping the next ten are even better."

"I'll drink to that," Lucius agreed as he sat at his desk and then took a large swallow. He finished it off with another gulp and then poured a second.

The blond tilted the bottle towards Snape's glass, but the dark-haired wizard draped his fingers across the top of it. "Not much for me tonight, it's Tuesday."

Lucius nodded in understanding, pushing down the ping of jealousy that Hermione and Snape would be engaging in play tonight. "Ah yes, of course." He leaned back in his chair as he sipped his drink. "And how is the fair Miss Granger doing?"

Severus studied his friend. It was as he had predicted, the subtle signs of too much drink were there - eyes slightly bloodshot and cheeks a touch flushed. There was a tiredness evidenced by the slight bags under his eyes. It was an impossible situation all around. Guilt swelled in his chest as he responded with words that he didn't believe, "You saw her last week, Lucius. I think you could tell she is quite well."

"Yes, of course," the blond responded with a fleeting smirk. "Although, she did seem a bit…off." Lucius' thoughts immediately went to the journal correspondence and then to the heartbroken eyes that she had tried to conceal the last time the three of them conversed. It had been awkward as hell, and she had seemed far from quite well.

Severus maintained his stoic expression as his mind spun before it landed on words he simply couldn't hold in any longer. "I feel I'm the villain when it comes to Hermione. She misses you, and I know you miss her as well." He paused before adding resignedly, "I'm in a terrain that I don't know how to navigate, friend. Am I being a selfish arse, or am I right to fear continued trysts could ruin things?" Severus swallowed the emotions that were attempting to bubble up from his admission. It did not help when Lucius' face softened from the false indifference of the past two weeks, to the warm and familiar one of understanding. It was such a relief to see that Severus' mask almost fell. Almost.

Lucius stared at his friend. It was such an unusual display of vulnerability, even if the man's face had not shown what his words portrayed. It reminded him of all the reasons he needed to let them go. His shoulders sagged with the release of the false bravado he no longer felt. He wiped his hand down his face before responding, "It was for the best. It would be a lie if I claimed that I would have reacted any differently." And Lucius meant it. It was different with Hermione. Having these emotional attachments made this unlike any of the past submissives they had shared. Even with Narcissa it had been a different thing altogether. There was love between his best friend and his wife, but it wasn't the kind of passionate love that could destroy a marriage. It worked because Severus was never a threat to steal his wife away. And even though Lucius wanted to think he would never take Hermione from his best friend; it was a temptation he did not want to face.

You don't need them and it's time to let go.

"Hermione loves you. You two belong together and I wouldn't want to get in the way of that." He hated the words, even if they were true. There was silence for a pause, and oddly, Lucius felt like a weight had been lifted. It was nothing he hadn't said before and it was nothing he hadn't known but, for some reason, this time it felt different. His spirits lifted further as his thoughts drifted to the two beauties who were waiting for him. He polished off his glass and pushed it away. "Besides, I have my hands full right now. Work is very busy with new acquisitions and," he tilted his head in obvious disbelief at his words, "I'm considering taking on a new inexperienced submissive."

Severus' eyebrows rose in surprise. "Well, that is interesting news."

Lucius chuckled. "Lexie and Lizzie are young and raw. But they are eager and, well, quite beautiful. It will be hard to choose one if I decide to do so."

"Why not both?" Severus teased. But when Lucius' eyes met his, Snape could tell it was something his friend was actually considering. Severus shook his head in disbelief. "I don't know where you find the patience."

Lucius contemplated before answering. "I like the pay off at the end – a woman who is catered to me and to doing things exactly as I prefer. It gets tiresome when I have to review my preferences with every witch I scene with. I prefer to have a better understanding of her needs as well. It makes for a more pleasurable engagement all the way around."

"I guess that's why I kept going back to Britt for so long," Severus offered in understanding. "She was exemplary because she knew exactly how to please me. In turn, I knew exactly how to make her happy."

"Precisely," Lucius ceded with a tilt of his head.

Severus didn't miss it when Lucius' hand started to reach for the bottle of whisky and then stopped, picking up his quill instead, as though that had been his intention all along. Snape knew differently, though. It was a good sign that Lucius stopped himself.

"Speaking of Britt," Lucius interjected, "she seems like a different person since she came back."

Snape nodded as he looked towards the monitors. "So, I've noticed. I haven't spoken to her very much. But she seems…"

"Lighter…warmer," Lucius offered. "I've enjoyed talking to her the few times our paths have crossed."

Snape swallowed. "Yes. I think she was heading down an unhealthy path in life and the loss…well, I guess it's not surprising that it changed her."

"No. I daresay it isn't. A loss like that," Lucius shuddered at the memory of his own hours-old daughter's death, "well, she needs friends. I'm glad she is finally making some."

Neither spoke for a moment and when Severus found himself fighting unfamiliar emotions, he had to call upon Occlumency to keep himself together. Despite his concern, he hadn't lost his friend. Lucius was here…having a normal conversation with him. Snape had been struggling, afraid he had harmed their friendship beyond repair, but now that he had a taste of normalcy back, he realized how hard it had been. So much harder than he had admitted, even to himself. The relief was so enormous that he was overcome. Adding Britt to the conversation almost caused him to crumble. His worry about her had been buried beneath everything else, now it was creeping out through his pores. What is wrong with you? Get yourself together!

When he saw Lucius stand, he asked, "Perhaps you could join us for dinner soon?" He tried to keep the desperation out of his voice, but feared a little had slipped through.

Lucius was in the process of unbuttoning the top fastenings of his shirt, as he always did before heading out into the club. Severus' suggestion caused him to pause, however, and Snape didn't miss the stiffening of his friend's shoulders.

After a moment of silence, Lucius answered simply, "Sure, I'd like that."


Saturday, July 21st

The remainder of the week had been so much easier. Lucius was in a better mood and Snape felt they had regained much of the normalcy from before.

Hermione had not been subtle in her efforts to reassure Severus of her devotion to their relationship. He was realizing more and more that he had acted hastily by ending their threesomes completely. He should have handled it differently. But he wasn't ready to invite Lucius back into their bed quite yet. He had come to realize something in all of this. He wanted Hermione. He wanted her forever.

When he had stepped into the jewelry store, it was simply to buy his lover a trinket, but he didn't stop himself from nonchalantly perusing the rings, or from having the jeweler show him an emerald solitaire flanked by rubies and diamonds; all in a beautiful, antique setting. He had left with only the locket, but the ring had been weighing heavy on his mind ever since.

Hermione had just finished touching up her makeup when she noticed the small box in his hand.

"What's that?" she asked with wide eyes.

"A present," he responded simply.

"For me?" Her eyes glittered with anticipation and he had to fight not to chuckle at the childlike reaction.

"Maybe," he teased. "Have you been a good girl?"

Hermione's grin turned coquettish as her fingers linked behind her and she peeked up playfully. "I've been a very good girl."

"Hmm, well then, I guess it's for you."

With that, she squealed and plucked the box out of his hand. Carefully sliding the ribbon off, she lifted the lid. Her hand flew to her mouth. "It''s beautiful."

"Let's try it on, shall we?"

Hermione nodded, fighting back tears as he gently lifted the silver chain and dangled the two-toned, silver and gold pendant before her. "Open it," he whispered.

Hermione's eyes flew to his. "It's a locket?" Before he could answer, she was gently prying it open. She didn't say a word as the tears began to fall. Staring at her, were her parents. Her mother on the right and her father on the left. "Oh, Severus," she finally choked.

"They may not remember you now, Hermione, but they loved you. And deep down, they still do."

"Put it on me, put it on me," she demanded, turning her back to him and lifting her hair.

As soon as it was latched, she rushed to the mirror with Severus behind her. She stared at it for a long moment before looking up and meeting his eyes.

"I remembered you telling me that your mother had a locket of you and your father. You mentioned how painful it had been to charm your resemblance out of it. And I thought-"

Before he could finish, Hermione had turned and thrown her arms around him. "Thank you. Thank you, love. This is…this is…" But she never finished her sentence because her words were drowned in tears.

He held her tight and whispered words of affection. Words of how beautiful she was and how brilliant. How her parents would be so incredibly proud of her.

When she finally pulled away, with her mascara smudged under her eyes and her lipstick smeared, he thought he had never seen her look more beautiful. "Do you still want to go out?"

"Yes, of course I do. I just…let me clean my face and freshen up. You could have given this to me before I put on my makeup, you know," she teased lightly.

"Yes, I forgot there is a direct passage from the Thames to your tear ducts."

Later That Night

Hermione felt lighter than she had in weeks. Their dinner had been wonderful, and Severus had been very affectionate and playful all evening. On top of that, she knew things had improved between him and Lucius. He had told her as much, but his behavior tonight proved it to be true. He was more relaxed than he had been since before he went away to the potions conference. His mood was infectious, and the locket was such a thoughtful gift.

He was unaware, but her parent's wedding anniversary had just passed, and they had been heavy on her mind all week. She had been missing them so much, wishing she could talk to her mother about what was going on in her life. It wasn't something she could share with her friends, and Draco wasn't exactly unbiased when it came to his father. But it seemed things were improving, and maybe in time, Lucius would be spending more time with them. She missed him, but it was getting easier.

When they arrived back at the club, Hermione had just charmed her mask on when Snape whisked her into the coat closet, much to Lola's dismay. Based on the coat check's expression, it was obviously unexpected behavior from the taciturn Master.

But Snape had been relentless in his ravishing of his girlfriend, coats and scarves, be damned. Not that there were many, it was July after all. But people had a tendency to leave without their robes and coats sometimes and the lost and found section was quite abundant.

"Severus," she squealed as his mouth latched onto her throat and his hand made quick work of ripping her knickers beneath her skirt.

"Sshh," he whispered as he lifted her easily and slid inside her moist heat. "Fuck, just what I need," he muttered against her lips as he allowed her to adjust to his thick cock. He laved her neck with licks and nips until she started squirming on him, trying to entice him to move. He obliged, and then grinned wickedly when her head fell back, her eyes rolling up.

"Oh, god," she moaned, and he began to pump his hips vigorously. His eyes were at half-mast as she became like clay under his ministrations, easily moldable and compliant. Her arms tightened around his shoulders as he paused momentarily to widen his stance and push her more firmly against the wall before grasping under her knees and nearly folding her in half.

Severus almost laughed when she could no longer make any sounds as he resumed his punishing pace, he knew the new angle put pressure on her sweet spot with every push and pull. She was stunned into silence and the only reason he even knew he had pushed her over the edge, was because her entire being started to tremble violently and her pussy spasmed around him, pulling his own climax from his bollocks.

When they emerged from the closet only minutes later, Hermione realized she had lost a shoe and could only imagine what her hair looked like. Probably like she had just had her brains fucked out. She laughed as she turned up to him. "I seem to have lost my shoe."

He shrugged and looked towards the coat check door and whispered, "Accio shoe."

Hermione almost fell over in laughter when no less than twenty shoes came flying out and pummeled him. Loafers, stilettos, and even a pair of fluffy slippers. She gasped for breath as she held her sides. His look almost silenced her, but then she fell into guffaws at the ridiculousness of Severus Snape making such a common mistake. She would have never thought him capable of such a thing. Taking a breath and pulling a straight face she stood tall. "Accio Hermione's shoe," she called out in her swottiest voice as her wand waved toward the pile at his feet.

When the shoe easily flew into her outstretched hand, he harrumphed. Not one to press her luck, she slid on her heel and offered him a bright smile that screamed, 'I love you,' without saying the words. And then she thought, Why not? Why not tell him how she feels? He had grabbed her hand and was leading her through the club. Her heart was absolutely pounding with what she was about to do. What she was about to say.

But then, just as they had made their way through the crowd and were heading down the hallway that led past the office and up the back stairs to his flat, they heard a woman's laughter coming from within the office.

Severus paused and then pushed open the door. There before them, much to Hermione's shock, was Lucius with the two beautiful, blonde females she had seen him with the week before. They weren't twins, but they looked very much alike. Dressed in nothing but garters, see-through knickers, stockings and heels, Hermione had to struggle to keep her focus on just their faces. Up close, they were even more stunning than they had appeared on the monitors. Perfect skin, high cheekbones with large, deep blue eyes, and of course, D-cups. You know, because they had to be - not just perfect - but every man's wet dream. Hermione tried not to roll her eyes. And then she couldn't ignore what she didn't want to acknowledge - on their throats, they bore diamond encrusted collars with the Malfoy crest dangling from the front. Not as elaborate as her own had been, but ostentatious enough to the average eye. It felt like the bottom fell out of her stomach.

"Ah, Snape and Doll," Lucius announced with amusement at their entrance. "Allow me to formally introduce my training submissives, Lexie and Lizzie."

"Ladies," Severus responded.

Both women looked to Lucius for guidance who stated, "You may respond to Master Snape whenever he addresses you, unless I have instructed otherwise."

"Sir," they responded as they curtsied.

Curtsied? Hermione thought, mockingly. What a couple of idiots. But when Hermione's gaze flew from Severus to Lucius, she saw nothing but appreciation at the display.

"I was just showing them where they can find me when I'm at the club but not on the floor," Lucius explained.

Severus nodded and added, "I'm sure your Dominant won't mind me telling you, if you find yourself in need of assistance, and he is not available, you can seek me out and I will help as I am able."

"Thank you, Master Snape," Lucius responded with a small, but slightly formal smile.

Hermione felt the need to pinch herself to be sure she wasn't in the midst of a nightmare or an alternate reality. She felt ice in her veins as she forcibly maintained the smile that was plastered on her face.

"Well then," Lucius added as he lifted what Hermione realized was a dual leash that was connected to the girl's collars. "Let's continue the evening's lessons, shall we?"

"Yes, Sir," the blonde, bimbo, beach Barbies responded in unison.

"Have a good evening," Lucius directed to Hermione and Snape as he led his charges down the hallway.

Hermione tried not to react. She tried to still her pounding heart and swallow down the nausea that was creeping up her esophagus. But when she looked up and found Severus watching her, she knew she had concealed nothing. He knew her too well. "Well, it was only a matter of time," she offered, simply.