'We need to do this, have I not made that clear since the beginning?'

'You've been vocal about it.'

'So why are you trying to dissuade me now, old man?'

'Because you've always stated that you have to kill him to throw away the shackles of your past. Goku has always said that it's the only way you'll ever be free. But that's not why you're really doing it, is it?'

'Spare me your rhetoric. Say what you mean and get out of my way.'

'You're not preparing yourself for a fight to bring about your future, you're preparing yourself to go out in a blaze of glory. You're looking to end everything there.'

'That's not true and you know it. We've prepared, we've trained and planned and done everything we can to end Frieza's reign.',

'Have you? Or have you prepared yourself to beat yourself and the rest of your people bloody against a wall until it or you gives out?'

'We will not give out. Frieza will die by saiyan hands.'

'At what cost?'

'At any cost, old man. I will not debate this with you any longer.'

'Very well, but remember that there's more to life than just revenge. Even if you have to do it, don't forget that there are lives that have developed here, just as there are everywhere else in the universe. If the saiyans end there you will be no legacy left. We will remember Goku, some might remember Raditz, and some of us might even remember you, but your race will end, and once we are gone every last trace of the saiyans will be gone with us. I don't think that's what you of all people want.'

'... What I want stopped mattering two decades ago. Be on your way, old man.'

'What did she say?' Bulma asks Roshi as he makes his way into the shuttle. Even his usual enthusiasm for the bodies of the women on the ship with him seems to have died down as he looks sullenly at the ground. He shakes his head without saying anything and Bulma takes off with a sigh, going back to Capsule Corp.

The minutes tick by slowly as Launch tries and fails to cheer Roshi up and Bulma ponders her own thoughts regarding the matter.

The time spent devoting themselves to nothing but the path to power has not been kind to the saiyans.

Like ducks to water, they had fallen into a punishing routine that took up most of their days, waking up at the crack of dawn. The first rays of light met the first blows being exchanged, and as long as the sun shone over their heads the saiyans took little time to rest.

'I don't think there's much we can do for now' Roshi admits with a sigh that carries all his years behind it. 'The threat is too real, and we can't dissuade them for now. We will have to wait and hope for the best.'

Bulma has little to say to that, staring at nothing as she makes minute adjustments to the flight of the ship almost by instinct. Goku informed them all, in one of the rare moments he was not beating himself into a bloody pulp, that two more saiyans were on their way towards the planet, with intentions unknown. Two saiyans that according to Raditz have been living under Frieza's control for the better part of their lives

There is wind, like there usually is, but unlike the vicious sandstorms, it's only a gentle breeze this day. Underneath the punishing sun of Vampa, there is blessed respite from the grueling sandstorms and the constant attacks from hungry creatures seeking an easy meal.

It's not thanks to the mercy of the universe, or any scientific progress made by Paragus or Broly to improve their lives.

Without warning, there is a loud scream that echoes through the empty planet, and a bright, sickly emerald blast of energy that flies in an arc. The orb screams through the air, in a collision course with an unknown target in the horizon. Paragus pays it no mind, it didn't hit him, but he might not get as lucky the second time.

The colonel tries one last time, his hand tightening in frustration against the remote in his hand.

'Broly, that's enough! Calm yourself before you destroy everything around us! Broly!' he screams to his son, who is currently crushing the corpse of one of the massive beasts in a fit of rage, screaming and exuding energy blasts like lesser men might sweat.

Broly screams incoherently as he rams his fists into the creature, crushing the shell and turning the meat into pulp as another an aura of green and golden flame engulfs him, blinding and deafening him to his father's pleas.

Paragus' face turns to stone as he clutches the remote and with a grunt of resignation he presses down on the button, activating his son's control collar. There is a sickening crackle as electricity spats and sparks from the collar, shooting into Broly's neck and travelling down his spine, freezing and clutching his muscles and sending him spasming to the ground, unable to muster the strength to rip the collar off, his eyes unfocused as the agony of his father's control method finally snaps him out of his rage and he screams.

'Father!' his voice cries out, no longer in rage, but in his own, gentle tone. There's always fear and confusion during these first few moments, both for him and his father, who is never sure if he can finally let go. Trial and error has helped Paragus find the exact amount of time and energy to use, but his fear makes him keep pressing down on the button for a few more seconds, just to be sure. His blind eye itches as he remembers the truly staggering power that Broly is capable of unleashing when he loses control.

He finally lets go and Broly drops like a rock, grunting and panting with agony and relief. There's guilt then, mixed with a crushing sense of necessity that quickly pushes it all away. Broly has no control and no conscience over himself during this time. It's necessary.

'Broly' he speaks his name, giving him some time to breathe and get his body to stop spasming. 'Are you under control?'

He doesn't answer for some time, and Paragus keeps his thumb right on top of the button, his eye locking unto his son. The small and anxious child has been replaced by a confident and powerful warrior, and the mere sight of his son brings a touch of pride to his cold heart. He no longer wonders if King Vegeta was too paranoid. Broly would have taken the crown and dominated the entire race into submission if need be.

Standing head and shoulders above his father, Broly is a sight to behold, with arms as thick as his father's legs and muscles that have been forged by the merciless hellhole that is their home. The young man had learned quickly how to fight back against the monsters, and how to survive when every day was a struggle.

He stands up, his neck tightening and twitching a few more times before he gets himself back under control, clenching his fists and forcing himself to stand up straight. He cannot look at his father. He fears losing control if he does. He takes deep breaths and closes his eyes, before nodding.


Paragus lets out a sigh of relief and walks back to the cave, grabbing the pulped creature and dragging it back, leaving an oily trail of blood behind him. Broly doesn't move from the spot for what feels like a small eternity, his thoughts churning and going in every direction, even those that he knows he's not supposed to think about.

His frustration and anger force him to think about his father in terms that shouldn't be employed for him. His father is not an enemy, his father is not a target. It was his own fault. He lost control, he could have hurt his father, or destroyed what remained of the ship or brought down the cave or caused such damage to the terrain that the smaller creatures might have avoided their home and force them to scavenge longer and further away for their basic necessities. It takes some time, but he manages to rearrange his thoughts and settle down, his muscles finally relaxing as he settles on an answer.

With a soft whisper of air, he rises and flies towards the horizon. Now that Broly has grown into a man he no longer needs to stay near the cave all the time. He can practice on his own, and explore the planet around him. His father originally wondered if perhaps there could be a hidden oasis or underwater rivers, but soon realized that if there was such a precious treasure to be found, it would not be him that would be undertaking that journey. The planet is too hostile and Paragus simply can not fly as fast as Broly can, nor defeat the monsters as easily as his son.

Without every stating it out loud, it has fallen to Broly the responsibility of searching for a more hospitable location, or a better source of water. He does not mind, it gives him some time to himself, and he enjoys the sights and the cool sensation of the wind on his face.

He lands gently on a familiar rock. He knows the sun always rises above their cave from this location. His father once explained that was a direction, and it was called north. He had explained to him that the opposite was south, and that between these two there was west and east, but to this day Broly sometimes forgets which is which. It is of little importance, he knows where the sun is, and that is all he needs.

There is a growl and the disturbance of rocks from the south, and he turns to face the younger monsters. Their green fur is short and they have a distinctly wet look that quickly goes away during their lifetime. Vampa is a dry planet, and it dries up even the last drop of sweat and saliva exposed to the harsh winds without mercy.

Broly grins as he takes a well practice defensive stance, waiting for the bolder of the nest to reach out and try to consume him. Ba's ear flutters in the wind and for a time Broly forgets about his plight, about his father and about this cursed world. For a time there is only the gentle breeze, the snapping and bites of the creatures and the rush of adrenaline he experiences from dodging death at their jaws.

It is night by the time he returns, carrying the carcass of several of the red beetles over his shoulder. He scoffs softly as he remembers a time in which he struggled to lift even one above his shoulders and shakes his head at how foolish such a notion seems now. The cave is quiet, with only the outside sounds of wind gushing around their home breaking up the silence.

He walks up to the opposite side of his father leaving the animals on the ground between them. Paragus would wake in several hours, and not having to hunt for his morning meal would be a welcome surprise for him. Broly crosses his arms as he leans back against the warm rock, settling on his spot for the past several years.

'Feeling better?'

His eyes open at the sound of his father's voice. A small moment of panic seizes him, before he presses his lips together and forces himself to remember that he is not a child anymore, and his power is more than sufficient to travel for as long as he wishes.

'Yes... The animals on the south are growing well. They will attract many beetles in a few years.'

'Heh, of course you'd go check up on them... Sleep, son.'

Broly gives his father a confirmatory grunt before settling back down with his eyes closed. It's a novel feeling, being able to simply come back without having to explain himself or give a report, and a part of him wonders if it might be best to add an apology before falling asleep, but he decides against it. It would do nothing but maybe earn a grunt from Paragus. Best to let him sleep.

There aren't too many words, not between the two of them. They both know by now. His hands rest on her lower back as he looks into her eyes, a curiously human gesture that he has learned from watching them. Her hands are still crossed, as if guarded against him, but the smirk on her face betrays her real intentions. This is just another fight, another contest. The soft pitter-patter of rain outside drums a soothing rhythm into their minds.

Their bodies remain a hair's breadth from each other's. He breaks the silence first, with the first thing that comes into his mind, a thought that was expelled before he had a chance to fully process it.

'I want to be stronger than you' Kakarot whispers with a smile, blushing slightly as Fasha raises an eyebrow at his comment. 'To show you. To... give back.'

'I know...' she replies after a moment, resting one hand on his chest and giving him an honest smile. 'I can tell in the way you train every day. You're honest. It's not something that was encouraged or admired in planet Vegeta. I like it.'

'Good, because I don't exactly know another way to be.'

'You don't need another' she grins as she stands on her tiptoes and leans her mouth against his, her lips pressing against his without hesitation. The young saiyan leans fully into the kiss, his hands angrily reaching for Fasha's thigh to lift her up. She lets out an approving moan as she gets lifted off the ground, her arms wrapping around his shoulders as she stares into his eyes, pressing her forehead against his. 'I don't want you losing focus because of this. No matter what happens-'

'I know. I haven't forgotten' he reassures her with a serious face before grinning and going back to kissing her, turning around to pin her against the wall.

Fasha lets out a satisfied grunt, only half listening to his answer at this point. Kakarot closes his eyes as he kisses her again, and he misses the conflicted look on Fasha's face, present for a brief moment before she shakes it off and returns to the matter at hand.

The morning finds Fasha flying across the ocean. A deep chasm spreads in front of her, and she passes the water rushes back to fill the space she forcefully vacated, making the ocean roar with the fury of its disturbance.

Her face is perfectly neutral as she lands on Kame House. Her pink bodysuit and armour are as pristine as the day she first got them, courtesy of the Brief's family, who were far too generous to them for their own good. Her tail angrily snapped at the air before whipping back into place, wrapping tightly around her waist. She crosses her arms underneath her chest as she walks towards the door, before she spots the old man resting on the beach chair, a magazine covering his face from the early sun.

She approaches him slowly, reaching down to peel the magazine away from his face, revealing his sleeping face, completely at ease.

'Old man' she speaks, not unkindly. He doesn't stir for a moment and she pats his cheek with the back of her hand, hard enough to leave a light pink mark and he wakes up with a cry of surprise and confusion, his hands flailing about reckless and betraying exactly how out of shape he was.

'W-what, who?'

'Calm down, it's just me' she snaps at him, dropping the magazine back on his face and walking away, giving him a moment to compose himself. She hears him cough as he sits up on the wooden chair, adjusting his glasses as he looks at her.

'Awfully rude of you to wake an old man from his nap' he mumbles as he rubs his eyes, tossing the magazine on the chair as he stands up, taking a deep breath and looking out to the ocean, drinking in the sight before turning his face to look up at her. 'What brings you here today? Not that I'm complaining, I rarely get to have female company.'

Fasha ignores the comment, rarely caring what the old man thought or said about her. It's not his lecherous thoughts that cause her pause, but rather his insightful words from weeks before. It's easy to forget amongst the laziness and the lust and the old age, but this man had been a warrior at some point, and the fire still burns inside of him, she knows that much.

'Why did you reach me out, that day? There wasn't anything special, we hadn't changed anything or said anything different. You just arrived and spoke like time was of the essence, like if you didn't speak to me at that time it would be too late later.'

Roshi doesn't answer for a while, stroking his beard as he looks at the ocean with the patience only immortality can grant.

'You weren't here for most of Goku's life, specifically for his formative years, when the boy became a man' he speaks, but there's no blame on his voice. 'And during that time Goku left behind parts of himself, parts that you have awoken back with a passion. He learned from us and he adopted parts of our culture into his being, without ever losing what makes him, himself. At least until you came back, and his older brother tagged along a short while later... When I see him now I see only Kakarot, only a man driven entirely towards vengeance, without any balance or restraint. I feel that your drive and his brother's influence is taking away a lot of good from that boy, and what's going to remain is nothing but a self destructive creature that will go to any lengths to fulfill his goal' he explains with a long sigh, his shoulders slouching forwards in what appears to be resignation.

'I spoke that day because in Goku I now see only yourself, but without your wisdom and experience. You think that because he has the exact same goal in mind that you do that he implicitly knows your reasoning behind it, and worse, that he shares it. You wish to kill Frieza at any cost because you know that you'd rather die free than live under his shadow, in the hopes Kakarot and Raditz won't have to make that choice, but they only see it as more fuel for the fire, and instead of fulfilling your dream of them being free you'd doom them to follow you into martyrdom, and then what? You would have died for nothing, and they would have died ruining your dreams and your goals.'

Fasha looks down at him with her guard up, her body rigid and her face impassive, staring into his face like she's an automaton, doing nothing but analyzing his words for value. But little by little she can feel each blow, each verbal strike and jab completely shattering her retorts and comebacks before she even has a chance to materialize them into being. She starts to buckle under his words, part of her angry at him, and another part impressed and ashamed at how easily he can read her and how well he can vocalize the thoughts that refuse to leave her.

Roshi doesn't speak for a while, but after some time he turns up at her, lowering his sunglasses to give her a knowing look. She meets his gaze for several long moments, until she relents and nods, closing her eyes as she ponders.

'Very well' Fasha mutters before gently rising into the air. She looks down at him with a hint of a smile before taking off, leaving a faint whirlwind of sand that dies as fast as it was birthed.

Janey gives the old man his chocolate milkshake with a smile, taking his money and handing him a single bill back before putting it away on the cash register. Her feet are killing her from the last four long hours, but it's just another five minutes until her break.

It always ends up getting busier during the hot days, and she wishes she could take off the stupid black apron with the company logo, but her boss would just scold her if she did.

'I'll have a blueberry shake, with extra whipped cream, please' a young girl orders.

'Sure thing! Coming right up' Janey answers in the cheeriest tone that she can muster after such a long day.

She's halfway through pouring the ingredients into the mixer when a loud thunderclap is heard, and everybody stops, looking up in surprise.

The skies are clear, and there is no sign of rain. Janey finishes the milkshake and hands it to the young girl, who only half notices how much she's giving her. Confused and curious, Janey, steps out from the register, walking outside of the shop. A couple of other customers follow her, some upset about their orders, most just curious about the sound.

For a split second there is nothing but background noise, the regular sounds of a city in function. The sound of televisions playing channels nobody is paying attention to, the sound of cars and motorcycles moving around. For a split second everybody is just curiously looking up, wondering what that sound was, before the silence is interrupted by a loud, all-encompassing roar of machinery, louder than the loudest plane engine Janey has every heard.

She clutches her ears in pain as the sound gets louder by the second, and most people are almost on their knees from the shockwaves.

She looks up at the last second to see two bright trails rushing towards the city, like a pair of comets. Her eyes widen in shock and fear as she sees them rushing towards them, and for a brief moment she fears that they're all going to die, before the comets turns upwards and pass them by, heading deeper into the center of the city.

She hears somebody wonder out loud what that was before there is a massive impact that shakes the ground. Glasses fall over and people scream in surprise and fear as they clutch nearby lampposts, benches, and other people for support. Janey doesn't even realize she's holding on to an older man when the shaking stops.

'It's over' he answers meekly, looking around, as if trying to find the source of the disturbance. Janey doesn't answer, her eyes staring at the black plume of smoke that is coming further north, from the center of the city.

'Of course there would be an earthquake on a Sunday, I just can't catch a break' a woman complains as she struggles to clean her milkshake from her dress, angrily swiping at it with a napkin. Janey leaves the shop with a look of horror in her face, rushing towards the street. She's joined by several others, the crowd growing as they all approach the industrial sector of the city, where the comets seem to have landed.

One moment she's running towards the commotion, led in part by her curiosity and fear and in part by the weight of bodies behind her, and the next moment she feels another earthquake beneath her feet. She doesn't have time to scream before the ground explode from beneath them, and an intolerable heat liquifies their bodies.

White hot light emerges from beneath them, angrily reaching out to consume everything it can reach, and East City is destroyed in but an instant. The shockwaves blow out the glass from buildings on the outskirts, and the shattering of the ground causes multiple of them to collapse and collide with each other, raising further plumes of dust and shattered concrete all over. People scream as masonry and vehicles collapse on them. Vehicles desperately try to dodge the cracking ground only to fall into deep chasms or get stuck in the unstable ground. Voices rise in panic for a few seconds before there is only a massive explosion engulfing the city.

'Doesn't look like the locals are too friendly' Nappa chuckles as he lowers his arm, looking around at the devastation he wrought with a flick of his wrist.

'End it here, Nappa. I don't want you lowering what little value this remote planet might have by getting overly enthusiastic with your games' Prince Vegeta admonishes him as he looks around. The younger saiyan is slightly shorter than most men, with spiky black hair that rises upwards, just like his father's. His features are those of the royal family, sharp, elegant and almost usually narrowed in a cruel scowl. His tail wraps around his waist tightly as he scans the area around them.

Nappa crosses his arms over his barrelled chest and nods, suitable chastised.

'Good point, Vegeta' he admits before scanning around the planet. The prince looks up at his previous caretaker, now his loyal subject and can't help but feel disgust at his submissive attitude. Back when planet Vegeta still existed, Nappa had commanded respect and the fear of many, and even the young prince had accepted his prowess, after all they were somewhat evenly matched back then. But as the years moved on Nappa had gotten a tad too comfortable with their situation, and serving Vegeta.

He kept a close eye on Nappa's power since then, wary should it ever reach close to his own, but he shouldn't have bothered, the old man was clearly never going to get any stronger than what he is.

In Vegeta's mind, he has little use for him as a sparring partner, and the idea of Nappa assisting him is now laughable, but at the very least he is some efficient muscle to deal with things he can't be bothered to.

'Strange' Nappa mutters as he restarts his scouter and runs another check. 'There are many power levels, well above one thousand. There shouldn't be any aside from Raditz'!'

'Ignore them, they are not our target. Let's find Raditz and see what he's up to and what exactly is going through that dull head of his.'

'I can't wait to hear what excuse he's going to come up with this time.'

'It best be something good if he wants to save his life' Vegeta mutters before getting a lock. 'There' he grins as he sends the coordinates to Nappa before blasting off. 'Raditz must have found a friend and gotten soft, or maybe he's busy playing king of this dustball.'

'That would be like him, let a couple of weaklings get to his head! He probably got used to this comfy gravity and felt more powerful than he has any right to.'

'We'll find out soon enough.'

Kakarot's turns to the east, his eyes wide as he senses the two large powers approaching towards them. His brother grimly adjusts his armour and tightens his gloves, swallowing hard as he stands up in silence.

He takes a deep breath, and closes his eyes. The two energies flood through his senses, making it difficult to pinpoint their exact location, and a single crack of uncertainty appears on his armour.

