A/N: Hello! I've decided to post some more Whumptober fics here. There are three Whumptober ficlets that I wrote that connect well together, so I'll be tying them together into one fic.

The Whumptober prompt for this chapter was Friendly Fire.


The Force screamed as Boga screeched and fell, taking Obi-Wan down with her.

He was falling and falling and falling and…

The Jedi were falling, too.

The Force was breaking, dying, crying.

And Obi-Wan continued to fall. He couldn't focus on trying to soften his landing; all he felt was the pain of the Force as Jedi all across the galaxy were killed.

How was this even possible?

Crashing into the water wasn't that much of a shock. He barely registered the pain, floating underwater senselessly for a few moments until his lungs began to burn.

Obi-Wan fumbled for his rebreather and placed it over his mouth, immediately gulping in air as soon as he could.

The Force screamed and screamed and screamed, but he continued swimming upwards and climbed himself out of the sinkhole.

His men fired on him.

What happened? Jedi all over the galaxy were dying, all at the same time.

His men fired on him.

The clones…were they killing the Jedi? Why?

His men fired on him.

The whirring of a search droid reached his ears, and Obi-Wan went still. Cody must have…he wanted to make sure that Obi-Wan didn't survive the fall.

His own commander wanted him to die, when minutes ago he held his lightsaber (his life) in his hands.

The Force shuddered and cried and screamed repeatedly as Obi-Wan made his way to a landing platform and boarded Grievous' ship.

He needed to get help, now. There would be time to grieve later.

He needed to know if Anakin survived, because he could not sense him at all in the Force.

And most of all, he needed to know if any other Jedi survived, because he couldn't be alone.

Someone had to have survived, and he needed to find the other survivors before it was too late.