Yami had been through a lot throughout his life. His parents had died early on and he hardly remembered them. Now his last surviving member of his family has died suddenly and Yami, having no where to go is deemed unfit to live on his own.

When police first arrived on the scene Yami was sobbing over his grandfathers corpse. He had just run out for some quick errands and came back to find him dead on the floor of his own antiques shop. Bystanders who had witnessed his sudden collapse had already alerted authorities.

Yami lashes out at the police when they arrived assuring them there was no way he was dead, he had to be alive. Medical staff was desperately trying to assist them but Yami lunged at them telling them he would be fine. Authorized took the poor boy and detained him to the back of a police car till the scene was cleared.

Upon releasing him he was again hysterical and would not accept that they had taken him to the coroners office and kept demaning they take him to his grandfather. So they once again detained him but this time brought him to see his grandfather. Once again he became out of control so the next stop was a mental hospital.

His psych evaluation didn't go very well seeing as he'd already had major depression and suicide attempts previously and he was admitted. They took his original clothes to be washed put away and his belongings to be checked and stickered with his name and later returned to him. He was given a plain white t shirt with a pocket on one peck and a pair of simple black sports shorts with pockets. He was also given white socks and white shoes to go with it.

He was taken by a nice younger lady with brown curly hair and blue eyes to take a small tour of where the main rec room was at. The rec area contained a few TVs showing different things. Board games, books, and even some coloring materials. It had a main couch and a few chairs scattered around between TVs and tables for games.

The next room right next to it was a small library with a few comfy chairs to sit and read away from the chaos of the rec room. Few patients lingered in every place simply going about their bussiness. Next he was shown the cafeteria which looked about the size of a small middle school sized cafeteria with tables and trash cans properly adorning the room with a food line at the front.

On the other side of the cafeteria was a long hall leading past all the therapy rooms where he was lead to be introduced to his new therapist. Beyond that he wasn't shown but was told was first aid and medical services.

From there she took him all the way past everything he had seen to the other end boy of the rec room. Here was the dooms. They looked more like cells to Yami with doors that locked tightly at night but during they day they were left open for patients to come and go as they pleased.

He was led to a room second to last at the far end of the hall and told this would be his dorm. He peered inside and saw up against the right side of the wall was a metal bed frame adorned with a rather sad looking mattress. On the wall at the far end of the room under a lone and high up window was a simple desk with a small lamp, some basic paper and pencil stationary and that's about it.

To the left of that against the wall at the foot of the bed was a wardrobe, simple and bare. Inside lay three more outfits identical to his own and two pairs of black sweatpants and two white tank tops. In the bottom of the closet a mesh bag of bedding folded neatly lay inside.

Closer to the door the room was set up identically but reversed. So where Yami's bed would be the other occupants wardrobe would be. Vice versus. The desk was opposite Yugi's and the bed currently has someone atop of it. He looked extremely similar to himself. Hair was almost identical but a slight variation of shade difference. He had more tanned skin then his own and his feature read more to an Egyptian heratige then his own.

The nurse chimes in upon seeing the bed occupant. "Oh this is your roommate, Atemu Ra, he knows his way around well so if you need anything you might ask him, or of course any of us nurses can help you. The bells you'll hear through the day announce food, bed time, or meds. Currently you have no required medication so until your therapists assigns you some you'll just stay in rec hour, same goes if you are deemed no meds necessary."

She clears her throat. "Rules are you aren't allowed in each others belongings unless the other is in the room and you have permission of course. The bedding in the bottom of your closet should be put onto your bed. Laundry is every three days just put all your linens and clothing into the bad and leave it tied up on the bed and it'll be washed and returned to you. Feel free to grab a marker from rec and write your name over the tab on the bag. Everything within in won't get mixed up so there's no need to initial your clothing."

She takes a breath like she's done this 100 times over and seems to be going over a mental checklist. "Other then that you know where to go if you seek medical attention. So I think that covers everything. I'll leave you be to set up your bedding and meet your new roommate."

She walks out to the hall and heads back for the nurses station. Yami takes in the sight of the dim room. A lone clock of the wall between Yami's bed and his roommates wardrobe reads 7pm. He can't believe how late it's already gotten. He sighs and pulls the mesh bag out of the closet and begins to dig inside and make his bed.

He's halfway through wrestling the crappy mattress before hearing a deep sultry voice casually behind him. He turns to see his darker counterpart rise from his bed wearing and uniform identical to his own. "You need some help? These things are a pain in the ass." Yami looks back to his bed and ignores him. Not wanting to make too many friends before he convinces someone he doesn't belong here and he needs to go home and figure out what's going on with his grandpa.

He hears a sigh from behind him. "I'm only offering some help. You don't need to talk to me or make friends but trust me you'll want someone by your side in here. It'll drive you crazy being alone. I'd know..." Yami still wrestles with the bed and as one corner goes over another slips off and he huffs growing agitated with these god damn sheets. He doesn't belong here. He won't go crazy because he doesn't belong here. He won't be here long.

The dark figure takes a few steps forward and goes to the opposite side of the bed and starts helping slide the sheets over the corners. The sheet finally stays and Atemu nods at him and saunters back over to his bed. Yami stills on the bed and looks at the perfect sheet. He looks back at Atemu who already has his head in a book.

He looks back at his bed and tosses the white comforter over it and adds a pillow case to the pillow before tossing it down as a final addition. Proudly he flops upon it and the fitted sheet below comes loose and folds in on him. "Oh come on!" He exasperates and untangles himself. He's pulled from his anger as he hears a deep baritone laugh matching the earlier voice from across the room.

He glances over to see the male getting up and coming back over to help. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I couldn't help it." He helps Yami once again put the sheet on and then stands to admire it. Yami looks up from kneeling beside the bed to make sure it's tucked far enough under. The male smiles at him kindly and comes around to offer a hand up. "I'm Atemu Ra, May I know my knee roommates name?"

Yami hesitates before taking the hand and standing. "I'm Yami Sennen. Thanks." His hand lingers in the palm of the older man as they lock eyes and exchange a glance of understanding. "It's no problem, also it's nice to meet you Yami. If there's anything else you need you know where I'll be." He releases Yami's hand walks back over to his bunk. Yami looks back over to his bed and smiles.

Just as he relaxes on the bed a bell chimes over a speaker in the hall announcing what Yami assumes is dinner. Atemu climbs off his bunk and walks to the door before stopping and turning to see Yami standing in the middle of the room looking somewhat confused. "Coming to dinner? You're more then welcome to tag along and sit with me."

Yami hesitates but finally decides to hang his head and follow behind Atemu. Atemu grabs his hand suddenly as they got into the crowded line of the cafeteria. Yami glances at their locked hands and up at Atemu who smiles brightly. Yami remembers once again where he's at and can't imagine why this kind young guy would be here...in a place like this.

He looks down again and follows behind still holding hands. His mind goes to the face of the man holding him. He's very attrective. He'd always known he'd liked males rather then females and he'd had a few boyfriends over the years. He wished he had somewhere met this man on the outside of these walls. Would he have taken care of Yami this well on the outside?

He didn't like to think of it but he was a rather fragile child. He'd cry at the smallest things and he'd always keep everything he'd done wrong or things he'd assumed he done wrong bottled deep down until it would explode. He began to wonder about if he really was crazy. Did he really belong in a padded room? But then again this wasn't a padded room was it.

This was like nothing he'd ever imagined a mental institution ever seeming. He'd assumed it would be hospital gowns and people wrapped in straight jackets whilst having 20 nurses shoving medicine down their throats. This almost seemed like a school. Basic uniform, open free door and rec areas. Never once did he get a hospital vibe. Even after hearing about therapy.

He smiled to himself and lifted his head after realizing they were at the line for food. Atemu releases his hand nd grabs a tray glancing back to see that Yami follows. Yami takes a tray and follows behind grabbing a bowl of stir fry a juice, and some soy sauce packets. He takes the tray in one hand as Atemu offers to take his hand again. He accepts it and is lead to a table. They sit at the very edge across from each other.

Atemu only lets go after is Yami is seated. He takes the plastic fork from his tray and picks at the stir fry. Atemu is shoveling it down as fast as he can manage while watching the others around them with interest. He glances at Yami a few times and smiles each time he sees him staring back. Soon Atemu notices he's not looking around and just staring at him.

He chuckles softly and takes a swig of water before leaning in. "See something you like? Or do I have something on me?" Yami looks away shame firing his checks a dusty pink. Atemu chuckles and leans back going to the last of his food.

Yami only manages a few bites before sliding the bowl over to Atemu who asks if he's done. Once getting a nod from Yami, Atemu devours the bowl. Yami enjoys his juice and when they are done they clear their tray and head back to the dorms. Atemu sits on his bed and Yami sinks down with him seeing as he's still attached by hands.

Yami's face is downcast and Atemu sighs. "I'm sorry for the comment I made back there. I didn't mean to tease you. You're just pretty cute and it's been a long time since anyone as cute as you has been in here." He lets on a sad smile and releases Yami's hand.

Yami looks up at him and smiles. "I liked it." Atemu's eyes light up. "Other then telling me your name I think that's the first thing you e said to me." Yami gives an awkward smile and his eyes reach Atemu's. They sit there for a moment before a nurse comes in to check on Yugi before bed. Atemu instantly releases Yami's hand and goes to fiddle with a book.

The nurse stands in front of Yami. "Good to see that you have made a good friend already Yami! Just so you know you have rec until lights out at 9 and you are aloud to go out if you like." Yami nods head still cast to the floor.

She awkwardly shuffles out and when she does Yami watches Atemu set the book down and looks at Yami. "Sorry I had to let go. I didn't want them changing your room thinking we're dating." Atemu try's to read Yami's eyes. "Do you like when I hold your hand?" Yami nods softly and smiles.

Atemu smiles and grabs a book laying down for bed. And Yami moves over to his own side of the room. He opens his closet and pulls out the sweats and white tank top and tosses them on the bed. He quickly whips his white t shirt over his head and tosses it to the side before sliding on the tank top.

After fixing the top he glances up at Atemu to see him staring directly at him. He lets out a shy smile and Yami smirks pulling the black shorts down. His black briefs hugging his hips gently. He grabs the sweats still watching Atemu and pulls them on. Atem slowly rises from the bed. Yami looks away long enough to stuff his previous clothes in the laundry bag provided for him.

He turns only to find Atemu slowly stripping out of his own. All that's left on the man is the black briefs and white socks. Yami's breath catches in his throat and he swallows hard as Atemu stretches and his muscles ripple under the tanned skin of his torso. He then throws his clothes in the laundry and pulls on the same outfit as Yami.

Yami slides into bed soon followed by his seductive roommate across the room and the bell for lights out rings clearly. Atemu smiles warmly before rolling over to face the wall. Yami sighs and rolls over as well trying desperately to stop the blood from rushing between his legs. Even if he does stay in here...he might as well make it good.