At the end of "The Valentine's Chronicles" I asked if people would be interested in another story in a similar format. The replies were very positive in that direction. I AM still continuing with the last three chapters of "Elves", but with Easter ahead I wanted to start Abby on the sequel to her February misadventures.

I hope that you will read and review (no nasty reviews bashing characters or how I've chosen to represent the characters, please. Unkind comments will be removed. I love diverse opinions, but mutual respect is necessary for beneficial communication). I want all of you to feel involved in this story line. Suggestions, ideas, favourite writing prompts, jokes, surprising characters, Easter traditions, best treats, beloved spring events - all are welcome in the comments to help influence Abby's adventures.

So now I present the first chapter of "The Easter Exclusives". If you haven't read "The Valentine's Chronicles", I would suggest that you do so first to prevent any spoilers or confusion!

WARNING: In my stories, Gibbs has disciplined his team (particularly Abby) with spankings. It is done with their consent, but I know that may still bother certain readers. If you are one of those certain readers, please do not read any farther as I do not wish to upset you. This is mentioned as background to this story within this chapter.

Enjoy, my lovely readers!


March 20

Dear Diary,

It's me - Abby! I haven't written here for a looooooong time, but I need a secret place to make more secret plans. Last time I tried to do that with a bunch of people over text messages and phone calls - that didn't end too well! I partially blame Jimmy Palmer for not being able to keep quiet! But it was really Jenny Shepherd who gave me away. She somehow got hold of my emails AND SHE TOLD ON ME TO GIBBS!

You can guess how that went.

"Abigail, tell me you didn't disobey me again," he said as soon as I entered the conference room that Jenny told me to meet him in - which still is just so unfair.

"Okay. I didn't," I told him. He glared at me - not in the staring contest way but in the "Boy, Abby, you're in BIG trouble" way.

"Are you being smart with me?" he snapped.

I HATE when he does that to me! Usually he does it to Tony, but I don't think it bothers Tony as much as me.

Back to his statement - that's a question that it is impossible to answer. Saying "no" would be lying, saying "yes" would be being even sassier, saying "sorry" would be breaking a rule, and saying nothing would get him annoyed that I was avoiding the question. Seriously - I've been in trouble hundreds of times and even I don't a good escape. I decided to try to explain myself so that he would see reason.

"Gibbs ..." was as far as I got.

Let's just skip the rest of the conversation. It was mostly him being uncomfortably right and me being even more uncomfortably wrong. And then he spanked me with that HORRIBLE old thick paddle of his, which he uses for "workplace punishments" (thankfully, it is rare for me to get in trouble at work; I pretty much get spanked for things outside of work or things that I end up confessing to him, and he doesn't use that paddle then - THANK GOODNESS) - I hate that thing a LOT! Then I got grounded. Then he said that any farther parties were out of the question. He looked pretty serious. I actually followed the grounding because I was afraid not too, plus I deserved it after purposefully disobeying Gibbs, but it was for a good cause. I couldn't NOT celebrate Valentine's Day! Cinnamon heart Caf-Pows! are the best, by the way. Next year I need to stockpile those things so that I can last the whole year. It's only March and I'm sad that I don't have anymore, although I'm going to check online and see if I can get some. If not, maybe I can make my own mix to put in the drinks. That would be a really fun experiment - I could ask Jimmy to help. McGee might be more fun to do it with, but I think that he would tell me not to add anything to my drink or possibly warn Gibbs not to give me any more - he once did that when I was just the slightest bit over-caffeinated. That was SO MEAN of MCGEE! I refused to call him by his name for a week after, but then I gave him a really big hug and a whole container of treats to make up for being nasty to him for so long.

Wait - what was I writing about in here? Oh, yes, getting in trouble for the party in February. Ouch!

The "no parties" part was the worst part of the whole punishment.

That's why I'm writing here, because Gibbs is like, never wrong - just like an expert magician, like the type that you see on super expensive cruises! - except he is wrong about parties. He just needs to enjoy the holidays more and then he'll change his mind - I just know it!

Easter is next month. There are so many candies and cute decorations at the stores. It is pretty irresistible. If Gibbs was in my shoes - if he was, I think that he would be tripping. Not many people could walk a mile in my shoes. Most people couldn't walk even a few steps. I like my shoes though - they make me nice and tall. But if Gibbs was somehow my shoe size and a lady and Goth and wanted to wear my shoes and think like me, then he would understand that there is no way that I CAN'T celebrate Easter. So, I'm going to pray that he is not in a grumpy mood and that he will somehow lose that old paddle and that the director will mind her own business and that Jimmy will develop severe laryngitis if he has the desire to talk after being invited.

I really hope it works - I really, REALLY do!



(Abby S.)


Please review! I love to hear from all of you!

By the way, happy first of spring! May sunshine fill your hearts, if not your hometowns!